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Im Calling It,we Should See Our Voices Heard,will You Vote For Factional Freedom?


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But, they are honest, effective, practical, and fairly honorable.


But are they? So far, Ruk seems to be the only Grineer with a decent philosophy for what he fights for. The others....not so much. Hek shot his way up to political power, and Tyl Regor has a superiority complex. As a whole, they make extensive use of slave labor(whether it is their fellow Grineer or civilians from conquered territories is unclear), and seem to be taught right out of the tube that anything that isn't Grineer is inferior. On top of all of this, they're responsible for their own genetic deterioration because of their faulty eugenics.

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But are they? So far, Ruk seems to be the only Grineer with a decent philosophy for what he fights for. The others....not so much. Hek shot his way up to political power, and Tyl Regor has a superiority complex. As a whole, they make extensive use of slave labor(whether it is their fellow Grineer or civilians from conquered territories is unclear), and seem to be taught right out of the tube that anything that isn't Grineer is inferior. On top of all of this, they're responsible for their own genetic deterioration because of their faulty eugenics.

They are honest. They state they want control of the system and they do. They are effective as you can plainly see. They are certainly practical. Everything serves a purpose.

Captain Vor cares deeply for his men, even referring to them as his sons. You've mentioned Ruk. Regor wants to save his people, we know nothing else about him as he hasn't been fleshed out. Hek is a politician, what do you expect?

There are certainly honorable figures within the Grineer military, but they aren't perfect.

They are still far more honorable than the Corpus.

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She's been with me since my rebirth, stayed with me throughout my challenges. Through thick and thin, fire or ice, crushing defeats and flawless victories, the only constant for me was the Lotus. I believe that she genuinely cares about us, and by extension the balance of the system. I will stand by her, no matter how much I want her nudes the secrets she keeps.

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But are they? So far, Ruk seems to be the only Grineer with a decent philosophy for what he fights for. The others....not so much. Hek shot his way up to political power, and Tyl Regor has a superiority complex. As a whole, they make extensive use of slave labor(whether it is their fellow Grineer or civilians from conquered territories is unclear), and seem to be taught right out of the tube that anything that isn't Grineer is inferior. On top of all of this, they're responsible for their own genetic deterioration because of their faulty eugenics.

indeed...what im wondering though is about thw so called twin queens


they dont exactly seem like something that arose from a coalescent horde,like an ant queen,or the borg queen...in this case it seems like the twin queens somehow came about before the grineer,as without them the grineer wouldnt of poured fourth


and ontop of that,the lore mentions "they emerged from the chaos of the collapse,violent hordes of decaying clones"..well thats all fine and dandy,but clones dont gen out of thin air


so,who's cloning equip did they use


and who are the twin queens?my guess is that the grineer came from orokin cloning tech,the twin queens being a couple of mystery folk from long ago that stumbled upon (or found) this equipment and used it to clone themselves,manipulating the d.n.a. to make males and females


but then we know that the twin queens mustve been fairly rotten by then,as the first grineer as per the lore entry were already insane and decaying from the get go


and of course we can stipulate that over time this cloning equip decayed considerably,producing more and more grineer deformitys,which were supplimented by bio mechanical augments


now,past all that,who are the twin queens?they had to come before the grineer,they mustve been quite well trained and equipped


surviving orokin soldiers from the collapse maybe?nowadays using rusting orokin equip to maintain immortality?this could also explained why they issued a blanket order to keep the tenno asleep(and destroy there pods with them in it),as if they were surviving orokin soldiers they would very well know the danger the tenno posed to the orokin


and it could be that after so long,the twin queens,in there insanity,are trying to make a twisted,nightmarish,warped version of the orokin empire

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They are honest. They state they want control of the system and they do. They are effective as you can plainly see. They are certainly practical. Everything serves a purpose.

Captain Vor cares deeply for his men, even referring to them as his sons. You've mentioned Ruk. Regor wants to save his people, we know nothing else about him as he hasn't been fleshed out. Hek is a politician, what do you expect?

There are certainly honorable figures within the Grineer military, but they aren't perfect.

They are still far more honorable than the Corpus.

to each their own, I guess. I was always a fan of the Empire in Star Wars, and TIE Fighter sealed it for me.

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Personally I think we should have a compromise so everyone is pleased.


The Tenno should stay united for the most part, coming together to help fight against the common enemies of the Grineer, Corpus, and Infested (and Sentients since they're coming) when they attempt to strike out (which will be during Events or Quests), listening to the Lotus during these times.


However for individual actions and such (regular missions or Syndicate stuff) we should have a choice of who we wish to serve, with them "taking over" the Lotus's role as our guide/employer.

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They are honest. They state they want control of the system and they do. They are effective as you can plainly see. They are certainly practical. Everything serves a purpose.

Captain Vor cares deeply for his men, even referring to them as his sons. You've mentioned Ruk. Regor wants to save his people, we know nothing else about him as he hasn't been fleshed out. Hek is a politician, what do you expect?

There are certainly honorable figures within the Grineer military, but they aren't perfect.

They are still far more honorable than the Corpus.


The instance of Vor seemed more of a power trip he had with his Void Key, and part of his descent into madness. More of a mad prophet, if you will. Oh, and he didn't seem to have a problem with offing that Grineer officer on the spot after he was obviously overextending his jurisdiction.


From what the devs have said about Regor, he is obsessed with achieving perfection, and sees himself on the path of it. There was even concept art of giant statues of himself in the corridors of his lab. Sure, he may be trying to save his rotting people, but he's still grinding live ones up to make more clones. Sounds like a god complex to me.


Hek is a politician. That alone makes him a slime ball.


I supposed the end question is if honesty and honor is a redeeming quality for brutality, xenophobia, and brainwashing its citizens.

Edited by Ionus
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The instance of Vor seemed more of a power trip he had with his Void Key, and part of his descent into madness. More of a mad prophet, if you will. Oh, and he didn't seem to have a problem with offing that Grineer officer on the spot after he was obviously overextending his jurisdiction.


From what the devs have said about Regor, he is obsessed with achieving perfection, and sees himself on the path of it. There was even concept art of giant statues of himself in the corridors of his lab. Sure, he may be trying to save his rotting people, but he's still grinding live ones up to make more clones. Sounds like a god complex to me.


Hek is a politician. That alone makes him a slime ball.


I supposed the end question is if honesty and honor is a redeeming quality for brutality, xenophobia, and brainwashing its citizens.

When you look at both major factions, they are pretty much guilty of the same crimes. The Grineer at least have some form of skewed honor and are honest. The Corpus have none of this.

Thus, I go with the Grineer.

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Hey it keeps Las Vegas in business, same model, slimy, greedy, seedy & rife with corruption & greed, people go to Vegas with full knowledge that it IS that way, to expect anything else is almost unheard of, and in that light, it's honest with itself & its goals of fleecing as many people of their cash, then washing those losses away with a glut of entertainment, food & circus spectacles that'd make the most devout priest start giving those deadly sins a little try.

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I've always felt that the orders received from The Lotus have a "Would you kindly" feel to them. (BioShock 1 reference)


Since I'm a fan of the chaotic I'd love to have a story choice to break from the Lotus.


"What is Chaos? Suffering, you might say. Oppression. Deceit. But could not all these things be said of your Imperium? You hunt down the talented and the strong-willed. You break them or sacrifice them. You lie to your citizens and wage war on those who dare speak out. The inquisitors you call masters assume guilt and execute millions on a whim. And why? Why do you do this? Because you know Chaos is there but you do not know how to fight it, so you crush your own citizens for fear that they might aid the Enemy. The Imperium suffers because of Chaos. No matter how hard you fight, that will never change. Chaos exists in a state of permanent victory over you - you dance to our tune, mortal one, you butcher and torture and repress one another because the gods of the warp require you to. The Imperium is founded on Chaos. My lord Tzeentch won your war a long, long time ago.


- Ghargatuloth, Daemon Prince of Tzeentch



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maybe so,but that is your choice if it is of your own free will


but as you can see from the poll,there are many of us who want something else to choose other than the lotus


you are happy with your choice,would you not wish that same happiness for all?

I'm not saying "Hail to the Lotus or fall to my blade." If you want to be a separatist, go ahead. 

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I will say one thing. It would be nice if there was some sort of rep/standing meter for the Grineer and Corpus for Invasion missions. Because as it is Players just pick whatever side has the best reward. There should be a cost associated with siding with one or the other, and advantage, but punish arbitrarily changes sides for short term gain.

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When you look at both major factions, they are pretty much guilty of the same crimes. The Grineer at least have some form of skewed honor and are honest. The Corpus have none of this.

Thus, I go with the Grineer.


Preeeeeeetty sure the Corpus aren't guilty of downright genocide against innocent civilians who weren't even able to put up a fight. I mean, oppression? Sure, but as we've established both factions do that. But GENOCIDE. WIPING THEM OUT. THAT'S something else.


 I mean, the Corpus love money, we both agree on that, more people, more money, they've even traded with the Grineer (exploitative, if Hek was being truthful, but still traded) so they don't care one race from another. But the moment Hek had his Balors in position...


Personally, if it comes to just siding with the Corpus or Grineer with nothing on the line than the other, I have to side with the Corpus. At least they're, under Frohd's leadership, not interested in killing every other living creature in the system that isn't like them.

Edited by Morec0
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Preeeeeeetty sure the Corpus aren't guilty of downright genocide against innocent civilians who weren't even able to put up a fight. I mean, oppression? Sure, but as we've established both factions do that. But GENOCIDE. WIPING THEM OUT. THAT'S something else.


 I mean, the Corpus love money, we both agree on that, more people, more money, they've even traded with the Grineer (exploitative, if Hek was being truthful, but still traded) so they don't care one race from another. But the moment Hek had his Balors in position...


Personally, if it comes to just siding with the Corpus or Grineer with nothing on the line than the other, I have to side with the Corpus. At least they're, under Frohd's leadership, not interested in killing every other living creature in the system that isn't like them.

I side with the Corpus usually. Main reason is because I hate the Grineer in the way the Grineer hate everything that is not Grineer. Also because with the Corpus, it's just business, nothing personal :P

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However I pose a question, did the tenno escape? or were they set loose? they were in cryostorage, one of if not the ONLY means to keep these things down, nothing else works, they die & come back more often than a Journey tour (yes I feel REALLY old now) she never really tells WHY she's doing what she's doing, her reasons a nebulous at best, which means to me, there's something she doesn't want tenno to know, or feels they wouldn't accept, so its easy to ingrain benevolence in someone in that situation, throw in a spotty amnesia, and it sounds more like baby birds meeting their mother for the first time.

She was the first contact, but unlike birds, the Lotus' nature is not a creature of nature, we can't tell WHAT it is, least that's how I see it, and that doesn't sit well as a reason to butcher countless sentient creatures because she "helped" you out, when your not even sure what happened that she "helped" you with in the first place.

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However I pose a question, did the tenno escape? or were they set loose? they were in cryostorage, one of if not the ONLY means to keep these things down, nothing else works, they die & come back more often than a Journey tour (yes I feel REALLY old now) she never really tells WHY she's doing what she's doing, her reasons a nebulous at best, which means to me, there's something she doesn't want tenno to know, or feels they wouldn't accept, so its easy to ingrain benevolence in someone in that situation, throw in a spotty amnesia, and it sounds more like baby birds meeting their mother for the first time.

She was the first contact, but unlike birds, the Lotus' nature is not a creature of nature, we can't tell WHAT it is, least that's how I see it, and that doesn't sit well as a reason to butcher countless sentient creatures because she "helped" you out, when your not even sure what happened that she "helped" you with in the first place.

She saved us from being slowly killed by Vor, and the rest of the Grineer, for that matter.

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So why was Vor killing tenno? for the thrills? how did they start coming to be found? where did the orders come from & who gave them? and why exterminate them? when the same tactic Lotus used to ingrain herself as benevolent not work again to turn tenno into their personal army of archwinged slaughter monkies? or do what Corpus did and reverse engineer the tenno like what was done to Valkyr.

There's more going on, there's stories to be told, and in the end, those stories could shape which side you as an individual trust more, hence I REALLY like the idea of picking sides, so many possible twists and interesting possibilities.

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So why was Vor killing tenno? for the thrills? how did they start coming to be found? where did the orders come from & who gave them? and why exterminate them? when the same tactic Lotus used to ingrain herself as benevolent not work again to turn tenno into their personal army of archwinged slaughter monkies? or do what Corpus did and reverse engineer the tenno like what was done to Valkyr.

There's more going on, there's stories to be told, and in the end, those stories could shape which side you as an individual trust more, hence I REALLY like the idea of picking sides, so many possible twists and interesting possibilities.

Vor kills Tenno because we are not Grineer, and the whole genocide thing. They found us by opening portals to the Void. Orders came from the Queens.

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why? just for the hell of it?


you said in the poll there wouldn't be any consequences for choosing either side, so whats the point? if each side had its own benefits and drawbacks then i think it would be a cool system. you dont play a warframe because they look cooler than another (well mostly), you play a different warframe because they each offer something different to the table

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why? just for the hell of it?


you said in the poll there wouldn't be any consequences for choosing either side, so whats the point? if each side had its own benefits and drawbacks then i think it would be a cool system. you dont play a warframe because they look cooler than another (well mostly), you play a different warframe because they each offer something different to the table

perhaps some problem english on my part


what i meant by that was you wouldnt be pigeon holed into a faction with only two sticks of wood and a carpet as its resources like the klingons were on sto

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Preeeeeeetty sure the Corpus aren't guilty of downright genocide against innocent civilians who weren't even able to put up a fight. I mean, oppression? Sure, but as we've established both factions do that. But GENOCIDE. WIPING THEM OUT. THAT'S something else.


 I mean, the Corpus love money, we both agree on that, more people, more money, they've even traded with the Grineer (exploitative, if Hek was being truthful, but still traded) so they don't care one race from another. But the moment Hek had his Balors in position...


Personally, if it comes to just siding with the Corpus or Grineer with nothing on the line than the other, I have to side with the Corpus. At least they're, under Frohd's leadership, not interested in killing every other living creature in the system that isn't like them.

You are correct. The Corpus do not commit genocide, but what if they had as much power as the Grineer? They are a techno-merchant cult, who worship profit and the Orokin. I would not put it past them to set up an incredibly powerful Inquisition. Eventually, they would be guilty of crimes worse than genocide.

Let's not allow them to do that. None of these factions can be allowed to win. But if one has to, I'd rather it be the Grineer than the Corpus.

If the Grineer are the last faction, it would be fairly peaceful. If the Corpus are the last faction, all dissenters would be horribly tortured for as long as dissenters exist, which would be forever.

I'd rather not prolong the pain of innocents.

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