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Think We Need A New Planet


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What exactly is wrong with it? It looks pretty much like actual Europa.

The only things wrong are:

1.) It has an atmosphere.

2.) It is too bright.

3.) The ice pillars in the distance.

But those are easily enough overlookable to be honest. They only make it more interesting...

If they wanted to do an underwater tileset, Europa would have literally, bar-none, hands-down, honest to god been the single best place to put it IN THE ENTIRE SYSTEM.

Considering that the Ice layer is ONLY three miles thick, and Europa has literally captivated the minds of Sci-Fi authors for decades with thoughts of what could be under that ice.

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If they wanted to do an underwater tileset, Europa would have literally, bar-none, hands-down, honest to god been the single best place to put it IN THE ENTIRE SYSTEM.

Considering that the Ice layer is ONLY three miles thick, and Europa has literally captivated the minds of Sci-Fi authors for decades with thoughts of what could be under that ice.

Enceladus would also work, if they were willing to add it.


Really, I just want Io. Give us a decent volcanic tileset already. :(

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Enceladus would also work, if they were willing to add it.


Really, I just want Io. Give us a decent volcanic tileset already. :(

I highly doubt they will ever do Io as a separate planet/moon because Jupiter has a mission called Io which I can only assume is the moon being referenced here. 

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add a different solar system entirely,it could start off with one planet or something that has a terminus gate or something


and then gradually adding more with events


and the menu wouldnt be hard either,when you bring up the circly planet menu in the liset or the relay,just have left and right arrows on either side

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add a different solar system entirely,it could start off with one planet or something that has a terminus gate or something


and then gradually adding more with events


and the menu wouldnt be hard either,when you bring up the circly planet menu in the liset or the relay,just have left and right arrows on either side

I thought of that already: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/431748-beyond-the-current-solar-system/#entry4786486


But I honestly don't think we need it. We need to get the planets we have right now more active then maybe we can add planets.

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you know what might be interesting to see in the future of this game, the home solar system of the sentients, like eventually take the fight to them maybe even with the help of the existing factions

First we need to pass the Omega 4 relay...

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We need ne map to look like this.



And to jump on the building with new parkour... like a real ninja :)



I've often thought of this as a better tileset for Pluto. I mean, a Coruscant-esque tileset would be perfect for assassination missions or the like.

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It orbits a blue-white giant. Unless it was incredibly far away that amount of radiation from the planet would make it uninhabitable. If it's that far away to avoid the worst of the radiation probably frozen solid.

The Sentients by not being organic would have little issue on the world. Organics on the other hand? Ouchies.

Edited by (XB1)TwinsoulTiffany
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dark sector railway aren't like motorway in space? so isn't that mean it link our solar system to an other ?

we can make planet mission on them and have to unlock the dark sector to go this system, paying taxes to the clan owning the railway.


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lets just create a planet underwater

A planet that is underwater



... with underwater and (Insert Faction) Naval Ship tilesets?!


This new planet better drop neural sensors.

Tired of running Alad V

^ lol! This exactly. Phorid says 'hi,' though.


They really need to rethink many of the tilesets.

•Mercury should be a scorched desert, kinda like a anti-europa, you get burned if you are outside for too long.
•Venus -could- be explained away with lore (terraforming gone too far), but that tileset would be better implemented somewhere else...give it the Grineer Shipyard tileset.
•Earth is fine. But I'd like to see a few Grineer Outposts thrown in (like 40% of Earths land is desert after all)
•Mars should get the Phobos tilesets, and a few Venus ones thrown in.
•Jupiter is fine.
•Saturn and Uranus could get some floating Grineer bases, much like how the Corpus have floating bases on Jupiter.
•Neptune could get the Jupiter tileset, but with blue smoke and clouds instead of orange.
•Eris is fine for now. I'll say this could be an exception because it is the only Infested planet, but all the same, it would be cool to see some infested stuff actually -on- Eris.
•Sedna would probably actually be the Europa tileset, but perpetual nighttime and without the Corpus wreckage. Sedna is really far out.
•Europa is fine.
•Phobos should get the Venus tileset.
•Ceres could get a Grineer Asteroid tileset.
•Pluto, maybe the Venus tileset again, but much darker, and without shrubbery.

They could do this, then reset everyone's Star Chart progress. I'd LOVE THIS IDEA!


Venus is a Corpus planet, so no, it should not get a Grineer tileset.

It could work, though...


Earth's moon I hope eventually.

If DE does this, consider the mic dropped. Too epic for words...


you know what might be interesting to see in the future of this game, the home solar system of the sentients, like eventually take the fight to them maybe even with the help of the existing factions

^ This



Allow me to add an idea to this MASTERPIECE thread. Each Planet/Moon should have 3 - 4 tilesets and possible dual residency, making Crossfire missions MUCH more integral. Also a tenno home Moon or something. Imagine defend Tenno Headquarters Alerts...

Edited by (PS4)CaulusOuranos
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