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You Know, If De Were Quick To Balance Op Weapon They Wouldn't Receive This Much Backlash.


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You know, looking at the the recent patch notes makes me sad.  I see balance changes to conclave every time, and none for PvE.  Clearly they can do balance work quickly enough, they just don't.  Yes it is understandable that it is more important for PvP to be balanced and not PvE, but 6+ months is not acceptable.  Every time I look at my arsenal, I see awesome weapons that I want to use but can't because they are not good enough. 


"But surely you can just use whatever you want, who cares if they are viable at high level or not, play lower level stuff instead if you want to use those weapons, they have their place."


I've seen people argue with this logic too many times.  The problem is when anyone wants to have a decent amount of challenge in this game, they have to bring top tier weapons and Warframes.  Of course I can use low tier stuff in lower level areas, but I don't want to play on lower level missions.  They have less spawn and they lack the need of coordination or just pure skill.  It's not exciting to play low level because Press 4 2 Win.


That is why PvE balance needs to be at a much higher priority right now.  The balance is a mess, and with new weaopns coming in every 1-2 weeks, this problem is just getting worst.  Anyone remember the fire shield?  They said they will look at it.  How months have past now?   Do people really don't see the problem here?  


I'm really hoping they would finally assign someone to balance PVE as well. Of course its perfectly doable IF they decide to do it. But if its just Scott responsible for everything he might have no time for revisiting old items when he is tasked with designing new things all the time. 

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