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Void Trader Is Becoming A Joke


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he really can't keep pumping out primed mods either, gonna be OP all over the place.

I don't really get THAT disappointed with the recent stuff but the noggle statue was indeed both S#&$ and weird. he goes into the void and finds thousands of thousands of toys of himself? felt out if place.

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I have no problem with criticism, clearly you think that void trader has a different problem than I do. That's constructive feedback, and helps this thread. Dismissing my viewpoints (shared, at least in part, by many) as "whiny" and these solutions as "terrible" without giving reasons is unfair, and unfortunately makes up a large portion of your reply.


I'm happy to debate with you, but only if you are reasonable, otherwise your posts will be ignored.


So we've established you don't listen to people who criticise or complaining about you.  What makes you think DE are any different?

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So we've established you don't listen to people who criticise or complaining about you.  

What we've established is that complaining about me doesn't have a place in this thread. My viewpoints are fair game, but personal attacks are not.


Actually, I did make a change to my post in response to yours, I moved a proposed solution (which had been at the top of the thread) to the bottom as there seems to be more consensus about the void trader problem, and my solutions are less relevant/important. They're just suggestions, some of them aren't even my ideas, but ideas that I've heard from others and support.


What makes you think DE are any different?

Are you saying that DE  "don't listen to people who criticize or complain about [them]"? While I feel that they have, lately at least, been ignoring player feedback, they have also owned up to past mistakes, and made changes in response to community feedback/desires. When void keys were made in-affordable in syndicates, they changed things up, when vivergate happened, they were very good about owning up to their mistakes (admitting to a knee-jerk reaction). When Warframe launched, it was very flawed (at least in my opinion). Going after DE, as an organization, is fair, at least in my opinion (negative feedback can lead to improvement, improvement within DE=improvement within Warframe). 

Edited by Snowman486
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Still fail to see why there is an expectation for new gear to appear every time the Void Trader comes to town.


Just because the game added a new way to get things does not automatically mean you are all entitled to either obtaining them, or having them on a regular base.


Seriously, does anyone think of anything other then self gratification when they start these discussions? You want new stuff, and it has to cost nothing but Credits and Ducats, which are easy to farm when you basically have supercharged Frames and Gear, but at the same time it has to be stuff that makes you MORE powerful in the game, and this has to happen every week.


And no one sees a problem with that logic.

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Player feedback is the reason this rotation is even in place, I’d assume. There were a ton of heavy threads really wanting him to start rotating. I agreed with many of these. It’s less a case of DE not listening to the player feedback, and more-so a case of different players playing different ways and needing different things. So when DE massively responds to one half’s feedback the other half obviously will not feel good about it.


I don’t feel that bringing one new thing a visit is a flawed model.  If he brought in just as many new things as old things then it really wouldn’t be weakening the grind wall people were complaining about much at all, and it would actually temporarily increase it for players late to the wagon. There’s no real middle ground there. Maybe we’re at the middle ground and it’s just not being marked off well enough to satisfy both parties at the moment.


Essentially, I feel the reason people are upset is at how the model is being used rather than at the model itself. Would you have been this upset if instead of a Noggle he brought Primed Streamline this week and Primed Point Strike two rotations before? Many wouldn’t. But it’s still only bringing one new item into the rotation. This week’s rotation would even still be only three items large! What is the difference, then?


I feel the difference and the core to people’s issue is the cosmetics. Some people like cosmetics. I’m one of them, and for the most part his have ranged from really nice to okay except for the Noggle. Which is just… weird from a lore standpoint.


But some more objective based players  don’t really get enticed or excited about things that neither add to their stats in some way nor give them a larger grind goal to work towards. This is a perfectly valid way to experience the game and yet this part of the playerbase has been left standing awkwardly in the corner of the Void Trader mechanic not because of the model, but because the new item cycled in was never something that could ever have a chance to satisfy them.


So then the real question I want to ask here is: if every other week the new item had either been a primed mod or a weapon, would you guys have been more content with the repeats? 

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I was happy to catch him at least, so i shut up and taken my primed heated charge (although all parts spent on ducats in platinum equiv. would be enough to buy primed fully upgraded point blank) But no, we need to leave things as they are to encourage speculations to maintain overblown prices on primed mods trading and omnoomomomom)  

Edited by Grom-84
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So then the real question I want to ask here is: if every other week the new item had either been a primed mod or a weapon, would you guys have been more content with the repeats? 

Very well reasoned post, and a great question.


Personally, my issue is that I am farming ducats at a much greater rate than I can spend them. It seems, to me, like the current void trader model tends to favor casual players rather than veterans. Many veterans play a ton of void, get a ton of credits and ducats, then void trader shows up and we have nothing to spend this stuff on. For the casual players, this is great, but shouldn't the veteran players be able to get more gear than casuals or at least get it more quickly?


If I had to summarize my issues with a smaller void trader inventory, for some of us veteran players, DE isn't cutting down on the grind, just the rewards for said grind. I'm personally not playing any less void than I was in the first few void trader visits.


I would love some cool new gear (primed mods, armor, weapons, whatever) but I would be happy, personally, with cores as well (buying legendary cores, or r5's with ducats for example). The new offerings over the past 6 weeks haven't even been really interesting cosmetics (a noogle, a lisette skin, and a kubrow skin).


I do tend to prefer primed mods to other offerings, but there have been a few exceptions (that Syndana was one of my favorites, and I love the Eos Prime armor). 


To answer your question, I feel like that would help things, but not solve them. 

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Many veterans play a ton of void, get a ton of credits and ducats, then void trader shows up and we have nothing to spend this stuff on. For the casual players, this is great, but shouldn't the veteran players be able to get more gear than casuals or at least get it more quickly?


If I had to summarize my issues with a smaller void trader inventory, for some of us veteran players, DE isn't cutting down on the grind, just the rewards for said grind.


Hang on.

You're saying you're grinding even though there's no reward ...

... and you're blaming DE for that??

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It doesn't always have to be 8 new stuff and slow-@$$ recycling for the next several months. The Void trader could, I don't know, bring back old stuff AND also a new mod/weapon/anything that isn't cosmetic. I think most of the playerbase is fine with recycling and I'm not asking for an all-new rotation, maybe 2 old stuff and 1 new stuff for his bi-weekly visit. It doesn't have to be all-new or all-recycled. 

Exactly friend, it won't, it was rushed 8 weeks then 'slow-@$$' 8 weeks (2 to go); I can bet anything the next ones will all be balanced, with two new stuff ( 1 cosmetic +1 weapon or primed mod) and two repeated  (1 recycled cosmetic and 1 recycled weapon/mod). That's the perfect way to be, nobody can complain, not casuals and not 'no lifers'.

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Hang on.

You're saying you're grinding even though there's no reward ...

... and you're blaming DE for that??

Currently, void makes up most of Warframe's endgame (DE has admitted this, and plans to fix it, something about "blowing up the void"). They are making progress on this (the new raid is a solid alternative credit farm, and the arcanes it provides give us something else to farm).


For active veteran players, void is one of the best grind spots (r5 cores, credits, affinity). I don't say there's no reward for running void (affinity/r5's/credits are nice), but frankly they're rather boring (you could farm them until you're blue in the face, there will always be things to level/put affinity into). 


The main draw of void was prime gear (the weapons/frames) but most veteran players have already built all the prime stuff, so void isn't as rewarding to them. Also, keep in mind that while you're farming one particular prime part, you likely got a ton of other stuff that you don't need (these are some of the main reasons why DE added void trader, to make prime parts relevant after you've farmed your first set.) 


Void is the most effective all-purpose farm for most of us to run, so even if void trader has bad offerings, we run it. We like it when void trader has new offerings because that rewards our efforts in the void. Basically, a lot of us reach the point where there's little to do in Warframe, and void trader helps to add gameplay.


Exactly friend, it won't, it was rushed 8 weeks then 'slow-@$$' 8 weeks (2 to go); I can bet anything the next ones will all be balanced, with two new stuff ( 1 cosmetic +1 weapon or primed mod) and two repeated  (1 recycled cosmetic and 1 recycled weapon/mod). That's the perfect way to be, nobody can complain, not casuals and not 'no lifers'.

Very fair post, I hope you're right, that would be awesome. Speaking for the "no lifers" (lol) I loved the first couple of weeks, but I can see where that frustrated some. I've been deeply disappointed with the past several weeks and would be much happier with something in-between the two.

Edited by Snowman486
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I thought I'd be safe coming back to these forums after jumping to Destiny 6 months ago and watching that whole thing fall apart. But it looks like everyone here is a Warlock who got Sunbreakers 9876 times in a row...


Can't say I blame most people, I think the weapons should come back only every 3 months at the earliest and having only one new item every two weeks is a bit... Well, let's just say it could be done better, in my opinion. Especially when our exciting new toy is a bobble head. Baro is clearly directly inspired by Destiny's Xur, but somehow implemented in an even worse way, it seems. I think they should just double his inventory and have 3 recycled items and 3 new ones every 2 weeks or until they run out of new stuff for him to sell in this update before adding more recycled items on subsequent returns. And MAYBE lower the cost of things just a bit to compensate for the grinding it would take if they decided to have him come with 3 awesome new things at once, but I only say 3 new items every time since at least one, if not two, will be useless cosmetic items that most people won't feel too cheated on if they don't get the ducats in time, especially when the other three items are rotating.


But I don't know, DE does what they will. I'm sure someone has a better idea to make things better than what I suggested here anyway.

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We complained that it costs too much to buy the stuff he brings because it's ridiculously overpriced, so their solution was to repeat stuff with 1 new item every time.   


While I don't agree that's how it should be done it did technically fix that problem of players not being able to grind enough ducats to buy everything every 2 weeks, while creating another problem, which is basically dissapointment.   


I think the items should loop, but not this much. There are several ways of doing it, 1 would be to make old stuff loop every other visit, another would be to just give him more items, 3 old ones +3 new maybe?   

He has plenty of room for more than 4 items.   


Another big problem is that the new item he brings together with old stuff isn't anything usefull, it's just some gimmick cosmetic that doesn't matter and wouldn't make much difference if it wasn't there at all.   


I think people are extra salty this time because not only was prisma liset skin better, but it's easter, so giving us a cool new mod/weapon would make sense, instead we got 600 ducat Gorgon that is slightly less poo than other variations.   


I guess they are saving good stuff for christmas or something.

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I thought I'd be safe coming back to these forums after jumping to Destiny 6 months ago and watching that whole thing fall apart. But it looks like everyone here is a Warlock who got Sunbreakers 9876 times in a row...


Can't say I blame most people, I think the weapons should come back only every 3 months at the earliest and having only one new item every two weeks is a bit... Well, let's just say it could be done better, in my opinion. Especially when our exciting new toy is a bobble head. Baro is clearly directly inspired by Destiny's Xur, but somehow implemented in an even worse way, it seems. I think they should just double his inventory and have 3 recycled items and 3 new ones every 2 weeks or until they run out of new stuff for him to sell in this update before adding more recycled items on subsequent returns. And MAYBE lower the cost of things just a bit to compensate for the grinding it would take if they decided to have him come with 3 awesome new things at once, but I only say 3 new items every time since at least one, if not two, will be useless cosmetic items that most people won't feel too cheated on if they don't get the ducats in time, especially when the other three items are rotating.


But I don't know, DE does what they will. I'm sure someone has a better idea to make things better than what I suggested here anyway.

I've played some Destiny as well, and it seems like Bungie is claiming that they have no control over Xur's stock. Personally I doubt the validity of that, and even if its true, that's pretty bad game design.


One of the things I like about Warframe is that DE can implement changes easily. For something like Destiny, when people want something as simple as more vault space it becomes a major deal (it took them months to increase the vault size by a measly few slots, and they still haven't implemented the change). Either Bungie is is much more lazy than DE, or Warframe is much easier to modify than Destiny.


That said, I look forward to the void trader every week, and there's always something to spend my strange coins/motes of light on (that said, I can't afford everything he offers, but them's the breaks, as I'm a Destiny casual). This simply means that I have to wait till Xur comes back, and buy the items I missed at a later date (why should everyone be able to afford everything from the void trader each visit? Why shouldn't some people have to choose?)

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It took the Void Trader 2 weeks just to find 3 items to sell to us. It took him 2 weeks just to make a noggle of himself. In 2 weeks, he should have brought in at least 6 - 8 items. This problem can be solved if he brought in 3 or 4 new things while also bringing in things from his previous visits. That way, people get new things and are able to get some of the older stuff that they missed. That way, everybody is happy.


What is better, bringing in 3 items in which 1 is new and the rest are old or bringing in 6 to 8 items in which 3 or 4 are new and the rest are old?


Also, some things tend to be a bit too expensive with regards to the ducat costs of the items the Void Trader gives. 600 ducats just for a Prisma Gorgon and the stats are meh?

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quan256, a known dataminer, has this information for us:



This is 3000% legit.


I'll be entirely honest here.


Skins for ORDIS is actually a friggin' brilliant idea.

And Void Man should sell something like that.

Like a Grineer Ordis skin that makes Ordis look like a Regulator.

I'd throw some Ducats at that.

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quan256, a known dataminer, has this information for us:



This is 3000% legit.

LOL look at the ranks on the primed serration T_T I don't think I can handle that much core farming... And the jesus profile icon makes me question the legitimacy of this lol. If you look closely at the number (30) on primed serration, it seems to be a higher resolution than ammo drum's number. Was this information released on April 1st by any chance?

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