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Redeemer - Why Add The Gun Mechanic If It Only Hurts The Weapon?


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So I recently started leveling the Redeemer and noticed a MAJOR draw back. Charged shots do not add to the melee combo counter. This sucks but fine. HOWEVER, the shotgun shots made DURING THE COMBOS DON"T ADD to the melee combo counter.


Seriously? Why add the shotgun blasts in the combo if doing so will not add to the combo counter and actually eat the already low 4 sec time limit you have to chain your combos.


Can anyone confirm this as well?

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Although I would agree with what Rhiss said, it is probably an oversight seeing as you can still get stealth damage bonuses from the shots. Or did they remove that? No can ramamber. not use redemer in long time. me ned slep naow. eh no ned slep. slep is for wek 10-O

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So why add shotgun shots to the melee combos if it won't allow you to increase you combo counter? This seems very counter intuitive.




On another note, if it's in a combo, it SHOULD add to the combo counter because, you know..... combo.

The answer to this woud be space magic or somethign else handwavey and dismissive

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If you are a melee counter frame and would like to use the Redeemer for style points, then all combo hits should register. Only the charged shotgun shots should not count. Also, as this intelligent individual pointed out:


On another note, if it's in a combo, it SHOULD add to the combo counter because, you know..... combo.

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