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Please Remove The New Version Of Wave Dashing: Infinite Melee Slide Attack


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Dear Devs, please make it so that players can't infinitely melee slide attack all over the map.


It is really annoying because it is the same thing as wave dashing, making the stamina mechanic completely useless, only now the players who do this can also clear an entire room within seconds.


Plus it looks completely ridiculous unless someone wants me to believe that we are space bumber car ninjas that hover endlessly sliding every which way as if our shields were made of butter.


Edit: Some people have misunderstood thinking I want melee slide attacks gone. That is untrue. I simply think that it is ridiculous for players to be able to melee slide attack throughout the whole map indefinitely and without pause, cancelling the effectiveness of several sprint/stamina mods as well as the entire concept of stamina all the while looking absolutely ridiculous. 


(and let's be honest, people use a macro for this, regardless of all the self proclaimed "pros" saying how easy and not finger numbing it is to do normally)


To all those who use this exploit/technique whatever:


If you are so offended at people calling this obvious exploit by what it is, that you have to resort to personally attacking, you have already lost any argument you thought you were making. So please, if you have something to say, do so in a constructive and polite manner. 

Edited by LuxAngel7
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I don't mind this at all. It's not that difficult to do without a macro and there's hardly any areas where a macro would be useful. I mainly use it to get around quickly on my Saryn or Frost and anything faster than that I don't feel the need. It also doesn't bother me when others do it. It doesn't take from my gameplay experience at all. Anyways I mostly have my Gram equipped now so I can't do it anyway. Also sometimes I mess up and I'll be crouching an slashing around with my dual ethers, looks pretty funny.

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Im guessing you can mod against it because i saw this once and the person did through the whole mission.

The stamina drain comes after you attack, so in the time between sliding, it usually recharges. That said, this is useless for any melee other than the daggers, Dual Ethers, and Fangs, it's usually slower to do this with any melee other than those.

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Ah, Macros, that why;

Now I know why those people can slide dash continously without cramping their fingers.

Its not hard... if you need a macro for something silly easy like that you should never play a game like gunz lol

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I see no problem with it so long as people aren't macroing.

I do it from time to time if I'm in a hurry - but I've never bothered to macro it.  It's not something WORTH macroing to be honest.

Unless this  is some form of dash that i've never seen / i'm not using.

At the end of the day its not really getting you there that much faster... Don't really understand the problem....

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+1 bumper car ninjas! =D


but srsly tho, these movement "hacks" are pretty dumb


they completely defeat an entire mechanic of the game, the idea of stamina and that melee attacks and running use it


these wavedash-esque techniques/macros also ruin the use of 3 mods


basically this is just more bugs


don't get me wrong, i understand the desire to move fast/fluidly/etc, that's why I play Loki a lot with maxed Rush and high Quick Recovery and Marathon


and while it irks me that prior to U7 i did not have to dedicate 3 slots and around 20+ mod points to just keep myself from feeling like a space-ninja whose about 50 kg overweight, but oh well, this is the new system and i have adapted, and because i DO want to move fast, i have allocated a large part of my frame's build towards speed/stamina, sacrificing power/durability (this is how the post U7 system is supposed to work)


im confident that DE will continue to address these move-cancel animation bugs as well as streamline and make their existing animations work on more surfaces and play smoother (yes i am looking at you hurdle animation and small fences that i cannot jump towards when up against)

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It makes running obsolete. That's simply not intended.

Wall running and free running were all encouraged by the developers to increase speed, but spinning around like a top, honestly isn't.

But all them GunZ elitists insist that it's "emergent" gameplay.

I've yet to see a firm dev stance on this.

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i saw a firm stance when they fixed the wave riders, they said no and explained that it was against their vision. this is likely to get the same treatment which sucks, because its a legit attack being abused.

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Yeah lets remove all the cool stuff and just "sprint"...


Why cant you let others have fun? If you want to walk around slowly and open every locker play solo.

Or could learn how to wall run.

How's spinning like a top fun in any new measure?

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Or could learn how to wall run.

How's spinning like a top fun in any new measure?


Considering wall running is buggy as hell there is nothing to learn unless i want to repeat every tile 100x to find all the spots that aren't buggy...(and then hope the host isn't laagy)



Also you can combo the jump spin into a multi wall run turning it into the most epic combo possible =] (with luck)

Edited by cknives
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Why cant you let others have fun?

It's nothing to do with having fun, you can have perfect fun without spinning around like an idiot on crack. There are TONS of methods of moving quickly without resorting to abusing broken mechanics IF you know what you're doing. If you don't know what you're doing then go ahead and take the easy/lazy man's way out by air spin attacking and use a macro on your keyboard or mouse. Lame. Either manual or macro its still lame and looks ridiculous.

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Or you know, fix the way that stamina works. It is so useless right now, fixing this still won't fix stamina. Also the people that find these things and people that are serious about using them don't use macros. It creates a serious lack of control in exchange for a dulling of skill because you are too lazy to learn the button presses.


If the devs want to sneak in a patch to auto ban macro users by looking for a repeat pattern with the exact same millisecond timing over and over, that is fine by me. But don't tell me how to have fun, and then insult me by implying that I can't press simple button combinations.

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