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Please Remove The New Version Of Wave Dashing: Infinite Melee Slide Attack


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They fixed the old wave-dash, but now there is a new one. It needs to be fixed as well.


Except that it isn't new, and the only ones having problem with this sort of stuff are the people who don't even find their sprint key and crawl over the maps...

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There is no mark, that's my point. If the developers don't like it, they'll fix it. Why? Because they feel like it. It don't get more simplistic than that.


 The things you guys are talking about have been around for a long time and have not been worried about. In fact some things, like Zoren Launching, have been talked about very openly from time to time.


 So I suppose the idea that DE is worried about it falls flat.




Except that it isn't new, and the only ones having problem with this sort of stuff are the people who don't even find their sprint key and crawl over the maps...


 This is true. It is pretty easy stuff and isn't really game-breaking.

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People whinge about everything in the game, I honestly hope this kind of whinging does is not going to ruin it in the end. 


It probably will, soon we will be forced to use rush and stamina mods or 5eva hold w+shift like in any other boring game

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 So I suppose the idea that DE is worried about it falls flat.


Never said they are worried about anything. They're just busy. Busy with content, busy with optional reset, busy with actual work. You of all people should know that.

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There is no mark, that's my point. If the developers don't like it, they'll fix it. Why? Because they feel like it. It don't get more simplistic than that.

Thing is, they'll eventually be forced to fix it because the fun police who can't figure out how to do it themselves keep making threads about it.

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 The things you guys are talking about have been around for a long time and have not been worried about. In fact some things, like Zoren Launching, have been talked about very openly from time to time.


 So I suppose the idea that DE is worried about it falls flat.





 This is true. It is pretty easy stuff and isn't really game-breaking.


And yet wavedashing was removed.  Grinds my gears.

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Thing is, they'll eventually be forced to fix it because the fun police who can't figure out how to do it themselves keep making threads about it.


That's very true. If enough people complain, everything gets nerfed. Eventually.

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I may be wrong, but I think the high-speed slide attack appeared as an after effect of the fire rate fix a few weeks ago. Remember when grineers had OP bratons? that's exactly the moment I first saw people flying around with Zorens.

My hypothesis is that, fire rate affecting the speed of the slide attack, something went a bit wrong in the process (a lot of things went wrong with fire rate at that time)


I'm pretty sure it was not intended by the devs anyway.


And you didn't need to macro wave-dashing either for it to be effective. Most players who used it only had appropriate keybinds to perform it.

Only the laziest would use macros. It's a shame it was removed because of those "extreme exploiters"


But there's no reason people won't abuse slide attacks the same way, it's pretty easy after all. I already saw videos of it. 

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They should really be treating the cause, not the symptoms.


Why do people feel a need to use these "exploits"? Figure that out, and make a creative solution that benefits everyone, instead of just straight up removing everything or adding obstacles to hinder it.


I personally love using my DZ to go flying across the map. It's hilarious, and makes up for those long boring maps where I'm stuck running until I use up all my stamina, then walking until it recharges. (I would kill for hoverboards or a ninja segway :I)

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I'm fairly certain the zoren boost was possible before the fire rate fix.


Wavedashing was not removed because of "extreme exploiters".  There was no way to "exploit" it in an "extreme" way, as the upper limits of wavedashing speed were well within the means of human input.  This limitation is imposed by the duration that your RUN key needs to be held down to convert a Roll command into a Run, and no amount of macro can make you wavedash any faster than that.

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It has been mentioned to DESteve in Council Chat weeks ago. Didn't seem to be very happy about it.


 Still, that there hasn't been any focus on fixing it says a lot. 




I'm fairly certain the zoren boost was possible before the fire rate fix.


Wavedashing was not removed because of "extreme exploiters".  There was no way to "exploit" it in an "extreme" way, as the upper limits of wavedashing speed were well within the means of human input.  This limitation is imposed by the duration that your RUN key needs to be held down to convert a Roll command into a Run, and no amount of macro can make you wavedash any faster than that.


 I think Zoren boost was, yes.

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The boost the animation gives comes in handy when you're trying to nail longer slide jumps. So in that respect it would slow down the game for me slightly, navigation wise.


But I do agree, it shouldn't be possible to chain these together on a flat surface. It almost makes rush obsolete. I've seen vanilla rhinos twirling around at the speed of a 1.0 sprinter with rush...



I honestly wouldn't know how they could fix it without breaking the little boost I've grown so fond of to make certain jumps :(

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Zorens looks even worse than wave dash and I'd expect that to go at some point. Does make me laugh watching people do it, but for me I feel it looks so silly/lame.  I imagine its not entirely simple to remove it and they have bigger things to do at the moment.


Slide melee is on the verge of looking really good though. It feels pretty satisfying to do it. Needs some tweaking in terms of doing it endlessly though.

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although I find it completely ridiculous looking I find that it doesn't give them the advantage of a warframe just sprinting by or even a fast farm just walking I know i've played ash and volt and I leave the ppl  that are doing this in my dust.

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Yeah lets remove all the cool stuff and just "sprint"...


Why cant you let others have fun? If you want to walk around slowly and open every locker play solo.


Saying go play solo never works... I can come back at you with - 


'Slowly opening lockers' as you put it is an intended feature.... break dancing is not. Who should go play solo?


- No one will ever win the 'if you wanna do such a thing go solo' argument so just dont say it in the future.

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I think many people are here only to defend the use of their exploit (mainly by attacking me and others personally) or have outright misunderstood the concept of what I was saying.


I am not saying "No more slide attacks for melee"


What I AM saying is that it is ridiculous, exploitative and plain ol' impossible that anyone should be able to indefinitely slide attack across the map, all the while initiating another slide attack IMMEDIATELY after the previous one without end. 


I have seen people in countless matches just do this move from beginning to end, stopping only to attack the occasional enemy that was directly in their path. 


You can try and justify this with "emergent gameplay" or "you have no imagination" or "you hate puppies" or many of the other such intelligent points, but the truth is that this indefinite spinning like a frigin dreidel top is absolutely not in line with how the game should be played. 


Before you attack me with "you don't know what the devs thought" or "divination" (lol srsly? one user said divination lol) the cold hard fact is that this move, apart from being totall ridiculous when done through the entire level, cancels the need for stamina or sprinting.


And if you mean to tell me that "emergent gameplay" that is "intended" also just happens to cancel any usefulness of more than a few mods as well as the entire concept of stamina all the while having players spin around the map on their asses...then I'm sorry, but someone is obviously in denial. 


And guess what, it's not me.

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