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When Is God Mode Getting Nerfed?


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Man watching the guy replying to lots of hates makes me laugh... but i really dont mind a nerf just make it a 90% damage reduction then i'm cool but this skill is 95% of the time used for defense against infested only, so i dont see an issue with it becuz when u make it to wave 30+ ur going to get ur &#! smacked by the acients if u have no mana. Not to forget that it takes half of ur mana pool away so i dont find it OP i guess.

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if you think that they are true that doesn't mean that they are actually true. And forcing you opinion on everyone and shouting that you're the only one who is right isn't a good attitude.

Could you do me a favor and cite this claim of yours? By all means, quote a lie I've made, while you're at it, also quote where I've 'shouted' that "I'm the only one that's right, and wish to enforce my opinion on everyone" You are all welcome to have you're opinions on this matter. I don't care if I can change your mind.


I see what the issue here is for some of you. Since all this negative feed back has yet to change my mind, in other words, your opinion forced onto ME, you think I'm trying to force my opinion onto YOU. Sorry that you feel that way. My bad?


You really think Link and Iron skin doesn't need a change? Well, like it or not dojo is coming and rebalances will have to be made anyways. Another FACT.



Serious question, do you honestly think that at the point a 1000 damage AOE nuke stops being effective, that 15 seconds of invincibility is going to be worth a single damn?

 Hard to answer that question as those are two different abilities used in two different ways. If you are talking about Trinity it's more that 15 seconds of god mode. If the mobs aren't being burned down with AoE, and the god modes can't help 'cause "that doesn't kill enemies", then the cryopod gets destroyed and we all lose anyways. Hey look, something else that has nothing to do with this topic.


At the end of the day, it's still god mode, it's still tacky, and should still be changed. IN MY OPINION. whew almost did it again...

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A dominant strategy used by the majority of players.


Every Rhino player uses Iron Skin to 90% and no other ability. Dominant strategy on Rhino? Yes!


That's not because it's OP.  It's because his other abilties are so underwhelming, not just compared to iron skin, but also compared to other frames' abilities.

Edited by Aggh
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You really think Link and Iron skin doesn't need a change? Well, like it or not dojo is coming and rebalances will have to be made anyways. Another FACT.


Not true. All skills are op when there is PVP so i would rather they remove the ability to use the skills in PVP so we can only use our weapons 

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Well if they're so powerful, why isn't everyone running a rhino or a trinity?


Fact is, they're good starter skills. Eventually once you get more experience and skill, you'll get tired of the usual trick. I have a rhino and a trinity but do I use em? Only for variety.


The newbies need it though.


It helps them get beyond their mod.skill limits so that they can continue playing until they get a new frame, an "advanced" aka I love this kind of play style kind of frame.


You think it's boring? Don't use em. If you think that then you probably need a new frame or maybe that one doesn't fit your style.


your opinion counts but so does everyone elses'.


So unless I only see rhinos and trinities in this game, I do not agree with you. :)

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So enemies get more health and more damage as we progress in this game. So lets say they are level 800. Which Warframe is the only one which in the current state won't get oneshotted? Rhino.


Even if the enemies are level 8.000.000, Rhino still doesn't get one-shotted. Overpowered? Yes!


So the only way to have enemies in the game that can "harm" a Rhino is to give enemies the ability to disable Iron Skin.

And why do you have an ability(iron skin) in the game, when the player can't use it? This is the worst game design choice you can do (enemies rendering abilities useless).

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I'm soooooooooo tired of new players asking for nerfs.... STAHP! This is not freakin league of legends! It's PVE! So instead of saying "A is better then B so nerf A!", you should say "B is overshadowed by A, so buff B!".

In the end, we'll all be stick figures with wetnoodles.



I like you. Why didnt anyone else think of that?

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Yeah let nerf the character's signature power because it is doing exactly what it was designed for.


Oh btw you should nerf Shade also. Freaking OP as **** unlimited cloak to dash through enemies and aggro dropping.


Also don't forget Nyx Chaos, nothing better than beating a dead horse.


Btw I found out that my Loki can do 2000+ damage per charged attack. Pretty OP, nerf please.

Edited by Crimson_King256
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Haters gonna hate, Skills like Link and Iron Skin are situational, i dont find myself using Iron Skin beside critical situations or Infested defense missions!

I bet trinity user's will use Link mainly against bosses only and not spamming it everywhere...


Demanding a nerf for those 2 skills without counter balanced with MASSIVE BUFFS to other skills is pointless because you basically asking to DEs to delete those 2 frames (as i'm sure none would play them anymore if you just nerf their 2 main skills)


Also you should nerf other things that achieve the same results like: Stealth (so goodbye Ash & Loki), AI controlling skills (bye Nyx) and Barrier skills (bye Frost too)


They are all god-mode skills, if ppl abuse them it's player's fault not game's fault.


You want a challange? Fine, dont use them or ask ur team mates to not use them, but leave ppl free to use them if they want to!


What about if they halves ur preferred skills? would u be happy? i dont think so.

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So if it is PvE, where we all play together than players must be happy when I turn on an aim bot. I am on their side, and I can shoot down enemies faster in defence missions. Everybody will profit.


I can also use an credit hack to have unlimited platinum, so I can buy all mod packs / warframes and weapons, because my clan can prfoit from it since I am more versatile now.


I can also take my slide into melee macro which lets me infinitely slith-melee, without using stamina, since it kills faster for the sake of the squad.

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I use rhino warframe.

Link is OP and needs to be nerfed so Trinity takes a little damage at least.


I use Trinty warframe

Ironskin is OP and needs shields to drop so the Rhino is only left with health.

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You really think Link and Iron skin doesn't need a change? Well, like it or not dojo is coming and rebalances will have to be made anyways. Another FACT.

That is in Fact a false truth you believe but is not a fact. A fact is "The sun rose today".

In the latest live steam #5, they already said they will not be changing ANY power because of dueling, this is a PVE game and will be based around that. So the only fact you have is "well, like it or not dojo is coming". Balancing will be made, but not because of the dojo or the dueling. That is something that can be proven via live steam #5.

Edited by FateZero
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So if it is PvE, where we all play together than players must be happy when I turn on an aim bot. I am on their side, and I can shoot down enemies faster in defence missions. Everybody will profit.


I can also use an credit hack to have unlimited platinum, so I can buy all mod packs / warframes and weapons, because my clan can prfoit from it since I am more versatile now.


I can also take my slide into melee macro which lets me infinitely slith-melee, without using stamina, since it kills faster for the sake of the squad.


bad troll attempt is bad

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That is in Fact a false truth you believe but is not a fact. A fact is "The sun rose today".

In the latest live steam #5, they already said they will not be changing ANY power because of dueling, this is a PVE game and will be based around that. So the only fact you have is "well, like it or not dojo is coming". Balancing will be made, but not because of the dojo or the dueling. That is something that can be proven via live steam #5.

Dang, that post sounds so much like I was saying rebalances will have to be made because of PvP. I watched the live stream #5, live. Indeed, they mentioned they wont be making balance changes because of dueling, I do remember that. Honest mistake


I tried to stay away from PvP in this topic altogether, but that's understandably hard when it's something that's going to be added to the game, especially when so many abilities were made before it's implementation.


If I may attempt to realign this thread back on track


What good is a healing ability to something that doesn't take damage? A simple change to damage reduction, so that god forbid, an ability is useful is a simple fix the way I see it.


To the seemingly popular idea "then don't use the ability" That's a pretty lazy solution. Not an answer in my opinion

Edited by finaLfrontier
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I agree. But perhaps change Link to CC immunity and shared damage, however no damage reduction. Iron Skin changed to 50% or more damage reduction, keeping CC immunity.

Damage reduction versus invulnerability would fundamentally alter Iron Skin's usage, given in its current state, it's often used to give the player's warframe a moment to start regenning its shields.

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This game does't need a "lol syndrom" for those of you who are not aware i'm speaking of league of legends in the last season they have being nerfing stuff left and right in order to balance but in the end all they did is made the game less fun because all of the abilities you were used to for years now do jack **** and a lot of players including myself stopped playing the game because of that. Now i still go back at play it at times to see what's changed or what not but i really don't want this game to just sit on my desktop because all the fun abilities are getting nerfed constantly.

Instead Focus on buffing the weaker ones like sayrin and nyx right now for example. 

You don't see people complaining about real "I WIN" button abilities like banshees for example you press 1 button the entire room is cleared and you're immune for the duration as well . But if banshee did't have that there would't be any point to play her.

Same goes to Rhino and Trinity they need those abilities and they need those abilities to be useful.

This game is PVE you can always add harder enemies while nerfing the warframes constantly will make them flat out boring. Most of the abilities become useless with harder enemies anyways then how about you completely remove those abilities then you're pretty much wearing different skins not warframes.


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This game is in beta test. Not years old


Sound Quake is not an I WIN button against strong enemies, it's brief moment of invincibility is not a god mode.


Toning down Link and Iron skin a tad would render them far from useless


I never  suggested removing anything.

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How exactly, is an enemy going to counter god mode? Don't turn warframe into nerfframe? Pop Link, congratulations, warframe is now nerfframe.


Introduce an enemy that removes buffs on hit.


Introduce an enemy whose damage completely ignores Iron Skin. Think maybe there is already one.


Introduce an enemy that are weak to weapons but not to skills but that's not to nerf Iron Skin but offensive skills.


The current infested Ancient Disruptor  is one such type of enemy that counter skill-reliance but he does so by making energy disappear on hit.


New enemies can be introduced in future updates.



Voila, problem solved.


You're welcome.


Hey, turns out there ARE other people who find the game challenging. They are asking for Grineer Lancers, Rollers and Shields to be nerfed.






1. If you're talking about a single ability, please consider it in conjunction with the rest of the abilities of said frame. What kind of impact will it have on the usability of the frame? Will people start ONLY using said skill, or will they never touch it again, or the frame for that matter? Some frames are heavily dependent on a single skill, so if you're suggesting nerfing because of that dependency, what can be done about the other skills to make up for this?

2. We're all special snowflakes. You especially. Your mommy was right. You're the specialist of them all. But lets pretend for a minute that EVERYONE is a special snowflake(I know, what a joke) and that everyone's opinion is important. Will your idea help or harm others in general? Does it speak to how to more of the community, or does it seem like you're the only one who seems to need it? if its the second, you may want to reconsider for now(just to keep these less special snowflakes fooled).

3. Do you OWN the frame? Do you use it? if not, what do you think people who use the frame will think of your buff/nerf? Now I don't mean to be a debby downer, but when its this easy to "walk a mile in their shoes" I'd suggest doing it first before making feedback.

4. Might you be a TINY bit biased by kill count? Are you not feeling like the one man carry in a group of Tenno? Is that other guy racking up way too many kills when YOU should be in the spotlight? If so, try a solo game. I guarantee you'll be the top dog in your party. If it seems like your teammate is still getting more kills than you at that point, however, it might be time to contact support or a psychiatric clinic. 

5. How is it a balance issue? Don't tell me its a balance issue, don't tell me its OP. Tell me HOW. I can't do anything with the statement "IRON SKIN OP RIOT DE NERF" and neither can DE, until you tell them what exactly is the problem.


Oh and consider the stats and do not take passive mods into consideration as well. You shouldn't take the weapons into consideration as well if you are just nerfing a frame.


Sign of OPness in PVE games: Everyone is using it, stifling choice.

Sign of UPness in PVE games: Nobody's using it, making it redundant.

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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hey just stop complaining about rihino, becouse he deserves to have those power  not nerfed, becouse he is not like volt which can kill with his last power every enemy in room, or speed run, he is best in close combat, when enemy is nearby, and wait if i remmemer corectly volt have power which make shield infront of him so stop complaining, game is pwe,

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hey just stop complaining about rihino, becouse he deserves to have those power  not nerfed, becouse he is not like volt which can kill with his last power every enemy in room, or speed run, he is best in close combat, when enemy is nearby, and wait if i remmemer corectly volt have power which make shield infront of him so stop complaining, game is pwe,


worst -grammatically speaking- post ever

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Cut the iron skin time/or make dmg reduction 95% not 100


Remove Vampire ability to drain mana for caster / or make drained pool shared among the team mates not 100+ each / ormake Vampire cost 75. End of story

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