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Post Your Weapon Suggestions Here!


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Post what kind of weapons that you would like to see in-game and in the near future, if you have other topics about your weapons, please post the link to those. Feel free to describe any stats and post pics of the weapons you want. Discuss your ideas with others in this topic and try to make cool concept art with them!


I personally want to see more poison infested weapons like the mire.

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A high powered silenced pistol would be nice, or at least some kind of stealth secondary. Also i think a beam weapon would be cool ( sort of like a Halo Sentinel Beam). Also yes, Infested weaponry would be cool, personally its the reason why i like Saryn (for contagion).

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A high powered pistol doesn't make sense. Yes, a silencer would make the sound of the gun firing quiet but if the bullet accelerates to a supersonic velocity it will break the sound barrier and make a loud sound. To be an effective stealth weapon it could not be high powered...


But anyways, a pistol with a silencer would be cool. ha

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Well supposedly it fired a bolt, or something heavy. It does not necessarily need to be high velocity. I.e. A single chamber that fired a 12G slug or something novelty but still useful. It does not have to be fast but just deal alot of damage. Even if range is sacrificed.

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A high powered pistol doesn't make sense. Yes, a silencer would make the sound of the gun firing quiet but if the bullet accelerates to a supersonic velocity it will break the sound barrier and make a loud sound. To be an effective stealth weapon it could not be high powered...


But anyways, a pistol with a silencer would be cool. ha


It could shoot poison/acid (for robots) darts.



Would like to see a grenade launcher.

Good for crowd control, should be fun in the corridors and would look nice in the open areas. Everybody likes explosions.

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Whip class weapon for the girls plz? :3



More machine guns.

I'm interested in a machine gun with a 75 round magazine that shoots in 5 round bursts.


Damage output of that weapon would have to be very small, probably smaller then the Grakata wich would make the weapon too dependent of damage mods at high levels wich would mean Cataclyst dependent and even so probably would have empty mod slots at rank 30.


I would like a Chain on the end of my Heat Dagger.


Ghost Rider?

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another sniper rifle, however, anti-material and bolt-action. if you can kill two enemies are weak and are in a straight line, and can stretch out an enemy with a shield with only 2 hits. viewfinder similar to that of Latron, only with a little more zoom in, and charger 6. all this disadvantage by a strong but balanced recoil, a slightly lower accuracy, and speed of fire reduced.
ps: I am a sufferer of precision weapons.

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Throwing up some ideas here (constructive feedback and opinions appreciated):


I think the developers should consider making some weapons actually heavy, so that they would have higher firepower but slow down the tenno carrying it, or something like that. (Yeah I know I'm a copy-cat.)



Akimbo (Dual) Primary weapons!

 - Akimbo SMGs.

 - Akimbo double-barrel sawed-off shotguns. could fire 2 (4) shots simultaneously. Horrible accuracy but could clean an infested swarm in no time.

- A shotgun that fires in bursts or 2 shots simultaneously.

+1 for the bolt-action sniper/rifle. Something between Snipertron and Paris. This seems to be gaining popularity, so I'll go into detail about my idea: Basically make it a Latron, except with a slow rate of fire and significantly higher damage per shot. Could be classified a sniper rifle.

+1 for a shockwave grenade launcher. something slow but awesome vs large infested swarms or just for crowd control. Mods would change the attack to a fiery explosion, a freezing blast or a shockwave that stuns robots and destroys security cameras.

+1 for a rifle or sniper with timed explosive shots. It would be neat. Slow rate of fire or 1-shot clip. Good against armored enemies. Mods boosting rate of fire could cause the shot to detonate faster, instead of increasing fire rate. Shots would do around 20 - 25 damage, plus an extra blast for 30 - 40 damage that ignores armor.

+1 for a railgun.

+1 for a minigun that would have a very high fire rate or an accelerating fire rate. 15 - 20 as steady, or 5 - 25 (or even 30) as accelerating. Would not have a clip and instead drain directly from the ammo reserve. Possibly able to overheat as a downside.

(suggested by Woklim.)

 - multi-barrel rifle. fires 3 - 4 shots simultaneously.

 - An automatic LMG with a 150 - 200 bullet clip size. Lower rate of fire than Gorgon. Would have accurate bursts and become inaccurate when fired for more than .5 or 1 seconds. This would allow effective combat vs individual enemies and crowd control vs mobs.

- Homing Rocket Gun. Some kind of gun that would either fire small rockets or small robot-like things (like the ones those corpus osprey shoot to drain your shield) that would home in on and follow the enemy, until finally detonating and dealing damage to the enemy.

- Low-recoil assault rifle. something like Viper, except in larger form.


Melee Weapons:

+1 for a whip. Maybe an electric one, or maybe bladed. Longer range than normal melee weapons.

 - Also to this category a spear of some kind. Very accurate stab-type charge attacks capable of headshots. Longer range.

- Maybe add a chainsaw or a chainsawsword just for the heck of it. Would function like this: can be swung as normal, but when using a charge attack it would instead saw through the enemy, inflicting heavy damage rapidly for 2 - 3 seconds. To balance the heavy damage it could be very slow and need a short cooldown after each power attack. Also it would be bad vs armored enemies.

 - Space Katana (could also be named Plasma Katana or Plastana). Fast draw so you can make a quick strike to interrupt the enemy's melee or finish them off after your gunshots. Could be heavy or light... or maybe both.

 - Infested-style mutated arm with claws. High rate of stagger on normal strikes and a charge attack that would knock back and knock down enemies. Not necesarily high damage.


Secondary Weapons:

+1 for the small hand-mounted crossbow as a stealth "pistol".

+1 for Akimbo (Dual) heavy pistols. Two nerfed versions of LEX, or upgraded versions of LATO.


A bunch of support weapons as an option to pistols:

  - These could include Grenades. no clip, 10 - 30 max ammo. Large area of effect, not so high damage against individual targets.

  - Smoke Bombs for the ninjas among ninjas. When thrown they would blind enemies within the smoke and allow players to run away and hide, leaving the enemies wandering aimlessly.

  - A Dart Gun that poisons or poisons and stuns enemies. Low direct damage. Deals most of its damage over time.

  - Leech Pistol. Would fire Leech Ospreys' shots that drain enemies' shield and prevent it from regenerating.


Non-categorised ideas:

- A throwing spear that would either stun targets temporarily, or permanently if it impales the target to a wall. 1 - 1.5 seconds charge up before each throw. High damage. Could be a melee weapon (oh the irony) or a support weapon, in which case it would have ammo. Possibly could be retrieved from the corpse of the slain enemy.


EDIT: fixing this up to be a bit easier to read

EDIToo: Updating new ideas every now and then

Edited by WyzaiDDZ
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Two-handed swords you say?... How about a katana-ish weapon. Really fast draw, so that you can make fast individual strikes.

A bow we already have, and come on it's sci-fi after all. A crossbow has already been suggested, twice.

EDIT: added the Katana to my list

Edited by WyzaiDDZ
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A Katana would be amazing, only cutting down vertically, , extremely precise strikes that are only centrally focused, so there would be no "follow through" on the sides like Scindo or Fragor, making it a very single target based weapon, but still have the ability to hit multiple targets within the range. 


Along with the idea of a central based weapon, the charge attack could be a thrust, or piercing strike, that only hits directly in line with the reticle, dealing massive damage at the cost of a single target (maybe for weaker-end enemies it pierces through into the one behind?).


For the slide attack it could be a powerful upwards stroke at the end of the slide which drags the player forwards and causes them to stand, once again, this would probably be a single target strike.


The Jump AoE would be either just stabbing into the ground, making it similar to the Dual Ether's with a small AoE, or alternatively it could be like the Fragor's one, using the entirety of the blade to hit the ground (maybe creating a unique shock wave that only goes sideways from the blade, not in front or behind like usual).


Finishing melee (stabbing when they're knocked down) would be much like the animation of Fragor's where the player twists the blade downwards and stabs directly into the chest, the only difference would be that it's much faster.


I'm not sure of many of the stealth attacks of other weapons, but I was thinking that the stealth for the katana would be some form of downwards stab into the neck or spine area for Grineer and Corpus Crewman. Any suggestions for other enemies is welcome.


That is what I have so far, if there's anything I've forgotten or any suggestions feel free to add on. :)
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Why not a shield, like the Grineer shield lancers? We hold it like they do when shooting (at our side) and then we use the block button to bring it up and act as, well, a shield. Basic melee would be like the lancer's and the charge can be an AOE version. This will also make using the block button useful.

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what would make this railgun different from Paris from a technical standpoint? Paris already does more damage than Snipertron when fully charged and has a charge time.

EDIT: Don't take me wrong - the idea is interesting but needs a bit polishing. I don't think the developers want to recreate what would essentially be the same weapon.

Apparently they don't have that long charge times though.

(A youtube video of the US navy firing a rail gun from a ship, in a slightly larger scale.) Edited by WyzaiDDZ
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