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Nulifiers Need More Buffs.


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Seriously, they delete Nekros shadows now? You know, the ones you can't control to avoid them or recast if all of them except one dies. You know, that one ability that you have to work for instead of just pressing 4?   

Yeah, that ability is now back to being useless and Nekros is back to being a strict desecrate bot.    


I really think this is a great change, I caught myself using 4 on Nekros and we can't let that slide, I'm there to press 3 and that's exactly what this change made me do. Thank you.   


Now back to the topic. I think Nulifiers are too weak. What I was thinking is, when we enter their bubble we should get a magnetic proc and 50% slow on us. It's too easy to copter in and kill them if they don't have 3 bombards in there with them, so this would be a welcomed change.   


Another great idea I have is implement some sort of AOE attack that nulifies everything and prevents us from using abilities for X amount of time, that would be awesome.   


Also, about their shield, it only blocks bullets, which is really weak for a unit that is there to block abilities, so why not make it reflect bullets back into us?   


Lastly, increase their spawnrate. That's what they most desperately need, because right now only 3 come from 1 door in T4Defense and where's the challenge in that?    



If nobody picked up on it yet, this was sarcasm. I'm just bored waiting for a certain game to release (won't advertise), so I decided to give some funny feedback, because I was really surprised when I saw a Shadows of the Dead nerf. 

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This could be a struggle for people to get on board with, best of luck to ya.


I can confirm what you mean though.

I'm not sure how or when, but it seems like somewhere along the way, they nerfed their spawn rate.

It did seemed harder when they were first released, now they're just somewhat of a threat. Cant put my finger on it exactly whats changed.


In any case, we'll see what happens.

Edited by -BELLUM-
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Don't forget:


Damage given to a Nullifier's shield gives them the "Nrocs" buff, increasing their health exponentially to a cap of 13503%.


Damage given to a Nullifier's health gives them the "Yruf" buff, increasing the damage of their Lanka and all nearby enemies' weapon to a cap of 80604%.


lel #chromajokes


Edited by Ordel
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I fully and totally agree, furthermore I think DE should shorten the time it takes for the bubbles to respawn, i mean 1 second is obviously wayyyyy to long.


Agreed, only 60% of the bubble is back by the time I reload my Opticor, so I can melt it in less than 5 minutes. And I don't even kill myself doing it, there's no challenge.

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Agreed, only 60% of the bubble is back by the time I reload my Opticor, so I can melt it in less than 5 minutes. And I don't even kill myself doing it, there's no challenge.


Guys guys, you are missing the obvious here, Nullifiers obviously need to proc 100 toxic a second as an aura.

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Maybe players shouldn't be able to attack in any way while inside the bubble? ...and have mutalist tar effects.


And have affinity drained from your frame and weapons.

And energy, stamina, ammo and your soul aswell. I mean, who needs all that anyway? Nulifiers are way too weak.. They need all that to try to kill you with their weak weapon.

Edited by Coldrefreader357
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Maybe players shouldn't be able to attack in any way while inside the bubble? ...and have mutalist tar effects.


And have affinity drained from your frame and weapons.

Don't forget losing a Mastery Rank every time one kills you!

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