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Devstream 50 Overview


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Yeah the stream was pretty cool to watch... just have a few minor questions/issues with it.


1) The devs made a commitment to put out a Dev Workshop about the upcoming planet map changes... Where is it?


2) The question regarding the retirement of Frost Prime, Latron Prime and Reaper Prime went by without a proper answer. 


Still, it was a good stream. Keep it up team!

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It'd be nice if they can say how far along is progress on U17. They were saying it(on the Devstream) as if it's close to a month or two, but the wait for U16 was way longer than anyone expected.


P.S. I'm not complaining or saying I want "more stuff!" as soon as possible. Just a bit curious.

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Can we get a new stylish helmet for Frost when his rework will be again at the top of priorities? Default one is ok, Prime is "wtf is this?", I fear that I will poke someone's eye with aurora and squall is just weird (as in my brain is spinning weird).

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Those Syndicate greetings are super awesome


Whoever thought it would be awesome ; even more Kudos.


Screw playing the game  like a normal person i'm gonna  spend my day in the lobby to salute every single member of the arbiters!



Hyped as hell for excalibur :).

Only sad thing about super jump leaving : it was useful in PVP , I mean it was awesome...low cost mobility ...but that was it x)


Can't wait to see the new " laser beam sabler mode" skill and Radial blind on the move




I hope you intend to rework other of the frames like this.


A lot if warframe powers seem old and dated and should be replaced as well




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I love the hypocrisy in their Void talks. They want to reduce the fatigue of the void. They could easily take a step in the right direction (before blowing up the void) by doing any of the following:


1. Add more prime parts to rotations A and B of T1 and T2 Survival and Defense. Tone back the Cores and Orokin cells at the same time.

2. Remove the void keys from Void drops and from Orokin Derelict Survival. We've already burned a key to get in, we don't need to be rewarded for our grinding with the chance to grind more.

3. Add T1, T2, and T3 Interception. It's a veritable goldmine of reducing void grind that is still untapped because DE doesn't want to for some reason (the cynical amongst us would say money).

4. Add prime parts to Orokin Derelict Sabotage and Orokin Derelict Survival (Rotations A and B, in conjunction with 2). I suspect nearly no one plays OD Sabotage for any reason, since there's no reason to go there over any other Orokin Derelict Mission type. If you want pigments from something like Mutalist Moas, go to Eris or go to OD Survival/Defense. Vaults? Exterminate and Capture are far faster than sabotage. Navigation Co-Ordinates? Get 2 birds with 1 stone by vault hunting at the same time.

Adding prime parts to Orokin Derelict Sabotage would give an incentive to do that mission type. If you guys are desperate to cling to the excuse of "but Vaults though...", then only add the parts to Sabotage. Leave Capture and Exterminate for the Vaults. Or make it so that getting the vault destroys the prime part hidden therein so that players are forced to choose between running Derelicts for Prime parts or running Derelicts for Vaults.

Edited by Samoth95
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My question for DE, when will grouping 2.0 be in the works. As it sits right now, its kinda broken and old. There should be a filter in place by now. lobby or in mission, kick or no kick (or something of the like is needed). A way to invite more into a mission incase someone leaves earily for whatever reason.

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Seriously, please, please add gif's or short videos of the new content that was shown in the devstream, including the Boltor Tonfas, the two-player emotes, the Tyl Regor animations, and everything else shown.


That's the main thing people want to see from these overviews... you used to include these clips, but the last few overviews have felt very lazy.

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