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Psychic Bolts Replacement Suggestion : Psychic Mirror Please Read De


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Well i made a thread on whether or not PB should be removed or not ( on the grounds that it's a terrible ability that doesn't even blend with nyx's theme and other powers) 


But I failed to provide a wothy replacement so this is what this thread is for.





The idea is that Psychic mirror is to absorb , what Mind control is to Chaos.


>Almost similar functions ( Turns enemies against each other ) but work in different ways and in different situations 

Here's what I mean by that : Mind control single target  , mostly to stun or neutralize 1 powerful enemy . Chaos to Turn all enemies against each other but you can still be  a target. 





here's how it works :

> Nyx creates a Wall of telekinetic energy to reflect projectiles  towards enemies facing her. Only effective against Ranged attackers .

Ineffective against melee opponents 


So to visualize it's like a toggleable and mobile Volt electic shield that  is much smaller , drains energy over time and reflects damage.


It's a toggle ability  like absorb , so the shield will stay up until you press the skill button again. But it drains energy a lot faster than absorb but its casting is instantaneous.


Also , Nyx becomes a higer priotity threat when the mirror is up.


Reflects   1/1.5/2x damage recieved by ranged  enemies. facing you 



Replace PB with a mobile  Riot shield that reflects damage , but  drains more  energy over time than absorb. 






this inspired me for the ability idea




A wall of psychic and telekinetic power. 

Edited by Deidaku
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The idea itself is rather cool, but the augment for Psychic Bolts (WHEN IT WORKS) is far more useful, this ability does not round up Nyx in any way since you are hardly getting hit when you use chaos and a quick absorb and release will take away any pressure on you due to the knock down.


This skill sounds better on a completely different frame.

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The idea itself is rather cool, but the augment for Psychic Bolts (WHEN IT WORKS) is far more useful,



That's part of the problem


If it wasn't an augment and already in the skill i'd be almost fine with PB butv it isn't the case...



, this ability does not round up Nyx in any way 


Why so?


As I see it Nyx is super squishy , so all her abilitys are directed to either Protect herself from damage , or divert enemy attention.


This skill is mostly to protect from damage like absorb BUT It's mobile which makes it pretty useful in most missions.: it won' slow you down like absorb , sure it costs more energy to maintain but if you're ina  run& gun type mission where you gotta go fast , you can't affort to cast your 4 and get left behind or waste precious time. Especially against ranged enemies/



and the reflection part could just be turned into an augment( even if I don't like the idea of doing that x) )

Edited by Deidaku
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Further upgrades will lead to further nerf or enemies buff!
The idea to copy mechanics of other frames skills (EVEN if it is slightly weaker) is not appropriate and violating a uniqueness of frames at all, and it's not a goal for DE.


BTW absorb is much more like to what you described by your GIF than your suggestment.



Excuse my rage.

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Further upgrades will lead to further nerf or enemies buff!

The idea to copy mechanics of other frames skills (EVEN if it is slightly weaker) is not appropriate and violating a uniqueness of frames at all, and it's not a goal for DE.


BTW absorb is much more like to what you described by your GIF than your suggestment.



Excuse my rage.

1 calm down


2;  Freeze and fireball are the same thing , different element ; I don't see why you're not freaking out about that 


3. I had totally forgotten about turbulence but this is different. actually  all reflects, damage , drains energy over time and ahs a way smaller range.


+ The augments can make it different from turbulence even more

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1 calm down


2;  Freeze and fireball are the same thing , different element ; I don't see why you're not freaking out about that 


3. I had totally forgotten about turbulence but this is different. actually  all reflects, damage , drains energy over time and ahs a way smaller range.


+ The augments can make it different from turbulence even more

Just answer me straight why you need a tanking ability on almost invulnerable CC-frame? Just because you love her?

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I would much prefer something like this...

Psychic Crush: single target lock on skill (same targeting mechanic as Mind Control), deals 500 Finisher damage to the target in 5 ticks over 4 seonds, stunning the target for the duration. Counts as a one-handed action like the bolts.

Range effects casting range.

Power Strenght affects damage.

Power Duration effects the stun duration but not the number of ticks. Negative Duration will reduce the stun duration but not the damage, it will only be more compressed.

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Just answer me straight why you need a tanking ability on almost invulnerable CC-frame? Just because you love her?

Yes No shut up x)



No in all seriousness It's not that tanky. I said it several time , it drains energy fast . So keeping it up for a long time or using it too much isn't a viable option. it's more of a oh sh*t run away  button but you can still move with it.; Also It only protects from facing ranged enemies. Which makes it ideal for retreating , getting to cover , or supporting an offensive  ,  or just plain saving your life if you don't have the time to stay immoblile like in capture or intercept , or spy missions ( nyx is uber squishy )

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Yes No shut up x)



No in all seriousness It's not that tanky. I said it several time , it drains energy fast . So keeping it up for a long time or using it too much isn't a viable option. it's more of a oh sh*t run away  button but you can still move with it.; Also It only protects from facing ranged enemies. Which makes it ideal for retreating , getting to cover , or supporting an offensive  ,  or just plain saving your life if you don't have the time to stay immoblile like in capture or intercept , or spy missions ( nyx is uber squishy )

And after your suggestment will be implied in the game? What happens next? I'll tell you!


TONS of threads like "Oh me liek my Imber/Oberan/Zefir luv so much pliz DE change thier abiliti give me nuke and a dildo-dash cuz me want be pown  whole roomz!!!1! You reworkt Nix abiliti so gud i need jast more flexibility on my bild cum on Lotus please me DE i wanna dis so much!"


I agree, DE gives us choice how to play and what to use. But... your actions have consequences... If you use Nyx on solo spy - you fail or die. Or win. May be you just don't want adapt or develop a tactics?

Edited by Snestorm
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That's part of the problem


If it wasn't an augment and already in the skill i'd be almost fine with PB butv it isn't the case...




Why so?


As I see it Nyx is super squishy , so all her abilitys are directed to either Protect herself from damage , or divert enemy attention.


This skill is mostly to protect from damage like absorb BUT It's mobile which makes it pretty useful in most missions.: it won' slow you down like absorb , sure it costs more energy to maintain but if you're ina  run& gun type mission where you gotta go fast , you can't affort to cast your 4 and get left behind or waste precious time. Especially against ranged enemies/



and the reflection part could just be turned into an augment( even if I don't like the idea of doing that x) )

Yeah, but keep in mind Nyx is far from a run and gun frame, besides, if you are getting downed by enemies in front of you, you are doing something wrong.

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Yeah, but keep in mind Nyx is far from a run and gun frame, besides, if you are getting downed by enemies in front of you, you are doing something wrong.

If you really really need to get through a barrage of hitscan uber powerful rifle wielding bleed proc grineer  you're gonna need it.


Nyx is kinda run and gun.


She can get through enemy lines by diverting attention so you can keep running , while gunning :)

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If you really really need to get through a barrage of hitscan uber powerful rifle wielding bleed proc grineer you're gonna need it.


Chaos then dash through during the stun animation

Absorb then jump over them while they're on the ground

Mind Control an Arctic Eximus/Arson Eximus if it's there for slowdown/knockdown

You got plenty of options that do not require damage mitigation.

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I agree, DE gives us choice how to play and what to use. But... your actions have consequences... If you use Nyx on solo spy - you fail or die. Or win. May be you just don't want adapt or develop a tactics?

I actually managed to do that.


with a mix on mind control , chaos and a few silent weapons ( and a cr*pton  of cipgers) spy is pretty easy, no need to rush like a madman .


I main Nyx btww


My suggestion may not  be the best solution , but I really just want to see something useful as her n°2 to add variety .


It's so usless it hurts really x)

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I could see myself using this ability if it actually stopped bullets in midair and shot them back at my enemies.

How about:

Press the ability key once to activate the shield. While active, all ranged damage from the front is stopped in midair, and energy drained is based on damage absorbed. Pressing the ability key again will shoot all the caught bullets/projectiles out in a shotgun-like blast in front of you. The aesthetic of the ability would make bullets/projectiles freeze in midair in front of you. Power strength adds a damage multiplier to the reflected shots, power range increases the size of the shield, and efficiency decreases the energy drain.

Augment: allows you to catch friendly bullets in your shield, including your own.

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