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Star Wars Ep 7 New Trailer


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What happened with all the Stormtrooper helmets?


Has there been an accident with the helmet painting factory to make that?

The Emperor and Vader are dead. The Sith have [must] have a new leader, and they changed the look. Because it's what... 25-30 years after the #6?

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Eh.  Vaders mask was a let down.  He died with out the top half, and Luke didn't put it back on him... 


The only thing I can think of was that a random Stormtrooper or Fighter pilot wandered by in a fog of I'm about to die and put it back on him but ehhhh...


Actually, if you look close at the scene where Luke burned him, the helmet WAS back in place.



The Emperor and Vader are dead. The Sith have [must] have a new leader, and they changed the look. Because it's what... 25-30 years after the #6?


30 years is what they said.


You would THINK that even Stormtroopers would have SOME upgraded gear in that amount of time.


But... OMG! HAN!

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As some people would say: 


If it ain't white and broke, don't change it. 


Ok, an entire LEGION of them getting trounced by a horde of Ewoks and one Wookiee ain't BROKE?


Ok, Ok. Han and Leia and a small squad of Rebel Special Forces too.



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Chewie is alive!! :D




Now if only Mara Jade could come back... I LIKED her.


Well, they did mess up and changed most of the Stormtroopers to recruits instead of continuing with using Clone war Jango Fett clones. 


Well, the clones for the Clone War were bred to grow fast. They aged quickly too. According to the lore, none of them would have SURVIVED until Return of the Jedi, let alone this new timeframe.


But yeah. Read 'Death Star' sometime if you want a good view of how the OLD Stormtroopers felt about the NEW ones. (They were NOT happy)

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Well, the closes were bred to grow fast. According to the lore, none of them would have SURVIVED until Return of the Jedi, let alone this new timeframe.

But after the Kamino Uprising, the Emperor had the bright idea of, "We are going to stop using clones that have proved themselves very well before, not going to find new Cloning Masters to help the Empire do that, and instead go for recruiting! What can go wrong?". 


Heck, they stole the genetic template away. Surely they could find some loyal Cloning Masters to continue?

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But after the Kamino Uprising, the Emperor had the bright idea of, "We are going to stop using clones that have proved themselves very well before, not going to find new Cloning Masters to help the Empire do that, and instead go for recruiting! What can go wrong?". 


Heck, they stole the genetic template away. Surely they could find some loyal Cloning Masters to continue?


Um... They tried. Didn't work so well for them. The Kamino Clone Masters kept a LOT of secrets and were slaughtered by the Imperials. Every time clones were tried off of Kamino, it never ended well. (Unless of course you read 'Dark Empire' in which case... um... blech!)


I am wondering if Boba Fett will return or not. In the movie, he was supposed to have died. In the books and comics, he didn't. (Blew his way out of the Sarlaac. Ouch.)

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Um... They tried. Didn't work so well for them. The Kamino Clone Masters kept a LOT of secrets. Every time clones were tried off of Kamino, it never ended well.

They could have made an effort, or find other cloners around the place.


I mean, sure, it would of a lesser quality, but most likely better than recruiting other people. 


I am wondering if Boba Fett will return or not. In the movie, he was supposed to have died. In the books and comics, he didn't. (Blew his way out of the Sarlaac. Ouch.)

Actually, in the movie, it was left up to the viewers. 

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Actually, in the movie, it was left up to the viewers. 


I think Lucas was asked at one point and he replied 'He died'. But that was before I lost all faith in the man, before 'The Phantom Menace'.

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Um... They tried. Didn't work so well for them. The Kamino Clone Masters kept a LOT of secrets and were slaughtered by the Imperials. Every time clones were tried off of Kamino, it never ended well. (Unless of course you read 'Dark Empire' in which case... um... blech!)


I am wondering if Boba Fett will return or not. In the movie, he was supposed to have died. In the books and comics, he didn't. (Blew his way out of the Sarlaac. Ouch.)

Wasnt he in Sarlaac for around 100 years? It is a bit too early for to get out.

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Wasnt he in Sarlaac for around 100 years? It is a bit too early for to get out.


Depends on which book you read.


In 1 he was in there for a hundred years. All of the others, less than a week before he blew his way out.

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*dat moment when you realize you know nothing about star wars compared to those guys ^   *  x)


Hey. I saw 'Star Wars: A New Hope' in a drive in theater in 1978. I was 6 years old. As soon as the music started, I was hooked for life. Tell me this DOESN'T get the blood flowing?







The movies (some more than others, mind you!). The books. The games. Hell, I own a professionally made Jedi costume.


I AM a true Star Wars nerd. AND PROUD OF IT!



I STILL play The Throne Room Scene music when I need a pick me up.




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I think Lucas was asked at one point and he replied 'He died'. But that was before I lost all faith in the man, before 'The Phantom Menace'.

Boba Fett is apparently one of the characters Disney is considering making a spin-off movie about, so there's a good chance that they are going to keep him alive. He just probably won't be appearing in this next trilogy, or at least not in Episode 7.

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