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Defense Mission Reinforcement Bug


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Defense missions do not accept reinforcements past wave 5.


I think I discovered the reason for this. If you try to join a game where the objective is complete, it will give you a message saying you cannot join for that reason. Assassination target is already dead for example.


The problem here is that the objective "completes" as soon as wave 5 ends. The fix would be as simple as never making the objective complete unless all players claim and exit.


It sucks watching your team claim and exit, knowing they will not be replaced.


Please fix ASAP!!
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Ah yes, currently a design choice to prevent exploitative behaviour. Will suggest a revisit, but it will take some finessing to make late-defense joins work.


My understanding of the concern is that:

Me and friend get to Wave 49, someone joins, plays round, leaves at Wave 50 with sweet reward.

Sorry for the inconvenience this causes.

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Me and friend get to Wave 49, someone joins, plays round, leaves at Wave 50 with sweet reward.


well since the wave 50 reward is most likely a hellfire mod, he is more like doing a favor for the group :p

also not to forget all the affinity bonuses and resources are already gone. I don't see it as an exploit currently unless there are some real `sweet rewards` are on the way as a reward for playing over the wave 15 ;)

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Ok, there is bound to be a flood of half-arsed suggestions, so here's my single-buttock idea:


Maybe have the game keep track of the highest wave that you get to on a given single defense map. Thereafter, only allow people to join as a reenforcement at the previous checkpoint.. eg, a player whose all-time best is lv 49 as above is only allowed to (at best) jump into a game at the start of lv 46.This avoids people getting "powerlevelled" right into high levels before they're ready for it, to an extent.


If you want to be really evil, you could also only offer the additional checkpoint rewards for late joiners for complete five wave stretches- for example, if someone jumped in at lv 48, they wouldn't see any extra checkpoint rewards offered until lv 55 (but that IS a bit evil). This ensures a certain minimum span of attendance, at the least.. At higher levels, it's quite hard to carry a player who isn't doing their job, after all.




Also, surely it's not a huge deal, as the pop-up rewards aren't sufficiently biased towards rare mods to be a problem? They seem to be pretty... modest in value, to put it politely. The biggest advantage with defense is the sheer quantity of mods over time, not the five round rewards- so if someone joins late, their chances for something worthwhile are also sufficiently diminished. This might actually be a worthwhile trade-off for not having to do all the first boring waves (which can be really slow if people try to spawncamp and scatter them rather than waiting in the middle, insta-nuking it all).

Edited by Kattefjaes
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My other cheek:

Had a thought - maybe it becomes invite only, so only your friend's could join. As a friend, you would hope they would not join grab and leave. That takes at least one part of the exploit out of the equation.

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My other cheek:

Had a thought - maybe it becomes invite only, so only your friend's could join. As a friend, you would hope they would not join grab and leave. That takes at least one part of the exploit out of the equation.

But then everyone but one person could leave, securing the reward mod, then rejoin and keep going.

I think this should be revisited, but we need to think of a way to fix it.

Just thought of this, how about if you join half way through,mother other people get the mod rewards for correct level, but the new person starts at rewards from level 5. Thoughts?

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But then everyone but one person could leave, securing the reward mod, then rejoin and keep going.

I think this should be revisited, but we need to think of a way to fix it.

Just thought of this, how about if you join half way through,mother other people get the mod rewards for correct level, but the new person starts at rewards from level 5. Thoughts?


Works for me!

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The other thing to wonder aloud is if it's worth worrying about. This rewards don't get amazing beyond a certain level, you still see a buttload of hellfire and things at lv 50. If you don't believe me, find some of the videos of people going to 80+.


Maybe on paper it's supposed to be a higher chance, but it's bordering on homeopathic. It's not that significant that it's worth losing sleep over, even if you did leap in on wave 49 right now.


Obviously, DE want to keep a scarcity of rare mods, as it's part of their monetisation model- I don't entirely blame them for this, but I don't think this "exploit" would make a measurable difference either way.

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Just thought of this, how about if you join half way through,mother other people get the mod rewards for correct level, but the new person starts at rewards from level 5. Thoughts?


Is there a difference between reward from wave 5 and reward for higher waves ?

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What exactly is the issue of a player entering at 49, and leaving at 50? Is the problem he got free loot? Or that he somehow screwed the group over. Because it sounded like you meant the latter, and if that's the case it's really a non-issue, as the player who joins right after them is unlikely to leave so fast. Even if they do, eventually you'll find someone who sticks around (assuming it's a popular map).


Secondly - what if people can only join at specific intervals? Like level 41 and 42 are available to add new players, then it locks down again until 46 and 47. Something like that.

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Secondly - what if people can only join at specific intervals? Like level 41 and 42 are available to add new players, then it locks down again until 46 and 47. Something like that.


1. I agree, allow joining up to 1 whole wave before an exit wave, so you can join from wave 41 to wave 44 (if the timer countdown to start wave is still going and wave has not begun), but at wave 44/45 it's locked out. This means a player needs to complete/survive 2 full waves to get an exit reward.


2. If you have already joined that map once in that session, you cannot rejoin


3. When joining a defence mission in progress, it needs to tell the joiner it's already reached exit point wave n before they join and take up a free slot. Not the exact wave. e.g. Mission has reached Wave 25, 30, 35,40 etc..but not how far through wave it is.


4. Warframe rank limits e.g. After Level 30 warframes below rank 20 can't join, just to weed out the chaff.

Edited by DaveC
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There should be


But most likely it isnt. Or if there is, the increase in chances of getting better rewards at higher level are very very low. In fact they are so low, that being told that "we will be rewarded" by Lotus on choosing to continue to fight, can be classified as a "false statement" or a "lie".

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