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How Do I Play As Trinity?



I don't understand what Link really does or how it could do more damage than Bladestorm like I have read?  I don't know what abilities I should mod around?  I don't understand which build will lead to Trinity being invincible.  I read something about down to 2 HP and stuff and it all too confusing.


Trinity is my 2nd frame and will be my main frame as she is the first frame that I have potato. 


Can someone show me how to play trinity and what each abilites really does?  When I use blessing, it didn't restore my or allies shield to 100%, only health?  Does her ultimate still give immunity or only some immunity since she was nerf.



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1.No with WOL you will need to shoot to gain health.

2.yes EV pulses with energy, doing a %dmg to the target. if you cast WOL give it a second then cast EV you'll get alot more energy per pulse and when WOL runs out EV will kill the target.

3.you don't need to target Link it auto targets on the nearest mobs. and yes you can still fall of the map it's not a physical link....

4.Blessing duration will depend your build, yes it's a global cast so no matter how far the team mates are they will be healed and get the 98% dmg reduction.

5. Yes ^.^ trinity will never die while you're neck deep in melee battle with lvl 150 grineer and only a galatine to back you up. (so go get hurt and hit 4 again)

6. Play how you like to depending on how you mod her you can focus on the dmg reduction + duration build and focus on casting link and blessing to keep your team alive, or you can go with a high dmg EV+WOL spam build to kill anything and everything. 


I don't understand your #2 and your #6 response.  How does EV and WoL do damage?  Nothing listed in both abilities does damage?

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Here are my 2 ways to mod her:


God MODE;http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=399062377


Energy Vamp support build: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=399062456


Dad always told me to give credit when credit is due :p



that video finally explained how to use the damn blessing

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I don't understand your #2 and your #6 response.  How does EV and WoL do damage?  Nothing listed in both abilities does damage?

Okay so "Well of life" multiplies the targets hp by 10x and heals it to full health,


then " Energy vampire" hits the target for 6.5% of there total hp, which if cast while WOL is active is 65% so when WOL finishes EV still uses 65% dmg and you can kill things with this combo.


and i was wrong about the extra energy it's a flat 25 per tick at max rank (affected by power stength)

Edited by SmashingGudTime
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Okay so "Well of life" multiplies the targets hp by 10x and heals it to full health,


then " Energy vampire" hits the target for 6.5% of there total hp, which if cast while WOL is active is 65% so when WOL finishes EV still uses 65% dmg and you can kill things with this combo.


and i was wrong about the extra energy it's a flat 25 per tick at max rank (affected by power stength)


Amazing how just by reading the ability, you couldn't even tell it does damage.  Thanks for the reply, I got to try this out on low level mission.  What mods should I use for the WoL + EV build?  Also this build is this before trinity even kill them, like say if i don't melee or shoot them would I still do damage?

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The best way to build a Tank Trinity is IMO ignoring Link and focusing mainly on Blessing. With a good build you will have almost constant 99 damage reduction (except ~ 1-2 sec.).



(start at 11:11)

If you dont use a Arcane Aura Helmet you will have to switch your Glaive Build a bit up http://goo.gl/LiS8eP


This Blessing Build aswell as the Glaive P Build ( for SAFE selfdamage) in this video have helped me greatly and it's something more people should know about IMO.

Edited by sarcas79
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The best way to build a Tank Trinity is IMO ignoring Link and focusing mainly on Blessing. With a good build you will have almost constant 99 damage reduction (except ~ 1-2 sec.).



(start at 11:11)

If you dont use a Arcane Aura Helmet you will have to switch your Glaive Build a bit up http://goo.gl/LiS8eP


This Blessing Build aswell as the Glaive P Build ( for SAFE selfdamage) in this video have helped me greatly and it's something more people should know about IMO.


Are these video still vitable?  Aren't they outdated?  It hard to find youtube guide of trinity after her nerf. 

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These self-damage builds are way too fiddly and your opponents will take care of damaging you quite well, thank you very much.


Rage isn't necessary and not even that desirable, depending how you set Trin up. If you're actually running vigor/vitality, then it has some utility as a golden parachute, but Trin really doesn't have the effective health to make good use of it if you're running strict Prime Flow/QT builds with all the trimmings.


Basically, what you do is use EV to max your energy (and your team, but it's really about you), then keep link up at all times. I use OE to make sure I have an anchor no matter what. Use enough power mods to max return and you have most of the build. Stack duration as much as possible. The Arcane Aura helm can help with duration, but does cost you effective health, if that matters to you (I got tired of looking at the spare tire hat a long time ago and generally run the Arcane Meridian).


Even with link, you're going to get hammered if you're in the center of the action (and you should be). Link is there to give you effective health and (important!) keep you on your feet. Can't cast stuff if you get knocked down. When you hit the 2hp and tap your energy reserve (maxed primed flow, don't you know?), then you hit blessing and your team is at 99% DR and can go ham until it wears off. While they're getting their hate on, you spam EV to max your energy and repeat the whole process.


That's essentially Tinity in a nutshell as she is at present. There's some room for experimentation and a spam heal build for slumming, but the EV/link/blessing rotation is fundamental to playing her and you should mod to leverage this no matter what loadout or playstyle you choose.

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Trinity is a great frame, but honestly requires a ton of R5 Cores to rank up. If you are using Primed mods like i will be, you would require around 3-4 Forma on her. Honestly the 99% Damage Reduction + Rage builds arent really helpful if your in a team, as some frames are squishy and need you to hit Blessing very early.


This is more of a "Team Focused" Build, but can be appropriately modded if going Solo.

This is the build i am Aiming for:   http://goo.gl/iusD6A


Aura Slot: Corrosive Projection - Trinity doesnt need Energy Siphon or Rejuvenation because her Blessing and EV Fix that, Corrosive Proj. Allows you todo more damage.


Quick Thinking + Flow - Incase you aren't Able to hit 4 in time in a hectic fight, the extra energy from Flow with help with Quick thinking, Also casting your ult at 2 HP gives 99% Damage Reduction.


Blind Rage + Transient Fortitude/Intensify - These are your strength mods to make EV give a larger amount of Energy per cast.


Narrow Minded + Continuity - These are your duration mods, You should be keeping your Link up 24/7 if there are enemies near so rather than getting knocked down, you get thrown in the air, and Blessing can be casted while in the air. Link also negates 75% Damage and gives back the damage to the Enemies that are affected by your Link and as we know, enemy damage in survival / defense scale very quickly.


Overextended + Vampire Leech - Since Narrow minded gives a -60% Range at rank 9 I use a Rank 3 Overextended to negate that, You can also max this out for increased range, but at the cost of a lower total Energy from EV, If you are going solo i suggest swapping this mod out for a different one, Maybe Intensify / Transient Fortitude to get even more strength or some Efficiency. Vampire Leech is a Personal preference, it is also very good for buffing up your teams shields, Can be swapped with Efficiency or Strength mods. 


*Natural Talent* - If you dislike Overextended / Vampire Leech you can use a natural Talent mod for a faster EV Cast, Meaning if you arent using Overextended and you are using a Vampire Leech you can get Overshields alot faster.


This Build Requires 4 Forma, But if you use a Intensify over the Transient fortitude, it will only cost you around 3 Forma.


Basically all you do is spam EV at the beginning to gain energy, cast Link and use EV again to gain back that lost energy and using blessing when necessary, WoL isnt really used but in a defense mission you can constantly WoL the last target to keep it from trying to shoot the Pod and allowing the Pod to gain back some Health.


Since Trinity doesn't have damage dealing skills (Except Link, which chooses enemies at random i believe) I suggest some strong weapons like Soma Prime, Boltor Prime, Vaykor/Marelok, BUT it is up to you.


The Last thing is for melee weapons and that i suggest Tipedo / Dual Ichors as these can Copter and the Ichors are a meat grinder with good mods and since Trinity is basically a tank, she can walk right up and spam E. 


NOTE: I Suggest maxing out Primed Flow and Transient Fortitude and Primed Continuity but keeping them at rank 9 is still very efficienct unless you are rolling with cores and credits. Narrow minded and Blind Rage should be kept at around rank 9, but that is my personal preference.


NOTE: Overextended and Vampire leech are PERSONAL preferences and can be swapped with your own choice of mods!

Edited by PogChamp322
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This is my personal build, which focuses on giving the team energy + shields through EV/VL while being tanky with Link and healing with Blessing. It could be adapted into a self mutilating emo Blessing build pretty easily if you want to go that way.


Corrosive Projection, Quick Thinking, Primed Flow, Rage, Vampire Leech, Primed Continuity, Stretch, Natural Talent, Streamline


Note: I have Arcane Aura helm



Rage isn't necessary and not even that desirable, depending how you set Trin up. If you're actually running vigor/vitality, then it has some utility as a golden parachute, but Trin really doesn't have the effective health to make good use of it if you're running strict Prime Flow/QT builds with all the trimmings.


She does have enough effective health, due to Link.

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This is my build>




I tested it and found that it was very good at letting me cast multiple abilities and getting back all the energy in less than 2 casts of EV, when i cast EV and kil the enemy immediately with my guns to get all the ticks in one go. Also, blessing gives 80 % so i just cast it again, rather than going for more strength. Also, I went for more range (47.5 metres on EV) since I want to be able to use this in any mission and get energy to my teammates.


BUT, I only recently got back to using and modding Trin and I am not a very good Trin player so I want some advice here from the Trin pros about whether I should replace Constitution with Rage considering I just bought the Toilet Seat helmet XD for her, but I don't have space for Vitality.


Another question is should I use my R6 Blind Rage along with a Max Overextended to get the best of both Range and Strength at the cost of Efficiency? Or could I replace Rage/Constitution with a low rank Fleeting for more eff?


Any replies would be greatly appreciated!


EDIT: I still have to forma the Aura for CP, I know. Just using Physique in place of Reju to get that QT 99 % dmg reduction to work. :P

Edited by Sci_Ant
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If it were me I'd replace Stretch and Constitution with Rage and Natural Talent, replace Intensify with Transient Fortitude and take Overtended to max (or rather, replace it with another copy of Overtended at max).


Or I'd replace Overextended and Intensify with Rage and Natural Talent.


At least get Natural Talent in there somewhere. Trinity is super annoying to play without it.

Edited by OniGanon
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So there is no logic behind it?  Well I won't question it, but just that it seem odd. 


There is a simple logic behind it >


1. You have 300 HP for example, could be any number, with or without Vitality mod doesn't matter.


2. You as Trinity or any team member is using the mod Quick Thinking.


3. You or the team member with Quick Thinking is attacked by an enemy taking the health down to 2 HP, since at that point Quick Thinking keeps you alive by draining your energy rather than health.


4. The Trinity casts Blessing and heals herself or the team member with Quick Thinking for whatever amount of healing her blessing can provide. It does not need to be a complete heal, meaning the power strength on Trinity does not need to be the minimum required + 25 % to get a full 100 % heal from 2 HP to full 300 or 'xxx' HP.


5. Since the healing was DONE FROM 2 HP, and since 2 HP is 0.6666 % of 300, you get 99.3333 % (rounded off to 99%) damage reduction from Blessing since the damage reduction does not depend on the amount of HP healed, it only depends on the amount of HP FROM WHICH it was healed.


6. NOTE: Quick thinking is not the only way to get 99 % damage reduction but the most effective one since it gives you reaction time to cast Blessing. You could also have a maxed Vitality mod getting 740 HP on most frames, and wait till your HP drops to 7 to cast Blessing and get 99% damage reduction, which is much more difficult due to short reaction time.


Hope that makes sense now.

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The damage reduction of Blessing depends on the highest percentage of healing it does among your team. If you want 99% damage reduction, you need someone who is 99% dead.

*Technically* the DR % is based on the inverse of the lowest percentage of health remaining at the time Blessing is cast. If you have a very low power strength, you will only partially heal people but will get the same DR as if you had lots of power strength (and a full heal).


For example, from the above situation with 2 health remaining of 300, with -60% strength you would heal only 32% health (96 hp, bringing them to 98%) but you would get the full 99% duration.


You can set up like this if your only role is healing; this would let you pop Blessing again after the timer runs out, healing from 98->194 and getting a second damage reduction Blessing for 67% right after the first, without needing to wait for people to get close to dead or self-nuking.


You can also just activate QT by self-nuking with an AoE weapon - I prefer the Kestrel with some (~110) toxin damage.

Edited by Darzk
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