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Option To Slap Void Trader


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"Do have a look, who knows, you may turn into a paying customer someday."


We need an option to slap the Void Trader. Simple as that. Whenever the arrogant little elitist opens his trashy mouth, how many of you have a sudden, uncontrollable desire to punch your computer screen? Anyone who has ever visited Baro Ki'Teer when not equipped with prime gear should have experienced this.


"All my wares come from the Void. Perhaps you'll get to visit sometime."


I've already thought about how it would be implemented. Whenever he spouts off an elitist remark, a button prompt should come up saying "Click to slap". You can hold down left click to charge up your slap, simply tapping it to give him a reminder not to tick you off again, or holding it down for longer to inflict true punishment. You could use your mouse to aim the slap so as to strike different parts of his face, inflicting damage where you want and adding an element of skill. If you charge it up for long enough and aim your slap correctly, you should even be treated to breaking his jaw!


"I underestimated you Tenno. I do hope you didn't put yourself in a hole for this?"


Do you have any idea how irritating it is to be confronted by an insufferable elitist that you do not have the power to physically abuse? We need that power in Warframe.



Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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I was being sarcastic about the implementation of a slapping feature, not the desire to slap him itself. I would absolutely love to have the opportunity to slap the Void Trader, it's just never going to happen.


Only if we're a female frame.


Edit: No we kick his crotch as female.


You make a sexist comment in an anti-elitist thread?


Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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Do you have any idea how irritating it is to be confronted by an insufferable elitist that you do not have the power to physically abuse?

I play online video games, so yes?


Really, punching random people should be a thing, followed by being chased by the Relay guards all shouting, "I used to be a Tenno like you, then I took a Fomorian blast to the knee!" 

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(Excluding the "/sarcasm" from this post)

But he treats me so kindly. It's almost as if he treats me, along with anyone else using their Primes, with honor and respect.

I'd rather hug him than slap him.


You think using prime gear makes you better than other people?


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You think using non-prime gear makes you better than other people?




You think what gear you use actually has an effect on how good of a person you are?


I would post the image again, but I'm too lazy to type out all the BBcode a third time.

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You think what gear you use actually has an effect on how good of a person you are?


I would post the image again, but I'm too lazy to type out all the BBcode a third time.

Not really, no. I never said it affected how good or bad of a person I was.

Also, I thought posting the BB code was just as simple as %7Boption%7D link and then the closing one.

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The infection is spreading. This thread isn't even about physically abusing elitists anymore. WHAT HAVE I DONE!?


You input the bb code to put the image "you disgust me" with the spy from TF2.

If we're going to be able to physically abuse Baro, why can't we hug him too? He treats me as if he were my servant at times.

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