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Tileset Idea. All Feedback Is Welcome.


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This is a repost from March 2014. Our community has grown a lot since then, so perhaps I can get more constructive feedback this time around. Feel free to throw in your ideas, or poke at the lore innacuracies.

Earth... The home world of the Grineer. We have seen many battles fought here, and many changed throughout Warframe's development. We now have the forest tile sets with swamps and broken Grineer technology.

But... What of the ancient civilizations?

My idea is to design concept, and convince DE to implement tiles for an ancient( and destroyed) human city. In the likeness of New York, Tokyo, Houston, Moscow, whatever. Allowing the Tenno to explore what once was, and how it ended.

The ideas for concept are endless, but how should we do it? Aged and broken? Destroyed and ashes? Flooded in ice or dirt? What happened to earth after these thousands of years? What happened after the days of Hayden Tenno?

The general idea is to let players roam around and kill Corpus and Griner(maybe even a new faction?!) in the human's home world. Giving a sense of "holy crap what happened?" to the game.

MY hopes is to see an entirely infested city. Nothing remaining but infested and maybe specs of Grineer. Reflecting on how things were heading in Dark Sector...

Imagine this; You are Rhino. Doing what seems to be your every day Grineer extermination or recon. You land on the planet and the ship flies away. Your feet plant on the ground and dust flies from the ground as if you are the first to ever touch this Earth. You walk into the city, broken and destroyed, void of all life and eerily quiet. You walk into a large half-fallen building and find the bones of countless humans. As if they were huddled together for safety and warmth. Now fossilized from the elements and time. You proceed onto a dark stairway... the first step snaps from rust. As if it was waiting for a day that so much as a moth were to place it's feet upon it. The silence breaks and echos throughout the ruins of the once-was city. Silent moans grow into loud roars, the ground shakes, and the hairs on your neck begin to stand. Infested.... Like never seen before. Mutations on the Lephantis scale. Large, ancient brutes. Grineer are no longer your problem. Survival is.

If you have any ideas for the tile sets, or even feedbacks, feel welcome. Please refrain from rude, or blatant insults. Thanks for reading.

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this guy want to see famous city in ruin


well here's a problem, first of all the Earth has a tight problem that been overwhelming with Orokin tree (i think ?), Second is If you put too much thing on Earth, what's left for the other planet in the solar system ?

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this guy want to see famous city in ruin

well here's a problem, first of all the Earth has a tight problem that been overwhelming with Orokin tree (i think ?), Second is If you put too much thing on Earth, what's left for the other planet in the solar system ?

On the OP a year ago, a guy suggested throwing it on mars, since its likely to be the next inhabited planet IRL. What would you think of that?

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Mars already has the Grineer Settlement as one of its tilesets (which seems to be hinting at a previous settlement of human/humanoid species that for some reason abandoned pioneering Mars).


I for one would love to see a "city" sub-tileset within the Earth tileset.


What I mean by subtileset, is essentially like "themes" within the tileset. Such as example would be:


- The Ice Caves in the Corpus Ice tileset

- The Overground in the Corpus Ice tileset

- The inner caves in the Grineer Forest


DE could possibly modify the existing Grineer Forest exterior so that in the background and foreground, it would look like a city. It could basically function as a "Concrete and Natural Jungle" basically, showing how nature has reclaimed Earth centuries after The Collapse.

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Mars already has the Grineer Settlement as one of its tilesets (which seems to be hinting at a previous settlement of human/humanoid species that for some reason abandoned pioneering Mars).

I for one would love to see a "city" sub-tileset within the Earth tileset.

What I mean by subtileset, is essentially like "themes" within the tileset. Such as example would be:

- The Ice Caves in the Corpus Ice tileset

- The Overground in the Corpus Ice tileset

- The inner caves in the Grineer Forest

DE could possibly modify the existing Grineer Forest exterior so that in the background and foreground, it would look like a city. It could basically function as a "Concrete and Natural Jungle" basically, showing how nature has reclaimed Earth centuries after The Collapse.

I like this as well. Its much more subtle, but gives a similar aesthetic and atmosphere.
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On the OP a year ago, a guy suggested throwing it on mars, since its likely to be the next inhabited planet IRL. What would you think of that?

unless the Grineer or Corpus invented a teleporter that can transfer an Earth city to Mars, i don't think it's relevant.


My point is, Earth maybe special deserve an epic view of future Apocalypse. But if Earth have too many epic map then that would make the rest of the other planet seem boring.

plus there's still some planet that share the same environment with other (Venus, Mercucy, Sartun, Neptune and Pluto), DE will most likely put them on top before Earth.

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I would love this so much. It's even not that hard to implement using the tile system: Street-wide tiles. Blocked off areas with buildings fallen over. Lots of art to do.

Although I doubt how lore-friendly this would be, since the whole planet belonged to the Orokin. And, yaknow, the Void Towers seem to be not degraded at all...

Edited by Institute-Marksman
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I don't think there'd really be any ruins left for a few reasons, Warframe takes an indefinite amount of time after the events of Dark Sector, naturally, it'd have to be a long time for an advanced empire to rise, recede, rise taller and die off, then have the Tenno go into cryosleep for another unspecified amount of time. Even then, do you think these cities would be left after the Orokin empire came to be? Their technology was so advanced they either abandoned Earth and used it for experiments, or completely upgraded each city using Orokin materials, tech and architecture.

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I don't think there'd really be any ruins left for a few reasons, Warframe takes an indefinite amount of time after the events of Dark Sector, naturally, it'd have to be a long time for an advanced empire to rise, recede, rise taller and die off, then have the Tenno go into cryosleep for another unspecified amount of time. Even then, do you think these cities would be left after the Orokin empire came to be? Their technology was so advanced they either abandoned Earth and used it for experiments, or completely upgraded each city using Orokin materials, tech and architecture.

There would still be -something- left. Considering how durable modern architecture matierals are. So in a city as large as Tokyo, there's bound to be remnants of old stuff. Even 10,000 years later. There would still be -something-. Yknow?

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I would love this so much. It's even not that hard to implement using the tile system: Street-wide tiles. Blocked off areas with buildings fallen over. Lots of art to do.

Although I doubt how lore-friendly this would be, since the whole planet belonged to the Orokin. And, yaknow, the Void Towers seem to be not degraded at all...

They got a legion of roombas working it. That is the only reason why.

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  • 6 months later...

DE can put two or more different tilesets on a planet and restrict access, be it through mastery rank(damn! but necessary too) or through a route, meaning you have to do things on other planets or even a quest to access these(why not more?) new tilesets outside special situations like events, quests and such. This idea may not be restricted to Earth, the solar system is a big place full of possibilities and with orokin terraforming magic the imagination is the limit.


My ideas for this urban tileset:


A city, not ghost, but active, with 3 layers:

 Undercity, of ancient sewers, caves or ruins of the little left of old cities like our current ones. Only beasts and the desperate go there (good place for hidden caches in sabotage missions). Toxic waste puddles and/or clouds can be enviromental hazard.


 Lower city, slum scenery, lots of terraces, staircases and ramps. Filmsy walls don't block weapons fire even if they are not with punch-through mods. The place is full with civilians (yes, civilians) roaming around and screaming when we come with guns blazing at their opressors. Hitting civilians can be a failure condition for some missions or even a chaotic element to spice things like civilians brainwashed from propaganda equipped with molotov cocktails ready to set us on fire if we get close screaming harsh language and other titles like "Betrayer!" and "Burn the monster!"


 Upper city, grineer fortification, walls, battlements, ramparts, usual settlement equipment.The layout of the upper city, as high security area, makes stealth much harder, forcing you to go down the rat's way through lower layers to access some places without a fight or even secret areas with treasure.


These 3 strata could reflect the state of the civilization system-wide The orokin built their cities over the ruins of ours and the grineer built them over orokin ruins, such a cute vicious cicle, huh? Each tile could have 2 or the 3 strata making them diverse and spacious, focus on verticality. Color and design difference of each layer emphasize the time difference and social status of the grineer as current rulers;


Old terrors. This other idea requires Dark Sector creatures and stuff to have survived somehow, even if buried over tons of earth. Underground cave, very deep. The ruins are dotted with grineer equipment left to rot and the fossilized bodies of many clones who died fighting the horrors who  dwell in this Lotus-forsaken hell hole. In some places we see grineer fortifications guarding the entrances of the caves, lots of ramparts and heavier guns pointing to the darkness and big messages saying in grineer and orokin: "Abandon all hope those who go beyond this point".


 Missions in this very dangerous place could involve artifact recovery or quests explaining for good the relationship beetwen the old and new technocyte virus, what the orokin did to modify the old virus, how they found it and what exactly was the Great Plague, still mentioned only. Something to do despite orders of the Lotus to keep the legendary past dead and buried.


Thanks for reading my post to the end... : )


Now that you read my entire post: am i asking too much of a horde game?

Edited by renleech
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