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Stances Need A Rework


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Hey guys


here's a small list of things that I believe need to be looked at again by DE concerning melee stances z


SInking talon


Tried this stance with Fang and ether daggers. it keeps missing. The hitboxes are off and the aniamtion is too clunky.



Iron phoenix


It's too rare of a stance to beling the the most common weapon type in the game. Also apart from the Aoe slam it's uskess compared to C. Dervish


Brutal tide


We need 1 more combo for this stance. an the combo animations are too slow and awkward to tell apart. 







For all stances


> Visual feedback. it's severy lacking for combos therefore combos where you have to pause an then press again are very annoying  and difficult to pull off, espescially with attacks speed modifiers like buffs or debuffs.




For people who buy the melee weapon with platinum directly

> Those should get a random stance that goes with the weapon.  Imoit would justify the price even further.   at least let prime acsess or bundle melee weapons get that treatment





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I think you mean an expansion?

Anyway yeah, lots of existing stances require buffs and more combos. I recall Tempo Royale having a X2 multiplier for a certain combo, Crimson Dervish has X3 damage for the first 3 hits. Some stances need something significant like that. Visual feedback, due to the fast pace of the game it makes it difficult for people to appreciate the combos when you're using them like when you play DMC. The only combos I truly appreciated in this game were Tempo Royale's.

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I think you mean an expansion?

Anyway yeah, lots of existing stances require buffs and more combos. I recall Tempo Royale having a X2 multiplier for a certain combo, Crimson Dervish has X3 damage for the first 3 hits. Some stances need something significant like that. Visual feedback, due to the fast pace of the game it makes it difficult for people to appreciate the combos when you're using them like when you play DMC. The only combos I truly appreciated in this game were Tempo Royale's.



T.Royale is amazing!

But yeah I wonder why DE doesn't add damga multipliers to all stance. because right now they're making a lot of stances inferior for no reason even if they have better animation and fluidity...

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I honestly don't care about the DMG stances do and stuff, mainly because just about every dagger, or sword/dual sword stance sucks. Just the look of the stance makes me not want to use the weapons... The only reason I still have Dakra is because of C. Dervish, also.



That's just my point of view.

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  • 4 months later...

Really, most of the old stances need either a buff or a rework. For example, crimson dervish is in need of a rework. Not a buff, but it needs more visual variety to its attacks. As is, crimson dervish is a very effective but boring stance to use. Other stances are in need of both a visual rework and a buff (scythes, dual daggers, etc.).

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