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Other People Exist. People Are Different. Live With It.


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My Fellow Tenno in Arms,


Recently in the forums i have seen tons and tons of posts where people talk about how different kinds of people are hurting the game, and how some are better then others, and how we should all stop playing in specific ways becuase they don't benefit the game. Well I hate to break it to you.



Please for the love of the game EVERYONE do two really simple things.

1. Stop caring about how people play the game and run missions, moreover leave them alone for it. If you don't like it, then host your own keys, make your own posts, separate yourself from them. But do not tell other people that how they play, and what they bring, is wrong. Because the funny thing about video games is AS LONG AS ITS A PERSON PLAYING THEN THEY CANT PLAY THE GAME WRONG. YOU MAY NOT LIKE IT. BUT IT ISN'T WRONG.

So Stop attacking people over how they approach their missions.

If you think they are playing the game wrong then find me the Warframe Player Manual By: Digital Extremes And please show me some direct quotes.

2. Stop attacking people or trying to force people to play your way. How do you do this? LET THE HOST CHOOSE THE PLAY STYLE. If you don't like it then go host your own mission, or find another host. Do not argue with the host of the mission, its their key they can choose whoever they want for their mission. they can require whatever they want.


How about this we all stop attacking each other for playing the game? How about we play with those we wish, and ignore those we wish. How about we stop being offended when someone wants to camp? How about we stop caring when someone wants to not camp. How about we stop trying to convert each other to modes of thinking that are different and still equal.

Lets stop making posts that try to figure out whose better. And. Get. Back. To. Playing. The. Game.

And having FUN. 


Lastly: Elitests / Completionist / Casuals


We need you all. But we need you all to be reasonable.


Your drive and your passion fuels the progress of the game. You want to be the best and you push yourself to extremes giving other players someone and something to look up too. This is great there is nothing like an Inspired player to fuel the game. HOWEVER Slandering and attacking weaker and less experienced players is horrendous and unacceptable. If you want to show someone how great you are. Help them. They will see your god like powers. And instead of being a negative influence, you will aspire them to be your future competition, and together you will ascend. Stop attacking weaker players. Some of you dont and its amazing. I love it. I spend most of my day carrying people, and its way more fun then attacking and insulting those weaker then me.


You want to get everything in the game, to complete the game to its fullest. This drives a competitive in-game market and economy, it fuels players to fight for loot, resources and an efficient way to get the most done. HOWEVER If you cannot get something or complete something understand that Its your own fualt. If you cant do something then you need to live with that. Don't punish others for what you lack. Instead Learn from them, and use them as a means to complete the game to its fullest.



Your the bulk of the gaming community here. Without you, this game wouldn't have the money to thrive as it has and continues to. You are the consumers in the player market, and the future Grandmasters of Warframe. All I have to do is offer you advice. Listen to players of a higher mastery rank when they explain things. If you believe you are more advanced then them then ignore there advice. But LET THEM SPEAK the majority of the time people are trying to help.

DISCLAIMER - These are common tropes and within them we find other groups.

Parting Shot - BE HUMBLE. Arrogance will destroy WF. We cannot have players who dont listen to eachother and respect eachothers ideals and appraoches to game play. Please for the love of the lotus. Be HONORABLE TENNO.

Olivionic Gearhart




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My Fellow Tenno in Arms,


Recently in the forums i have seen tons and tons of posts where people talk about how different kinds of people are hurting the game, and how some are better then others, and how we should all stop playing in specific ways becuase they don't benefit the game. Well I hate to break it to you.



Please for the love of the game EVERYONE do two really simple things.

1. Stop caring about how people play the game and run missions, moreover leave them alone for it. If you don't like it, then host your own keys, make your own posts, separate yourself from them. But do not tell other people that how they play, and what they bring, is wrong. Because the funny thing about video games is AS LONG AS ITS A PERSON PLAYING THEN THEY CANT PLAY THE GAME WRONG. YOU MAY NOT LIKE IT. BUT IT ISN'T WRONG.

So Stop attacking people over how they approach their missions.

If you think they are playing the game wrong then find me the Warframe Player Manual By: Digital Extremes And please show me some direct quotes.

2. Stop attacking people or trying to force people to play your way. How do you do this? LET THE HOST CHOOSE THE PLAY STYLE. If you don't like it then go host your own mission, or find another host. Do not argue with the host of the mission, its their key they can choose whoever they want for their mission. they can require whatever they want.


How about this we all stop attacking each other for playing the game? How about we play with those we wish, and ignore those we wish. How about we stop being offended when someone wants to camp? How about we stop caring when someone wants to not camp. How about we stop trying to convert each other to modes of thinking that are different and still equal.

Lets stop making posts that try to figure out whose better. And. Get. Back. To. Playing. The. Game.

And having FUN. 


Lastly: Elitests / Completionist / Casuals


We need you all. But we need you all to be reasonable.


Your drive and your passion fuels the progress of the game. You want to be the best and you push yourself to extremes giving other players someone and something to look up too. This is great there is nothing like an Inspired player to fuel the game. HOWEVER Slandering and attacking weaker and less experienced players is horrendous and unacceptable. If you want to show someone how great you are. Help them. They will see your god like powers. And instead of being a negative influence, you will aspire them to be your future competition, and together you will ascend. Stop attacking weaker players. Some of you dont and its amazing. I love it. I spend most of my day carrying people, and its way more fun then attacking and insulting those weaker then me.


You want to get everything in the game, to complete the game to its fullest. This drives a competitive in-game market and economy, it fuels players to fight for loot, resources and an efficient way to get the most done. HOWEVER If you cannot get something or complete something understand that Its your own fualt. If you cant do something then you need to live with that. Don't punish others for what you lack. Instead Learn from them, and use them as a means to complete the game to its fullest.



Your the bulk of the gaming community here. Without you, this game wouldn't have the money to thrive as it has and continues to. You are the consumers in the player market, and the future Grandmasters of Warframe. All I have to do is offer you advice. Listen to players of a higher mastery rank when they explain things. If you believe you are more advanced then them then ignore there advice. But LET THEM SPEAK the majority of the time people are trying to help.

DISCLAIMER - These are common tropes and within them we find other groups.

Parting Shot - BE HUMBLE. Arrogance will destroy WF. We cannot have players who dont listen to eachother and respect eachothers ideals and appraoches to game play. Please for the love of the lotus. Be HONORABLE TENNO.

Olivionic Gearhart



Oh hey, I remember you! We played Conclave together. You have some good points. :)

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What is it today with ppl making treads about playing right and wrong?


Door heroes always play wrong, no arguments will ever convince me of otherwise.

Other ways, are debatable.

Edited by 7grims
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I see what you're getting at, but some playstyles simply can't be supported, just like some lifestyles aren't IRL.


People argued that perma-invincibility with Trinity was just a playstyle, but anyone with eyes could see that was harmful for the game.

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Oh hey, I remember you! We played Conclave together. You have some good points. :)

Yeah I remember you as well! I Took a slight break from conclave as i wanted to get some forma on my Burston Prime, along with my Rakta Ballistica. But on Tuesday I plan on hitting the Cephs again! :) Good to know i am not forgotten XD.

And thank you! I am just tired of people attacking each other when they really don't need to, and in the grand scheme of the game doesn't matter.

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Warframe player manual:

page 1, subsection 4

"Stealth is not allowed in public matches"


There is a difference between not allowed, and not possible. If you dont tell anyone in your match you want to go stealth then yes it isnt. BUT if you go to recruiting and specify that you are hosting a stealth only squad it is 100% viable. Psst There isnt a manual.


I see what you're getting at, but some playstyles simply can't be supported, just like some lifestyles aren't IRL.


People argued that perma-invincibility with Trinity was just a playstyle, but anyone with eyes could see that was harmful for the game.


Thats not a playstyle that is a build, and it was due to broken mechanics, what happened there is the devs released something unbalanced and it was then corrected. My point is that the players who took advantage of that arent bad players, if anything they are inciteful enough to understand that game to the point where they can take advantage of its mechanics, and that is a level of understanding that the game programmers need to prepare for. The players are not wrong in using what is given to them.

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People argued that perma-invincibility with Trinity was just a playstyle, but anyone with eyes could see that was harmful for the game.


Some frames may have been exaggerated, and a rework was needed, but what was done to trinity was just going too far.

She is a shadow of what she used to be, and her abilities no longer make much sense compared to the original concept.

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Some frames may have been exaggerated, and a rework was needed, but what was done to trinity was just going too far.

She is a shadow of what she used to be, and her abilities no longer make much sense compared to the original concept.

This thread is not about the warframes, weapon balance, or anything of that ilk. This thread is about the people who use and play the game. Please stay on topic.

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The players are not wrong in using what is given to them.


No, of course not. But that doesn't mean we can't be aware that players are given things that are bad for the game.


And this is a feedback forum, so people should give feedback accordingly. Too often I see someone try to shut others up using "it's just a playstyle" or "don't like it don't use it" as an excuse.

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The problem with this is that assuming everyone should be able to play how they want is assuming that what players do doesn't affect the game as a whole.

Let me use a very extreme example: drunk driving. If someone said "you shouldn't care because it's my driving" I'd hope you were horrified--it's only your driving until your actions force others to completely rework what they're doing for their own safety.

To be clear, I am not comparing drunk drivers to people who play Warframe in certain ways. What I am saying is that everyone's actions affect the game whether directly or indirectly. Would Nullifiers be here without rep farms? If you answered no, you should see my point.

And just to be even more clear, it's not the players' faults for using what they've been given. But it's also not a fault of people if they think what we're given should change.

Edited by (PS4)WiiConquered
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No, of course not. But that doesn't mean we can't be aware that players are given things that are bad for the game.


And this is a feedback forum, so people should give feedback accordingly. Too often I see someone try to shut others up using "it's just a playstyle" or "don't like it don't use it" as an excuse.

Exactly, but there are many forum posts where people attack players who use these over powered weapons and abilities. Instead of attacking the players offer feedback on the abilities that are unbalanced.

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The problem with this is that assuming everyone should be able to play how they want is assuming that what players do doesn't affect the game as a whole.

Let me use a very extreme example: drunk driving. If someone said "you shouldn't care because it's my driving" I'd hope you were horrified--it's only your driving until your actions force others to completely rework what they're doing for their own safety.

To be clear, I am not comparing drunk drivers to people who play Warframe in certain ways. What I am saying is that everyone's actions affect the game whether directly or indirectly. Would Nullifiers be here without rep farms? If you answered no, you should see my point.

And just to be even more clear, it's not the players' faults for using what they've been given. But it's also not a fault of people if they think what we're given should change.

I agree 100% however, each play style and each players ability is completely their own choice, and if that creates new challenges that everyone has to face in the game then i think that is a good thing. If Warframe becomes more dynamic and challenging as a whole i believe that this benefits the community and the player base; there is more to do, grind is less boring, and burnout is reduced.

Besides nullifers add a completely new angle to the game and without them to be frank, Tower III + missions would be the cheese they were before, where i could loki solo to infinity with no contest.

Camping/Active Play does not reduce the safety of other players in a separate session.

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DE should make a separate "Elitist Edition" of Warframe.


You play as a Human agent and have a Braton.


No Warframes, no abilities, no mods, no options.

^^^ THIS is what i am talking about. (Sorry for using this as an example its just exactly what i am talking about)

You literally just supported segregation. 

For the love of god people try not to offend each other or act belligerently it gets nothing done and sucks out the fun of warframe.

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personally i have always felt that host should have kick permissions


ie the host should be the boss/leader of the mission, it just makes sense


ppl can say that it could/would be abused but i really doubt it, at least not to the extent that the doomcryers claim


then we could foster a community of ppl who either follow/work together or host their own if they wanna call the shots or go solo ; but instead DE wants to force everyone into the same pool [since they have refused to give us an 'always-host' option]


dont wanna follow anyone elses lead? wanna play yer own way no matter what? fine be yer own host or roll solo ; want to group and willing to follow another tenno? cool then go public


i have no idea why DE is so against this concept, they are far too deep on the 'we must save the players from themselves' path, and that is a VERY BAD path to be on =/

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^^^ THIS is what i am talking about. (Sorry for using this as an example its just exactly what i am talking about)

You literally just supported segregation. 

For the love of god people try not to offend each other or act belligerently it gets nothing done and sucks out the fun of warframe.

I didn't attack anyone. I wasn't being belligerent, I made an ad absurdum comment.


I "literally just supported segregation" with my satirical comment. I am offended, so I will leave the thread.


Good day sir or madam.

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Exactly, but there are many forum posts where people attack players who use these over powered weapons and abilities. Instead of attacking the players offer feedback on the abilities that are unbalanced.


The problem is "it's a playstyle" is used as a defense even when people are attacking the game and not the player.

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I see what you're getting at, but some playstyles simply can't be supported, just like some lifestyles aren't IRL.


People argued that perma-invincibility with Trinity was just a playstyle, but anyone with eyes could see that was harmful for the game.

I assume you are talking about the recent uproars about camping?


If so, camping is different from trinity's perma-invincibility.


Because regarding camping,


-It takes teamwork











-Campfire songs



Unlike trinity's instant god-mode.

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I assume you are talking about the recent uproars about camping?


Nah. Camping is boring and takes zero skill, but it is a play style, and I respect that. I'm talking about issues with the game itself such as easily exploited mechanics or general imbalance being excused as a play style.

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You just realized that now ? You are little bit late.


This post wont make game any better than it is.It won't effect commnunity so either you have to get some good friends who share your thoughts or you have to deal with them , instead of they deal with us.

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