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Will Start Trek Fail Affect Warframe?


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Not wanting to start a flame war or something, but I am just wondering, whether the critical fail the recent Star Trek game will in any way affect the development of Warframe.


Also related, does anybody working on the Star Trek game is actually working on the Warframe?


I assume devs could enlighten us in this case.

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I haven't heard much about it, how badly did it crash? Did it also burn?

A quick run-down for all the Warframe players who are out of the loop would be appreciated.


Was it badly reviewed? Or did it just tank in sales?

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The game received 43 metascore out of 100 on metacritic and even worse user score (2.7 out of 10).

Not that I'm a trekkie though, so doesn't matter much for me, But after Darkness II with metascore 80 it must be kinda dissapointing for DE.

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Honestly, it was a movie game, right?

No movie game has ever been good. Most of them struggle to be playable.

Why someone thought a game based off a Star Trek movie would be different, I dunno.

Escape from Butcher's Bay was quite good as far as I remember.. but yeah, that's a rare exception.

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Escape from Butcher's Bay was quite good as far as I remember.. but yeah, that's a rare exception.


Yeah, it was a decent game. Some of the mechanics were off for sure, but a solid title overall.

I guess there are a few exceptions out there, but generally if it's similar to / following a AAA movie title it's going to be horrible.

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I really wish the game had succeeded, but I doubt it'll really affect Warframe - I think they're separate teams, although I can't really say. Oh well, I suppose - if they keep polishing Warframe the way they're doing now, it's got the potential to get them all the profits they'll need. Warframe actually has a ton of supportive players, too!

That said, I went ahead to read one of the Star Trek reviews...


Spock repeatedly jumped into my line of fire and flat-out ignored my commands. When I sneaked quietly around the perimeter of a large group of enemies, he barged straight through to meet me on the other side, alerting each to our position. When I carefully ducked into alcoves to avoid an oncoming turbolift, he stepped directly in its path and ragdolled down the passageway.

At one point, with Kirk in need of being revived, Spock instead wandered onto a patch of burning rubble, standing motionless in the flames until he, too, was incapacitated.

...Am I the only one that immediately thought "Did they accidentally give Spock the Warframe Hostage's AI?" XD

Edited by Quetzhal
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Okay. So everyone knows that movie games never work. On top of that, bad movie games are worse. If any dev trys to make a game on a movie, its a damn huge gamble and mostly fails and you cannot blame the devs for taking that risk. The fact they could do it is commendable because not a lot of companies have the balls to take those risks. 

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Okay. So everyone knows that movie games never work. On top of that, bad movie games are worse. If any dev trys to make a game on a movie, its a damn huge gamble and mostly fails and you cannot blame the devs for taking that risk. The fact they could do it is commendable because not a lot of companies have the balls to take those risks. 

but it's not bad for the reason, that it is based on the movie. it's bad because it's developed poorly, from what i understand.

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but it's not bad for the reason, that it is based on the movie. it's bad because it's developed poorly, from what i understand.


Well thats the thing. No one has been able to really develop a good game based off of a movie. They always fail eventually. You cant hate the devs for trying.  

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Well thats the thing. No one has been able to really develop a good game based off of a movie. They always fail eventually. You cant hate the devs for trying.  

as i didn't buy the game, i'm not blaming anybody.

but the fact that it's based on a movie IS IN NO WAY related to poor gameplay, ai and bugs. in most reviews that's reflected: the story isn't all that abysmal. the game part of it sucks.

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whether the critical fail the recent Star Trek game will in any way affect the development of Warframe.



It will likely affect the studio as a whole.

However, it should not affect Warframe, not in the immediate future, since it was already designed and scheduled around a very strict-tight budget and long-stretch development cycle.


That being said, I would encourage everyone who enjoys Warframe and would like to see it continue and succeed to support it financially. Even via symbolic, one time, small purchase of platinum.

Every little bit help and a multitude of small bits can form up to a very large bit. :)


So keep calm and remain positive.



Best Regards,

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Movies based on games normally fail for several reasons, the first being time. Most game development is 2-3 times longer than movie development and producers push game dev's to finish the game prior to or with the movie's release... after giving the dev's the game to develop several months after the movie was already started. The second reason is that games (good ones) always have a story significantly longer than a 1 1/2-2 hour long movie which means every game has to have tons of additional crap thrown in. And the last problem is they never really quality check/bug test for it, relying on the name and hype to sell it.

There are a few exceptions, the Rid$&*^ game was good (primarily because Vin Diesel himself made it so, being personally annoyed at license games being S#&$), and Spiderman 2 was quite good. The rest blow.

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Problem is Star Trek is always about space envoys to bring peace, but it seens that people have this urge for combat and lasers.

So it kill the series essence, people that enjoy this kinda of stuff want a intellectual game not another brown and bloom , TPS .


No wonder it got a 43 metascore, besides the bug issues too.

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Multiplayer in Biochock 2 (as I recall)

But yeah I wonder if the same team made both games (Warframe and Star Trek). I lost interest in Start Trek game after seeing Spock jumping on ledges in 8 years old graphics on youtube. On the other hand Warframe feels great

Edited by Garth_Tremor
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