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Tertiary Slot Idea


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I was thinking what Warframe might be like if it had easily deployable traps, distracting decoys and lures or even Smoke pellets all easily deployable from a Tertiary Weapon slot for ease of access, This would open up more options for stealthy and more Ninja like Gameplay, and it would probably look cool having a set of Pellets or Large throwing knives on the characters body, but its just an idea, any feedback either positive or negative is welcome, as it would help clarify reasons why it should or shouldn't be added 

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Tertiary slot is a bad idea. Holstering is already being criticized as being slow by many, and having to cycle through a third slot that is not a weapon wouldn't be welcome. Equipping additional items and binding them to the keyboard as if they were powers is a more reasonable approach.


That being said, why not more gadgetery.

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Tertiary slot is a bad idea. Holstering is already being criticized as being slow by many, and having to cycle through a third slot that is not a weapon wouldn't be welcome. Equipping additional items and binding them to the keyboard as if they were powers is a more reasonable approach.


That being said, why not more gadgetery.

I imagined the Tertiary slot being Binded to Tab or H, i should have mentioned before about key bindings, as it can already can be complicated changing weapons in high "Heat" situations

Edited by Crimson-Pheonix
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this is literally what we have warframe abilities for, many of which do exactly what you described.

For a game about space ninjas, only a few have "ninja-like abilities" It would make sense if all frames could be more than useless in stealth scenarios. 

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For a game about space ninjas, only a few have "ninja-like abilities" It would make sense if all frames could be more than useless in stealth scenarios. 


or, we can have each frame be unique and not have items that invalidate them.


you dont have to be "ninja" to be stealth, and there are already a number of options available, banshee is a terrific example.


it sounds like OP just wants every frame to be ash/loki, when he can simply just play ash and or loki.


the game itself focuses on much more than stealth, so the fact that not all warframes offer more than just stealth is a good thing.

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