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New Dojo Rooms And Stuff Idea


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As someone who enjoys the dojo it would be nice if they got expanded with new stuff and rooms.


Feel free to post your own ideas.


Here is my:

So I was thinking that it would be cool if Orikin styled room and stuff was added to the dojo with the same style as from the Void Orikin rooms with the white and gold theme going on(color custimozation should be present naturaly as with the previos rooms)


Aside of that it would be nice if more Japanese and Chinese styled gardens and rooms were added with a traditional and modern look so that people can pick the stlye they like or take both.


For one of the rooms I had an idea of a traditional/modern looking garden with green grass and a tree or 2 with a holographic wall that shows an view from high of a forest, a mountain and a river flowing.


As for some decorative stuff I was thinking of some traditional decorative objects usualy found in temples and so on.

A weapon rack featuring melee weapons, a wall rack with a weapon displayed, various statues, wall decorations like flags art and so on.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There are already a lot of decorations that are akin to what would be at a temple, but I would like to see weapon racks, even if they are simply decorative.


Also we were supposed to get an aquarium a LONG time ago. 


I would also like a trophy room like the one they described in the live-stream (a long long time ago), where your clan could display masks/various trophies from the battles they have fought. Maybe researched similar to the way dye pigments are researched: the clan must kill a specific enemy to get something from them and submit to the battle trophy room.


A mission control room would be nice as well, similar to the one currently on the hubs.

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shooting gallery, alternate dojo obsticle course, and a parkour lab. Think, tomb raider 'training' room. We have the run and jump, how about the climb and slide? Also a 'trophy' gallery, where you can display halographic 'plaqs' of defeated boss's. I know they do something like that for events, but i'm talking like, the stalker, zanuka, the grineer sisters, some of the planet bosses etc. Lastly, how about adding in a kubro den. A place to store you kubro where its all automated so that those of us who dont' get on every single day, and come back and actualy have a kubro to play with, thats not dead, or takes 6 hours to use.

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  • 1 month later...

Good ideas but what about actually training in the course. I cannot find anyplace to practice the walls or wall climbs but in the dojo course. It is NOT a trainer. I am timed and forced out after a max time. Every failure takes me back to the beginning. This is not helpful at all. There should be a non time limit course option that allows learners to keep retrying the failed section to learn how to do it properly.


Basically I have to wall run and wall climb and flip backwards on to a platform. I can almost do it but my stamina runs out. This is nuts since it means you have to have specially modded warframe to make this one obstacle. Makes me want to talk to the designer on this because how can you learn if you made it too hard as a default. There should be a beginners level.


That is the end of my frustrated rant. Now I have to go find a wall to bang my head into.

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