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Azamagon's Big List Of Little Improvements


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Hello there fellow forumites!
After playing this awesome game for quite a while now, i thought i would like to share some of my thoughts, trying to be constructive and see if others agree or disagree with my little suggestions on how to polish this gem of a game :)


This thread will also be updated frequently as more thoughts come to mind. Maybe i can even turn this thread into a COLLECTIVE "little tweaks" thread :)


Also, this thread will not be about Warframe abilities nor about adding new weapons (although there might be a few weapon tweak ideas in how they affect general gameplay, rather than with their numbers and stuff).

So here i go (and warning for HUGE WALL OF TEXT!):



1 + 2) Description consistency + Stats

(Note: Had to merge these two points because of how they go hand in hand)

So, this point got changed. They actually added quite a bit of stats! (WOO!) But, it's far from complete. Yes, they now show you more information, but far from all information you could possibly wanna know.

The second one is the consistency in all descriptions. (They don't only lack consistency in their descriptions, but actually in MOST of their creations. But this is about the descriptions) Let's start with some examples:

a) Rifle Amp - This is called RIFLE amp, yet it also affects Snipers and Shotguns. That's not very consistent considering Rifle Scavenger only affects RIFLE ammo, but not Snipers and Shotguns. Renaming this artifact into something like Longgun Amp would be much more clear imo (As Longgun, or a name like Primary, would be more clear that it affects all main weapon types)

b) All Rifle mods - These mods also affect Snipers and Bows, not only the Rifleweapons. Instead of just saying "Rifle" as the modtype, it would be nice if these mods said "Rifle/Sniper/Bow". (Note: This also makes the Rifle ammo mutation mod able to just say that it is for "Rifle" weapons, instead of saying it is for "Assault Rifle" weapons... Yeah, there is currently no consistancy whatsoever)

There are more, but that was just to prove a point.


Now let's go back a little about the stats:

* For all info you get, you should have 2 values: 1 in white (basestats) and 1 in green (modified).

* Right now you only see the critical chance and critical damage of your main attack (For example, it only shows those stats for regular spam attacks on melee weapons, but not the values for the CHARGE-attacks. This is why the Lanka seems to have no critical chance.) This could be redeemed by showing both values. It could also instead be redeemed by merging the critstats for regular attacks and chargeattacks. For example: It feels very unnecessary for Dual Zoren to have a 25% chance to crit, with a 3x crit multiplier for regular attacks, while chargeattacks have a 5% chance and a 1.5x multiplier. How about merging them? (25% and 3x on BOTH attacktypes, with obvious damagebalancing possibly needed). Then regulars and charges feel more similar, in a GOOD way.

* More stats are needed, such as: Reload speed, what ammotype the weapon uses (for ranged weapons), chargedamage and chargetime, damagetype or other special abilities (elemental bonus damages etc) or if the warframe/weapon has polarities or not.


This goes not only for weapons though. It would also be neat to see something similar (although simpler i guess) for Warframe abilities when you hover over them, like damages, durations and such in REAL numbers rather than only in vague descriptions. It would also be nice to see how they are affected by Focus, Stretch and Continuity (if at all, although i personally feel all abilities should be affected by all three in some way, but that's for another thread of mine ;)). It would also be nice to see IN GAME how much abilities do in damage. Some abilities do (I think?), but it would be nice if ALL of them showed it.


Now, when it comes to weapons, here is a proposed listing system for weapon categorizations:

Weapontype - General weapon type (Such as: Automatic Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Heavy Sword etc)

Slottype - States if the weapon is equipped in the Primary, Secondary or Melee slot

Modtype - States what mods a weapon uses (Rifle/Shotgun/Sniper/Bow + Pistol + Melee)

Ammotype - States the ammotype the weapon uses (Rifle/Shotgun/Sniper + Pistol)

Then after that, state all the weapon's statistics etc.


Also, on an additional note, this could also be a nice change for balance's sake:


^ This change in particular would benefit so much from the above description changes (Such as the Ogris: It is a Rocket Launcher (Weapontype), which is equipped in the Primary slot (Slottype) utilizing Shotgun mods (Modtype) and uses "Heavy" ammo (Ammotype))


3) Mod underclocking

The thought of underclocking mods is something i would love to add. Underclocking is the ability to downrank a mod, but not as permanent downfusion. Think of it as downranking with no penalties, as you should just as easily be able to go up to its higher ranks again, although only maximumly as high as you have levelled up your mod of course. This allows for a lot of flexibility and testing of mods, which is in particular of great use when you play with new weapons/warframes. If that is not a clear enough description, please read up in the underclocking threads, as they explain way better than i do.


EDIT: With the current system (no need to swap mods in and out), underclocking feels less needed, for sure. But it STILL be better that way, as now you don't know what level you wanna have your super-hard-to-find mod. Unless you wanna waste time with formas etc. So yeah, this QoL was improved, but underclocking is still the preferred polish to this system.


4) Foundry rushing platinum timescaling

Although i have never used rushing myself, i think it would be neat if deciding to rush an item in the foundry wasn't a static cost, but rather something dynamic dependant of the time remaining.

Example: Instead of costing 30 platinum to rush a weaponconstruction wether it has all of its 12 hours left or only, say, 6 hours left, it would at 6 hours left (which is 50% of its max time of 12 hours) only cost 15 platinum to rush (Which is 50% of its original rushing cost of 30 platinum). I think you get the idea. I think that would be a better implementation of the rushing-system.


5) Enable to see your current "Challenge"

By "Challenge", i mean those little sideobjectives you get at the start of your mission, such as "Rifleman" being that you need to kill 30 enemies with your primary weapon, which, if completed, will grant you some bonus experience. It would be nice to be able to see your progress of this Challenge when you press escape (where you at least can see your MAIN mission, such as Spy/Deception/Rescue etc)

Oh and "Rifleman" is another one of those things that has inconsistent descriptions: It states that you have to get 30 RIFLE kills, but killing with a Shotgun also works for this challenge... Some consistency please -.-


6) Closeup view

Have you ever been in a situation where you are backing up against a wall and want to shoot a target from that position, but having problems aiming due to the fact that your warframe-character is blocking the entire view? Well, i have been in that situation a LOT, and it is quite frustrating. What i would propose is that when your Warframe gets that close to the centre of the screen it would be very nice if your character turned, if not entirely, at least PARTIALLY transparent.


7) Pause function

I know it exists in Solo mode, but sometimes it would be nice to be able to pause the game for whatever reason. I understand if this function wouldn't be added in Online mode (too abuseable), but it would be nice if it at least got added to Private mode too.


8) Resource information

You know when you have completed a mission and you can see all kinds of random stats such as kills, credits picked up etc? I think it would be nice if one could also see all RESOURCES you have picked up (Such as Rubedo, Ferrite etc).

EDIT: Yey! This got added :)


9) Ice "hazard" (EDIT: And "extra missions")

By ice hazard, i mean those missions where your shield is cut down by 50% due to the very cold temperatures. I don't mind this effect if it weren't for the fact that it's by such a HUGE amount! Drop it down to a 25% loss only and it would be enough imo...

-- EDIT: Alternatively (or maybe ON TOP of a lowered penalty?), if you play an ice hazard mission and/or on missions where you get "extra mission" you could simply get more rewards when you complete it! --


10) Item drop physics

Another little annoying thing is when mods/resources drop outside the world and fall into the abyss. I know that they are supposed to be respawned somewhere on the map, but i have actually never noticed them getting back up (Although, i HAVE seen it happen with Affinity/Energy/Health Orbs though, but only those). If that could be fixed that would be very nice, but i also think that items should simply not have such powerful "physics" involved when they drop.but rather that they just simply dropped at the feet of where the enemy died.


11 + 12 + 13) Melee overhaul

(Note: Merged these melee points together, as the link below has a better explanation of all this):

For extensive details, read here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/89931-melee-tweaks/#entry997271


Short versions:

1) Melee mod streamlining (No splitting of Charge and Regular melee attacks) and some melee mod improvements

2) Blocking improvement (along with a general stamina-system-improvement) and counterattacks

3) More melee attacks, such as: Different jump and slide attacks depending on if you tap or hold the melee button. For example: Jump + Tap Melee = A simple jumping melee slash. Jump + HOLD Melee = Do the current jumping AoE-groundsmashes as we currently have

4) Stealth attacks and groundexecute attacks use a different button to perform (Suggestion: The actionbutton, default being the X-key)

5) Many damage-mechanics changed (To make melee more viable in general)

6) Longswords and other weapons skin-revamp (Less actual swords, many exisiting swords turn into skins. This goes for more weapons too)

X) And many more melee ideas (Please read the thread!)


14) Melee transition / button response

Meleeing button-responses and its problems

EDIT: This has been (sort of) fixed! Yay! :)


15) Jumping button response

Similar to point 14, what's up with this game's jumping response? Can this please be more responsive? The BIGGEST issue with jumping that i personally have is that jumping straight up when you stand still takes a LOOOOOOONG time before it actually responds. Why is it like this? If this could be improved, I'd be a happier Warframer :D It also causes MANY problems with wallrunning...


16) Simple enemy improvements

This is just gonna be a quick list of how i think a few enemies could be tweaked:

a) Ancient Disruptor - Its attack should still drain shields and energy, but not ALL of it at once. If it removed energy by a set amount (Like 50 energy per strike) and halfed your TOTAL shield amount (meaning, two strikes from Disruptors and your shields are all gone!) would seem more reasonable to me.

b) Grineer Rollers - Yes, yes, i know that these are highly debatted back and forth. My personal opinion is that they should only be able to stagger you when they do their actual LEAP attacks. Sure, they probably could need some bigger tweaks than that but i think that would be enough as a "quick fix for now" to make them more balanced. That said, please don't make this into a Roller-thread please >_>


-- ADDED SUGGESTION! By: My big brother! --

17) Crosshair adjustments

My brother suggested something that i think would be nice as well: The ability to change the colour of your crosshair! As sometimes some colours simply don't mix very well (especially when there are lots of flashes and stuff going on) i also think that would be a nice little customization addition :)



18) Even lower graphic settings

Quoting Uyie:

"Although another one I'd like to see is making the option to lower graphics even further, doing xini can get real laggy."

I agreed that being able to lower graphical settings EVEN FURTHER would be nice! I have experienced lag myself, so i totally get the point :P


-- ADDED SUGGESTION! By: Xylia (and expanded upon by me) --

19) Jumping and Shooting (and Rolling upon landing) issues

As initially suggested by Xylia, I'd like to try expand on the details of how i would design the whole jumping/shooting/rolling-ordeal:

a) If you jump and shoot (or regular jumpmelee, as suggested by my point 11) with no/low momentum forward (meaning no sprinting) = You land normally, flat on your feet without rolling (Very high falls make you land with that "heavy kneel-landing" though)

b) If you have high momentum (i.e. sprinting before jumping) or HOLD SHIFT while landing from a jump/fall (even a no/low momentum jump) = You roll upon landing

c) If you have high momentum (i.e. sprinting before jumping) or HOLD SHIFT while SHOOTING/MELEEING during a jump/fall = You do the current "action-dive" attacking animation, and of course roll upon landing. (The "action-dive" animation for melee attacks in the air could have the same animation as the horizontal wall-run melee attack, so that would be easy to implement)


That way, it would make more sense, and you can still do the same styles as you currently can! Win/win! :)


-- ADDED SUGGESTION! By: potatofamine --

20) Number pop-ups

If you think that the numbers that pop-up when you attack your enemies are a little in the way sometimes (personally i don't mind it though), a nice little customization to add would be the ability to disable number pop-ups. I think it should more than just an on/off feature, I'd like it if it had seperate disables. For example, you can disable damage numbers, but keep xp-numbers gained, or vice versa. Either way, if it was still a simple on/off function, it'd still be better than nothing at all :)

-- ADDED SUGGESTION! By: Myself :D --

21) Wallrun melee momentum

Has anyone been bothered by the wallrun melee attack not having enough forward momentum after the attack? I mean, when you perform the attack (which does look cool) you are moving quite fast forward, but then when the attack is over, you lose ALL forward momentum and simply drop STRAIGHT DOWN! Oo

Could this attack have more forward momentum after the attack please?


-- ADDED SUGGESTION! By: Myself :D --

22) Equipment/ammobox colour differentiation

You know how the ammo that drops in the gameworld has different colours so you can easily spot which ammo it is (Like, purple is Sniper ammo)? Why is it then that the Ammoboxes that you equip (those that restore your ammo to full) are all grey? I'd like to see them have different colours (That goes for all equipment imo, they should be easier to differentiate).

EDIT: Well they changed ammoboxes (and other consumbles) entirely, so i guess this point could be scrapped?


-- ADDED SUGGESTION! By: Myself :D --

23) Ability to unequip (Artifacts, Equipment)

Pretty much just the title suggestion

EDIT: This was added! Yay! :)


-- ADDED SUGGESTION! By: Myself :D --

24) Warframe slots, modpoints and aura changes

For more detail: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/103745-warframe-mod-points-ability-slots-and-auras/

In short:

* Warframe abilities are ALWAYS equipped (cannot be removed from their slots), but the ranks of the specific ability can be changed.
* Warframe abilities cost NO modpoints! (But have other restrictions)
* The remaining 6 slots possibly increased to 8 slots! (So you can use the remaining modpoints that used to be for your abilities)

* Warframe mods now are split into 2 categories: Cores and Extras. Cores are your stronger warframe-mods, while Extras are your weaker (and cheaper) mods, and you get 4 new Extra-slots to equip these weaker ones in! Extras can still be equipped in your regular slots (those were you put the Core ones in), if you want to!

* Auras have no polarities whatsoever (meaning, max 7 points gained). This makes it, among other things, easier to swap auras

* Auras no longer stack! (Some are buffed to compensate) This increases aura diversities in squads!

* Auras used by a person is shown to the whole squad. This also makes it, along with the above 2 points, easier to swap auras for your squads benefit.

Note: The aura overhaul can also be considered as a seperate rebalancing, regardless of the mod points/slots rehaul



Well, that's it for now. I hope at least some of my points are something the majority of you forumites would agreed with ^_^

Edited by Azamagon
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I agree with the most part, but for 14/15, I find it's more luck. Sometimes if you chain it right then it's really smooth but for when I want to do something I did previously on command it doesn't work.


10 is annoying. I hate when I see mods fly up and can never find them. The paranoia of thinking it was the mod I wanted.

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Jumping and Shooting:


Why is it that tapping the Shoot button for ANY reason causes your character to LOL ROLL?


Why can't I shoot my gun in Midair and NOT roll? Am I totally unable to hop up and shoot and land on my feet without going into a flying dive while shooting?


IMO, you should only roll when you hit the ground if you were running at the time. If you jump straight up and take a shot, you shouldn't roll when you hit the ground. You can't even AIM and jump and resume AIMing when you hit the ground. Nope, you roll.


This is EXTREMELY frustrating during Jackal.


Need to aim at his legs? Oh wait there's another LOLMELEE causing him to Stomp every 5 seconds and you have to jump the shockwaves. Better pray you remember to let go of the AIM button or you're rolling right into his stomps.

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A lot of good ideas in this thread. The ones I support the most:


6) Closeup view - Impossible to aim when my character is blocking the view.


9) Ice "hazard" - As it is now, may as well just restart the map when you see an ice hazard.


10) Item drop physics - I've done a sliding-attack on storage containers on Xini-Eris, and seen my Resource go flying across the map (this container wasn't anywhere near the edge) and off the edge of the platform. I haven't noticed any orbs respawning on the ground afterwards, but I do see it happen with mods. It'd be great if it happened with Resources in addition to mods.


12) Melee down attack


14) Melee transition / button response - Trying to switch to charge attacks after doing a down-attack is particularly strugglesome.


15) Jumping button response - Often I want to jump up a cliff and I can't jump until I release W and wait a couple of seconds. Trying to do a running jump while running down a slope also often results in me either not jumping, or just somersaulting instead.


18) Crosshair adjustments - It seems to me that all of my bullets land to-the-left-and-below of the crosshair. I think the crosshair dot should represent where you are actually aiming, and not be skewed because of the 3rd-person perspective or be raised up for whatever reason it is.


"Why can't I shoot my gun in Midair and NOT roll?"




One I'd like to suggest is changes to Color Correction. I've recently had to turn it off because on some maps it just makes the game too dark to see anything. It's cute to see some levels are greener, or bluer, or whatever, but on ice maps it just makes them too dark. Infested missions also get pretty dark. I've also heard other people saying that turning this one setting off made their game run much smoother. It's a great feature and I'd love to enable it, but I think it shouldn't vary the brightness of levels by so much.

Edited by potatofamine
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1) I think this polish will come when we're a little further out of Beta.

2) I think this polish will come when we're a little further out of Beta.

3) I support a "Remove All Mods" button

4) I support this idea and think it would result in MORE platinum being spent overall.

5) I support adding what my clanmates and I call our "super secret missions" to the overlay that allows you to view allied health bars.

6) I support transparency when the camera is too close to the Warframe.

7) Certainly not for Online mode.  Not very interested in Private Mode, but it could be useful when someone needs to go deal with something fast.

8) I support a tally of Resources earned.  Including Blueprints picked up.

9) I think the Ice environment effect is fine as is.  Players are too reliant on shields in my opinion.

10) I don't care either way since I know where the abyss respawn is in every room.  Perhaps that area should be highlighted to address the concerns expressed here.

11) I don't melee often enough to have an opinion.

12) I support "Crouch Melee to Execute"

13) Stealth is an aspect the devs continue to refine/address.

14) I've never had this issue.  I transition from one to the other without problems.

15) I've had issue with jump response time as well.

16) Meh.

17) AD and Roller discussions have multiple threads already.  Go express your opinion in one of those.

18) I support Crosshair color adjustment.

19) Sure, if possible.


Turns out I only support 7/19.  Solid points well expressed, however.

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Thought of another one.


It'd be very very nice to be able to disable the numbers that pop up with a blue background when you kill someone showing you how much affinity you gained. It's really annoying when fighting a group of tightly-packed enemies or when sniping, it blocks the view. All my weapons are maxed out anyways. The damage text gets in the way a bit too, but it's not nearly as bad of an offender.

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I will for sure add the "disable number popups one"! More customization like that is always great :)
About the colour correction one, i might add that idea too, but i will need to check it out myself so i see what it does. Don't just wanna blindly add ideas ;)



That "melee equip" thing would be nice if it was an ADDITION to the current system where you can melee quickly if ranged weapons are equipped, I will consider it though! :)



Thanks for a very thorough response! :)

It's funny you "only support 7/19", while most of your answers are positive towards my suggestions regardless :D The only one i see you actually being truly against is the Ice hazard one. With that in mind, i edited that post a little. I still have the same suggestion, but also added an alternative suggestion of simply just giving a bit more of a reward if you complete an ice hazard map.

Once again, thanks for being thorough, yet short and concise!



And to all of you: Thanks for the comments and ideas! ^^

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One thing I would like to add here is using heavy melee weapons. I don't know how many times do I have to hit an enemy to kill, so I constantly keep pressing 'E'. And even after the enemy dies my character keeps swinging the heavy hammer for 2-3 times more so he can smash the 'air' for nothing.


Maybe another thing is weapon skins but I think its off the topic. 

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Added number 21 (wallrun melee momentum)

Added number 22 (equipment colour differentiation)

Added number 23 (ability to unequip equipments/sentinels/artifacts)

Edited by Azamagon
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