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Power Leveling A Bad Thing?


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Eh. No.


Modifying the game to force people into a certain thing is always a disaster.


After forma number five on a weapon, having it not working up to how I've built it is just tedious. I love changing my equipment around but I also love making weapon builds and that generally means re-leveling something like half a dozen times before I can use it for real.


As others have mentioned, it would be more beneficial simply to tweak the XP bonus from higher level enemies so that powerleveling isn't so vastly better (but leave powerleveling as it is for people that would prefer that) and maybe adjust how it's distributed between your gear.

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1. I have no idea with what kind of people you are playing but:

-Mesa can equip entire set of weapons/'sentinel with unranked weapon' and stand for 40h killing level 15-20 mobs (with infinite energy provided) and the progress on those weapons won't move by 1exp

-I'd really like to see someone who died early sit through 40 waves of T4 when he can simply extract...

-Not reviving your teammate you should be covering? (considering how mesa works) You're a S#&$ty teamplayer then because why take them for T4 in the first place? (or stay in such a team)


3. 1-15 levels ARE easy and 15-25 are mediocre but last 5 levels are hard, especially after 4th or 5th forma you've put into a weapon. (cause you're sick of it)



No you don't, you just dislike Mesa/Mag combo or any nuker in general.

If you would want to encourage Gunplay you would opt for giving more weapon polarities on start (a lot of weapons have no innate polarity slot or have D), changes to mods or simply increased exp for using the weapon. What you're proposing is simply making power leveling harder.


Tell me, what rank are you? How many weapons have you gone through? How many were Formad more than once? Once you start going through Mastery Fodder you don't have a choice but to power level unless you are someone with a loooooooot of free time.


The only thing I'd agree with is that higher level enemies need to give more exp, much more.


-Oh who said about your arsenal? it's everybody else's and afterwards a friend swaps out. The day I got the Quanta Vandal, I went into a squad with two mesas that switched after each wave.

-He wanted the rewards so he went to get a pizza and I reported him. I know I'm a terrible person, right?

-Not all mesas play with a press 4 build, even though I admit it overshadows a lot of her other skills, until enemies get into the 100s.


Who likes a player who just sits on the pod all day and presses 4? It's not fun at all. This playstyle is extreme Viver reminding. Also how is an XP multiplier going to make things harder? Exactly it only makes it harder for the people who completionist who are extremely burntout.

As for my personal information

Mastery Rank 16

208 weapons and all the non primed weapons

Stuff Formad more than once: A S#&$LOAD. I don't have a maxed Narrow minded, Blind rage and heavy Caliber for nothing. I gotta get those mods on.

Who in the blazing hell needs mastery foddery? It's pathetic. The boltor prime only needs a mastery rank of 2. Is it really that hard to just level up guns that perform great enough?

Also I have been in this game for two years and 650 hours logged. That's realistic dude. Once I finished mercury I never came back, unless it was for apollodorus, Seer(the gun), and Ferrite. 

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Eh. No.


Modifying the game to force people into a certain thing is always a disaster.


After forma number five on a weapon, having it not working up to how I've built it is just tedious. I love changing my equipment around but I also love making weapon builds and that generally means re-leveling something like half a dozen times before I can use it for real.


As others have mentioned, it would be more beneficial simply to tweak the XP bonus from higher level enemies so that powerleveling isn't so vastly better (but leave powerleveling as it is for people that would prefer that) and maybe adjust how it's distributed between your gear.

It's not forcing people, it just makes combos like the mesa+mag thing less desirable. 

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You know the best way to fix this? Better enemy AI. Stand out in the open spamming your ult, and the enemy will eventually start sniping you from beyond power range. Or lobbing grenades/missiles from behind cover.

Players will always find a way around this, whether it be stand in cover and let aimbot do its job, sitting in the middle of the 100 meter map so mesa can kill all, Or even better bringing frost or volt to protect mesa. You know there was a reason why DE put nullifiers. We have a huge numbers of abilities, and no matter what Player intelligence beats Artificial intelligence. 

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Players will always find a way around this, whether it be stand in cover and let aimbot do its job, sitting in the middle of the 100 meter map so mesa can kill all, Or even better bringing frost or volt to protect mesa. You know there was a reason why DE put nullifiers. We have a huge numbers of abilities, and no matter what Player intelligence beats Artificial intelligence. 

Of course it does. But there are still lots of ways to make sitting in one spot and spamming ult a less attractive option.

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-Oh who said about your arsenal? it's everybody else's and afterwards a friend swaps out. The day I got the Quanta Vandal, I went into a squad with two mesas that switched after each wave.

-He wanted the rewards so he went to get a pizza and I reported him. I know I'm a terrible person, right?

-Not all mesas play with a press 4 build, even though I admit it overshadows a lot of her other skills, until enemies get into the 100s.


Who likes a player who just sits on the pod all day and presses 4? It's not fun at all. This playstyle is extreme Viver reminding. Also how is an XP multiplier going to make things harder? Exactly it only makes it harder for the people who completionist who are extremely burntout.

As for my personal information

Mastery Rank 16

208 weapons and all the non primed weapons

Stuff Formad more than once: A S#&$LOAD. I don't have a maxed Narrow minded, Blind rage and heavy Caliber for nothing. I gotta get those mods on.

Who in the blazing hell needs mastery foddery? It's pathetic. The boltor prime only needs a mastery rank of 2. Is it really that hard to just level up guns that perform great enough?

Also I have been in this game for two years and 650 hours logged. That's realistic dude. Once I finished mercury I never came back, unless it was for apollodorus, Seer(the gun), and Ferrite. 


-If you saw those two Mesas you could have just left, nobody forced you to get your weapon maxed by others.

-Still wondering with what kind of people you're playing with, and then theres AFK/being dead system that will not grant you any rewards at the end of the rotation. Also, this is example of a toxic game, i have no idea why would want to sit through it...

-here we are to blame DE for not thinking actually through the build of the frame, they knew the playerbase playstyle (bunker up and hold out), yet they still released frame with aimbot.


The burnout completionists will have it harder sure, but with them every other player, I don't see any reason to punish entire community with restrictions/penalties to some combos because some people overuse some combo.


As for the info: good to know, here I thought you're are some low MR whiner, glad to be wrong.


Also: everyone who wants to get higher MR has to go through mastery fodder and I don't even want to talk about bullS#&$ Boltor Prime...


Support me then. Throw away that boring leveling strategy for having fun to level something, I said the cap on levels gained from strategies like mesa and mag, but in exchange I want higher level multipliers. 


Or we can just get higher multipliers on higher level enemies without hindering certain playstyles. What's more, how would you treat every single other frame that has huge AoE damage ability? Shared Affinity? Affinity Boosters? The last one would be just a bigger pay to win than it already is...


That's what I'm trying to avoid. When people are just trying to level they're weapons, they spam they're ulti like mad, and put the weapon away. It's ok to use an ulti for survival purposes, but this idea of racking up the most kills for xp is going to far. I want to cap the Mesa and mag combo, and reward players for actually figuring out how to use a weapon in high level content.


Yeah, without potato half weapons are trash, don't deny it. Even with it they need decent (12-23 for unpotatoed) level to just get in that Serration+one more mod or Hornet Strike with multishot unless you have enough cash to buy platinum and potato each and every weapon that even with that "few" levels to actually be usable in high level content without spending in the mission a hour (not to mention some ammo inefficient weapons requiring you to go through ammo restores if no mutator is present).


And too many of the people out there who believe I hate on Mesa's playstyle, -snip-


Wouldn't be true if it weren't for the fact that you only have something against Mesa/Mag combo.


Anyway, bottom line is:

Problem - too many weapons that are crap AND progression system that requires you to go through weapons you dislike/hate/would want erased from existance (Tysis currently for me). Not to mention that Formaing weapons is a almost unrewarding chore (especially if you go through 5th forma and instead of loving your weapon you start hating it).


Your Solution: Lets make viable combos that shorten the above by puttings caps on XP while getting buff


How it should be in my eyes:

-More exp for higher level enemies (much more than we currently have, so in that regard we're agreeing)

-Overhaul of Mastery Rank

-Buff for leveling Formad weapon (and putting more innate polarities into weapons, especially those "lower grade" ones)

-Actual balancing and tweaking of weapons so the "Mastery Fodder" would disappear or at the very least putting weapons in Tiers of sorts


What DE does:

-you can always buy an affinity booster (not said directly but with no changes it's kind of implied)

-whaaaaaat? but all weapons are great, oh oh look Sheldons bald head! (meaning - dodging questions on Devstreams with bullS#&$)

-oh look, we're releasing a new weapon that some of you might like, see ya at next update with new shiny stuff

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I have no problems with powerleveling, and i cant imagine any sane person who enjoyed boring repetative bs leveling the same weapon again and again the hard way. And i wonder why again and again people making whine topics about it, and trying to complicate their own lives. 

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-If you saw those two Mesas you could have just left, nobody forced you to get your weapon maxed by others.

-Still wondering with what kind of people you're playing with, and then theres AFK/being dead system that will not grant you any rewards at the end of the rotation. Also, this is example of a toxic game, i have no idea why would want to sit through it...

-here we are to blame DE for not thinking actually through the build of the frame, they knew the playerbase playstyle (bunker up and hold out), yet they still released frame with aimbot.


The burnout completionists will have it harder sure, but with them every other player, I don't see any reason to punish entire community with restrictions/penalties to some combos because some people overuse some combo.


As for the info: good to know, here I thought you're are some low MR whiner, glad to be wrong.


Also: everyone who wants to get higher MR has to go through mastery fodder and I don't even want to talk about bullS#&$ Boltor Prime...



Or we can just get higher multipliers on higher level enemies without hindering certain playstyles. What's more, how would you treat every single other frame that has huge AoE damage ability? Shared Affinity? Affinity Boosters? The last one would be just a bigger pay to win than it already is...



Yeah, without potato half weapons are trash, don't deny it. Even with it they need decent (12-23 for unpotatoed) level to just get in that Serration+one more mod or Hornet Strike with multishot unless you have enough cash to buy platinum and potato each and every weapon that even with that "few" levels to actually be usable in high level content without spending in the mission a hour (not to mention some ammo inefficient weapons requiring you to go through ammo restores if no mutator is present).



Wouldn't be true if it weren't for the fact that you only have something against Mesa/Mag combo.


Anyway, bottom line is:

Problem - too many weapons that are crap AND progression system that requires you to go through weapons you dislike/hate/would want erased from existance (Tysis currently for me). Not to mention that Formaing weapons is a almost unrewarding chore (especially if you go through 5th forma and instead of loving your weapon you start hating it).


Your Solution: Lets make viable combos that shorten the above by puttings caps on XP while getting buff


How it should be in my eyes:

-More exp for higher level enemies (much more than we currently have, so in that regard we're agreeing)

-Overhaul of Mastery Rank

-Buff for leveling Formad weapon (and putting more innate polarities into weapons, especially those "lower grade" ones)

-Actual balancing and tweaking of weapons so the "Mastery Fodder" would disappear or at the very least putting weapons in Tiers of sorts


What DE does:

-you can always buy an affinity booster (not said directly but with no changes it's kind of implied)

-whaaaaaat? but all weapons are great, oh oh look Sheldons bald head! (meaning - dodging questions on Devstreams with bullS#&$)

-oh look, we're releasing a new weapon that some of you might like, see ya at next update with new shiny stuff

Yeah DE takes like a year to fix things, and the mistakes are piling up. Oh btw I grab anybody in my friend list, but sometimes I get bored and go to public games anywhere on the planet, especially endless missions. 

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1. Make high level mobs actually worth XP so people don't just sit around and wipe low level maps


There is only 22 Frames and there is HUNDREDS of weapons, and since players with lots of mods and max Frames can easily farm level 100+ enemies you will trivialize leveling gear even more.


They will instead "sit around" wiping higher level maps with a handful of Frames just to level guns anyway, or Taxi low level players in and make them sit in a corner spamming shots with an 8 Forma gun.


Most "other games" lock level of gear to players. The fact we don't messes everything up.

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 What kind of mindset is this? Anytime anybody gets a new weapon.

75% of all weapons in this game are mediocre at best.


I LOVE my Dera, but I never use it anymore because it just isn't powerful enough to kill enemies beyond the first few planets.  I would love to use it on spy missions because of that fantastic 100 accuracy.  Never going to happen though.


Weapons are annoying and time consuming to grind through.  That's the issue.  We've just found ways to make that slow, tedious, boring grind go faster.


I'm over 1400 hours in.  It's a bit tedious to run missions all weekend long trying to max out a weapon or frame.  I get that you want people to earn their affinity, It's a sensible pattern of thought.  But I promise you, I've earned every scrap of affinity I've gotten.  I spent 6 or 7 months running ODD missions and almost nothing else.  Before darkSector missions, flying infested, and tar moas, that was the supreme answer to powerlevelling.  The mods dropped fast enough to fund your construction to grind through the latest mediocre weapon.


Powerleveling is not the problem.  It's the answer.  The endless tedium of the grind is the problem.  If items reached max rank faster, we wouldn't be trying to powerlevel anything.  Using the items in gameplay would be fun enough to justify playing normal missions with them.


The fact is, weapons in this game are all worthless until they get into the 20+ range, and until affinity level 25-30, you really aren't able to use the full power of your arsenal, so you can't kill enemies worth much affinity, so you have to painfully grind through lower level content, 5 or 6 missions to go up a level.

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