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What Warframes Did You Choose?


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frost prime








volt when he hit the labs

banshee when she hit labs

all other boss dropped frames

ember prime from casual aquisition

each prime access as it came out after ember prime

bought mirage with plat from prime access

bought mesa with plat from prime access

limbo and chroma via quest




as a lazy mr 16 player whos closing in on two years of active framing, most of my xp comes from weapons companions and archstuff. i have less rank 30 frames than not. however, ive collected every frame because im the guy that likes to have all the characters unlocked in fighting games. ive used nova a majority of the time, something like 169m xp earned, not including nova prime who ive been using since release. shes absolutely my fave. I wish we could still cast infinite wormholes... 

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First frame was Excalibur, loved his powers

Second I got Volt, leveled him to 30 and that was about it

Third I got my one and only Ash, loved his powers and design, still main him today

Fourth was Valkyr, my favorite female frame

Fifth I got Rhino, didn't really like him too much

Sixth I got Rhino Prime, same feeling for reg. Rhino

Seventh I got Mr. MasterRace himself, Loki, didn't have the same love as I did for Ash, but still use him alot

Eighth I got Nyx Prime, I play her when the situation needs it

Ninth was Volt Prime, same feeling as reg. Volt

Tenth was Mesa, really like her design and powers

And finally for eleventh is Chroma, I am currently leveling him but he is my third favorite frame currently


Currently Ash is my favorite followed by Valkyr and then Chroma, also hoping to see Ash prime next, but anyways thats my list of warframes I have gotten

Edited by (XB1)Dark4Angel7
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Well I started with Excalibur, my 2nd frame was Trinity. Didn't like Trinity because of the constant "moar EV! moar bless!" bs you have to deal with when you play Trinity, so I bought Zephyr with platinum because Oxium used to be a pain to farm. Built Oberon, didn't play him too much, and then I built a few more frames before going crazy with Loki Prime for a while. Now I'm back to Oberon and he's definitely my favorite frame. Just built Chroma as well but I feel like he needs a bit of a duration buff, but I guess that's just me.

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I have all but Calprime and use most of them regularly.


Started with Mag, went for Nova next and got Nyx while she was building.


Rhino still shows as my most used Frame @ 6% plenty others are 4/5% as you can see I spread myself out.


Nova and Nyx Primes are my most loved frames overall.


Not fond of Oberon, Hydroid and Volt but I'm stating to like Volt Prime more now

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Mostly girlframes. Especially Banshee, Mag and Saryn. Saryn is "The Freeman" - I made an orange and silverish appearance. Now I just need a crowbar for her.


Back in the day Mag's pull worked a bit different. I would join some friends in Void defense, then jump the barricade at some point and pull and pull mobs and bosses like I wanted to sweep the ground. From left to right and back, adding more and more enemies to the pile. And then someone would press the laser button and I would go down. Good times.

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Started with Mag. My friend, who started with Excalibur, thought she was OP. I didn't form an opinion cause I'd not played others yet.


Built Nyx. New favorite.


Used Nyx to farm Mirage. New favorite.


Used Mirage to farm Saryn, Nova, and Trinity. Didn't level them up for weeks.


Got Mag Prime. New favorite.


Finally 30 Saryn and Nova. Nova=new favorite.


Got Banshee. Thought she was 'meh' at the time.


*skip forward 1500 hours*


Now I pretty much exclusively play Nova Prime and Banshee.

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Started with loki.

Had no idea what I was doing.

Got some plat. Chose between trinity and banshee.

Choose banshee. Still didn't know what the hell i was doing.

Got ember. That's when I started getting better...then...ember 2.0...

Went back to loki. Wow he's pretty good with mods! Mained loki till i got sick of him.

Then one day i wanted some fodder points.

Went back to Banshee and holyS#&$ I never let go of her.

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Started with excalibro because he was the face of the franchise so to speak....but started with him knowing I was really after oberon.


1.  He's named after one of my favorite beers.

2.  The dude is healing god mode brawler.



Still main him because he fits my in your face, run and gun playstyle. 

However, because the game is the way it is.  You have to bring the right tool for the job as well.


So I switch between many depending on the task at hand, but when I want to god mode a survival or excavation especially, and kill every MFer that spawns while supplying the team with everlasting and eternal life.



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My first one was Loki and I really loved him from the start and then I got my Ember....horrible mistake, didn't like her at all. I skipped Frost and farmed for Frost prime and I loved him too, but I didn't like how he was slow (I didn't know what coptering was at the time). Finally I got myself a Volt.....my gosh, his speed! I experimented on a power strength build and I wasn't disappointed. Then transient fortitude came out and dayum.....just like that he became my all time favorite. When things get too hot just use electric shield and shoot amprex out of it.

Edited by BioEraser
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Started with Loki

Got rhino second because he's the first I could get with him dropping on Venus.I thought he was ok but still preferred Loki.

Nyx was the third and I really liked her. She's my third favorite.

Eventually got vauban and he's now my second favorite. I usually use him for farming weapon xp.

Everyone else has been xp fodder. I enjoy trying them all out, except ember (I hated her), but I always go back to my Loki prime for everything being my main.

Edited by (PS4)SecksySeckstrain
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Started with excalbro, still have him. Got rhino, become my favourite cuz i was noob. Next one was oberon cuz back in my days uncle vey hek was shotgunner and dropped oberon. Liked him, next headed to nekros cuz he looked cool. Dont remember who came after him. Then there was day when i met valkyr. First we had some beef between us, we didnt understand each other well. We didnt even talked between each others. Some time passed by, our dislike of others grew, broke up. Some time passed more other frames appeared, but it always felt something were missing. Went back to valkyr, talked through our problems and now we are bonded and in love.


In other things, i have most frames in my collection only excluding non-prime variants of existing frames and hydroid,ash,nova,nova prime.

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