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A Prime Accessories Re-Release Pack


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This isn't about rights, this is about how you as a consumer would personally feel.  I know in the grand scheme of things we are bugs, ect ect.  However, we can vote to NOT spend that much money on something in the future not to spite of course but because 'well one day it will be cheaper and its only a cosmetic' and the 'rights' thing goes two ways.  No company has a right to our wallets.  I just spend freely to DE because they are making an amazing game and giving it firm support and talking with the community.


Though being honest you have a RIGHT to complain, technically.  Playing a unbiased advocate... Neither of us should expect out complaints to be heard and taken seriously, unless we are talking about bugs (and nerfs.)

You are right about that.

To me though, the bringing the Prime Accessories back, even at different conditions, is not worth complaining about, as long as it remains inside the Prime Access program.


In general, I feel like many people in this community act really entitled about "exclusive" things. Founder stuff is one thing, but the other stuff doesn't have strict limitations or any at all. Yet people act like DE can't bring them back or only if they do it their way.


And unfortunately, this isn't just about paid exclusives. I've seen this behaviour in discussions about event weapons and more rarely event mods (which actually affect gameplay a lot, while most event weapons are sidegrades with a unique skin).

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Don't know why people still want Noru syandana. Looks ugly and buggy when it came out and is still ugly and buggy right now. Never touched it since then.

Misa I get. Everybody loves Misa cause it goes well with any frame.

Lets see if they do rotate and at what price. Gonna say it'll be at $50 cause the original guys who bought ot first, got to enjoy wearing it exclusively for years.

Gimme your Noru :3

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Just wondering how many people here would spend a substantial amount of money for a pack of

Targis Prime, (Edo Prime), Misa and Noru Prime syandanas? I would pay $100 for targis and Misa alone....might just be me

100$ for some acessories in a VIDEOGAME, for real? Warframe is a closed stance game so why da hell you guys want to look " cool" no one else look at you when you play

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