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Founding Master Tenno Returning And Reporting For Duty! (Requested Post)


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First off, I just want to clear up that this is a mish-mashed post. It's equal part introduction as to who I am and general statements, a splash of feedback (more appropriately impressions on how things have changed) and perhaps a few questions. So I apologize ahead of time to the Mods if this isn't the appropriate section for this post. It really doesn't have any definitive direction so I thought I'd throw it here.



So I want to stress this point: All of the bold headlines are things that were ASKED to me.


-I was asked when I started playing.

-I was asked how long I was gone and why I quit.

-I was asked why I didn't get Grand Master. (Even though the answer might seem obvious to some, there are still those who like to explore.)

-I was asked what my favorite load out was.

-Upon learning that Nyx was my favorite, they asked if I had gotten Prime Nyx yet and if I had gotten the Prime Access stuff too.


-I asked a few people about the PWE ordeal. Most of these players were relatively new and didn't have any idea. So I asked here.

-One of the people inquired about my Clan's Dojo Aesthetic's. He had a foreign typography to him so I couldn't really understand entirely but I got the gist so I asked here.


-Upon engaging in conversation in my Dojo after finishing a trade, I noticed the kneeling bug.

-This was my own personal grievance when I got back into the game a week ago and wanted to buy some Warframe Merch. They have a navy and a white hat. I like neither of those colors so I suggested a black one.




No where in this post do I say or claim that Masters or Grand Masters are better than anyone else.

No where in this post do I say or claim that I personally am better than anyone else.


If you're going to challenge the post in saying that I'm egocentric, back it up with a quote and and explanation.


So far, no one has been able to do that. Good luck.


I fail to see where the disconnect of understanding is in this post. I fail to see the ego-centrism.



Hello, everyone! I'm 8BitRager. My name is Dominic Mendonsa and I was a founding member of Warframe! Before I start, I just want to give a little back story onto why I'm even making this post. 


I came back to Warframe about a week ago after my (General Gaming) Clan harassed me to come back. So, I downloaded it again, enjoyed what I was seeing and dove right in without much question. Over this last week, I've slowly grasped about 85% of how things have changed and will probably have it completely down by the end of next week (May 9th).


The first thing I was taught was that things could be traded now for Platinum so I immediately went through all my gear seeing what I did and did not need. I made a post on the forums with all the stuff I was selling and the general pricing after doing some rigorous research. Surprisingly within minutes, I started getting all these messages for trades and what not. I wasn't sure what I was expecting!


So in this group of people I've traded with so far, some people did things I wasn't really expecting. I was met with praise (?) and excitement and humbled greetings. The first person broke it down for me though. He claimed that it's pretty rare to see a Master or Grand Master anymore. I found that hard to believe at first considering the Council chat is pretty full though at the same time, it does seem quite little considering how it used to be. He had also claimed that Masters and Grand Masters are pretty popular on the forums and he, believe it or not, insisted I make a post online letting DE know that I've returned.


I kinda laughed it off as him being a really ecstatic Warframe fanatic and being excited to meet a founding member. It didn't stop there though. I was met with more folks who gave the same general synopsis to me that Master's and Grand Masters are exceptionally rare to encounter, especially on the forums, and even that DE themselves personally love seeing Masters and Grand Master's on the forums.


The clicking moment for me was when people started asking about me. Like me personally. Not about how different the game was or anything like that. They wanted to know what a Master/Grand Master was like. What kind of people we are. They wanted to get to know ME. So, while I was a little taken aback by it, I gave a nervous and brief answer. As that customer left, it clicked with me that it was more than just some random happenstance. This is an actual phenomena among this community. Now, how legitimate this phenomena is is beyond my knowledge.


But I've never in my 17 years of gaming had people ask me to post on the forums so excitedly. So, for shoots and poops. Here I am. I'm not here for the fabled 'fame' that they speak about or the recognition. But as I was contemplating making this post at all, I remembered just how much I loved this game in my time playing it before I left.


So for the sake of my love of this game and the love I have for the community, I'm here to make this post to publicly answer some questions that people asked of me, give the impressions that people wanted to know, and just some general stuff and whatever I can think of for this one off post.


With that massive wall of text behind me, I'll try my best to make organizational formatting to ease your eyes of visual cancer.



-When did you start playing?

I started playing on October 26th, 2012 which I believe was 2 days after the CBT started. I remember seeing a spot for this game sometime around July of 2012 and thinking to myself that it was a futuristic Gunz: The Duel. So, that just piqued my interest to the max. I remember being upset when the CBT released because I was out of town and I wanted to be there on opening day.


-How long were you gone and why?

I've been gone for just about 2 years if I recall correctly. Believe it or not, I left because the game was releasing TOO MUCH content. Or perhaps not too much, but too fast. It's understandable that you shouldn't feel powerful all the time in a game and feel like you've done it all. But at the same time, it's good to let the player reach that peak every so often and THEN ripping it away with another challenge. The magic was lost for me when I felt like I was always behind. There was never a moment where I could be satisfied with what I had. Something else always came next and it was typically better (It was early development so balance wasn't too much of a concern. It was core content). So, yeah. I always felt behind and that I was never making any progress. That's kind of a crappy feeling when the feeling is sustained. So I left. I wasn't mad. I wasn't spiteful. I just couldn't keep up with it. But I left with a smile on my face knowing that I was a part of development and that I was there for its growing period.


-Why not Grand Master?

I'm very, very regretful (very) that I wasn't able to get enough money for the Grand Master package. At the time, there was no information on when the Founders Package was going to go away except for the daunting "Get it before it's gone"(Paraphrased) banner so everyone was a little in the dark about when they should buy it or if they should save up more money and wait longer. It took me a while to save up those $100 for the Master Package. I was holding out as long as I could bare to get enough money for the Grand Master's package but was so nervous that it'd disappear one day soon and that I would've missed my chance, so I caved and bought the Master Package. And unfortunately between the time I bought it and the time I left, I wasn't able to keep my hands on a solid and stable $50 extra to buy the Grand Master's Package. Life has a funny way of working like that.


-Favorite old load out?

Ha! Easy!

(My sweet darling) Nyx






I think it took me a total of... 25-35 in-game hours to get Nyx and once I did, I can't recall spending more than 12 hours on any Warframe other than Nyx. I always went back to her. I've now clocked about 220+ hours (based on Steam's transition from the Warframe Client) and I strongly believe that 180 of those hours were on Nyx.


-Nyx Prime?

Just bought some Platinum to expedite and purchase the Nyx Prime parts. She's finished and is currently level 17 and I'm in love with her. I'm SUPER bummed to have missed the Nyx Prime exclusives with the armor and the Icon (Oh gawd those icons <333). But at the same time, I probably wouldn't have been able to afford her. My situation hasn't changed much from two years ago. :c


My Questions

1. In returning to this game, I wanted to do some history research. I stumbled upon this little bubble involving Perfect World and Digital Extremes in regards to Warframe. i wasn't able to find anything more than that. Would someone mind elaborating on what happened? I'm exceptionally curious.


2. One of my ecstatic customers made a comment on my Clan's Dojo along the lines of it being old or something like that. Are the original Dojo layout plans not available anymore? Like the original aesthetic?


My Returning Impressions:

The game has flowered into something I never expected. I always expected the game to get better and better but having been gone for two years; it's like night and day. It's unbelievable. The weapon designs are like a dream. I've been drawing weapons since I was a kid. They've always been the ONLY thing I can draw. I can't draw people, animal, houses; nothing. Only weapons. The creativity of the weapons is outstanding both on DE's part and the community's part. I recently discovered that my new favorite melee weapon, The Kronen, was made by a community member which makes me extremely proud as a member of said community.


To the person who made The Kronen: You literally took the perfect weapon from my mind. I've drawn weapons that have looked like this all my life. And they're an absolute blast to play with in Warframe. Thank you.


To DE: You guys have made a wonderful game and as a member of your community, I thank you for your dedication and I'm honored to be here and to have had the opportunity to play and continue playing this game.



1. While it's not really a suggestion, it could be a suggestion to fix it! XD There is currently a bug with your kneeling nodes where if you press exit while you're kneeling to force yourself out of the position, you'll be unable to crouch. Of course this only applies to Dojo's and the Relay.


2. Make a solid black Lotus hat! And move the Warframe logo on the back higher and add an adjustable strap. If you do that, you will make an instant $30 from me (When I get the money of course).



Final Words:

That's all I really have guys. I mean, I wasn't exactly sure how to approach making this thread on a whim from requests to make it but... I tried?


If you want to know anything else, please feel free to ask.


A shout out to my fellow Council Members; If this phenomena is true, be more social because apparently people look up to us! D:< ... <3


Oh yeah! One more thing! Yo DE! Can I get a replacement Warframe Founders shirt? This thing is TRASHED! XD Just kidding! ... No but seriously, it's nasty. :P


Anyway, as strange as this was to type out, I had fun. And if there is anyone else out there like my first return encounters to this game, I hope this answers any questions or gives you hope to keep playing... or does whatever it does for you! HA! I hope everyone has an awesome day. I'll see you in the system.

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Why is this not in the introduction sub section of the forum? It seems much more appropriate there.

*shrug* Because it didn't really feel like an introduction. There's more content in this post that could spark conversation about the game than intrigue in who I am. That's why.

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Is this a joke thread?



Again, I asked for confirmation about this whole "Master/Grand Master" extinction thing. I thought it was an anomaly when one person asked me to do this but I had 9 people back to back ask me to do something like this. You tell me.

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Well darn. Rare to see Masters, much less people before the second wave of closed beta. I played before 2013 myself, but I didn't get into CBT1.

I have no clue just how rare. I was a little surprised to hear it when I first came back. 2 years didn't sound like a lot when I was typing it out... but I guess I was wrong.

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Never heard about masters being extinct...

The only time i've had people impressed about my situation/progression was while playing with PUs.
I was farming some low level mission, and i stumbled upon 2 funny guys, constantly trolling each other in chat, so i followed them on their next mission.

They wanted to bring me to an archwing mission, and their conversation went as following :

PU1 : Hey, Naga, have you got an archwing ?
PU2 : Of course he has an archwing you idiot ! he's rank 18, how do you think he would have gotten there without leveling a single archwing ?!
PU1 : What ? did you mistype it or...never seen anyone past rank 12.
PU2 : Just check it in the corner of his profile pic if you don't believe me.
PU1 checks for himself
PU1 : HOLY SH!T. That explains why you just one shot everything.(nothing to brag about, said things were lvl 17 grineer. only a rank 3 player like him could be impressed :D)

Nah, people aren't that crazy around masters...People still die and say it's my fault since i main Trinity back when i was rank 3 and not yet founder.

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Never heard about masters being extinct...

The only time i've had people impressed about my situation/progression was while playing with PUs.

I was farming some low level mission, and i stumbled upon 2 funny guys, constantly trolling each other in chat, so i followed them on their next mission.

They wanted to bring me to an archwing mission, and their conversation went as following :

PU1 : Hey, Naga, have you got an archwing ?

PU2 : Of course he has an archwing you idiot ! he's rank 18, how do you think he would have gotten there without leveling a single archwing ?!

PU1 : What ? did you mistype it or...never seen anyone past rank 12.

PU2 : Just check it in the corner of his profile pic if you don't believe me.

PU1 checks for himself

PU1 : HOLY SH!T. That explains why you just one shot everything.(nothing to brag about, said things were lvl 17 grineer. only a rank 3 player like him could be impressed :D)

Nah, people aren't that crazy around masters...People still die and say it's my fault since i main Trinity back when i was rank 3 and not yet founder.

Well I mean I wasn't saying that people were like bowing down to Masters as all powerful. I meant that people thought Masters and GM's were hard to find. I have no idea how valid that is.

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Well I'd like to say "Welcome Back!" first thing thou! XD

Trust me, I've seen people of mastery rank 17 not having any "Founder" batch, sigil or title.

Nowadays Masters and Grandmasters are seek by only those who really knows what part are they doing in the game, I've met those who are from the Design Council but from what I've heard now everyone can be a part of the Design Council *if I'm not mistaken*

Founder being extinct? Well... I think some are... but but but... their "Excalibur Prime, Skana Prime, and Lato Prime" are their "trophy" of being a Founder! XD

I know I wish to have those Primes but what the heck, I never spent a penny on any game I have. *so sad of me* (.-.)


Draw some more weapon and post it on Fan Art section, maybe DE will think about your design of weapon! :D


*ps> I'm still looking forward for that Arcane Squall helmet :p*

Sincere, reverb6.

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Well I'd like to say "Welcome Back!" first thing thou! XD

Trust me, I've seen people of mastery rank 17 not having any "Founder" batch, sigil or title.

Nowadays Masters and Grandmasters are seek by only those who really knows what part are they doing in the game, I've met those who are from the Design Council but from what I've heard now everyone can be a part of the Design Council *if I'm not mistaken*

Founder being extinct? Well... I think some are... but but but... their "Excalibur Prime, Skana Prime, and Lato Prime" are their "trophy" of being a Founder! XD

I know I wish to have those Primes but what the heck, I never spent a penny on any game I have. *so sad of me* (.-.)


Draw some more weapon and post it on Fan Art section, maybe DE will think about your design of weapon! :D


*ps> I'm still looking forward for that Arcane Squall helmet :p*

Sincere, reverb6.

Yo! I was messaging you like an hour ago but you weren't responding XD I still have the Avalon and Gauss if you're still interested. The Squall was picked up from the guy before you.


As for the drawing. I'm actually planning on it. I'm drawing a prime concept for The Kronen as we speak.

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I haven't heard of anything to do with Masters/Grand Masters being extinct at all. I see them everywhere, whether in game or on the forums.

I was kinda thinking the same thing even though I havent encountered any myself. 


However, I guess in relative amount, there are significantly less lingering about than there used to be.

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I do not really understand the fact that the guy is so excited to meet a founder..


All that's needed was paying cash up front to get into early beta and leave some feedback on the early content.

That's something nearly all the online games out there are doing.


Anyhow, welcome back. 

Hope you have fun with all the new stuff and coming content.

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Nobody ever comments to me that Hunter founders are rare....

Best I ever get is "OMG EXCAL PRIME" usually followed by hate on DE or myself.

On a side note, DC != M/GM anymore. I recently was invited by DE to participate in DC and I know there are plenty of non-founders in DC.

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Nobody ever comments to me that Hunter founders are rare....

Best I ever get is "OMG EXCAL PRIME" usually followed by hate on DE or myself.

On a side note, DC != M/GM anymore. I recently was invited by DE to participate in DC and I know there are plenty of non-founders in DC.

Oh that's cool. I wasn't aware. Well that would definitely explain why Council is populated but it could also support the possibility of Masters/GM's being rare.


I suppose in the end, it doesn't really matter if we're rare or not. I just still found it... interesting that I was encountered by so many people on the same subject. 

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And being a Master matters because?

I never really said it mattered. I guess some people just have an affinity for Veterans of a game. Can't say I haven't done the same myself in past games.


Also, this was never a matter of importance of Masters and Grand Masters. It's not like we change the game in some significant way. I was just TOLD by MULTIPLE people in RAPID SUCCESSION that we're rare finds. And according to what people are saying here. It's not entirely true and that's fine.

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