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Loki Switch Teleport Ability


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I'm not sure if someone else has made a post about this, I checked around a bit and couldn't see one, but I might have missed it.

Anyway, it seems like Loki's switch teleport ability might, or might not be broken. And by "broken", I mean, you're able to switch teleport with your own decoy. This means that you can not only get into places where you shouldn't be able to, and that Loki essentially has a freeform teleport ability as a makeshift "fifth" ability.

I don't know if this is intended or not, so would help if a staff member would help clarify it.

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The only gamebreaking thing that is anoying is that he can switch the position with other teammates!

So he can save himself while he is killing a random teammate!

That should be disabled!

Yeah, that too. I haven't tested yet, but it might also be possible to switch teleport with the hostage. I'd assume so, considering that both players and the decoy are friendly targets.

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switching with your decoy was mentioned in dev diary #2, and I think it makes that skill more versatile. Being a Loki user myself, I see nothing wrong with being able to do that since it helps a lot in regard to the play style with Loki.

about switching with teammates; Ive found it to be very useful when a teammate is behind a bugged door that wont open for him but lets everyone else through. Its been used on me and I have used it to save others from that situation and so I vote it should not be changed.

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switching with your decoy was mentioned in dev diary #2, and I think it makes that skill more versatile. Being a Loki user myself, I see nothing wrong with being able to do that since it helps a lot in regard to the play style with Loki.

about switching with teammates; Ive found it to be very useful when a teammate is behind a bugged door that wont open for him but lets everyone else through. Its been used on me and I have used it to save others from that situation and so I vote it should not be changed.

Must've missed that. But anyway, so you'd rather have bugged doors than have a skill that can possible be used to grief? I feel like you're doing it in a sort of roundabout way, why not opt to let the devs to fix the actual bug (the doors not being open for everyone). :P

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switching with your decoy was mentioned in dev diary #2, and I think it makes that skill more versatile. Being a Loki user myself, I see nothing wrong with being able to do that since it helps a lot in regard to the play style with Loki.

about switching with teammates; Ive found it to be very useful when a teammate is behind a bugged door that wont open for him but lets everyone else through. Its been used on me and I have used it to save others from that situation and so I vote it should not be changed.

I only got trolled till now with that...

It would be nice when ppl only would use it to help each other

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I'm not sure if someone else has made a post about this, I checked around a bit and couldn't see one, but I might have missed it.

Anyway, it seems like Loki's switch teleport ability might, or might not be broken. And by "broken", I mean, you're able to switch teleport with your own decoy. This means that you can not only get into places where you shouldn't be able to, and that Loki essentially has a freeform teleport ability as a makeshift "fifth" ability.

I don't know if this is intended or not, so would help if a staff member would help clarify it.

Tis intentional.

Besides, it costs the Loki 25 (decoy) + 75 (ST) energy to perform such a teleport.

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Tis intentional.

Besides, it costs the Loki 25 (decoy) + 75 (ST) energy to perform such a teleport.

Hence why I called it "makeshift 5th ability" :P

Although, with the current abundance of energy you get from enemies(and if you have multiple players with energy siphon), and if you have maxed out power cap, it isn't much of a problem to perform it multiple times during a mission.

Edited by Nirrti
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In my opinion that teleport thingy is the only skill what makes Loki good and fun.. Even teleporting each other with my friends is so hilarious that it makes fun to play him. And I have helped my teammates to get somewhere faster or for instance get through lasres if they can't. That ability is really great.

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The only reason the forums are not flooded with complaints about broken missions and glitched map structures is because of Loki. About 50% of the games I join always have a glitched door, piece of terrain that the group ends up stuck behind, and it is always Lokis that allow the group to move on with switch teleport.

At the beginning, I was really dissatisfied with Loki's abilities in comparison to the other warframes. I played solo mostly and none of Loki's skills were all that useful in comparison to the offensive capabilities of Excalibur and Volt. Once I started playing coop more, I've realized the important role Loki plays within a group. We are the tech support of the Tenno. Lotus is a useless b!tch. If this was Independence Day, we would be Jeff Goldblum. Excalibur would be Will Smith. Volt would be the nuke at the end. The point is, without Loki's switch teleport and decoy, half the coop games would end in everyone quitting from behind stuck behind a door or laser fence. Asking the Devs to nerf it is shooting yourself in the foot.

Edited by Ryme
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The only gamebreaking thing that is anoying is that he can switch the position with other teammates!

So he can save himself while he is killing a random teammate!

That should be disabled!

Or maybe i could use it for sacrifice myself to save ally.

....Mostly,no one does that,so... lol

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It is a Co-op game, so the idea behind some of the skills is for teamwork. I use volt, typically a nuker who runs around stealing energy to lighting everything. But i've shielded a many teamates who were down and needed reviving. I don't use it for myself (its still to energy costly i think).

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The only reason the forums are not flooded with complaints about broken missions and glitched map structures is because of Loki. About 50% of the games I join always have a glitched door, piece of terrain that the group ends up stuck behind, and it is always Lokis that allow the group to move on with switch teleport.

At the beginning, I was really dissatisfied with Loki's abilities in comparison to the other warframes. I played solo mostly and none of Loki's skills were all that useful in comparison to the offensive capabilities of Excalibur and Volt. Once I started playing coop more, I've realized the important role Loki plays within a group. We are the tech support of the Tenno. Lotus is a useless b!tch. If this was Independence Day, we would be Jeff Goldblum. Excalibur would be Will Smith. Volt would be the nuke at the end. The point is, without Loki's switch teleport and decoy, half the coop games would end in everyone quitting from behind stuck behind a door or laser fence. Asking the Devs to nerf it is shooting yourself in the foot.

Never told them to nerf it, but once again, you're making a bad point by saying that "it's because the game is so bugged we use a warframe to get past the bugs instead of asking the devs to fix the bugs".

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We are not talking about nerf here... in my opinion it's just whining about either trolling loki players or envy about a possible "teleport" use for Loki's ability.

Against Trolling Loki players we don't need the removal of a key feature of Loki's ability and Loki itself... we need a report function and an ignore list.

For the "teleport" part.. it is just a side effect of the skill to begin with. Being able to switch with your own decoy is for situations where you put up your decoy on the other side of the room to kill enemys attacking end.. and then enemys spawn or come around the corner behind you so you can switch with your decoy and end up on the other side of the room safely and the enemys would switch to your decoy as target.

So.. if you remove other Players as target for switch because of trolling.. and then remove the ability to target your own decoy because of "teleport" leaving only enemys as target to swap with them you could just remove the skill completely.

Loki.. as it is... is well balanced the way his abilities work and synergize with one another... don't forget.. Loki has no damaging abilitys... only deception, escape, positioning and disarm. To say one last thing: Loki is only as OP as the player behind it ;)

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I'm not sure if someone else has made a post about this, I checked around a bit and couldn't see one, but I might have missed it.

Anyway, it seems like Loki's switch teleport ability might, or might not be broken. And by "broken", I mean, you're able to switch teleport with your own decoy. This means that you can not only get into places where you shouldn't be able to, and that Loki essentially has a freeform teleport ability as a makeshift "fifth" ability.

I don't know if this is intended or not, so would help if a staff member would help clarify it.

This might help you if you listen carefuly :P what they say about loky (
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We are not talking about nerf here... in my opinion it's just whining about either trolling loki players or envy about a possible "teleport" use for Loki's ability.

Against Trolling Loki players we don't need the removal of a key feature of Loki's ability and Loki itself... we need a report function and an ignore list.

For the "teleport" part.. it is just a side effect of the skill to begin with. Being able to switch with your own decoy is for situations where you put up your decoy on the other side of the room to kill enemys attacking end.. and then enemys spawn or come around the corner behind you so you can switch with your decoy and end up on the other side of the room safely and the enemys would switch to your decoy as target.

So.. if you remove other Players as target for switch because of trolling.. and then remove the ability to target your own decoy because of "teleport" leaving only enemys as target to swap with them you could just remove the skill completely.

Loki.. as it is... is well balanced the way his abilities work and synergize with one another... don't forget.. Loki has no damaging abilitys... only deception, escape, positioning and disarm. To say one last thing: Loki is only as OP as the player behind it ;)

It's neither talking about a nerf or whining, I've got a rank 30 Loki :P

Just clarifying whether it's a bug or intended effect. Although, removing other players from being targeted by it would make sense to me, as switching with another player (apart from currently getting past bugged doors) offers little in terms of tactics and positioning(sure, theoretically you could cloak, run into a group of enemies, and switch target with another player with radial damage ability, but come on guys, who really does that, it's slow, and just shooting the enemies or letting the player with radial damage run into the middle is faster). But, I'm not demanding that anything is changed about it. Just curious about things.

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Player goes down directly in front of a boss... Loki switches him out of reach and to a safe location to be helped up.

Player gets stunlocked by Inefsted an nearly dies.. Loki switches him out and goes invisible afterwards.

Player with charg ability charges a boss and gets switched by Loki for instant radial disarm.

I could go on and as you see switching with players is a form of teamplay and not only for compensating for bugs or trolling.. those two are just negativ examples for an ability that has multiple uses depending on the situation. It is not just "change place with someone" .. it is far more when you think about it and use it clever.

Edited by Namacyst
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