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Stalker Could Be Anyone: Even You!


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if you obtain all equipment + frame the stalker has, you have a rare chance to invade a parties game, kill your target, get mad rewards such as ether boosters or cash / rare resources.



Full details of the idea:


The stalker is not really much to be feared nowadays unless you are a low level player who does not yet have the great mods and the great weapons, even then if you know how the Stalker AI behaves you can still have a chance. it has been stated before that the manic took the Stalker's place as most feared hunter, so what can be scarryer then an Ai hunter? a player hunter.


the requirements is simple, obtain all Stalker weapons + have an Excalibur and a rare chance while in your liset if you have all the parts  you may get a message to invade another parties game to go for the target that would normally trigger the stalker.


so when this happens whats to stop the stalker player from killing everyone? simple, if he kills someone other then the target the stalker's mission ends and you get 0 rewards where if you kill the target you win a huge quantity of loot, ether credits, large bundles of rare resources, or maybe parts for prisma weapons or prime mod rewards.


so how would you be able to know what the target is to kill? have the vision be like the scanners. the target blinks red / green and you can see through walls for him, so you always know where he is. for skills you have all the stalker skills, and for weapons they would match what the stalker's weapons spawned in as (not what mods you put on the said weapons, same with the frame itself)



thoughts? yay or nay? how would you improve this idea if you see potential?

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Quite funny IMO, but...


"the target that would normally trigger the stalker" Question : what if the player doesn't answer the message ? You make the AI stalker come ? I imagine this must not be simple to handle, and I suppose that for such a rare occurence, this is a lot of work for something that is not really worth it.

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if the person does not answer the msg in X amount of time it was sent (example: target is nearing completion of mission / objective) the invitation to invade becomes null and an AI stalker is then sent

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Few small problems besides the stalker killing the other team members and not his target:
-What is to stop the stalker from killing the defense/rescue objective?
-What is to stop the stalker from not doing anything and instead just letting himself be killed?
-What about players who don't want to fight other players at all?
-What is to stop the stalker player from abusing the stalkers skills? (Which could be incredibly abuseable if it wasn't for an AI, such as infinite "pull and melee stagger" chains?  Or using the infinite range dispell (which staggers and deals 100 damage) from a spot he can't be reached and killing his target that way?)

-What is to stop the stalker player from 'invading' and then grabbing something like the datamass (most players drop it when the stalker shows up) and then hiding it in a place that other players can't get to?

And those are just some questions I thought of off of the top of my head....

Fact is though is that this idea has been suggested lots of times before and shot down by both players and DE.

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I've seen this idea in the forums before and some people have thought of nice solutions for abuse and exploits. People of course still whined because it was "forcing pvp" on them regardless of failsafes.


I think it would be a fun thing if perfected though.

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