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How Much Rating Do You Give Warframe?


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How can you play a game that you rate 4.5/10 for 2 years?!? *mind blown*

For my part I give it a 8.5/10. The only reason i dont give more is because i think they are trying to do too much at the same time.

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I play Warframe since a very long time and i had see up and downs and i know how much work they put in that Game thats why get Warframe from me 10/10 Points. but by site that have i made a player stats ;).



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At first I wasn't sure how deep I'd get into a game like this , first day I'd give it 5/10

But now I'm a MR 12 and have a strong grasp on the game play and how to really use the frames and there powers ,

Honestly the best game I've ever played ... Could do with out the bugs and little issues , but still just a great game !

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1 point lost for gamble-based progression.

2 points lost for completely broken game foundations (enemy and player scaling, weapon balance).


Otherwise it's great: playability, art, sound, content quantity, etc.

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M8 I r8 8/8 thats gr8

Honestly this is one of the better games I played.

8/10 Lore (Detailed, keeps people second guessing)

8/10 Graphics (Amazing)

8/10 Concept (As a Sci-Fi game few come close to the concept of Warframe)

0/10 RnG (Self-explanatory)

7/10 Initial Gameplay (Exhilarating and fun at first)

2/10 Sustained Gameplay (Then gets sort of repetitive)

3/10 Balance (Self-explanatory)

Overall rating: 3.141592653589795.../10 7.5/10.


RNG is fine in a game, however RNG brakes down when you saturate the loot tables like they have with trash.


If each loot table had 5-10 things max and they more evenly spread it out among all the mission types/levels/enemies it would fell a lot less RNG'y.

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5/10 maybe, 6 at best. I give the devs that work on the art of this game a 12/10 though, gameplay devs have a lot of homework to do. If this game had some real lore and some decent end game, I could probably look past the sea of bugs and the unfinished content that are present within the game currently. However, couple those problems with the grind the devs want to put you through, it's a turns into a big turn off. This is supposed to be DE's year of quality (taking that with a grain of salt atm) so we'll see if they can improve on this game's gameplay. If you're going by the look of the game though, easily hands down one of the best looking. I hope DE is paying those art/graphic designers some serious pay, they earned that.

Edited by TheDoctah
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M8 I r8 8/8 thats gr8

Honestly this is one of the better games I played.

8/10 Lore (Detailed, keeps people second guessing)

8/10 Graphics (Amazing)

8/10 Concept (As a Sci-Fi game few come close to the concept of Warframe)

0/10 RnG (Self-explanatory)

7/10 Initial Gameplay (Exhilarating and fun at first)

2/10 Sustained Gameplay (Then gets sort of repetitive)

3/10 Balance (Self-explanatory)

Overall rating: 3.141592653589795.../10 7.5/10.

A detailed lore doesn't keep anyone second guessing, else it fails being detailed.


I'd give the game a 5 gameplaywise, it parkour 2.0 will be good, an 7.

If it's not going to be a buggy crapfest (never) a 9.

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A detailed lore doesn't keep anyone second guessing, else it fails being detailed.



being detailed doesnt mean saying it all, so you are quite wrong, still warframe doesnt shine for a detailed lore, theres a lot of technology in this game that has nowhere in the future a hope to be explained to the level of masseffect, by example, now, about being interesting warframe´s lore for sure is above average

Edited by rockscl
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8.5 / 10


metacritic should re evaluate warframe, these reviews are 2 years old and warframe is too much different now


It's more or less the same, it's been shined up but the same problems from a year ago are still there.


The upcoming patches may change everything, that is a point it might be worth a re-evaluation but not now.

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I think the concept is great, but DE took the game in the wrong direction. There are hundreds of weapons, but it all feels the same. The end result is the same in the death of enemies, so why filled the game with hundreds of these diluted, similar pool of weaponry? There are over 20 suits, but the abilities feel too similar- either they're CC or nukes. I guess I am saying it has quantity, but not quality. I mean, the lore is kind of weird. At first, it said the Tenno gained super powers and the suits are built to help them control. Now with the newer suits, it is implied that the suits give the Tenno these abilities. Then we have these huge maps that are super laggy. This game is basically just a laggy grind to use hundreds of similar weapons that lacks a solid story behind it, just to get mastery levels. The only good things are that you can customize stuff and it has some cool-looking designs. It has that wow factor for people new to this game, then the repetitive and similarities make it very boring.


I am not trying to bash your favorite game or whatever; this is just my honest opinion on this game. The last time I played was during the last days of the Bursa event, and it felt more like a chores than enjoying the game, which I hacked the robot of the fake mustache guy.


After nearly 2 years of playing, I give it a final rating of 4.5/10 because I think it's either a 4 or a 5. Now don't flame me and tell me to quit because that's my business. I am just wondering how much rating do you give Warframe  This is all opinion so please don't get defensive.

9/10 to warframe and 0/10 to your post 

200 + weapons and all feel the same

we have an arsenal from rocket launcher to a boomerang  how is that ''similar''

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9/10 to warframe and 0/10 to your post 

200 + weapons and all feel the same

we have an arsenal from rocket launcher to a boomerang  how is that ''similar''

Why are you compairing a a primary slot to a melee slot?

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Visuals: 7/10 Everything looks nice and stands out alot, but I have seen much more detail in other titles, and being flashy is not always a good thing.


Game play: 6/10 I would give it a 5/10, but there are not really many games like warframe, so I have to give them one more point for that.


Concept: 4/10 It's weird and different, but that's about it.


Polish: 2/10 This score will change eventually (that is unless warframe dies off before it has the time to change) but this is what I give it now with all of the bugs (some of which are major and have existed for a very, very long time), annoying tile sets, and how bad some of the randomly generated maps can be. Enemies need lots of work AI wise, sounds can either be OK to terrible, and most content in the game is pretty shallow.


Balance: 0/10 LOL


RNG: 3/10 Better than other games in some aspects, but worse in other aspects.


Grind: 0/10 Pretty much all there is to do in warframe.


Music: 4/10 It's pretty hit or miss, some tracks are great, most are meh. Let's just say I play while listening to a music playlist for a reason.


Directory system: 6/10 It helps most of the time, but sometimes I'm looking at my map and I just can't figure out where the F*** the game wants me to go.


Events: 3/10 Most of them are also very tedious and grindy. Some of them have gimmicks that are just not fun to put up with (low conclave events, specific weapon events, hack and keep alive a crazed 1 shot machine for 20 minutes a run events).


Lore: 5/10 It's not bad, but there needs to be more of it.


Customization: 7/10 Warframe gives you alot of freedom to do what you want with weapons and frames when it comes to colors as long as you buy some palettes, but there are also alot of things restricted in said customization, and there are even some un-color-able spots on some weapons and frames alike.


Wait Walls: 1/10 They are a necessary evil in a f2p game, but it feels like they are put on the most ridiculous things sometimes (thawing out kubrows anyone?) and some wait walls seem like they are just in there for the hell of it since there's no option to speed them up with plat (Failing a MR test, clan research, Kubrow maturing, getting invasion rewards, daily standing limit) and some are put in the game to artificially extend the game's longevity but end up being a nuisance in the long run (Scavenger hunts for BPS and parts just to start building something, completed weapons required to build weapons, and completed parts from other frames to build parts of a frame in chroma's case.) Or in mirage and chroma's case, having to build 1 part of a frame just to be able to do the mission for the next part's BP. In some regards warframe does feel like a freemium mobile game.


Chat: 1/10 You know a game is horribly coded when the chat system can make your game crash if too many tabs are open on it.


Voice chat: 0/10 You can't understand S#&$ that anyone says in warframe VC.


Trade system: 4/10 It's stupid how a mmo has restrictions when it comes to trading at all, but you rarely run out of trades when you hit MR8, so it's not too big a deal.


UI: 5/10 It's pretty good looking and organized but it's very buggy, sometimes game-breakingly so.


Average score: 3.4/10 Final thoughts: "Its free so it doesn't hurt to try." "Enjoy the year of quantity quality".

Edited by Flowen231
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I enjoy it but I feel it's a good 7/10. It's lacking storyline, rng and a few pain in the butt bugs. I believe that one day these issue's will be resolved then it will be a 10 but DE seems to make things more complicated by taking a step forward then take two steps backwards.

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