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Game Difficulty Far Too Easy


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My Idea : Harsher Environment (supported by better enemy AI would be best)


-  More hazard that makes us weaker. The good example is like, the cryo leak hazard. The leak halves our max shield. It could be in form of the status impairment or by limiting our senses (such as total darkness, so use those flashlight more), or lighter gravity because of a hole in the ship (reduced bullet damage, slower melee attacks, harder aim and maybe health depletion by like, 1 per 20 second because of vacuum effect). Or even, the ship is being hunted by a big space monster that could break its arm through the reinforced glass window by suprise (we need to shoot the arm, then lock the window to prevent leakage). This hazard should be random and unexpected, thus reducing the artificial feeling, something that we created itself.


- Traps. Not like the one set by enemies (like the corpus laser door), but make it so that the environment itself is a danger to us. Unstable big, heavy debris that could crush us anytime, broken machines that bound to explode any minute, and maybe any better idea that anyone else might have.


- personal idea : Un-killable infested. One that is over mutated, even deadlier than Ancients. Good thing is, it is not aware of our presence. Lotus first warn us that "a dangerous entity is on the ship". The only way to get past safely is by stealth (no, not stealth the entire mission, but, just to be not spotted by it). Loki, Banshee, Ash and enemy radar is very valuable in this case and could emphasize the stealth aspect in this game more.

Edited by Tsualla
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My opinion is to add "Elite Strike Force" which consist of plenty elite unit(not a meat bag which die as fast as they come) and mini boss on Higher level. Those guy will chase you through the map, while you either can fight them or use console to temporary locked them down on your prev area.


In addition, now every area will require certain time to be opened when those guy spawn, so you can't just run away like roadrunner.


Adding Threat meter also a good idea, this bar will increase with on many npc you murdered / how faster u progress, while getting less damage from them, which affect spawn number, elite spawn rate, and that elite strike force event. The better you are, the harder they become.

Edited by Barzah
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Squad ?! Besides defense missions, this game is cakewalk even on solo, if you know how to rush...


You dont even need frost or rhino, any warframe will do, and some mods which are commonly available like vitality and redirection. Add in rush and marathon mods, and TADA !!! .. you are an F1 with enemies on bicyles...

So you say the game is easy... when you don't really "play" it ?

Just try to kill some things (after all it's a third person ... shooter ...), you'll see that there will be some difficulty.

And get rid of redirection an dvitality, not beacause it will be harder (you'll surely have to play better) but because you don't really need them and can use the space for more interesting mods.


The game isn't hard, but it's not easy too.

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My opinion is to add "Elite Strike Force" which consist of plenty elite unit(not a meat bag which die as fast as they come) and mini boss on Higher level. Those guy will chase you through the map, while you either can fight them or use console to temporary locked them down on your prev area.


In addition, now every area will require certain time to be opened when those guy spawn, so you can't just run away like roadrunner.


Adding Threat meter also a good idea, this bar will increase with on many npc you murdered / how faster u progress, while getting less damage from them, which affect spawn number, elite spawn rate, and that elite strike force event. The better you are, the harder they become.

This is kind of like the stalker, and I think additions like the stalker in higher levels really spice things up; however, defeating such obstacles should also yield higher rewards. But the stalker is interesting as he uses Warframe-like abilities.


I think the infested, currently, provide strategy and are complex to deal with - particularly with ancients. Toxic ancients force positioning changes and make you move around, while Disruptors must be taken out as soon as possible or they can wreck. With Corpus and Grineer, there is room for improvement.

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Does anyone remember monster hunter. At beginning that game was crazy hard(these runs on ykk) but once you got a hang of it and got some gear you could kill bosses with ease, and kill times went down from 35 minutes to 1-2 minutes or even 20seconds with coordinated group. Both mh and wf are extremely easy when prepared for mission but in warframe you will be prepared simply by having frame with enough lvl and few mods.

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I believe it's better this way instead of seeing people all over the place "the game is too hard, no one can beat it!" go and do defense missions and reach as high lvl as possible, that's challenging,

The only thing i would like to be hardened.. are the bosses, nothing major.. but a slight buff

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Both are still artificial and lousy ideas. The way you make a game more difficult without it being artifical is by making the AI better and have enemies be more synergistic. A good example of this is those flying bots that prove shielding for other enemies around it. It changes the dynamic of the game so instead of just wiping out enemies like normal, they become a priority or else things become much harder.


Also OP get to pluto or try playing some solo missions before you claim the game is too easy.


Artificial and lousy, but they demand that you apply more skill in your combat in addition to gear. If enemies have just high hitpoints, you can counter it just by getting better weapon/weapon-mods. If enemies dodge, you gotta aim properly otherwise you wont be able hit no matter how great your weapon is.


Improved AI can only be done if enemies have more special abilities. Most enemies in this game just points a gun at you and shoot. There is nothing much you can do to AI with current level of technology we have. No matter how smart your AI is, you cannot match the malice of a real player. Even an average player in PvP can make smartest AI look dumb. If enemies had multiple abilities like healing their allys, CC, disarm, etc then something could have been done. We have grineer rollers who do somewhat decent CC chain and people complain about it all over the forums, but all it takes is a heavy weapon with freeze and you can take 100 grineer rollers alone, provided you have atleast half a brain of monkey.


And pluto is cake.



So you say the game is easy... when you don't really "play" it ?

Just try to kill some things (after all it's a third person ... shooter ...), you'll see that there will be some difficulty.

And get rid of redirection an dvitality, not beacause it will be harder (you'll surely have to play better) but because you don't really need them and can use the space for more interesting mods.


The game isn't hard, but it's not easy too.


Oh really ? I can finish any exterminate mission on pluto while having coffee and reading a comic book. Its just I wont be able to finish it fast enough like other missions in which I can just run and be done with it in 2 minutes.


The game is ROFLMAO easy, except defense missions. When playing warframe I am paying only one-tenth of attention to anything compared to what I have to do when playing a PvP game.

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The problem with rollers is that you need the right weapon or the right warframe to kill them. And that's something set in stone once the mission starts.

Try to do something with a snipetron and a lex against them with trinity (her link is the only way to do anything against them)

Sure, I don't take a snipetron and a lex in any mission (I take a viper as pistol) but those rollers should stay as annoying as today but with a lot less HP so they can be killed in one hit. Your brain won't help you when you're stagger-locked.

Sure you have to think "before" such a situation arises, but you can't say S#&$ never happens.


And I still disagree with you about the difficulty. Maybe you can play pluto without playing attention to it because you either

- have a level 30 warframe with potato, weapons level 30 with potato and max serration and damage mods (getting a maxed serration costs so much... You can't use a maxed weapon as an argument. Only weapon level 30 without potato and with average serration can be taken into account)

- have excellent reflexes with a mouse. Headshots really change the gameplay once you know how to land them often. I use a gamepad (so I don't land so many headshots) and find the game "average" on pluto with a level 30 warframe and gear without potato and with medium mods.


What I'm trying to say is that you can't say "the game is too easy" in an objective way. The game is too easy for you. You can't deny the fact that there's also some topics that says the game is too hard.


Anyway I agree when you say that AI can't really be enhanced as long as mobs don't have more skills. Even if at the moment I find it not that bad (grineer try to take cover when you aim at them, they take cover behind the shields, they try to flank you)

Edited by vieuxchat
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Nah, pluto is as simple as any, that is, if you are rushing... :)


Even if you are not rushing, its not that hard. Bring atleast one ammo box for your most common weapon, and if you are careful you will go thru any mission (except defense) without dying even once.


Only problematic mission on solo may be :

1. Defense (they ARE problematic on higher waves even for full squads).

2. Boss missions (not all warframes can solo them, unless probably outfitted with best mods in the game)

3. Exterminate missions (not really hard, its just you cannot rush them)

Rushing is not playing the game. Warframe is not sonic the hedgehog, you're not fighting against the clock 90% of the time. You lose out on heaps of mods, credits, and experience points by 'rushing' through a level and bypassing the enemies- and then have the nerve to call something you haven't even really played easy? Shame on you.


Rushing through levels will also not earn you favor with clan/squadmates.


As someone who's been playing since closed beta, has every warframe in the game except frost prime and vaubaun, and every weapon except the braton vandal (I didn't buy it for 1 credit during open beta weekend, so sue me) and is near capping out the available mastery rank points and is currently ranked in the top 500 players. I have to say you're doing it wrong and your statements are dead wrong.


I can solo 30+ waves on a defense with any frame.

I can go much further on a defense with a good team.

I don't need ammo boxes at all on pluto and can solo or team-run pluto with any frame without rushing or dying.


Rushing is not the answer, it's the problem. Clearing a mission quickly can be achieved without rushing. If your team works together even Hades can be completed VERY quickly while collecting more resources, mods, and experience than anyone rushing full-tilt past all of the laser doors, cameras, and enemies could ever hope for.


Let me ask you when the last time you saw over 50-100k xp from a single mission? Never? That's because you're a typical rusher, who doesn't realize what you're losing out on.


Go ahead and play however you want though, just don't start crying when everyone else passes you by in experience points, has all the mods you can't find because you're blowing by the enemies that drop them without a second thought.


Difficulty could stand to be increased, yes- but mostly just for end-gamers like myself and those whom have conquered pluto several times over, newer players still have plenty of trouble dealing with enemies- which is why some of them run scared from them like you do. Cowardice is not something to be proud of.



The problem with rollers is that you need the right weapon or the right warframe to kill them. And that's something set in stone once the mission starts.

I don't have any problem hitting rollers with my lex. O.o;

Granted, you did mention you play with a gamepad and this may be your problem. Even so tactics like leading them in a streight line and aiming backwards to shoot at them as they follow should be effective for you.


With any frame and weapon loadout there at least three different effective methods for dealing with rollers. Don't get me wrong, I hate rollers too, but they're that enemy that everyone loves to hate- and every good game needs at least one enemy like that. To spite all the frustration they cause I would never want them removed.


AI difficulty changes have been suggested in other threads, and I'd love to see some higher difficulty missions with improved AI Squad-based tactics thrown in. Granieer shield lancers will already post up in-front of other granieer to defend them, and the shield drones were already mentioned. These are things that I agree need to be expanded upon for the higher difficulties.

Edited by AnalogAnomaly
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Hitting rollers is really a nightmare in usual situations. You need to get them sowhere they'll be stopped or just try to turn when they can't. I think that's a good thing, but they are just too damn small to be hittable without monk skills :P

Or maybe the devs should buff the range of jump-ground attack and give a radius to all weapons, even to daggers.

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Enemies that become too hard to fight also become a hassle and a source of unhappiness to some, such as the case of borderlands 2 for some whereby the difficulty curve on TVHM was overdoing for them.


There is more than one way to make this "harder" but not by making enemies strong, rather to introduce newer enemy types which require different dynamics to defeat. Of course this will probably come since right now we are playing in one solar system with 3 factions of enemies. What if you were to go to other solar systems? I wonder how would the game progress once a we can travel to separate solar systems!

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There is more than one way to make this "harder" but not by making enemies strong, rather to introduce newer enemy types which require different dynamics to defeat. Of course this will probably come since right now we are playing in one solar system with 3 factions of enemies. What if you were to go to other solar systems? I wonder how would the game progress once a we can travel to separate solar systems!

You. Report to commander captain counselor commander Vor for cloning IMMEDIATELY. This is perhaps the only sane, rational, useful post i've seen on the forums all day.

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Oh really ? I can finish any exterminate mission on pluto while having coffee and reading a comic book. Its just I wont be able to finish it fast enough like other missions in which I can just run and be done with it in 2 minutes.


The game is ROFLMAO easy, except defense missions. When playing warframe I am paying only one-tenth of attention to anything compared to what I have to do when playing a PvP game.

You're supposed to be able to beat the game. What fun would it be failing all the time? Especially when you have a limited number of lives. And you admit when you play normal it takes a while to beat the levels, rushing isn't playing the game. Any game is easy if you just rush past the content to the end. And you can guarantee DE is going to take even more steps to stop rushers with people saying stuff like this. Also comparing PvP games to PvE is idiotic, you're playing a real living person of course they're going to require more skill.

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This post is going to be long but I do believe it will be worth the read, please consider my suggestions as born from someone who loves the game and wants it to succeed in the long-term, much like I believe many others do.


First, this game is in constant development and more content will come, we do need to be a little more patient with DE as they are implementing changes (even if some of it is arguably confusing and rage-inducing) almost every 2 weeks, at this point.

Also, try and consider that the game isn't only to be played by "YOU." While that may seem rude, it isn't intended to be, I'm merely stating that, if this game is going to continue to grow, this "minority" of the "vocal" community needs to stop griefing about the game being too "easy." This thread of discussion simply is alienating the new player base who are meeting far more challenge than anyone previous has. Want some examples? The latest update just made acquisition of new weapons considerably rough and painstakingly long and the mod drop rates for many of the "good" mods are laughable now in comparison to when the game went live on Steam, for instance.

My advice would be to offer some "reasonable" ways to make the content more challenging for advanced players without asking for them to be completely catered to "your" preference as an 'end-game' player.

Consider what the "community" would benefit most from and make suggestions along those lines.


I am going to attempt to do that now and I would love to see what your respective responses and input are to this.


So, here goes:


I would ascertain from my playtime (which is rather considerable) that we need more reason to explore content (instead of just rushing), more enemies with differing powers (especially in regards to bosses and also the stagger/knockdown mechanics) and a difficulty setting (managed by the lobby host for private/invite-only games, at the very least) that scales the enemies (and rewards) on 3 tiers:


1. Normal [Novice] which would be the same as it is now,


2. Hard [Tenno] Which could include enemy damage-type resistances and increased enemy damage output along with additional mission objectives (ie. 8 Data Terminals, 3 Captures, 4 Reactors, etc   and resistances could improve as waves increase on defense, etc)


3. Expert [Master] which would have all the extras of Tenno difficulty with considerably more enemies and NO REVIVES.

The above options would allow the entire game's content to get more play value and more user-specific catering without damning anyone else. You can simply use these options or not, the game would be yours to enjoy how you see fit. The above, while needing some considerations and balancing for implementation is a "community-based" option that isn't hostile to anyone. These are the types of suggestions that we NEED. Not because it is mine, because it is driven by perspective and desire to make the game better for "ALL."



Now, In regards to the game being "easy" at present...

If you would like the game to be more difficult in the meantime, I can make some suggestions that I think would allow you to get some challenge:

1) STOP RUSHING (if you aren't afraid to fight, don't run)

2) Use a NEW frame, with NEW weapons and NO catalysts or reactors
3) Challenge yourself by finishing high-level missions with suggestions 1 and 2

4) Stop using your powers to bail yourself out of jams (See 3)

5) Play solo defense
6) Play higher-level defense with combinations of the above


People have been replaying titles with no new content as melee only, time-trials, no upgrades, no saves, no heals, etc for YEARS... I find it impossible to believe there are people who have played this game "to the fullest." 


If you want a challenge, use your imagination!


If you want the game to be better in the future, create some positive, community-aimed suggestions and/or dialogue to improve the game going forward.


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Rushing is not playing the game. Warframe is not sonic the hedgehog, you're not fighting against the clock 90% of the time. You lose out on heaps of mods, credits, and experience points by 'rushing' through a level and bypassing the enemies- and then have the nerve to call something you haven't even really played easy? Shame on you.


Rushing through levels will also not earn you favor with clan/squadmates.


As someone who's been playing since closed beta, has every warframe in the game except frost prime and vaubaun, and every weapon except the braton vandal (I didn't buy it for 1 credit during open beta weekend, so sue me) and is near capping out the available mastery rank points and is currently ranked in the top 500 players. I have to say you're doing it wrong and your statements are dead wrong.


I can solo 30+ waves on a defense with any frame.

I can go much further on a defense with a good team.

I don't need ammo boxes at all on pluto and can solo or team-run pluto with any frame without rushing or dying.


Rushing is not the answer, it's the problem. Clearing a mission quickly can be achieved without rushing. If your team works together even Hades can be completed VERY quickly while collecting more resources, mods, and experience than anyone rushing full-tilt past all of the laser doors, cameras, and enemies could ever hope for.


Let me ask you when the last time you saw over 50-100k xp from a single mission? Never? That's because you're a typical rusher, who doesn't realize what you're losing out on.


Go ahead and play however you want though, just don't start crying when everyone else passes you by in experience points, has all the mods you can't find because you're blowing by the enemies that drop them without a second thought.


I also said about exterminate missions, they are easy too, and I dont know any way of rushing through them without killing them. All you responded is about me rushing and completely ignored the fact that I am talking about exterminate missions too.


Mods ?! Which mods I am missing ? Lets see... magazine warp ? sentinel's vitality ? No thanks I have already lots of it, and I dont need them, even running to pick them up is few seconds of my life wasted. Sure there can be a multi-shot, like maybe 0.000001% chance, and that chance is too small for me to bother.


Experience ? I would like to know what experience is useful for past level 30.


Regarding earning favor towards clan/squadmates. Yes, that is interesting and useful IFFFF players are actually interacting at all. I am a rusher, but I am not an arrogant rusher. If some player actually asks me that he/she needs help I will run back. Also, when I do see a mod drop at some odd place, and if my teammates are too far behind, I stay there with the mod. Because the pathetic waypoints disappear in like 5 seconds. I try my best that everybody gets to pick the mod. But the tragedy is nobody interacts much in this game, and guess why ?? Because this game is so damn easy there is no need to interact at all !!!


I am rushing when I can to save time and burnout. If I try to kill stupid mobs for way too long I will get bored from game and will never play it again. Even now when I actually reached level 30 and maxed out my weapons, and found most of rare mods, my warframe playtime has DRASTICALLY reduced. There is nothing to do at all, I log in once or twice a day, do a solo mission and get out.



You're supposed to be able to beat the game. What fun would it be failing all the time? Especially when you have a limited number of lives. And you admit when you play normal it takes a while to beat the levels, rushing isn't playing the game. Any game is easy if you just rush past the content to the end. And you can guarantee DE is going to take even more steps to stop rushers with people saying stuff like this. Also comparing PvP games to PvE is idiotic, you're playing a real living person of course they're going to require more skill.


So, according to you there can either be easy or unbeatable ? Thats very black and white. From difficulty I did not mean unbeatable or extremely hard to beat, but less chances of falling asleep while playing. Currently there are no surprises in warframe, little to no punishment for errors and sloppy play, you dont need to keep track of lots of things etc. I quoted PvP game because they are an excellent example of difficulty. While you cannot make a computer AI as good as humans, you CAN make things which are not very lenient on mistakes.


I quote an example from WoW, a boss (I dont remember name or instance), fires a chain lightning, which can skip to nearby players. It does a significant damage on first hit but its by no means lethal. But for every skip the damage multiples by 5 (might 3 or might be 10, I dont remember). The point is, the players must pay attention when its going to cast that chain lightning, because if lightning skips past second target, the third guy will definitely die, and lightning will skip even on death, potentially killing everyone in raid group except first two targets.

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This post is going to be long but I do believe it will be worth the read, please consider my suggestions as born from someone who loves the game and wants it to succeed in the long-term, much like I believe many others do.


First, this game is in constant development and more content will come, we do need to be a little more patient with DE as they are implementing changes (even if some of it is arguably confusing and rage-inducing) almost every 2 weeks, at this point.

Also, try and consider that the game isn't only to be played by "YOU." While that may seem rude, it isn't intended to be, I'm merely stating that, if this game is going to continue to grow, this "minority" of the "vocal" community needs to stop griefing about the game being too "easy." This thread of discussion simply is alienating the new player base who are meeting far more challenge than anyone previous has. Want some examples? The latest update just made acquisition of new weapons considerably rough and painstakingly long and the mod drop rates for many of the "good" mods are laughable now in comparison to when the game went live on Steam, for instance.

My advice would be to offer some "reasonable" ways to make the content more challenging for advanced players without asking for them to be completely catered to "your" preference as an 'end-game' player.

Consider what the "community" would benefit most from and make suggestions along those lines.


I respect your point, this game should never be made for one person only. What I am actually unhappy (not raging, not crying, not mad, just slightly unhappy) is lack of end game content with rewards. Defense is just content no rewards. Large number of useles mods is not a good reward.


Now, In regards to the game being "easy" at present...

If you would like the game to be more difficult in the meantime, I can make some suggestions that I think would allow you to get some challenge:

1) STOP RUSHING (if you aren't afraid to fight, don't run)

2) Use a NEW frame, with NEW weapons and NO catalysts or reactors

3) Challenge yourself by finishing high-level missions with suggestions 1 and 2

4) Stop using your powers to bail yourself out of jams (See 3)

5) Play solo defense

6) Play higher-level defense with combinations of the above


People have been replaying titles with no new content as melee only, time-trials, no upgrades, no saves, no heals, etc for YEARS... I find it impossible to believe there are people who have played this game "to the fullest." 


If you want a challenge, use your imagination!


Here, I would like to point out that warframe is not the only game in existence, no offense intended. While I can use my imagination to make warframe harder to suit my sense of difficulty, I will only do so if I really really love warframe and no other game. That might be the case with some players here, and I respect their love for warframe but thats certainly not a case with me. There are games which provide genuine difficulty without limiting myself artificially, but sadly all of them are either offline single player, or online PvP.


The only way outside of warframe to be in a cooperative PvE and still provide difficulty, have LOTS and LOTS of grinding involved. Grinding for mods in warframe is NOTHING compared to that, and that is why I love warframe more than any other PvE. Less grinding is more fun for me, no exceptions.


Lastly, I dont rush because I am afraid, I rush because enemies are weak and repetitive. I know that I can kill them anytime I want, but most likely I will get nothing, or some stupid magazine warp reward at most. Thats why I ignore them, unless they cannot be ignored (exterminate/defense).

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i would love for the game to implement a "survival horror" type of mode

where you have limited health and ammunition and have to approach battles much more carefully.


i assume the game will get more challenging and have new things implemented to keep players interested.

usually demos and betas are easier than the final game so they can rope in new players without frustrating them into quitting.

F*** survival horror. want something challenging? go stealth.

Edited by n7snk
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You're supposed to be able to beat the game. What fun would it be failing all the time? Especially when you have a limited number of lives. And you admit when you play normal it takes a while to beat the levels, rushing isn't playing the game. Any game is easy if you just rush past the content to the end. And you can guarantee DE is going to take even more steps to stop rushers with people saying stuff like this. Also comparing PvP games to PvE is idiotic, you're playing a real living person of course they're going to require more skill.

there is the problem with your mindset. you don't want a game to tell you that you have failed and have no skill whatsoever. you want the game to tell you that you are allmighty.

you are the reason why games are getting dumbed down, so any skilles and mindless brat with hands growing from his butt will be able to complete it.


try out dark souls. there is nothing as good as overcoming challenges, because when you finally managed to complete one or another area or boss, you know that not many did it. and some even got crestfallen.

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I respect your point, this game should never be made for one person only. What I am actually unhappy (not raging, not crying, not mad, just slightly unhappy) is lack of end game content with rewards. Defense is just content no rewards. Large number of useles mods is not a good reward.



Here, I would like to point out that warframe is not the only game in existence, no offense intended. While I can use my imagination to make warframe harder to suit my sense of difficulty, I will only do so if I really really love warframe and no other game. That might be the case with some players here, and I respect their love for warframe but thats certainly not a case with me. There are games which provide genuine difficulty without limiting myself artificially, but sadly all of them are either offline single player, or online PvP.


The only way outside of warframe to be in a cooperative PvE and still provide difficulty, have LOTS and LOTS of grinding involved. Grinding for mods in warframe is NOTHING compared to that, and that is why I love warframe more than any other PvE. Less grinding is more fun for me, no exceptions.


Lastly, I dont rush because I am afraid, I rush because enemies are weak and repetitive. I know that I can kill them anytime I want, but most likely I will get nothing, or some stupid magazine warp reward at most. Thats why I ignore them, unless they cannot be ignored (exterminate/defense).


Sounds to me like you need more content and more powerful enemies but even then, you want rewards that would only make you more powerful and, subsequently, the issue with challenge rears its head again quite soon... Do you see where I am going here? 

I feel bad saying this but your specific needs are a tad unrealistic to meet currently and from a development standpoint in general. This is especially true at this stage in a game's development.


I say this because, as you've stated, you are clearly not invested enough to "artificially" limit yourself to further enjoy this game (in its current incarnation) over other titles but somehow 'need' more content 'right now' because other titles don't provide you with what you want (co-op, etc) either.


In short, it seems that you are saying that you've 'outplayed' the game the way you are 'willing to play it' and while that is your prerogative, it likely means you are going to have to return when more content is added (much like many MMO players do).


Right now, there are a myriad of fixes that need to be attended to and the HUGE update 8 coming in a few weeks which will be adding tons of new content.   Beyond that, we know that DE are concerned about end-game (as any good dev team should be) and are taking steps to address it as they go forward.


The best advice I can give you from one gamer to another, is to either adapt your play-style or wait it out on another game while bringing good ideas forward here on the forums.


All in all, patience is key!

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blah blah blah some other nonsense i can't be bothered to address because of what's below

 i'm hoping you've just recently done a reset because.. well... this


and your forum account creation time says you first posted on the first of may. =/


My conclusion pretty much has to be that you've bought a number of your frames rather than grinding for them (and that's perfectly fine, i'm not going to bash on you for that, that's your choice.) and your weapons, and generally haven't yet really experienced the game and all it has to offer in terms of difficulty, challenge, and variety. I would absolutely love some proof to the contrary- but i'm afraid I can't justify taking you seriously until you've offered that proof.

Edited by AnalogAnomaly
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 i'm hoping you've just recently done a reset because.. well... this


and your forum account creation time says you first posted on the first of may. =/


Since you are so very interested, here it goes :




I am rank-3, almost half way to rank-4. You can see I have Gorgon rifle in my inventory which proves the point. My profile shows my gameplay incorrect. I even made a topic in Player helping Player section regarding this :




If you can help me out on that, I will appreciate it a lot.

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Id like some boss battles that didnt either put me to sleep or just sigh in disappointment over silly things like instant death attacks (Jackal comes to mind).


Pretty much every single boss in the game is an absolute joke and are at best horrendously HP-bloated punching bags. Theres absolutely nothing satisfying about beating or fighting them, it always feels like a chore you go through to get frame BPs and the occasional rare material (having bosses drop NOTHING VALUABLE AT ALL on death is also just absolutely fab, reminds me of Aion).

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Sounds to me like you need more content and more powerful enemies but even then, you want rewards that would only make you more powerful and, subsequently, the issue with challenge rears its head again quite soon... Do you see where I am going here? 

I feel bad saying this but your specific needs are a tad unrealistic to meet currently and from a development standpoint in general. This is especially true at this stage in a game's development.


I say this because, as you've stated, you are clearly not invested enough to "artificially" limit yourself to further enjoy this game (in its current incarnation) over other titles but somehow 'need' more content 'right now' because other titles don't provide you with what you want (co-op, etc) either.


In short, it seems that you are saying that you've 'outplayed' the game the way you are 'willing to play it' and while that is your prerogative, it likely means you are going to have to return when more content is added (much like many MMO players do).


Right now, there are a myriad of fixes that need to be attended to and the HUGE update 8 coming in a few weeks which will be adding tons of new content.   Beyond that, we know that DE are concerned about end-game (as any good dev team should be) and are taking steps to address it as they go forward.


The best advice I can give you from one gamer to another, is to either adapt your play-style or wait it out on another game while bringing good ideas forward here on the forums.


All in all, patience is key!


Yes, I get the idea what you are trying to say.


As far as my understanding goes, you are saying that I am asking for more "rewards", which certainly means flow, multi-shot etc etc in warframe, and then say the game is easy because I am already very powerful.


But let me attempt to clarify it, and I am afraid I am not sure how to correctly put it. It may be (and WILL BE) misinterpreted by others. What I actually meant is, that I am AWARE of existence of rewards. In my specific condition, I miss split chamber (rifle multi shot) mod. So when I reach a particular defense wave where I fail, one part of my mind will always think of a hypothetical situation if I had that mod. I may have made it past there, or may have failed again.


If I have every mod in the game, or if I put it in general sense (not specific to warframe), if I have every item the game has to offer, then only thing remaining is my personal skill and wits. If I fail, I KNOW that its just me who messed up. Again let me quote WoW as an example. The end game raid instances are designed such that players equipped with items from other easier instances find them challenging. Players who do not have that gear will find them outrightly impossible, no matter how skilled they are. The bosses will one-hit your tanks if you are not geared, there is nothing about skill you can do.


It all boils down to how much I know about the game. If I know certain better item exist which I dont have, the thought of going out and farm for that item will always there. I know one mod doesnt make that much of a difference, but I said that as a contrived example. The existence of better gear changes things when applying skill, it affects your train of thought, adding to the number of possible solutions you are trying to come up with to solve the problem you are facing.


Consider a pure FPS game like Unreal Tournament. If I am playing, say some custom solo challenge map, and if I die or fail in that, my mind can only focus on what I did wrong. I have absolutely nothing to worry about going somewhere else and farm something.


Again, I am not sure if I worded that properly.

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