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Why Is "gay" Still A Banned Word In Chat =__=


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So i was trying to tell a hilarious story (I'll post the story if y'all want, but it's besides the point now) about some friends and acquaintances of mine in council chat, and i got kicked for saying gay when talking about some of my friends who are gay.


My question is:  Why is that word still banned?  I can understand maybe in basic region, but seeing as you have to specifically recruit people for DC, you think you could trust them enough to use the word gay normally in conversation.

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Because people on the internet believe that a 4chan-IQ-mindset is what defines a word, therefore "gay" means "anything that's lame, bad et cetera"
The word isn't an insult, yes.. but it's not like DE can ban retards from LIFE.. so...

Honestly I don't care if it's banned or not.. and no I don't set idiots ablaze just because they used it as a means to "insult" someone even tho I am homosexual myself.


Can always use homosexual. Or if you mean it in a merry sense a synonym of happy


"That fellow was quite homosexual. But he was quite a merry Tenno."

Also: this ^ it's not a big deal, if the information that they are homosexual is vital to the storytelling just say "homosexual" :I sucks, I know, but w/e

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I guess they're aware that while there are a handful of people who use the term properly, 85% or so of the people who would say it would just be using it as a derogatory term to describe their friends and aspects of the game as "stupid".


A better safe than sorry scenario I would assume, unfortunately.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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Because that term is offensive. 

Err..no dear, it isn't. the "F" word is offensive and even that word can not be offensive based on context, the issue at hand isn't the term, it's people's stupidity.


I guess they're aware that while their are a handful of people who use the term properly, 85% or so of the people who would say it would just be using it as a derogatory term to describe their friends and aspects of the game as "stupid".


A better safe than sorry scenario I would assume, unfortunately.

^ this, there ARE people who use it properly but unfortunately the majority doesn't it's better to have it banned and the honest people use "homosexual" instead than keep it OK to use and open region chat to see a massive spam of "Das gay m8" stuff.

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Childish people use it to insult people. So try homosexual, homoerotic, show kickbot whose boss with a thesaurus.....and possibly a dictionary to double check.


"Australian informal, wonk". As an Australian, wut? Google says it's derogatory but defines it as a hard working person.

Edited by Postal_pat
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