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Will You Still Use Rhino Now?


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I've given this thread another read-through, and both you and others have made good points. I've taken these into account for the suggestions I made in another thread in this forum.


If you made a thread of suggestions, link it so we can take a look :3... not only for rhino, but for all the points you are suggesting :3

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I was going to rage about this nerf... but people have already said all the points I wanted to say.


I'm not sure the bug fixes will help at all. Here's the thing: the stun and knockback immunity are not the important CCs to be immune to. The important things to be immune to are poison and disruption. These two are so blatantly obvious as to be utterly impossible to miss and require literally mere seconds of testing to verify. I'm incredulous to say the least that their removal was in any way unintended. To say that it was unintentional is to imply that not a single person on DE's internal testing team got anywhere near a single toxic or disruptor ancient for a single second during the entire length of their testing process.


Now let me be clear: without immunity to poison or disruption Rhino no longer has a place in Warframe. Even with absolute immunity Rhino only outperformed Frost against the Infested, and it was only because he could engage ancients effectively. If Rhino does not have poison or disruption immunity it will NEVER be optimal to take him over Frost.


On to the other issue: currently Ember is a better tank than Rhino is. Ember with focus has 91% damage reduction. This is no small difference. This does not mean overheat is 11% better than iron skin. This does not mean overheat is 11/80 = 13.75% better than iron skin. This means overheat is MORE THAN TWICE AS GOOD as iron skin. Damage reduction is subtractive not additive. It is the difference between taking 9% damage and taking 20% damage. Thus it is 122% BETTER than iron skin. Ember, the squishy mage, has a tanking ability 2.22 times as good as iron skin. This is unacceptable.


No i wont use it anymore and here is why:


- This is a plain nerf, no balance, that's BAD.

- People should stop say "80% is enough" that was not the point of Iron Skin, let me enlight you: Iron Skin was awesome because you could avoid Ancient Disruptors's energy/shield drain, Toxic's poison and all sort of CC while also recharging shields, that's why, NOT BECAUSE OF 0% DMG TAKEN, i would be fine if IS still kept all the above and only reducing the dmg mitigated.

- If i want a similar playstyle with better DPS there are better classes (i'll go back to my Excalibur)


So long story short: No, i wont use it anymore


They should have buffed Rhino's other powers.


Here's a comparison. When they fixed Saryn's Contagion to no longer give invulnerability, they also buffed Venom, Molt, and greatly increased the melee damage Contagion was supposed to grant. 


Here, we've had a big nerf to Iron Skin, but nothing to compensate. 

Now If I want a tank I will play Trinity, Frost or Ember (lol)
Crowd control is Nyx and Frost or the Vauban.
And If I feel like running around meleeing things Ash, Excalibur and Trinity can do it just fine.
There is literally nothing the Rhino can do that other classes can't do, both better and faster.
Edited by Supern00b
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Though I am basically a Rhino User myself, I think that it is not all that bad. not game-stats wise that is. What the changes (mainly nerf) to Rhino recently just dictates that the old style of playing with this frame may no longer work. I am thinking that this is where most of the rage comes from. People who are relying on old styles who refuses to adapt style to the changes will find things... "unacceptable". I have to admit too that it raises dismay in myself initially too.


Then I just thought, well, play it like exploring a frame for the first time again (dropping old habits/assumptions and explore powers+strategy as if using a new frame). Or, devote more time to exploration of other less-used frames.


The point of the game, to the players, is to have fun. And I don't want to adopt the "oh, my fun is spoilt (by dev?). I stop." stance. Rather, I will want to see what fun I can squeeze out of even seemingly "undesirable" cicumstances. who knows, there is a possibility that we can have more fun than before?

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I feel that the old Iron skin ability was what gave Rhino his name and purpose. At this point, I feel Rhino has lost purpose as the tank. Trinity is a much more effective tank now, being able to have unlimited energy and immunity with Energy Vampire/Link. I don't think this particular Nerf was thought out thoroughly. With that in mind, I'm disappointed that Trinity has yet to be Nerf. 

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Not sure what DE was thinking.  Let's completely ruin the least played warframe?


Rhino is one of the slowest warframes.  He's one of the worst AoE warframes.  He's now the second (or third) best tank.  He's still one of the least usable CCs.  And he's still the third (or fourth) best melee warframe.  There's no longer any logical reason to play Rhino besides "I like him."


If you want to tank play Trinity or Frost.  If you want to tank, not be able to accel at anything, play Rhino.  Then delete him to make room for a Trinity or Frost warframe once you realize that you are second rate at everything.



-EDIT-  I have to admit, I still like him.  Also edited to remove exaggeration now that I'm not as drunk.

Edited by Zonzai
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I'm quite disappointed with this.


Rhino was truly a supportive frame before the nerf. I can't tell you how many times I would see team mates be downed and I would go amidst the chaos and save them as we were getting attacked.

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I'm quite disappointed with this.


Rhino was truly a supportive frame before the nerf. I can't tell you how many times I would see team mates be downed and I would go amidst the chaos and save them as we were getting attacked.


Yeah, mostly because you could go and revive your squad in the middle of that pesky poison cloud. It's not like you had lot of dmg or control, and the energy pool is pretty low, so yeah... your main and only function was to go iron skin and save teammates, or go melee like crazy to draw some attention.

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If they did this to Rhino, please tell me Trinity got the same treatment. That thing is broken.


No, not at all. Why would we nerf Trin or Saryn or frost infinite globe spam (do not hate me frost lovers, just bear with me :3) ? No no no no..... we can still nerf rhino some more, and then we can nerf things like ember to the ground..... yeah, ill go with that.... :P

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Rhino here stomping everything.

Its an awesome change, it wasnt supposed to make you immortal (literally), now it reduces the amount of damage taken drastically and it makes much more sense.

Edited by Qynchou
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Guess I'll never know what the "Original" Rhino was like, since mine is building and due Monday..

Hope they'd fix his immunity to disrupt and poison though.. That only makes sense.

Edited by Keyza
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Yes, rhino is still fun. 80% damage prevention is still damn close to invulnerability.

I can understand that part of it, I thought it was necessary even. But they shouldn't have changed BOTH his invincibility and immunity, and from what I understand it also affected shield recharge when Iron Skin is active. That was a bit rough..

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Yes, rhino is still fun. 80% damage prevention is still damn close to invulnerability.




Man it's not about the dmg reduction!!!


It's about we lost immunity to CC, Ancients disruptors/toxic and the fact we were recharging shields while in iron skin!!


None care about 80 or 100% dmg reduction if they give back what i've written above!!

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Again and again, people mention immunity to poison.


OF COURSE IT WILL damage you, poison is damage not CC, only reason why it didn't affect pre-nerf was cause of invulernability

Edited by NinjaMH
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I will wait for DE buft him back.

Every Warframe has a signature skill, and with Rhino, I think most players will agree with me that it is Iron Skin.

And anyone said that invincible is OP ? Look at Loki, 10s invisible, yah, there is absolutely NO detect scan or something like that in the game, so somehow invisible = invincible, right(knockdown/poison is not a popular case) ? And in that 10s, Loki got melee dmg buft. I've seen no one said that is OP, so what the hell with 15s invincible ?

If Iron Skin is OP, see Link (Trinity) then.

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Have no qualms with the changes on Rhino. Was expecting the Iron Skin nerf sooner or later, so I've never relied on it and have used all his skills.

And you clearly have no idea how Link works if you think its OP.

Miscalculations against normal monsters can make Link pretty useless in unskilled hands thinking spamming link = Invincibility.

And who knows? They could be nerfing/changing invisibility as time passes.

Edited by Shaftronics
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