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Stuck In Wall In Derelict Spawn


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Last night, I was doing Orokin Derelict missions with two friends, all equipped with vault keys. On three consecutive missions, I spawned in a wall. Then, I hosted the next run, just in case...and one of my friends spawned in the wall instead. 


I think this has something to do with the spawn positioning, combined with the room spawned into.


Host/Player 1 spawns in First Position, more or less the default starting location.

Player 2 spawns in Second Position, a few steps back and to the right of Player 1.

Player 3 spawns in Third Position, a few steps back and to the left of Player 2.

Player 4 spawns in Fourth Position, a few steps back and to the right of Player 3, I think. My runs usually consist of two or three people total.


I, and I believe they, spawned in Third Position, in a smallish round room. In this combination of rooms and positions, the player was technically within the room - but in a position that was blocked by scenery on one side. On the other, there appeared to be scenery, but attempts to wall-run up and out of the predicament sent me out-of-map. This occurred two out of the three times I spawned in a bad position; the third time, I straight-up spawned standing in a wall, behind its surface.


I did not see what position the other player spawned in, but I believe it was the Third Position.


Other commonalities that may have contributed aside from position: The room was small, round, and there was no Player 4, the presence of whom likely would have caused the game to choose a different spawning location entirely.


Suggestion: Add a check for whether a player will be in a wall; move spawn points forward a few steps; split the dream; use bigger spawn rooms; basically anything that involves 'make it harder to spawn into a wall.'


On a side-note, /unstuck does not transfer the player to their last 'good' position; every time I saw it used, it moved the player far into the level. The other player I saw need it ended up respawning at the extraction point, and I repeatedly found myself a dozen rooms away from my allies.

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Same Bug for me. Had to jump down and waste revive to fix this bug. Please fix this as soon as possible. My spawning position in 4(!!!) consecutive Orokin Derelict Exterminate Runs was something like this:




I am NOT able to exit this position in other way than jumping into the void below the map and DIE.

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Same Bug for me. Had to jump down and waste revive to fix this bug. Please fix this as soon as possible. My spawning position in 4(!!!) consecutive Orokin Derelict Exterminate Runs was something like this:




I am NOT able to exit this position in other way than jumping into the void below the map and DIE.

I did not think to screenshot my position, but this picture is exactly what I mean.


Also, this is exactly what /unstuck was made for; it requires you to reboot the client and submit a bug report, but it's what it's for and doesn't waste revives.

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Hi there,

Also adding to this. Had this happen to me and a fellow clan mate who had also spawned out of bound/in a wall.

There is no way to re-enter the map other than jumping off into the abyss. 

The temporary fix so far is using the /unstuck command, but I have ran into other where the /unstuck command has simply placed them somewhere else that is inaccessible. 

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Same thing here,all my runs in that instances has done the same. I mean come on, player spawn problem?


That 's sooo basic.... Anyway, my friends found that staying in place, then killing the process(alt+f4), and rejoining the game after we took a couple of steps forward fixed it.


I'm fairly new to this game, is there many bugs like this one?

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I got this problem WAY TOO MANY times, I'm surprised that this isnt fixed yet, since its happening for more than a week now.


It seems like the player slot doesnt matters, as long you are not the host, the player that spawns on the left will usually get stuck on 2 different tilesets.








Three different runs (although I already had gotten stuck before the first pic), two spots I spawned outside, it gets annoying to either use /unstuck, hoping the game doesnt spawns you behind an invisible wall/blocked room and having to restart every single time or jumping into oblivion and hoping that the game teleports you back in the map (like every game usually does and this one should do too) or just dying and having to spend a revive.

Edited by MobyTheDuck
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/unstuck is a bandaid on a brain tumor. Its helpful when the bug in question is a rare occurance, but this has happened every single time I decided to run a Vault mission, to atleast one squadmate. /unstuck just isnt helping when the problem is obvious and can be reliably triggered when you arent even trying to do so; this bug is a spawn issue, and DE needs to put their spawn points away from the walls so this stops happening. I notice this happening in two rooms: The overlooking spawn with the loot room below it, and the plaza spawn whose room has a high ceiling full of vines. These spawn cases put the spawn at the corner or back of the room, where the last or last two tenno end up inside the wall. The solution is simply to move these spawn beacons closer to the center of the room.What's funny is that this is left only to Derelict missions, their proper Void counterparts are thankfully unmarred by this spawn bug.

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This is more than just a rare occurance; /unstuck wont fix this one, given it can, and often will, be reliably replicated without even attempting to. This is a simple spawn bug that DE has overlooked in the wake of the Tyl Regor event. The regular Void counterparts to these tilesets thankfully do not do this, but imagine the hate if they did. 


DE, this is a simple fix, for the love of god, move your spawn points.

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