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Bring Back Hayden Tenno.


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Hayden Tenno: the first warframe.


Considering the fact that all Tenno were in cryosleep, what ever happened to Hayden after Dark Sector? Maybe he was also put into cryosleep. If so, then that would mean he was awakened with all the others when the Lotus woke us all up.


Idea: Make a high level Infested boss (Colossus) mission where we get to fight alongside Hayden. It would be pretty awesome to see the original warframe in action in this era.


All in favor?


(Keep in mind this is just an idea and has nothing to do with the way Dark Sector turned out, or any lore from DS and WF.)

Edited by DarthPheonix
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That kinda makes Warframe not all that original then. Waaaaay too many similarities between the two games.

I don't remember it exactly, but for some reason Dark Sector didn't (or couldn't I think it was for some reason) turn out the way they wanted. Could someone who knows more chime in on this?

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That kinda makes Warframe not all that original then. Waaaaay too many similarities between the two games.

Of course it's not original, DE made both games, difference is, Publishers forced DE to change Dark Sector into what it is, though the original idea was much more like Warframe.


More info here: http://www.giantbomb...ound/1100-4555/

Edited by MrGrae
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^ Exactly. The original idea was basically a single player version of Warframe, but that got scrapped and the story was changed.

Just because they share a similar core concept doesn't mean DE can't change their mind. With Dark Sector they were aiming for a much more personal ideal, originally it wasn't even planned to be single player, it was intended as an open-universe MMO style game, with players placing bounties on each other, etc. Then publishers said MMOs weren't selling, so it became single player, then pubs saind no, sci-fi wasn't selling, so it became set in it's cold-war esque time frame. 


In short, Warframe is much closer to DE's original plans for Dark Sector than Dark Sector is.

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That kinda makes Warframe not all that original then. Waaaaay too many similarities between the two games.

They were forced to make Dark Sector the way it is. Now that they can create it the way they want, why shouldnt they take the style they already liked?

On topic.

Steve mentioned somewhere that both games play in the same universe but dont share any story specific stuff(Correct my if im wrong about this). And even if they had story stuff, the cryo pods didnt even exist during the Dark Sector game. WF plays thousands of years in the future. The orokin era already was thousand years after the Dark Sector stuff. With the downfall of the orokin era, the cryo stuff began.So you can assume that we have surpassed many thousand years till now. I dont think Hayden made it....

Edited by Venarge
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I was mainly focusing on the Technocyte Virus aspect of the game. What DE did made perfect sense for the time, though Dark Sector was a good game, in its own way.

In warframe lore, if you listen to the Golem, the Orokin created the Technocyte plague. So, unless Dark Sector was set in the Orokin era, they're unrelated.

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I know that game developers said Dark Sector and Warframe are separate, but the idea of having the two stories connected each other is too awesome to ignore it.


Where's Hayden Tenno you said? *coff* *coff* *Stalker* *coff* *coff*


Really, let's analyze the figure of the Stalker. A deadly, very powerfull person with a particular Warframe, unknown to the rest of Tennos. A person who thinks he can judge all other Tennos. Why? Easy, just because he's the first one.

But there are differences between Hayden Tenno and the Stalker (for example, the way of fight and weapons). Where is the Glaive, for example? There could be two answers to this question: a) the Stalker isn't Hayden Tenno but just an heir, acting as he thinks his ancestor would to do if still alive, creating in his mind a sort of complex of superiority to others Tenno, that he judges, b) the Stalker is Hayden Tenno but just changes his wargear when he created the Tenno human sub-race.


And, on Tennos, they could be humans that, as Hayden did, resisted to 'bad' mutation from the Technocyte virus (maybe Hayden himself create Tennos, maybe they're his heirs, maybe they were created by someone else interested in having a powerfull weapon) that became leggends during the Orokin Era of the Earth, then fell asleep in cryopods for some misterious reasons (and, at least, awaken by the Lotus).


I know it's completely invented, but I like to think on this way...


However, not a bad idea to have an Excalibur completely black and grey, with a Glaive... lol. U_U

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I think he probably was the first, and seeing as the Tenno were put into cryosleep during a time they ruled the stars, I don't really think he lived to see that day...

Unless the technocyte kept him Immortal and now he is the real person controlling the lotus....(insert crazy plot music here)

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