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Fallen Hero Warframe Concept


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                                       angel/ Demon

                                     BY:Mortalchris and TheSchorch



During the old war there was a land  of both feared and loved  place. but in between there lived something cold and mysterious farther from the voids reach and farther from the beating drums of the tenno there lived a tenno so skilled in mastery it became untouched for thousands of years before the great war happened these group of tenno were considered the savior of the orkin and the devil of the empire it was thought to be lost forever but until now it has  come out of hiding the sentients know about this tenno and tried to kill every last one of them but still few survived and many were lost now this tenno fights for the lotus and is Dangerous yet leads to profit in the future.


Stats :

Health-  150

Shields-    90

Armor-    40

Energy pool-   100

Sprint Speed-   1.2

Shield Regen-22.5


Retribution-Tap once for Angel Tap twice for demon, If using angel you will provide an area effect of  healing and armor multiplier  , If using demon you will provide an area effect of strength buff and speed   -Affected by duration and range

,Strength(boost armor multiplier max x4 and strength buff)


Sacrifice: Tap once for angel Tap twice for demon, Any kills you get will contribute to the side of the angel or the devil which changes outcome of the Ultimate ability and also 3rd ability,

Affected by power strength(boost the probability of getting the angel or demon side ult)


Alliance:You summon a Demon companion or Angel ability depending on second power.Demon fire dmg while

Angel companion does electric dmg,companion has hp that can be boosted by strength mods

Affected by power strength


Unleash the horde: Open a portal to the land above and below allowing your brethren to unleash a barrage of demons or angels,your brethren fly out in a barrage at any near by  enemies sending a wave of fire for demon and a wave of electricity for angel after their contact  Affected by 2nd ability,Strength,


Edit- Let me word this better, Imagine a portal open up behind you with a barrage of creatures coming out seeking nearby enemies similar to a homing missile but with demons and angels or maybe just light and dark images of yourself                                                                         

Edited by Mortalchris
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I think it's a bit too fantasy, in all honesty, but that's not to say the concept itself is bad.


If anything, this brings up an interesting concept of a bipolar Warframe- controlling one or the other. Would be an interesting way to implement a dual-element Warframe.


Yeah, I know there's Chroma, but he's got his own theme.


Maybe instead of doing the base elemental damage, do the combination elements.


More or less throwing out ideas here, but at least for the basis of it, it is a pretty good concept.

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I think it's a bit too fantasy, in all honesty, but that's not to say the concept itself is bad.


If anything, this brings up an interesting concept of a bipolar Warframe- controlling one or the other. Would be an interesting way to implement a dual-element Warframe.


Yeah, I know there's Chroma, but he's got his own theme.


Maybe instead of doing the base elemental damage, do the combination elements.


More or less throwing out ideas here, but at least for the basis of it, it is a pretty good concept.

So what your saying is instead of basic elements we do combination like corrosive. Ok switch electric with corrosive and heat with blast :P

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Oberon just smacks people around with Radiation, I say that because you brought up summoning angels and demons, which really just doesn't work in Warframe. I get the Tenno fall into the Sci-Fi / Fantasy theme, though I think that's just a tad much.


But, if the combo elements can be worked out while still fitting that theme, then I'd go for it. Not sure it works as well though.

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