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Why Rhino Should Be Buffed


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I apologize if this thread has already been made. I did not see one. I have not personally used Rhino for a long time, and only finished crafting him today. This is for most part based on watching other Rhino players.


Prior to yesterday's update, as far as I've seen the Rhino class Warframe wasn't considered particularly worthwhile. When I said I wanted to farm for a Rhino, I was told it wasn't worth the trouble. This update added Vauban, whose skills as far as I'm concerned, are a bit more powerful than they should be. Rhino, on the other hand, which wasn't particularly attractive in terms of capability to begin with, has been nerfed. Furthermore, the game appears to have been mostly only nerfing and never buffing from what I have read.

Rhino wasn't really overpowered to begin with, but now he is easily overpowered... by others.


As with a number of players, I believe Rhino did not deserve this, and I can think of many reasons why.


For starters, Rhino is actively presented as the tanker class 'frame, and also as a premium, advanced players' 'frame. Why is the latter true, you ask? Firstly, Rhino is the only experience locked frame, requiring a mastery rank of 2. Secondly, he costs 375 platinum, 150 greater than the average of 225, just like Frost.

His description and name explicitly suggest that he fulfills the heavy soaker role.


Anything that is presented in such a way should offer a greater number of advantages, and not a laundry list of disadvantages. Rhino has a few meager pluses that I can count on a single hand as far as I am concerned but a weighty list of reasons not to use him. I'll go over them.



Higher, and highest Armor rating

Rhino clocks in at the highest armor rating of all Warframes, at 150 (the average appears to be 50, while a number of frames have just 10). But he shares this trait with the equally armored, defensive-role Frost, who carries 150.

The sleeker Saryn, an offensive frame with some support implications, carries an impressive 100 armor. However, she has an even higher maximum health pool than Rhino. This renders him weaker versus poisonous clouds than Saryn.


Excellent crowd control abilities

Rhino's three offensive skills appear to be centered around crowd control, with Rhino Charge having nearly guaranteed knockdown, Radial Blast being an offensive area of effect with some stagger, while Rhino Stomp flings enemies into the air for an unhindered attack for his allies. However, they're relatively terrible compared to other 'frames abilities and I'll go over this.


Strongest shielding

Rhino does have a maximum base shielding value of 450, which is again the highest available, but again Frost equals him in this regard. His shielding regeneration on the other hand is the middle of the line at 22.5.


'D' Polarities

Helps improve his defense/HP/shield easy.



Slowest 'frame

Rhino is obviously the slowest 'frame available, as is Frost, and I think my Loki walks faster than he sprints. I almost think his rolling is faster than his sprinting. His slow speed makes it harder for him to take the lead, or even at least dodge fire in some capacity. His relatively sluggish pace also makes it harder for him to dodge time-delayed, potentially fatal attacks, like the Jackal's blue grenades.


Low damage abilities

Having observed many Rhino players whilst playing an Excalibur, I can be certain that none of his abilities are distinctly as strong in terms of damage as Excalibur, who does much more damage but offers similar capabilities in terms of skills, in lieu of the greater armor and shielding. Radial Blind is nearly as effective as Rhino Stomp and both Slash Dash and Radial Javelin out damage Rhino Charge and Radial Blast respectively. Sure, Rhino Charge has a knockdown while Slash Dash has a stagger at best, but Rhino is a big, heavy machine slamming all that weight into something.


Low energy pool

Rhino has the basic energy pool of just 100~150, so that means he can't really use his skills that much.


Large size

Rhino is visibly bulkier and larger than other Warframes. This, coupled with his slow speed, give Rhino easily the highest percentage of hits from enemy fire. He can't dodge fire effectively, and his large, beefy physique make it even easier for the game's enemies' to hit him, even with their Stormtrooper-class accuracy.


Only four colors work?

I don't know. The Tint Color (4) doesn't appear to do anything.



He costs 375 platinum. Most of the other 'frames are 225. 'Nuff said.


Mastery Rank locked

He's only available at MR2, unless you're a spender.




All in all that places the actual counts at 4:4 if you ignore the pricing, aesthetic and rank concerns, but let me continue.



Why Rhino does not fulfill its role

Rhino is, as stated, intended to be a tankframe. But there is not a single capability of his that cannot be done better by another Warframe. Worse still, is that he quickly becomes the worst tank of the apparently tanky 'frames.

Consider crowd control. Rhino Stomp requires 100 energy, whereas Radial Blind requires 50, and it can work on bosses. It does do damage, and has a wide range, but then there's Vauban's new Bastille for 75 energy that suspends enemies, and will also halt those that later walk into it. Bastille also lasts pretty long, whereas I've personally seen how brief the time limit for Rhino Stomp is.

Rhino's premier tanking skill is Iron Skin, which formerly offered full invincibility for as much as 15 seconds, but recently the update now knocks this down to a maximum of 80% reduction and enhanced knockdown resistance. This means he can now be hurt by poison clouds and staggered while using Iron Skin, greatly reducing its usefulness. It was already considered the only real reason to use Rhino, and now it's been nerfed terribly. Even Trinity, with Link, Loki with Invisibility and Ash with Smoke Bomb render them more survivable than Rhino. Iron Skin was also perfect for saving team mates caught within a huge mob. Saryn is also more survivable against poison based enemies due to her higher HP pool.

Most players who want to be a Rhino want to play him to be a team player, to be the guy who protects his team. This is a team game, and Rhino just isn't quite capable of being a team player right now.


EDIT: Rhino's also, in anecdotal terms, pretty pointless in very high-level missions/defenses. His armor is practically negligible against high level enemies and his skills are largely not sufficient in terms of utility. Iron Skin was basically the only thing that could be used against them.


Rhino's skills relative to others

Rhino Charge also does not do much damage compared to, say, Slash Dash as stated prior. We've probably all become familiar with how powerful Slash Dash is.


Iron Skin was considered a god mode of sorts and I recognize there was a persistent call for it to be nerfed, but this was never necessary in my opinion. This is a PvE game, nothing that is on your side can really be overpowered. This was his only tanking related skill, but as stated earlier, Link makes Trinity the true god-mode, as it even reflects damage onto something else. Iron Skin was popular as a save-your-friends skill and as an actual-tanking skill. At 50 energy, I theorize it can be used as long as 105 seconds straight, which is a pretty long time to be invincible (max flow and four energy siphons, not including Continuity).

EDIT: Iron Skin now still works on allowing team mates to pass through Corpus laser doors, as Rhino doesn't get knocked down doing this. But his shields will still be knocked out, which leaves him completely vulnerable to other enemies. Not exactly helping him be the team player he's supposed to be, is it now?


Radial Blast isn't too hard-hitting. Sure, it does only need 25 energy less than most other radial damage skills (i.e. Ultimates), but I've never actually seen a Rhino use it. I don't think it does much damage to begin with.


Rhino Stomp, his penultimate, simply does not hold enemies in the air for long enough, and does not do enough damage either. Its range isn't that huge either, considering Excalibur's javelins fly as far as 25 meters. And Radial Javelin has the capability to outright kill targets.



What I propose to do to Rhino

I don't think all of these suggested actions be done to Rhino, and have prioritized them according to what I think are more important.


Return Iron Skin to its former glory

This was his trademark, "you use Rhino for this" ability. It did not need this ridiculous nerf. At least, make its original level 3 invincibility. Reduce its duration by about three seconds or up the energy consumption to 75 if you have to. Rhino wasn't really that survivable in a big mob of infested or poison or level 50 Corpus to begin with, and without invincibility this is now 9,001% more true. Even before Iron Skin was nerfed, I counted myself reviving more Rhino players than any other Warframe. Rhino players can also no longer reliably attempt to save their downed team mates without risking themselves, and they do not have the ability to sponge up damage for other players as well as a Trinity.

I actually suppose that Iron Skin was nerfed in this manner to prepare Rhino for the Sparring Dojo, but the solution to this is simple! Invincibility against AI, 80% damage resistance against players! Geesh.


Tweak all of his skills' behavior

For starters, let's look at Rhino Charge. Currently, it is too similar in execution to Excalibur's Slash Dash, apart from reduced damage and nearly guaranteed knockdown. But its damage as far as I've observed, is subpar. Here is what I suggest:

Have a wind up time. Make Charge have a brief moment for Rhino to gather himself to charge.

Give it more distinct weight with inertia, and slow its speed. Have Rhino accelerate rapidly and decelerate with his momentum carrying him, making it feel like a true charge. Also, make it slower (about the same as a Loki's sprint speed).

Guaranteed knockdown on a target. Aside from bosses, anything that is unfortunate enough to get whammed by this walking battering ram should always be knocked down. From what I understand, currently, heavy units tend to require you to ram their sides.

Increase its damage. Rhino Charge just doesn't have the killing power you expect of throwing this massive armored beast into someone. Keep its damage lower than, say, Slash Dash, but up it overall. Enough to at least kill mid-level mobs at Upgraded 3.


Moving on a short look at Radial Blast and Stomp. I guess these are almost fine as is, maybe a damage up to both and longer stasis period for Stomp.


Give him higher than average knockback resistance

Rhino is supposed to be this tough heavy frame. Give him innate stagger resistance that other 'frames don't have such that attacks that would normally stagger a 'frame do not make him more than flinch, while something that knocks a 'frame over such as a Shield Lancer just staggers him. Of course, he should still be fallible - specifically MOA shockwaves.


Boost his armor even more

Rhino is the heaviest Warframe. You say this yourself, DE. Make him feel like it, make him feel every bit as tough as he looks. Increase his armor. I'd suggest 250. Relative to Saryn or Excalibur even he doesn't appear much more resilient.


Maximize his HP

Saryn is surprisingly effective at the tank role due to her relatively high armor (100) and her large HP pool, specifically against Toxic Ancients. I'd suggest giving Rhino this same amount of HP - 150-450. If he is supposed to be the best tank, why is he simply not?


If all else will not be done, up his energy pool

I don't really think Rhino needs his energy pool increased. It's fine as it is, given his expected role. But if his skills will not be improved, he needs more energy to compete.




I hope this descends into some meaningful discussion, because I do like this game and I like the look of Rhino. But what people describe him to be and the first two games I've played with him really don't make him any more appealing to me. He'd end being a 'hangar king' the way he is.

I don't really think it's a problem for Rhino to be a little more powerful than the norm. He is that MR-2 'frame. Plus, this game is predominantly PvE. It's also a F2P. A lot of us are casual players and not those hard-core players screaming for the tougher enemies for "endgame". Make the enemies behave in ways that are more difficult to combat, rather than just relying on number ratios.

Edited by dukarriope
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Higher, and highest Armor rating

Rhino clocks in at the highest armor rating of all Warframes, at 150 (the average appears to be 50, while a number of frames have just 10). But he shares this trait with the equally armored, defensive-role Frost, who carries 50.

The sleeker Saryn, an offensive frame with some support implications, carries an impressive 100 armor. However, she has an even higher maximum health pool than Rhino. This renders him weaker versus poisonous clouds than Saryn.



I thought frost had 150 too? Or is the wiki wrong here?

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I just gave the old potatoe'd Rhino a run through Cypress Pluto against Corpus... and he definitely has lost his charm. Iron Skin doesn't mitigate enough damage any more to justify it more than spamming Rhino Charge a couple times instead to kill the baddies and get to a better position. I can use Excalibur for that with better effect.

Tried him vs Infested as well, and his utility is kind of toast. He was my one 'screw it, I'm going in axe swinging' warframe, but now he isn't really that.


Rhino is definitely going to be collecting some dust while they sort this one out.


Time for DE to start thinking about resistances?

Edited by Emotitron
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I have most of the warframes and play this game a lot since I am ranked within the top 700 players. I would guess that makes me hard core and not casual.This is my first post and maybe my last. I play the game and don't get involved in the chat.


I just used the "revised" Rhino for a couple of hours so my opinion is as follows:


Rhino is not Rhino without his Iron Skin. It was the only ability I used with Rhino. Now he is ruined and unless he is returned to his former 'Iron Skin", I will not use him again.


I agree with much of what Dukarriope has indicated above.  Rhino's skin needs to be returned to what it was. Secondly, make a new planet that is really tough, with very tough bosses. Start at 100 level rating for the enemies and go up. Maybe bosses should be at level 250? Ever play Xini beyond level 25? I have and it starts getting tough after 15 waves when most people quit way before that. Ever play a defensive mission beyond wave 50? I have and that is when it gets really interesting. If people just played more and complained less, this game would be fantastic.


The creators of this "free" game deserve a tremendous applause - let the record state: it is one of the best games I have ever played in the last 30 years.

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I totally agree with you, I posted in a few other threads my recommendations on how to fix Rhino and make the Rhino users happy. This can be achieved by making his Radial Blast and Stomp his #2 and 3 and making Iron Skin his 100 energy ultimate because it's what we play him for and it is technically our "room clearing" button.


All the other frames except Trinity have a one button press insta-kill ability that will make them invincible for a second and clear out a room immediately and I doubt any of them will get removed or altered significantly to downgrade em. Yet Rhino gets griefed because his "God mode" is so OP. Yes it makes him invincible. But it does not automatically clear the room for us, we still need to run around and kill stuff with our weapons. It's not like we're running around inst-killing everything every chance we get. We Rhinos work hard for our kills and Iron Skin allows us to do that comfortably. It's what's expected because he's a tank, low dps but high damage mitigation.


I think the majority of the people that complain about Rhino are people who don't play the Rhino. Hey, if you don't like him, please don't clamor for nerfs because you're jealous of his great ability. Rhinos don't QQ over Frost's Snow Globe or Volt's Overload or Saryn's Miasma or Loki/Ash's stealth or Excalibur's Slash Dash (well maybe this one a little). Rhinos know their role is to tank and stand in the front line. We soak up damage, we throw on our Iron Skin when someone falls in battle and we rush over to aid (at least I do). We charge at Ancients when others fall back and hide. If you don't like that playstyle and like to hit and run, it's your opinion, pick something else - there are plenty of other frames. Don't tell us how we should or should not play. We Rhinos deserve to be happy too and we want to have some measure of invincibility so we can do our jobs well.

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I agree with much of what Dukarriope has indicated above.  Rhino's skin needs to be returned to what it was. Secondly, make a new planet that is really tough, with very tough bosses. Start at 100 level rating for the enemies and go up. Maybe bosses should be at level 250? Ever play Xini beyond level 25? I have and it starts getting tough after 15 waves when most people quit way before that. Ever play a defensive mission beyond wave 50? I have and that is when it gets really interesting. If people just played more and complained less, this game would be fantastic.


I am a semi-hardcore player but I actually prefer playing some of the lower levels where a single headshot is enough. I do not enjoy ultra high level defenses, or missions to Pluto, for example.

I have complaints about bugs and up to before the Vauban update, my only pet peeve was with Volt's Shock being pretty weak. Everything else felt okay! So, yeah, it kind of feels like DE is just knee jerking a little to nerf calls. Sometimes the ideal solution is to buff what feels weak, rather than nerf something that makes something else feel weak.

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I agree with you. Mostly.


On Armor - if they boost his armor anymore or it will make the armor mod bizonkers.


On HP- definitely


On Abilities - a buff to most of them is needed, stomp especially. It needs a bit more damage and a much longer duration

Iron Skin is actually bugged now, it wasn't meant to lose the status effect immunity. Once that is fixed I think it will work great. Tanking isn't really supposed to mean immune to damage, it's just supposed to last long enough to help your squishier teammates.


On Shields - Rhino should definitely have faster regen, but the base amount seems good.


Speed - This one, I have an interesting suggestion for. Rhino gets twice the normal stamina, and moves faster the longer he sprints, with a max speed a bit above the average sprint.


The only reason why ANYONE plays rhino would be for his skin. Increase the cost or whatever, just return it to what it rightfully is.


I think the others should be buffed instead. The reason it seems soooo bad now is because it was Rhino's one go-to skill. If the others where better it wouldn't be an issue. That and bug fixing his status immunity.

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Rhino's Iron Skin was easily the redeeming ability of the Rhino, everything else made him a pure support frame. His abilities do practically no damage in comparison to other warframes so guns are the only things Rhino can resort to to kill besides that Rhino is just a big slow moving damage sponge.


I have been playing Rhino for quite a while (easily 20+ hours of gameplay overall 15 of which all abilities have used Rhino with maxed abilities) and while Rhino's abilities damage the occasional enemy they only serve as a retreat tactic without the support of your teammates. Avalanche deals 1000 damage to all enemies in the radius effectively instakilling anything in the room before anyone can do much retaliation meaning they take, effectively, 0 damage. The only way the Rhino can perform a similar feat without taking damage would be to use Iron Skin. The only solid way to take out most crowds for a Rhino would be to use Iron Skin and use a number of charged melees to whittle the crowd down to size. So if we were to do a comparison between Iron Skin vs other warframe's "nuke" it balances out. Assuming 30 enemies are in the room it would take most warframes a simple click to clear out the room where as the Rhino would need to perform Iron Skin and hack the enemies with its melee and depending on the melee weapon this may or may not be as effective as the almighty "nuke" other warframes can pull off as the effectiveness of this tactic is dependent on the melee being used (example using a skana's charge attack takes about 1 second per hit and assuming each hit kills in 1 hit it will still take the Rhino roughly 30 seconds to clear the room or 2 Iron Skins with Continuity).


As for the other abilities, they don't help the Rhino clear the room by himself at all and teammates are necessary for them to be useful. Due to their low damage both Rhino Stomp and Radial Blast only stall enemies enough for the Rhino to take out 4 enemies at most before they get up and retaliate as a result it usually ends up being a waste of energy. This is beside the fact that Vauban's Bastalle does exactly what Rhino Stomp does better and cheaper.

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I agree with you completely. Save one point. I like the anti stagger rhino basis, but if they do that then they shouldn't completely rebuff his iron skin. If they did look at this thread and do all of your other suggestions then i think rhino would be a good frame. I'm a big fan of this suit and i would D-E-F-I-N-I-T-E-L-Y like to see it buffed.

Edited by DS201
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I played with Rhino most of my time and love this frame so much, however after update I just hate and let me explain why:

Rhino Skin no longer grants full invincibility, but can now reach up to 80% Damage Reduction at highest Mod level.


So now lets pretend you doing Infested defence mission. 

You doing wave 15+ where more acients appear, from Xini lvl20+ there are quite big packs of acients comming. Now since nerf to Iron Skin, during Skin is active, Acient Disruptors can drain you whole Shields and Energy, Toxic Acients will drain you Hp, two or three Toxics near will just drop your HP so fast you wont even notice and you dead. I not sure but Iron Skin doesnt reduce toxic damage at all. Try to go against them with melee (as the Rhino should stay in middle of battle) you will see how long you will live. 

So with Tankframe you cant tank anymore, without shields, with fast drainging HP, no even energy to use useless skills so what exactly you can do? Just standing at distance and shoting from guns/pistols nothing more. Rhino becomes range shooting frame who cant use any of his skills(very boring), maybe Iron skin for some range dmg reduction, but if Im against range enemies like, Corpus or Grinder defence Frost shine on every aspect with the bubble. 



1 Rhino charge is just a joke and using its only worth for moving from point A to B a tad faster and basically thats it.

2 This is where the Rhino shine. Was only fully usable ability now, it just reducing some dmg,

3. Radial Blast, didnt use it at all coz it doesnt almost no dmg.

4. Rhino Stomp, basicaly just very bad stun skill. Better crow control abilitiy than Radial Blast but not usable very often, because it will lift up enemies in range. It quite difficult to take down flying enemies. Try to hit flying Acients legs. I found best usage for this skill during infested defense missions, where VIP (object you have to defend) started to be crowded by enemies, to get some time your team mates return and help, but this skill is still nothing special.

I agree with everything what OP write down. Rhino beside Iron Skin returing back, need some tweaks and complete redesigning other 3 skills. 
There is Shield Lancer enemy in game, maybe it would be interesting idea to play around shield items, with Rhino only able to hold heavy shield protect allies standing behind him, same as ShieldLacner is protecting his allies.........you got parry/blocking  system in game why not able to use shields? This gave more variety to tanking role. 


1.Steel Fiber should be affecting shields aswell

2. If Iron Skin should make just 80% reduction, fine, but let it reduce everything, dmg taking to shields, poison etc. Make it immune to knockdown (however I think knockdowns you be affected by different systems), and energy draing effects, etc.... And 80% should be applied after dmg reduction from Frame base armor stats plus Steel Fiber.
3. give instead of 1st skill Rhino charge different skill, lets say taunt/ aggro type abilities
4. instead of third skill, some dmg returning skill, maybe even passive ability who cares
5. there is parry,block system already in game, nobody is using that. There are shields in game already, try to play with idea how to incorporate them so frames can you them aswell. There can be mods increasing efectivity of parry/blocking aswell.

Scherhardt on page 2 post some good skill ideas.

Edited by WCdesign
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I agree with the OP, Rhino could use some work.


Here's just my opinion on how to fix the skills.


Rhino Charge:  Increase the width of the hitbox of the charge.  This way, slash dash could be more damaging but rhino charge would hit more enemies.


Iron Skin: 2 ideas.

1. They could change the skill so that it adds an extra layer of shields to rhino that do not regenerate.  This could possibly be a yellow number that would appear over your shield until it was depleted.  Once the iron skin extra armor is depleted, then you have to cast the skill again.

2. They could make the damage resistance up to 90% and add in a few extra effects like reflecting enemy bullets back at them and staggering melee attackers that hit you. 


Radial Blast:  Replace this with rhino stomp for the third skill slot and make energy 75.


Rhino Stomp:  Replace this with a real ultimate that either kills everything in a radius or provides some kind of team defense.

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(/Copy/Paste from similar topic)

My suggestions In the Spirit of the Heaviest Warframe:

Rhino Charge:

-Greatly reduce Animation Speed

-Adjust damage spread to reach everything in Rhino's path

-Rhino recovers and is momentarily vulnerable afterward

-Rank increases duration and damage  

Iron Skin:

-Immediately restore shields

-Reduce Dash speed by 25%  

-100-400 Temporary Shield

-150-300 Temporary HP

-Temporary shield remains after effect

-Reuse of Iron Skin returns Temporary Shield to max but doesn't stack

-Temporary HP dissolves after effect end

-Rank increases duration and temporary shield (80% reduction universal)

Radial Blast: (Edit) 

-(animation) Rhino punches the ground then stomps as he stands up

-enemies in a small radius sent flying a short distance

-stomp has wider radius (no knockdown) and enemies hit stagger every 2 seconds for 10 seconds at max

-Rank increases damage and duration of stagger effect   

Rhino Stomp:

-Increased radius

-Enemies slowed (consistent with the effect ice has but for a longer duration)

-Enemies take increased damage while slowed


Rhino isn't meant to deal huge damage, for that reason, many of his powers should have some sort of utility instead. Would appreciate feedback.  


@BluBlaze I was thinking of something similar but just changing the color of the original shield number and adding the extra shield to it

@ValhaHazard I like the juggernaut speed idea or at least more stamina

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Just as a note, DE is aware that Rhino's other abilities could stand to be looked at:


So, I present to you Tenno a current list of what I’ll be taking to the Design Table:
-People wonder if the reaction is this strong to one OP ability, maybe the other abilities could use a buff! Let’s review!



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This thread shows how I truly feel about Rhino's current state.
I feel that Iron Skin should be returned to it's former glory. Rhino's other abilities should be kept as they are, though I wish that they did a bit more damage. Iron Skin was the go to ability whenever one would be in a pinch. The rest of his abilities seemed to lack usefulness as Iron Skin and a good weapon dealt more damage. Rhino should have been given a buff on skills, but stats, I believe, are fine. Making him a skill based warframe instead of just the guy who could take more damage than everyone else. The fact that Rhino had a small energy pool was what really made the game fun. I felt as though I had to conserve Iron Skin and wait until an opportune moment instead of just running about in all out God Mode.

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This thread shows how I truly feel about Rhino's current state.

I feel that Iron Skin should be returned to it's former glory. Rhino's other abilities should be kept as they are, though I wish that they did a bit more damage. Iron Skin was the go to ability whenever one would be in a pinch. The rest of his abilities seemed to lack usefulness as Iron Skin and a good weapon dealt more damage. Rhino should have been given a buff on skills, but stats, I believe, are fine. Making him a skill based warframe instead of just the guy who could take more damage than everyone else. The fact that Rhino had a small energy pool was what really made the game fun. I felt as though I had to conserve Iron Skin and wait until an opportune moment instead of just running about in all out God Mode.

I disagree, Rhino has very low damage skills as he should but it would make sense that his skills have some additional utility. Rhino's ultimate obviously needs a lot of work in light of Vauban. Rhino charge should focus more on hitting enemies than distance travelled. A rework of iron skin is needed so making his other abilities viable won't create imbalance.

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Rhino Charge should really be slowed down to the point where the player can control his trajectory finely. It should feel like a real, wound up charge, rather than an instantaneous burst of speed. Making it controllable would help Rhino players target and knock over more targets, don't you think?

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