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Daikyu, Paris Prime, Should 1 Shot! (Pvp)


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The Daikyu and Paris Prime should 1 shot. Since they don't it makes it impossible to use a bow.


I can't believe that the Daikyu got nerfed. Now all players have to do is grab a health orb and their health is instantly replenished which then makes it so you have to 3 shot them. LIKE WTF!!!


I don't see a reason why bows shouldn't 1 shot. They take great skill to use and if they don't 1 shot, it makes them completely useless.


Why would you even add them to conclave if they didn't 1 shot. If they don't 1 shot, nobody is going to use them.



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"they can just pick up health orbs to not die! ugh!"


Really? it does NOT take great skill to hold lmb down while sprinting,sliding and jump kicking, then getting in somebody's face and letting it go. THAT is not skill. Doing that and then landing a headshot shows a lot more skill. Skillful players will use them. 


Ive played against paris users who either go for headshots, or use bows to finish off weak players. They are very powerful weapons still, stop playing the game like the only thing you can do is shoot. Theres other ways of dealing damage you know?

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"they can just pick up health orbs to not die! ugh!"


Really? it does NOT take great skill to hold lmb down while sprinting,sliding and jump kicking, then getting in somebody's face and letting it go. THAT is not skill. Doing that and then landing a headshot shows a lot more skill. Skillful players will use them. 


Ive played against paris users who either go for headshots, or use bows to finish off weak players. They are very powerful weapons still, stop playing the game like the only thing you can do is shoot. Theres other ways of dealing damage you know?


I really need to find a video of people scoring headshots with a bow...  Do you score yours when players are shooting in yours or an ally's direction?  That seems to be the only time anyone's head is somewhat in view.  Coptering players always have their head behind their back from that spin.

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The Daikyu and Paris Prime should 1 shot. Since they don't it makes it impossible to use a bow.


I can't believe that the Daikyu got nerfed. Now all players have to do is grab a health orb and their health is instantly replenished which then makes it so you have to 3 shot them. LIKE WTF!!!


I don't see a reason why bows shouldn't 1 shot. They take great skill to use and if they don't 1 shot, it makes them completely useless.


Why would you even add them to conclave if they didn't 1 shot. If they don't 1 shot, nobody is going to use them.

I don't think the Paris Prime should one shot because of the higher RoF... The daikyu, however, I believe should have remained unchanged.

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I really need to find a video of people scoring headshots with a bow...  Do you score yours when players are shooting in yours or an ally's direction?  That seems to be the only time anyone's head is somewhat in view.  Coptering players always have their head behind their back from that spin.

Git gud. People purposefully make it hard to hit their heads for JUST that reason. 


I don't think the Paris Prime should one shot because of the higher RoF... The daikyu, however, I believe should have remained unchanged.

No, the daikyu should have never been a one shot. Its too easy to land shots with that to even be kind of fair. 


Engage, Charge up while sprinting/sliding/jump kicking, get into enemy's face, release LMB. GG you have tons of skill, right? Not only that, but Daikyu arrows fly faster than normal arrows, AND have a much lower to NO drop.

Edited by armedpoop
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I´ll take this as a parody since it has about the same level of quality as many of the "nerf daiyku" threads had.

I guess the question is on which said can complain in the most obnoxious way without actually having to give any solid reasoning.

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Git gud. People purposefully make it hard to hit their heads for JUST that reason. 


You realize this isn't a valid argument or response, right?


If you, or anyone else for that matter, can't prove that getting headshots is easy enough with proper skill and practice, then the statements are invalid on the testament of proper experimentation.




Also, the Daikyu is still one-shot.  It may not one-shot Frost, Rhino, or Volt, but it still one-shots other frames, like Chroma and Valkyr.

Edited by Nighttide77
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You realize this isn't a valid argument or response, right?


If you, or anyone else for that matter, can't prove that getting headshots is easy enough with proper skill and practice, then the statements are invalid on the testament of proper experimentation.




Also, the Daikyu is still one-shot.  It may not one-shot Frost, Rhino, or Volt, but it still one-shots other frames, like Chroma and Valkyr.

How is practicing and getting better not a valid argument when it comes to getting headshots with bows? Its certainly not impossible. How does one prove that it takes practice to get better at something? Is that not the obvious way of getting better at something? Did you think that thru before you typed it?


Or did you just read the "git gud" and get offended by it?

Edited by armedpoop
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How is practicing and getting better not a valid argument when it comes to getting headshots with bows? Its certainly not impossible. How does one prove that it takes practice to get better at something? Is that not the obvious way of getting better at something? Did you think that thru before you typed it?


Or did you just read the "git gud" and get offended by it?


Nah, because based on how players are coptering, aerial melee, and butt-sliding, getting legit headshots seems to more often occur because the target is inexperienced or was caught in a vulnerable moment.  Practice and muscle memory won't do anything to headshot someone who's spinning around half the time.  Even many melee attacks involve whole-body movement, which makes heads also shift rather aggressively.


Like I said, I want to see someone prove it.  Doesn't have to be you.  Just because a player can theoretically one-shot headshot KO any frame with Mk-1 Paris doesn't mean that anyone is able to consistently pull it off with skill.  Personally, I want to believe that skill would enable a player to constantly grant them headshots.

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Nah, because based on how players are coptering, aerial melee, and butt-sliding, getting legit headshots seems to more often occur because the target is inexperienced or was caught in a vulnerable moment.  Practice and muscle memory won't do anything to headshot someone who's spinning around half the time.  Even many melee attacks involve whole-body movement, which makes heads also shift rather aggressively.


Like I said, I want to see someone prove it.  Doesn't have to be you.  Just because a player can theoretically one-shot headshot KO any frame with Mk-1 Paris doesn't mean that anyone is able to consistently pull it off with skill.  Personally, I want to believe that skill would enable a player to constantly grant them headshots.

Uhhh git gud? Practice and then pick your shots. look for vulnerabilities. Of course headshots are hard, but pulling them off shows skill does it not?

and nobody here is talking about mk1 paris, what are you on about? we said Paris Prime and Daikyu.

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Uhhh git gud? Practice and then pick your shots. look for vulnerabilities. Of course headshots are hard, but pulling them off shows skill does it not?

and nobody here is talking about mk1 paris, what are you on about? we said Paris Prime and Daikyu.


Well, yeah, being able to crackshot or calculate the proper trajectory of a projectile to hit a small hitbox usually correlates directly with skill.  I mean, in any other game it does.  However, in Warframe, players are coptering, sliding, melee'ing, parkouring, and all sorts of things that seem to make pulling off a headshot more like chance than skill.


As far as why I mentioned Mk-1 Paris...I was kinda just generalizing bows.  Any bow at full charge deals enough damage on a headshot to KO any frame...at least that's been my experience so far.  I've one-shot headshot a Frost with Mk-1 Paris, of which Frost is one of the tankier frames in PvP.


I just ran a few missions using the Mk-1 Paris because it has the fastest charge time of bows.  I'm still trying to convince myself that headshots are not primarily by chance, and I've only been able to make headshots when my opponents start shooting.  This means that the whole time they are coptering, sliding, and parkouring, and sometimes melee'ing my allies, their heads are simply moving to and fro faster than arrows fly.


There is that strategy of getting your enemies to put themselves in a position you want them in...but I'm apparently a little lacking in that area of psychological control.

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Well, yeah, being able to crackshot or calculate the proper trajectory of a projectile to hit a small hitbox usually correlates directly with skill.  I mean, in any other game it does.  However, in Warframe, players are coptering, sliding, melee'ing, parkouring, and all sorts of things that seem to make pulling off a headshot more like chance than skill.


As far as why I mentioned Mk-1 Paris...I was kinda just generalizing bows.  Any bow at full charge deals enough damage on a headshot to KO any frame...at least that's been my experience so far.  I've one-shot headshot a Frost with Mk-1 Paris, of which Frost is one of the tankier frames in PvP.


I just ran a few missions using the Mk-1 Paris because it has the fastest charge time of bows.  I'm still trying to convince myself that headshots are not primarily by chance, and I've only been able to make headshots when my opponents start shooting.  This means that the whole time they are coptering, sliding, and parkouring, and sometimes melee'ing my allies, their heads are simply moving to and fro faster than arrows fly.


There is that strategy of getting your enemies to put themselves in a position you want them in...but I'm apparently a little lacking in that area of psychological control.

That last part is called baiting. Warframe IS a different kind of pvp experience. The fact that there ARE headshots means that there IS a skill ceiling. Bait your opponent into attacking first, wait around corners, do what you gotta do to get the shot, and when you figure out what it is you gotta do to get the shots, THATS skill. 


People keep saying that bows take skill to use so they should be one shots anywhere. No they dont take skill to land shots, it takes skill to get headshots. Its a risk V reward weapon, as it should be.

Edited by armedpoop
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That last part is called baiting. Warframe IS a different kind of pvp experience. The fact that there ARE headshots means that there IS a skill ceiling. Bait your opponent into attacking first, wait around corners, do what you gotta do to get the shot, and when you figure out what it is you gotta do to get the shots, THATS skill. 


People keep saying that bows take skill to use so they should be one shots anywhere. No they dont take skill to land shots, it takes skill to get headshots. Its a risk V reward weapon, as it should be.


And...the question still remains as to whether there are people that have reached and exceeded that skill ceiling.  Personally, I have yet to meet any player that is capable of consistent headshots, and I do play Conclave in both Eastern and Western US (depends on what matches are available).

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"they can just pick up health orbs to not die! ugh!"


Really? it does NOT take great skill to hold lmb down while sprinting,sliding and jump kicking, then getting in somebody's face and letting it go. THAT is not skill. Doing that and then landing a headshot shows a lot more skill. Skillful players will use them. 


Ive played against paris users who either go for headshots, or use bows to finish off weak players. They are very powerful weapons still, stop playing the game like the only thing you can do is shoot. Theres other ways of dealing damage you know?


If you were to vs me, you would not be able to hit me with a bow, let alone a head shot. When I play conclave, I don't vs your average noob, I vs conclave veterans who fly around everywhere. 


Uhhh git gud? Practice and then pick your shots. look for vulnerabilities. Of course headshots are hard, but pulling them off shows skill does it not?

and nobody here is talking about mk1 paris, what are you on about? we said Paris Prime and Daikyu.


Again, it would be impossible to get head shots. Getting a head shot doesn't show skill, it shows luck.


That last part is called baiting. Warframe IS a different kind of pvp experience. The fact that there ARE headshots means that there IS a skill ceiling. Bait your opponent into attacking first, wait around corners, do what you gotta do to get the shot, and when you figure out what it is you gotta do to get the shots, THATS skill. 


People keep saying that bows take skill to use so they should be one shots anywhere. No they dont take skill to land shots, it takes skill to get headshots. Its a risk V reward weapon, as it should be.


I swear, you must only play noobs, or you're the kind of guy that has to stand dead still to land shots. When you stand still you take immense damage from the opponent and you die.  

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And...the question still remains as to whether there are people that have reached and exceeded that skill ceiling.  Personally, I have yet to meet any player that is capable of consistent headshots, and I do play Conclave in both Eastern and Western US (depends on what matches are available).

Sooo because you dont know if somebody is good enough to get headshots, we should have the bows be one shot kills....? 


If you were to vs me, you would not be able to hit me with a bow, let alone a head shot. When I play conclave, I don't vs your average noob, I vs conclave veterans who fly around everywhere. 



Again, it would be impossible to get head shots. Getting a head shot doesn't show skill, it shows luck.



I swear, you must only play noobs, or you're the kind of guy that has to stand dead still to land shots. When you stand still you take immense damage from the opponent and you die.  

Lol you serious about the pvp vets thing? Its not hard to not stop moving. Generally during engagements the combatants slow down just a bit. That, or you could force somebody to slow down with powers and what not. Shooting is not your only tool in WF pvp you know? Getting headshots with BOWS shows skill, not so much with automatics, although it IS there. 


I dont understand how its ever impossible to get head shots. Yes there is plenty of movement, but it IS doable. Headshots exist to reward marksmanship. If you can aim and are adjusted to how bows fire, you will do fine. You can stand still, take a shot then move, rinse and repeat. Its really not that hard to aim either, but I imagine bow users that stay at the top are on a whole nother level of aiming. Also, I dont use bows. I dont have that much patience or am that good at aiming. 

Edited by armedpoop
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Sooo because you dont know if somebody is good enough to get headshots, we should have the bows be one shot kills....?

Nah, I'm saying that if such a player does not exist, then the likelihood that headshots scored by skill is more of a theory not proven in reality. If headshots are obtained more through baiting gullible/skillless players and the random chance an arrow makes connection with a head, then getting better at aiming and crackshots bears no weight.

As a result, the solution to being able to always successfully and skillfully one-shot like a pro in Conclave is that you don't. Instead, you have to carefully choose your targets depending on the weapon you're using, and use the weapon to its greatest potential, such as immediately firing an uncharged shot after a charged shot from the Mk-1 Paris, kinda like a duplex shot from the Tigris.

Regardless of the nerf, I'm still getting complaints when I use the Daikyu *shrug*

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Sooo because you dont know if somebody is good enough to get headshots, we should have the bows be one shot kills....? 


Lol you serious about the pvp vets thing? Its not hard to not stop moving. Generally during engagements the combatants slow down just a bit. That, or you could force somebody to slow down with powers and what not. Shooting is not your only tool in WF pvp you know? Getting headshots with BOWS shows skill, not so much with automatics, although it IS there. 


I dont understand how its ever impossible to get head shots. Yes there is plenty of movement, but it IS doable. Headshots exist to reward marksmanship. If you can aim and are adjusted to how bows fire, you will do fine. You can stand still, take a shot then move, rinse and repeat. Its really not that hard to aim either, but I imagine bow users that stay at the top are on a whole nother level of aiming. Also, I dont use bows. I dont have that much patience or am that good at aiming. 

Clearly you have absolutely no idea how hard it is to land shots with daikyu, let alone land headshots with it. This isnt a case of people being bad, its a case of you not understanding how difficult it is to do that. Infact its almost impossible unless your target is standing still.

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And...the question still remains as to whether there are people that have reached and exceeded that skill ceiling. Personally, I have yet to meet any player that is capable of consistent headshots, and I do play Conclave in both Eastern and Western US (depends on what matches are available).

lol he cant prove and is also not willing to try that just shows that u are right nighttide. i can land headshots with hitscanweapons but with a bow its ridiculous hard and chance instead of luck
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Also, I dont use bows. I dont have that much patience or am that good at aiming. 

Then why the hell are you talking about bow head shots as though they're possible to get consistently?

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