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Daikyu, Paris Prime, Should 1 Shot! (Pvp)


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I would rather see a rework on bows to make them reward high skill plays. Make them deal less damage in close but more damage with distance so that if you predicted opponents movement on large distance you would be rewarded. Right now most bow users use it point blank.



I'd like that too.

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People apparently think the Daikyu is still too OP... which I think is BS after using it, they've prolly never attempted to get kills with it, it's so damn hard that there were times where I was even killed faster by someone just spamming paris shots at me... I just don't get it, is it not enough that all the pew pew guns can kill fast enough?... (and tbh the only reason people think Bows are broken in conclave is the same reason Beginners think Rikimarou is broken in DotA 2, it's a pub-stomping weapon if you're a Demigod with it...)

Edited by R3DBelmont456
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My goodness.  They update PvP and, like clockwork, the number of people being called nasty things increases about tenfold overnight.

It's the salt man... when people get destroyed by something, they get so steamed (pun intended) that they just blow out all their rage in the forums... most of the time nerf posts are irrationally angry rants that just wanna nerf something for the sake of nerfing it to put the people using the weapon in question at an even greater disadvantage...

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 (and tbh the only reason people think Bows are broken in conclave is the same reason Beginners think Rikimarou is broken in DotA 2, it's a pub-stomping weapon if you're a Demigod with it...)


Wrong. Daiky is 6.83 Troll - requires too much effort to shut down and any decent person can play it.

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Wrong. Daiky is 6.83 Troll - requires too much effort to shut down and any decent person can play it.

Alright then, please... win a FFA Anihilation match using only a daikyu, no powers, no melee spam, and then come back and tell me again how easy it was... Because I've done it and won and it was hard as hell. 

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It's the salt man... when people get destroyed by something, they get so steamed (pun intended) that they just blow out all their rage in the forums... most of the time nerf posts are irrationally angry rants that just wanna nerf something for the sake of nerfing it to put the people using the weapon in question at an even greater disadvantage...

I guess I kinda got over it after diabetic neuropathy guaranteed I'll never, ever be a PvP master.

I won a match of Annihilation once, by two points, and I'm considering that my greatest PvP achievement ever =P

Turns out you can play games purely to have fun.  Who knew?

Edited by TheDorque
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People apparently think the Daikyu is still too OP... which I think is BS after using it, they've prolly never attempted to get kills with it, it's so damn hard that there were times where I was even killed faster by someone just spamming paris shots at me... I just don't get it, is it not enough that all the pew pew guns can kill fast enough?... (and tbh the only reason people think Bows are broken in conclave is the same reason Beginners think Rikimarou is broken in DotA 2, it's a pub-stomping weapon if you're a Demigod with it...)

Just wait till the Vectis gets balanced. I'm not sure I could take any individual seriously if they complain about it doing 1-shots, and I hope DE wouldn't, either.

Though...if the Vectis does anything less than a one-shot headshot, two-shot body shot (except maybe on Valkyr for its higher impact damage, then 3 shot), and has really low hip-fire accuracy, I'm just gonna give up on Conclave.

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Just wait till the Vectis gets balanced. I'm not sure I could take any individual seriously if they complain about it doing 1-shots, and I hope DE wouldn't, either.

Though...if the Vectis does anything less than a one-shot headshot, two-shot body shot (except maybe on Valkyr for its higher impact damage, then 3 shot), and has really low hip-fire accuracy, I'm just gonna give up on Conclave.


Vectis is already on PS4, XB1 and it only two shots which is how the balance should be. One shots is what made PvP 1.0 frustrating and unplayable.

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Vectis is already on PS4, XB1 and it only two shots which is how the balance should be. One shots is what made PvP 1.0 frustrating and unplayable.



Hey mate, since you hate one shot bows so much, I decided to craft a weapon especially for you...




Hopefully this will help you become a more "Seasoned" Marksman...


All Jokes aside, if the vectis comes to PC and it cannot oneshot headshot then I'm just gonna stick to using bows, it makes absolutely NO SENSE whatsoever for a Bolt-action rifle not to one shot headshot in any competitive game, they've been oneshot headshotting since the days of Unreal, I can name you a dozen games where the sniper can oneshot headshot... Hell even CoD which is Casual and machinegun spam city has Snipers that can oneshot headshot, even the crappy as hell lynX... Therefore your opinion on a sniper type weapon 2 shotting regardless of where you hit is and will be overruled by just about every shooter player in existence, and I'm being nice here...

Edited by R3DBelmont456
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Hey mate, since you hate one shot bows so much, I decided to craft a weapon especially for you...




Hopefully this will help you become a more "Seasoned" Marksman...


You, sir, are awesome.




Last I heard, Vectis being balanced on the consoles was a bug and oversight, much like Ash.




I've been on about this all day but if the stam system limits coptering i promise you headshots with bows will be a thing and not just a "Holy S#&$ that just happened" occurrence.


We'll have to see what all Parkour does, but coptering isn't the only thing that causes Tenno heads to move to and fro faster than arrows fly.

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Vectis is already on PS4, XB1 and it only two shots which is how the balance should be. One shots is what made PvP 1.0 frustrating and unplayable.


Would disagree. One shots is what made pvp 1.0 adrenaline inducing and fun to play. 





Hey mate, since you hate one shot bows so much, I decided to craft a weapon especially for you...




Hopefully this will help you become a more "Seasoned" Marksman...



Actually kek'd. 11/10 good sir

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One shots is what made PvP 1.0 frustrating and unplayable.


What games have you been playing where there aren't one-shots?  Other than Firefall.


I'm gonna have to guess that you've never played airsoft or paintball either...cuz those real-life games are one-shots even on a toe or even a drop-leg pouch.

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I've been on about this all day but if the stam system limits coptering i promise you headshots with bows will be a thing and not just a "Holy S#&$ that just happened" occurrence.

Well, I'm not going to choose whether to make head shots based on "luck" with bows or to give up speed to make me aim easier. 


How about neither, just make bows 1 shot on charge. 

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I don't see a reason why bows shouldn't 1 shot. They take great skill to use and if they don't 1 shot, it makes them completely useless.

i would understand if it was 1 shot kill for head shots but as it currently is all you need to do is charge and hit someone 

i was in a game earlier  and i killed a player, coopered to the other side and the player just spawned, he had spawn protection on so i couldn't do anything to them and all they did was shoot me in the leg and i got killed without even putting one bullet in them.

i understand you need skill to use them but i personally think if they had certain areas of the bodies that would be a one shot kill that would be better

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i would understand if it was 1 shot kill for head shots but as it currently is all you need to do is charge and hit someone 

i was in a game earlier  and i killed a player, coopered to the other side and the player just spawned, he had spawn protection on so i couldn't do anything to them and all they did was shoot me in the leg and i got killed without even putting one bullet in them.

i understand you need skill to use them but i personally think if they had certain areas of the bodies that would be a one shot kill that would be better


They do, but the issue is that Warframe suffers from the same problem that quake 3 did... Moving Hitboxes...

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I posted this somewhere before but I'll say it again here.


Problem with Warframe is that all warframes have access to all weapons.  Hence, it is dangerous for Tanky frame to use a 1 hit weapon where in other games the squishy have access to those 1 shot weapons.

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