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So, today I boot up my game, and head over to Uranus, to farm for Ash parts. I just needed the Chassis and boom, I could start making my Blueprint.

So, started the game, no one was there so I decided to try it alone. My frame isn't really up to that but who cares, that's more fun.

Anyway, runn trough the level, reached the boss and when I was almost dying, someone joined in and we killed the bastard!

And more, he dropped the Chassis! I was so @(*()$ hyped!

Then my game crashed. The end.

I'm not playing anymore today, to depressed now *sniff*

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Yeah, crashes seem to happen at annoying times. I never crash when I'm about to fail a mission or die lol. I'm aware that i'm playing a beta though. Over all, i don't have any major complaints or huge issues. I am going to make one detailed post on the bugs I've encountered and my suggestions for the game in a day or so once I feel I've tested enough and have an understanding of my issues. I've had maybe one crash that wasn't frustrating or at a terrible time. I think it balances out with the numnber of times i spawned into a mission seconds before extraction and got a free pass to the next level :)

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Ced... xD

well, same same but different here, crash denial par excelence. I think i would have gotten 3 ashes and a few hundred k spare rubeee by now if that bloody game wouldnt crash. I got my rhino and trinity, took about thrice the time it would with a stable client, not to mention the added speed and fun from working coops...

Sometimes i think theres a crash sensor on that last ramp to extraction.

Nother funny one is when you see that grey ball drop from the boss-freeze-stutter-stutter-crash.

ow and the crash reporting thing is crashing a lot as well >.<

*no its not your fault trusty computer*

Actually i am frustrated so fing much that i decided to pause on this game and wait for a more stable release.

Thank you for creating this thread, i really needed that, so we doing the group spoons?

See you in space, Cowboy?

Edited by Nevrmoor
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My friend and I both just finished killing Jackal and he dropped Rhino Systems BP, my friend died and he had no more revives left, and as I was going near the escape pods, the game crashed...

We both lost a bit of our souls then..

Edited by JasonN36
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Spent a couple of hours grinding on Mecury Solo since I can't seem to join and no one seems to join my games. Grind my suit to 15 and go to Saturn. Spy mission. Carrying a canister and a pistol and two Heavies show up. Sigh.....

Hit F, drop the data, enjoy your primary, kill the heavies, pick up the container again.

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Hit F, drop the data, enjoy your primary, kill the heavies, pick up the container again.

Have trouble taking even one heavy with my primary. I just ran ;_; Got cut down a room away from the escape pod and the intel disappeared after I died and revived..

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Looking for some lvl 30 fire mods.

Went on for 5 hours for a hunt.

Run a planet and get a heat sword mod.

Suddenly, "Evolution engine has just crashed!"

Meh... It's all good. What's the likeliness of getting the mod?

Seconds later friend tells me the mod is high dmg fire mod.


Went to buy some milk and eggs and bread.

And nutella.

Hopped onto Katawa Shoujo so I don't feel sorry for myself.

Nutella toast tasted good.

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Hopped onto Katawa Shoujo so I don't feel sorry for myself.

Dude, how do you NOT feel sorry for yourself in that game. That's a can full of feels.

On topic, accidentally hit refill button so left with 38 Plat. I wanted to buy a Orokin Reactor and Catalyst... Now I can only afford one until I apply for my debit card ;_;

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Running from high-level Infested with buddies. Get to elevator, playing my Rhino so tanking like a boss.

Buddy hits the button by accident before I get on.

No problem, I thought. Iron skin will buy me time.

A Disrupter and Healer bomb around the corner.

O hai, I'll take that energy, thanks.

Afuris fire? No problem - says the healer.

I die in a pile of infected.

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Running from high-level Infested with buddies. Get to elevator, playing my Rhino so tanking like a boss.

Buddy hits the button by accident before I get on.

No problem, I thought. Iron skin will buy me time.

A Disrupter and Healer bomb around the corner.

O hai, I'll take that energy, thanks.

Afuris fire? No problem - says the healer.

I die in a pile of infected.

Speaking of infested. One day a while back I decided to solo an infested level with my brand new(ish) Strun. I started the level and I was pretty happy with how the strun preformed even if it was a under leveled for it, up untill I hit a toxic Ancient. Then I thought "ok I'll just kite it" then another one showed up so I continued to kite him, now with the other intow. I was able to finish off the first one but eventually me and my new friend had moved down to the lower floor so that we could tango, But out of the corner of my eye I spotted a green glowing mass slowely shamble across the cat walk above, and then just 20 or so seconds latter another one came into the room. Eventually all three of them wore me down to death and refused to respawn.

I have never, to my knowlage, soloed a infested mission sence that day, that day was the day they made spawns on the ancient bat sh*t insane.

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Yarp, since my last post in this topic i finally managed to get the bloody Ash helmet BP. Took me like 50+ tries due to crashes before reaching the boss and after, one particularly nasty crash was just before the exit animation started while i found the BP.

Now comes rubeee.... RUBEEEE!!!! i was stuck at 56 rubeee for like 2 weeks (crashes and what not)

now i got 76 rubeeeee :3

just because the game host disconnected and didnt need to complete the mission bcs i was send back to the menu. found the rubeeeee right in one of the first containers

still some more rubee to get for the friggin helmet, at the current rate ill be crafting this thing in about beginning of 2014, give or take a few weeks

This is the end of my capability to suffer, ive sent my logs to lotus, hope she can fix it... but for now i need to get some distance between me and this game.

see you in space cowboy :/

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Ah... builds, builds, builds *scratches head* what do I put for this frame.. hmm.. and that frame.. what do I put for that frame? hmm... how bout this mod? But what if the other frames need it more than this one? Probably I could substitute with this.. Nah.. then I can't play it the way I want.

*migrain kicks in*

Think, think, think......


*Exit Warframe, turn off pc, grab a peanut butter & jello sandwich and watch TV.*

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Ah... builds, builds, builds *scratches head* what do I put for this frame.. hmm.. and that frame.. what do I put for that frame? hmm... how bout this mod? But what if the other frames need it more than this one? Probably I could substitute with this.. Nah.. then I can't play it the way I want.

*migrain kicks in*

Think, think, think......


*Exit Warframe, turn off pc, grab a peanut butter & jello sandwich and watch TV.*

Totally forgot to buy Nutella, brb

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