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[Warframe Concept] Eidolion - The Spirit


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Hi! This is my very first Warframe forum post, so I apologize if I annoy anyone in anyway.

This is my first OC that I have made I hope that it does not give off a "Overpowered" vibe to it, but either way, I'm open to suggestions and comments, actually, I'd love to hear it.

There is a lack of Artwork of the OC because I'm a terrible artist, but I hope this post will be good enough.

Eidolion Spirit/Support


Name: Eidolion


Shield: 300

Armor: 200

Aura Polarity: Dash (-)

Polarities: x2 Dash (-)

Appearance: Ghostly, and similar to a "Ghost Girl". Like from the Shining.

Description: A Tenno believed long lost during the Orokin Era, this ghostly warrior will assist it's allies in very supernatural ways.


Eidolion resembles a female ghost, (much like the one from the shining that comes out of the well) with a dress, slender arms and legs, and a blank face with black smudges to resemble eye sockets. Eidolion's dress appears jagged and long (goes down to her knees)and made out of a hard material, there is no way to look up the dress, as grey smoke (which is exhaust of her soul) fills the entire dress. The exterior of her dress has 4 black lines running from shoulder to bottom. These lines crack open during her fourth ability. Eidolion also has "hair" with the front going down to her shoulders, and the rest hanging around naturally.

Most of Eidolion's power takes the form of black smoke, with bursts of energy colored light appearing from time to time (Similar to a thundercloud, and how the lighting illuminates the cloud) During her 4th ability, her soul is revealed and appears as a flame with smoke surrounding it(the flame itself is energy colored) During her third ability, her smokey form is humanoid with the same "thundercloud" effect.


Once a powerful Tenno during the Orokin War, Eidolion was killed by an unknown force. With her maximum power left unused in death, it became unstable and re-awoke her soul, causing her reincarnation. Due to her form, she can no-longer use the physical abilities she had in life, but now relies on her soul and energy to assist her teammates who will fulfill her bloodlust.

Codex Entry(?):

"As my team and myself boarded the vessel, we felt a sense of not knowing what to expect. We were ordered to kill the crew of the transport ship, as they had extremely hazardous cargo on board, we were not briefed on what the cargo was, however. As our Battleship punctured the ship's hull, our hearts beat like drums, who knows if we would be blasted to bits before actually touching the new territory, or if the ship was full of innoce-...treacherous crewmen. As the breacher's door slowly opened, we did not hear any yelling, only alarms... Perhaps they didn't have troops at our location yet, or were they simply trying to surprise us?

When the door fully opened, we were shocked to find no men, just darkness, being illuminated by the red of the alarm lights, the ship seemed empty. Did we catch the wrong transport? Were our fears wasted? As we walked through the halls of the hallow ship we reported to command asking for info, they only responded with 'If no men are on board, the follow through with protocol, scavenge the ship for anything of use.' We followed our orders and headed to the cargo hold, it would be better to get the special cargo out of this ghost ship before anyone else got ahold of it. The Squad leader ordered three men to go to the cargo bay while he and the other soldier went to the bridge to find out what happened. It just so happened Raks, Taps, and I were the three men.

When we got to the cargo hold we found blood splattered everywhere, the corpses of the crew were nowhere to be seen, only those of the prisoners located near the cargo crates. My fear returned, this scene was worse than anything I had seen in the News Reports back home on Apollous, I was a newbie to the army, with little experience, and I wondered if this is what truly happens in war. We dismissed the environment and searched the crates, we found nothing but repair equipment and communication devices. Just when we were concluding our search, we found a large crate with the top open, Raks stepped towards it slowly, you could see the fear in his eyes. Right when he touched he crate, there was a quick burst of smoke with light in it, and He screamed and fell on the floor, covering his eyes, it could have been a flashbang and in there, but that smoke was too linear and small to be a grenade...

Taps ran towards Raks to help him, but then we were suddenly blasted off our feet by another thing of smoke, which was much larger in size, when I hit the wall then floor, I felt my muscles weaken, and my shields were lowered exponentially, when the smoke cleared I looked up, and a jagged yet feminine figure hovered above Jaxs' now decapitated form. The figure simply hovered there, with armor that was jagged like a mountain and in the form of a dress, it's head seemed to be faceless, with hair-like strands reaching to the top of it's 'Dress'.

It's attention was fixed on Taps, who was now running around and scared beyond belief, it was like he was insane. The figure quickly hovered towards him and slashed at him with their hand, I slowly got up and told him to run, I ran out of the cargo hold to the bridge, hoping Taps was with me. When I was halfway there, I heard a blood-curling screech from behind me, it was Taps, I kept running forwards, hoping I was too quick for that thing, but I heard swooshes and whooshes in the air vents above me, it was in the vents. When I got to the bridge, the thing was already there, it bent down, grabbed it's head, and gave out an eerie screech, I was blinded by it, but I heard the soldier's body thud close by and the leader's prolonged scream and sudden silence. Then a small thud, and a bang.

My vision returned and I was on the floor, stunned in place, paralyzed, I looked. Up and saw the soldier's body slumped against the computers with a large hole in his chest, I changed my sight to the leader, hoping he was in better shape, His corpse was fried and hung by wires dangling from the ceiling, his head separated from his body. The ghostly figure was looking at the squad leader's mutilated form as someone tried to contact him, The figure found the radio and crushed it in it's hand. It then noticed me, still alive, and levitated me up and bashed me against the computers, then the wall, the ceiling, then the floor. Those impacts were followed by agonizing pain and the crunches of my bones, it then launched me at another computer terminal, and I quickly typing in co-ordinates towards the sun, I wanted this beast roast for what it did to my friends. It realized what I had done, and levitated me again, but it stood still for what seemed like decades, then it's "dress" cracked into four pieces with white light shining out, it's head began to hover above itself, and it's limbs hovered by the splitting dress. The Thing's covering cracked open into four sections, I was terrified, and what I saw in the center was death itself..."


Power 1: Eerie Image

Attack Type: Single Target

Sends a Piece of Eido's Soul to send a haunting image at an enemy. Initial Hit will stun target for 2>4>6>8 seconds and slow/confuse afterwards for 5>10>15>20 Seconds.

Good For: Highlighting an Enemy.

Visual Effect: A Smokey trail swirls around Imaged enemy.

Power 2: Wraith's Wail

Attack Type: AoE

Eidolion cowers for a 1 second, hands above head and bent over and screeches at the Enemy in a 10>15>20>25 Foot Radius This can have 2 Effects.

Effect 1: Esprit Escape: Wail causes the enemies to become stunned for 2>4>6>8 seconds. After the stun, they will run away from Eido's location for 3>5>7>10 seconds before returning to normal.

Effect 2: Esprit Extract: During the Wail's stun, affected enemies shields will be depleted by 5>10>15>20%, depleted shields will be converted into player's energy.

Visual Effects:

Stun: Smokey Trail surround targets

Esprit Escape:(Similar to Nekros's terrify)

Esprit Extract: Smoke is released into the air during stun.

Note: Wail's Esprit Escape is standard effect. Extract has a 10>15>20>25% chance to occur.

Good For: Crowd Control and Support.

Power 3: Apparition Actualize

Attack Type: Passive/AoE.

Eido teleports to a location of the player's choosing, becoming invisible, Eido becomes invisible in a smokey form(Like The Stalker's appearance smoke). After 4>8>12>16 Seconds of invisibility, Eido becomes visible again with a 10>15>20>25% Chance to cause an AoE Knockdown. If an enemy is caugh in the radius, Eidolion will steal 3>6>9>12% of their Health, and give teammates 10>20>30>35% of their Health back. The amount of affected enemies is limited to 4>8>12>14.

Good For: Stealth, AoE, Life Steal.

Power 4(Ultimate): Spectral Split

Eidolion stands still hovering in the air for 3 Seconds, and cracking her outer shell apart Eidolion's Soul is revealed in the center, as her shell(Now in 4 Parts) orbit her. In her Spectral Form, she has 35% of her armor value removed, but has an increase of Health (15>20>25>30%) Shields(20>25>35>40%). Spectral Split causes Eidolion to release Eerie Specters to seek out enemies and give them an Eerie Image affect(It's stun lasts for 1>2>3 seconds, while the slow lasts until Spectral Split Ends) A Total of 4>6>8> Enemies can be affected by the Eerie Specters. Lastly, Eidolion releases 1>2>4 Phantoms to control and have fight for the Tenno. When a target is controlled, they become "Haunted", when haunted, the target is immune to Tenno-Originated damage, but vurnurible to attacks from it's former teammates, they are also slowed.

Visual Effects:

Eidolion becomes a soul (A burning energy-colored ball) with her "Dress" circling around her, with her limbs circling around them, her head is located above her soul.

Eerie Specters: Energy-colored smoke that pursues enemies (Similar to Oberon's "wisps")

Phantoms: Move like the E.Ss, but have the appearance of a Raven/Crow, and fly to targets.

Haunted Effect: Haunted enemies have a raven/crow "Mask" located on their Faces.

Good For: Crown Control, Defense.

Art (WIP)


Eerie Image Icon


Wraith Wail Icon


Apparition Actualize Icon


Spectral Split Icon

Acceptable changes

Power 1's "Wisp" appearance.(Preferable smokey)

Removal/ Augmentation of Power 2's secondary effect.

Power 3's AoE effect(Stun and slow can be replaced with damage, if not completely removed)

Power 4's "Soul" form(Can be replaced with a smokey outline) Removal/ Augmentation of either "Eerie Specters" or "Phantoms".

Edited by (PS4)hurlman
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I'm not too sure about the 4th skill... Is it like a progressive SotD?

The Fourth skill's abilities become more available as it's active. Making duration mods a must.

The first effect, "Eerie Specters" acts like Oberon's first ability, but stun then slow enemies. The stun lasts for up to 3 seconds, while the slow lasts until the Fourth Skill expires.

The second effect, "Phantoms" moves like Oberon's first ability as well, but are slower, they will target enemies and take control of them (Like Nyx's first ability, minus the immunity) When a target is controlled, the status is called "Haunted" if a Haunted target dies, a new Phantom is released, which searches for a new target.

If a third effect is decided upon, it will probably act like Vauban's teslas, but stay on Eidolion

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Power 3: Apparition Actualize

Attack Type: Passive/AoE.

Eido teleports to a location of the player's choosing, becoming invisible, Eido becomes invisible in a smokey form(Like The Stalker's appearance smoke). After 4>8>12>16 Seconds of invisibility

I think that's a bit much, considering the skill's other effects. It should probably have Smoke Screen's duration scaling (2/4/6/8), maybe even less (maximum of 6?). The power doesn't need that much duration for its offensive-oriented parts, and having a base duration longer than dedicated invisibility frames would probably be a bit much.

Other than that, this is actually a really cool concept, it feels kind of like a heavily altered Nekros, in the way Limbo feels like a heavily altered Frost.

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I think that's a bit much, considering the skill's other effects. It should probably have Smoke Screen's duration scaling (2/4/6/8), maybe even less (maximum of 6?). The power doesn't need that much duration for its offensive-oriented parts, and having a base duration longer than dedicated invisibility frames would probably be a bit much.

Other than that, this is actually a really cool concept, it feels kind of like a heavily altered Nekros, in the way Limbo feels like a heavily altered Frost.

Thank you for the comment! I admit the duration of Actualize is too long, but I also felt it may have been overpowered due to the reappearance.

It is sort of based off of Nekros in some ways, such as Wraith Wail (Resembling Terrify in some ways) and the Ult's Haunted Effect (Sort of like SotD)

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Oh... That makes me regret making this frame... But That version is based off of Shadows, while mine is based after Ghosts/Spirits

I named my frame Eidolion because it's another name for Spirit. If their frame is based on shadow manipulation, it should have been named something like "Dusk", "Gloom" or something that relates to shadows and darkness.

Edited by (PS4)hurlman
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fun concept you got there ! though I'd criticize on a few points :

-Too much defensive stats.As a ghost/sprit type frame I would put high shields, mid (100) health and the same armor, with a unique passiv : as log as she moves, the enemies will have a hard time hitting her.

-Removes the percentage thing. For her 2nd, enemy with shields are stunned and their shields robbed converte into energy or shield for the whole team, whil enemies without shields will be stunned and fear.

For her 3rd, a casting time before the TP, stay cloaked until end of ability or end ability sooner in order to knockdown and lifesteal in a large AoE


I like the ult, but in simpler : long casting time, releases ghosts to haunt enemies which will be stunned, fear'd or will attack enemies of the Tennos. And about the ghosts/sprits, why not giving them the shape of the Phased Asa Syandana ? that'd be creepy :D And I agree about the stats change, but mabe not this way ... gotta think more about it


Oh, and you can name her Yûreï !

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fun concept you got there ! though I'd criticize on a few points :

-Too much defensive stats.As a ghost/sprit type frame I would put high shields, mid (100) health and the same armor, with a unique passiv : as log as she moves, the enemies will have a hard time hitting her.

-Removes the percentage thing. For her 2nd, enemy with shields are stunned and their shields robbed converte into energy or shield for the whole team, whil enemies without shields will be stunned and fear.

For her 3rd, a casting time before the TP, stay cloaked until end of ability or end ability sooner in order to knockdown and lifesteal in a large AoE


I like the ult, but in simpler : long casting time, releases ghosts to haunt enemies which will be stunned, fear'd or will attack enemies of the Tennos. And about the ghosts/sprits, why not giving them the shape of the Phased Asa Syandana ? that'd be creepy :D And I agree about the stats change, but mabe not this way ... gotta think more about it


Oh, and you can name her Yûreï !

Splendid suggestions! I'll decide accordingly, thanks!

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uhh so her support abilities all have stun (except 3) it is actually a really cool-sounding concept to me, by support is it weakening enemies, self-support or party-support.


Well you think this may be good as a support


2)Spectral Search- temporarily leaves your body, wandering out as a soul you cannot attack enemies and enemy attacks can't touch you but you can attract attention, lure enemies and not get hurt (similar to decoy and Molt's role except you're the decoy and can move).
(you come out of your body and come out as a soul (since the warframe helps you your soul looks like a warframe as well) able to attract enemy attention to use the role of luring and distracting, you can only go a certain distance away from your body and drains 3 energy per second)

Feel free to change this

So whaddya think of this ability


You forgot how much energy, speed and stamina he gets and how much he gets at rank 30

Edited by Hunter126
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