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Was Taking Out The Dark Sector A Good Idea, When The 2.0(3.0) Version Is No Where To Be Seen?


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Why am I waiting for the new Dark Sectors? Don't you think we could be playing the current version right now, then once the new one is ready, they just transition seamlessly?


What is everyone's view?









                                 Power Point Presentation


# Create a new game mode

            a) Diverse involving PVP aspects

            b) Create a mode involving clans and essentially large alliances generating an overall robust gaming community.

            c) Fine tune in later updates.



             * The creation of Dark Sectors



            * Update game for balance issues



More Update:

            * Game taken offline for a total rework


Result from "More Update":

            * Dark Sector in complete Armistice across 3 platforms.

            * The vibrant active Warframe community (clans and alliances) Left hanging.


Current Status after 76 days of Armistice:

            * Lost the vibrant active Warframe community (clans and alliances) "They simply lost interest and walked away".


Overall outlook:

            * For everyday in Armistice a price is being paid. 



            * DE can you afford to have Dark Sector in Armistice?

Edited by druul
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Yes. The old system was broken. The people holding the rails were always one of the same ~5 alliances or clans. It got to the point where they were essentially making duplicates of their alliance and juggling the solar rails between themselves. Warframe shouldn't be about finding the most efficient method of screwing the rest of the community over.

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We have dark sectors, don't we?


People are still farming them for credits, resources, and XP.


It's just that they can't be greedy milked for mostly useless taxes while people farm them, which makes farming more profitable.


I fail to see the problem here.

Edited by FelisImpurrator
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So your telling me it was broken just because ur clan wasnt good enough to hold a rail? to be the best you got to beat the best and imo it helped alot of newer players get a way to afford a way to interact with vets and have fun at the same time clan wars is ment to be hard and competitive not just a hand me down it was fun to strat with eachother and earn credits at the same time i say we bring it back 

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Why am I waiting for the new Dark Sectors? Don't you think we could be playing they current version right now, then once the new one is ready, they just transition seamlessly?


What is everyone's view?

you know exactly why.  nice job trying to stir up the community to get them released early so you can continue your power grab, as well as your "greater alliance".  Enjoy the down time.


Yes. The old system was broken. The people holding the rails were always one of the same ~5 alliances or clans. It got to the point where they were essentially making duplicates of their alliance and juggling the solar rails between themselves. Warframe shouldn't be about finding the most efficient method of screwing the rest of the community over.

Nice job.  This is exactly what happened, except it is more than just 5 alliances/clans.  DE needs to fix the system so it isn't clan / alliance based.  If it continues to be so, then the exploits will continue.

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you know exactly why.  nice job trying to stir up the community to get them released early so you can continue your power grab, as well as your "greater alliance".  Enjoy the down time.


Nice job.  This is exactly what happened, except it is more than just 5 alliances/clans.  DE needs to fix the system so it isn't clan / alliance based.  If it continues to be so, then the exploits will continue.

Work for these things then. It is not the alliance's issues. We have actually played the game and earned our place in dark sectors. As someone who has taken part in most of the conflicts, and was part of the majority of the muscle behind spear confederation, your entitlement can bug off.

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Honestly, As UrLadyzSancho said, it helped players learn more about the game. Did any of you crybabies ever stop to think that we got up there through hard work and dedication? If you ever think that those 5 or so clans were up there because others let them up there you are dead wrong. I've started playing other games and left Warframe completely because the Dark Sectors are gone. My clan was the only CLAN on the rails for so long and we stood against those alliances. Quit crying. Ever since they took Dark Sectors away i went from seeing every member completely active to seeing maybe one or two people in my clan logging on per week. Removing Dark Sectors removed hundreds of players from alliances and clans. More people will leave. DE you need to fix this.

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Just because the original game mode appeared to be broken to part of the community doesn't necessarily mean it should be turned off completely while its being fixed. Dark sectors are a major game mode important to a lot of community members. Players leaving clans because they are bored is a symptom of this. 

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We need a new iteration of PVE Dark Sector conflicts.  If no new iteration is in sight then please give us back the original form of PVE Dark Sectors.  Entire alliances and clans exist solely for the purpose of competing in Dark Sectors.  These clans and alliances that exist for this purpose are losing members.  They aren't moving on to other aspects of the game they are moving to entirely different games.  Players are moving to GTAV and other MMO style shooters.  The lack of Dark Sector conflicts is hurting Warframe and its players.  Bring back Dark Sectors.

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Re opening dark sectors would be amazing. I'm playing other games atm, nothing to do in warframe... no end game


all maps are design for everybody, cool in theory, but once ur done farming, leveling and tunning, there is no place to go with ur maxed stuff...


and sectors locked... me and alot of people started playing other games like TERA or GTA5, I like WF, but atm nothing to do...

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the lack of dark sector to be very very detrimental effect on the community and clan alliance participant to the dark sector.


My is that of the Cypher-advents (French clan) Clan mountain


I lost all the former players who remained on Warframe thanks to darck sector

I lost over 50% on both member last month

and players who stays and who complete Warframe we do nothing more to do and end up leaving


This is for the more DE armisstice last more we lose player must réagire now before it is later pounds Relationship


they should create a goal in Warframe to ensure the continuity of former player

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Honestly I'm getting so bored of Warframe I'm playing other games due to this epic screw up. Dark Sectors gave me a reason to hold my attention to this. Gave me a reason to communicate with other people I never even knew and gained more new people and with this Dark Sector shutdown and no real update to when it's getting to the point I'm losing my own motivation to continue on playing. This DS shutdown literally is killing not my Clan but the Alliance as well and the people I love talking to as well. DE I don't know what you need to do if you need to reach down Limbo's tophat but something really needs to be done and needs to be done NOW.

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As a V alliance's clan leader.. I lost a loOOOooOooOoooOoot of members (like half of them) just because we are bored and have nothing to do... 
WTF you are taking off a bokend thing sure... But during 3 month you are leaving nothing behind... 
Look I was close to leave the game because I was BORED... Whathever you give us, give us something competitive... 
Remove dark sector will make more and more ppl leave the game... Do something...


Yes. The old system was broken. The people holding the rails were always one of the same ~5 alliances or clans. It got to the point where they were essentially making duplicates of their alliance and juggling the solar rails between themselves. Warframe shouldn't be about finding the most efficient method of screwing the rest of the community over.

You are saying that just because you are weak... There was a lot of tactic in that Dark Sectors and lots of conters... if you aren't patient enought to understand them, you'll get crush like a cracker...

Edited by Sofros
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Alright lets all be serious here. People say that Dark Sector was not fair BECAUSE they never held onto one for this long, but it's understandable that you are discontent, but lets all be real here if other alliances and clans held the Sectors then you wouldn't be complaining about anything. "Tax, Monarchy!" No it's simple tactics and communication which you use in real life mind you. Look some things can be reworked on Dark Sectors, but complaining and bashing for not being able to take a Sector due to lack of players or money is just plain wrong please reevaluate your statements! 

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I do so love those tactics. Like faking "high" battle pay by having your own buddies idle in a conflict for hours to eat up reward slots. Or passing the same node back and forth every so often, the way politicians in my country do with government positions because they technically can't hold two terms in a row. Such strategy. Such strength. Such skill.


Oh, and... calling people whiners, but going into this thread to whine about not being able to monopolize the dark sectors and place exorbitant taxes (that basically make the sector worthless to regular players) for no reason other than greed or $&*^ery?


This salt amuses me. Please provide more.

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Personally like the new PVP but the dark sectors were good as well :/ would like it back, just remove it when you get the new version of dark sectors done cause that's the only reason why I joined V, to fight for rails and be rewarded for it. Lot of people left alliance clans or got bored of playing warframe because there's nothing thrilling to play for. Used to feel like a soldier fighting for a legendary alliance that I'm in. now I'm right here decorating my dojo, being bored. farming neural sensors. I even got like 1K neurals -_-

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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I do so love those tactics. Like faking "high" battle pay by having your own buddies idle in a conflict for hours to eat up reward slots. Or passing the same node back and forth every so often, the way politicians in my country do with government positions because they technically can't hold two terms in a row. Such strategy. Such strength. Such skill.


Oh, and... calling people whiners, but going into this thread to whine about not being able to monopolize the dark sectors and place exorbitant taxes (that basically make the sector worthless to regular players) for no reason other than greed or $&*^ery?


This salt amuses me. Please provide more.

Again if you held the sectors for this long then you would understand what these guys are doing, but obviously these guys aren't governments powering the Sectors cause they are elected to. No they took it and held it off using communication and again tactics. No salt here buddy just a thread talking about Dark Sectors and how it affect some of us.

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I do so love those tactics. Like faking "high" battle pay by having your own buddies idle in a conflict for hours to eat up reward slots. Or passing the same node back and forth every so often, the way politicians in my country do with government positions because they technically can't hold two terms in a row. Such strategy. Such strength. Such skill.


Oh, and... calling people whiners, but going into this thread to whine about not being able to monopolize the dark sectors and place exorbitant taxes (that basically make the sector worthless to regular players) for no reason other than greed or $&*^ery?


This salt amuses me. Please provide more.

Are you sure? There are lots of politics involved with dark sectors. Most of these "faking" high battle pays are actually to pay alliance members for fighting. Most of the time battlepay runs out and alliance members are never given their just rewards. I know I cannot go to far into politics without this thread going into a personal S#&$storm.

Outside of the "Monopolization" of dark sectors. Each alliance is playing the game with the systems DE Has given us. I would enjoy actually sitting down and having a conversation with you. With the attempts at breaking most of the ignorance you have towards the hard work players put forth.

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Are you sure? There are lots of politics involved with dark sectors. Most of these "faking" high battle pays are actually to pay alliance members for fighting. Most of the time battlepay runs out and alliance members are never given their just rewards. I know I cannot go to far into politics without this thread going into a personal S#&$storm.

Outside of the "Monopolization" of dark sectors. Each alliance is playing the game with the systems DE Has given us. I would enjoy actually sitting down and having a conversation with you. With the attempts at breaking most of the ignorance you have towards the hard work players put forth.

And adding to the the idea of "Monopolization" I can agree on some parts where people think that the taxes are outrageous, but then again who dictates who on playing on a Dark Sector. Again if you do not like the rail then don't run on it. The rail is PvP so as the player you must understand how to beat the other player and not calling upon DE because you can't do it. 

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In my opinion the whole concept of Dark Sectors is bad.

you fight to put down a rail to an area that is good for farming, build up a whole army of people in one alliance, and fight to the death, IN A PVE GAME, to control that one tiny section of space.

This game is not built for PvP. Movement especially is almost strictly keyed to a PvE environment, and most weapons, if not every weapon is at least viable somewhere in that same environment. that DOES NOT EXIST in PvP.


EDIT: Actually, who knows if Movement 2.0 will fix this problem or not, but for now, using the same movement system that was more or less in place all the way back in 7.0 (directional melee non-withstanding), back when PvP wasn't even a thing yet, just does not do this game justice.

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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