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The Hardest Frame To Get


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Vauban because it's the only one you can't flat out grind. Not everyone can be on at specific times every time there's a Vauban alert. Most people have jobs/school/families.
Mesa could be argued for this point as well, but seeing as her keys are tradable and sharable, she is excluded. Mext up would be Oberon because he's the most RNG of the frames.

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I think in the history of the game, Banshee was the hardest/most frustrating to get with out plat back when it was random chance at the end of every mission.


Now a days I would say Chroma because of his requirements or Mesa.

Edited by DarkDestiny
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for me it was Banshee, those who farmed her before she went to clan tech knows how hard she was to get making all other frames including mesa Vauban limbo and hydroid looks like a joke. the other was nova p  her part that drops in ODS took me like a whole week to get that one part.

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Zephyr. Oh god, Zephyr. I didn't want to farm oxium so it took me about six months to get that frame (remember that oxium ospreys used to drop 1-3 oxium and you need 600 to build his parts, plus 260 for the research)

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