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May 19Th: Hot Feedback Topics


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Rhino Charge - Unchanged

Rhino Taunt - Cost 50, Rhino's begins to taunt all enemies around slapping his &#! in front of them, this aggro priority lasts for 5-5-7-10 sec

Rhino Stomp - Cost 75, This skill has the range of radial blast, the dmg of Frost's Icewave, also lift targets for 2-2-3-5 sec

Iron Skin - Cost 100, God mode button for 5-5-8-10 sec


Taunt is affected by: Reach and Continuity

Stomp is affected by: Focus and Continuity

Iron Skin is affected by: nothing


Note: Streamline works on everything.

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That's why i think brining back full invincibility while increasing cost and decreasing duration seems one of the best solutions...

It would allow Rhino to be 100% effective and at the same time not being 100% effective for indefinite times but only when it's really needed (and it's up to the player wisdom to know where to use his precious Iron Skin)


PS: i really like ur post Ganpot


Let's hope DE ends up implementing that. I don't like the idea of needing other mods like Steel Fiber to make it efective, I just want the old invulnerability back with +energy cost or cooldown.

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I just had an idea that I didn't know where to post so I'll put it here... sorry if it shouldn't be here... I was reading the complaints about the alert system and would like to give an idea. the main problem was that alerts are not available for all those who play the game because of the hours they spend on the pc (some can afford to watch the twitter feed all day but others can only watch it for an hour or two a day for example). I thought about giving up the  global alert system (could be used for events instead like potato challenge after livestream or special occasions) and implementing a random mission button... I, as a player have unlocked all the planets and honestly I hate farming the same planet and don't know what area to play anymore... I would apreciate a random mission button which should have a filter to be able to set for example any mission from planet x (for materials farming) or a range of level... this way keeping the game after total unlock still fun... about the rewards an idea would be to give random rewards for those using the random mission button but i recommend something that would go around the RNG like why not implement another currency... you'd get this currency for completing random missions (quantity dependinng on difficulty of mission) and being able to spend this currency on rewards.... sorry for the long post it just sounds great in my head and i'm a bit scared because i don't know if you get the idea right from what i've written... please a DEV just tell me that you've read it and say like "I saw it and i hate it" or "I like it" or ask for more description if its not clear enough.... 

Keep up the good work and never stop smashing your enemies Tenno!

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About the rhino nerf... I for one used the iron skin ability to take a break from damage and be able to regenerate my shields... now that i do take damage the ability became almost useless to me... ive got a rhino with 870 shields ... i don't need damage reduction for that huge amount of shields... i need a way to get out of combat for a little while to regenerate at least a portion of them until i can clear the enemies or get behind a solid cover... do whatever you think... decrease the duration, increase the energy cost but i think full invincibility should come back.

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Let's hope DE ends up implementing that. I don't like the idea of needing other mods like Steel Fiber to make it efective, I just want the old invulnerability back with +energy cost or cooldown.

I find steel fiber an almost useless mod for a rhino since it does not protect your shields but your health and rhino has a natural 60% damage reduction to health from his base armor with 60% armor it goes up to 70% damage reduction which for me as a rhino player seems useless since rhino usually does't use his health but his shields to take the damage (i've got 870 shields... it takes a really long time until enemies can get to my hp...)

If you don't believe me check the wiki page http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Armor and convince for yourself on how armor works.

Edited by BigC_castane
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The second thing one must understand is that buffs and nerfs are both relative.  Buffing all but one class will result in a net nerf to the unbuffed class.  The method is different, but the outcome is the same.  No game system exists in a vacuum.

False. Buffing opens potential strategies that did not exist before, and increase player choice. Blast costs less and draws aggro from a wide area? Useful suddenly, because I can pop it a way away from stuff and have it come after me instead of say, the pod, and give my teammates time to help me deal with them.

Nerfs reduce strategies and player choice. Making IS do 80% damage reduction, at best, doesn't make players want to use the other abilities, it just makes them want to use IS less, and thus Rhino less.

If one assumes that giving players more choice adds to their satisfaction in an interactive medium, and I think you should, then Buffing increases player enjoyment and nerfing decreases it.

There is the balancing as far as if a game is too easy or too hard, but that's outside the direct nerf/buff.

Reviewers will repeat, over and over, that mechanics which remove player control are bad, and systems which reduce player choice are bad. Why? Because that's what players say. I will always be more happy with so many choices for what I can do than so few.

I do see the point to saying some player mechanic is so powerful that there's no reason to ever do anything else, but the truth is that even if one method is optimal, if the other methods are VIABLE, players will chose them for variety.

Right now, most Rhino players feel like they have no other options. The proposed flat-damage amount change isn't a good fix because it's not a fix. It doesn't make IS more useful(except perhaps as a method to draw aggro), and it doesn't present other useful options. Forgive me, but doesn't Loki's hologram draw aggro, at no risk to Loki?

How is IS useful in regards to that?

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False. Buffing opens potential strategies that did not exist before, and increase player choice.

Nerfs reduce strategies and player choice.

I agree with making Rhino's other abilities useful (and have offered a proposal on how to do so), but your above statements are not always correct.  For instance, if a new warframe had an ability which killed all enemies on the map for 50 energy, that buff would reduce player choice instead of adding options.  To be optimal, players would always use or group with that singular warframe, and always use that ability.  Every other warframe would become almost useless in comparison. 


If an ability is nerfed in a way that adds depth (through situational use, or added negative features), then that nerf has increased player choice instead of detracting from it.  For example (and this is not a suggestion, just a hypothetical situation), if Trinity's Blessing ability drained all of her shields and didn't apply invulnerability to her, then that might actually increase depth.  Instead of an automatic panic button, the player would need to balance out his/her own safety with the protection of teammates.  Instead of a single option (using the ability), the player now has two choices during a crisis: use the ability in the open and ensure teammates survive, or wait until you are in a safe(ish) location to use the ability and hope that your allies survive until then. 


The thing I'm trying to say is that nerfs are not automatically bad.  They simply have to be engineered in an intelligent way to fix loopholes and open up choices.  The Rhino nerfs were bad because the developers discouraged his only playstyle while offering no (compelling) alternative. 

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Yeah, you are right, if you are talking about Infested. What about Greenir/Corpus? Rhino is too slow to take cover fast, and if he need to revive his teammate (as common use of Iron Skin, btw), you need to have ability to withstand that time. Yeah, ANYONE can do it with Shade or Invisibility, Mag can pull fallen teammate, etc, but Rhino can only run to his mate. So, all we need to use Shade? For Rhino, who supposed to be THE TANK and take aggro from other teammates? Isn't it ridiculous?
If you need to distract enemies from you teammates - you use Rhino Stomp. That's it. I'm using Rhino Stomp more often than Iron Skin, when i'm playing in team - because it can give my mates time and because I can't get to them fast - except of rushing with Rhino Charge - but it's really unreliable skill in real combat - I can't use it or more honestly i don't want to use it, because i can't be sure, that it would work as I expected.
Geez, guys, why are you so envy, because someone have only one GREAT ability, if you have many of them? Yes, I CAN play in different style, but I'll prefer to use OTHER warframe for that. More suitable ones. Who supposed to deal with such role. Yeah, if i want to go melee style - I can use Loki/Ash and pwn everything and everyone with invisibility, crits and agility. But Rhino goes melee not because he want to kill enemies - but because he need to buy some time for his teammates. Can Rhino deal with Ancients fast? High-level ones? No. Excalibur - can. Even Frost can. Banshee can - Sonar to increase damage (and to examine battlefield and be aware, if someone going from behind), Sonic Boom, if Ancients (or Chargers) are too close, and any precise weapon to hit vulnerable point. And it's without considering her speed.
Don't think about "Hey, you will be god on low-levels!". It's ok, every warframe are gods on low-levels. My Wyrm can exterminate ANYONE on Mercury without my help. So i can just run around and do nothing. Do you think, Wyrm is good? No. He is inferior to Shade - really. He can't hide you from enemies. He will alert enemies. He will steal your kills (yeah, even thins!) when you trying to done your secondary objective (like 10 kills with melee - how am I suppose to kill anyone, if my wyrm land the final blow, when enemy have low health from my side-arm or melee - and kill him before I can get kill?). Wyrm couldn't protect your from Stalker. But i'm using Wyrm, because I like him. It's my little pet, and I don't cry "You need to nerf Shade!" Shade is great, but I have both of them - and I prefer Wyrm. But it's off-topic.
About "god-mode" - it's ok, if you are powerful and indestructible on low-levels. Any warframe is looks like that. He can just run through any level on Mercury, Saturn, Venus - without any trouble (without counting bosses here - they are different). Main thing - how you supposed to deal with high-levels. Any Warframe have their own way to deal with that:
* Excalibur can stun anyone and have armor-ignoring ultimate;
* Frost have Snow Globe - and doesn't matter, what level of enemies, you need to be afraid of melee enemies - and this railgun MOAs;
* Saryn does poison damage and have Molt;
* Loki have Invisibility(+200% of Charged attack with Melee and ability to do super-crit) and Decoy;
* Ash have Smoke Bomb(same as Loki's) and Blade Storm;
* Nyx have Mind Control and Absorb (and Absorb becomes more strong with level - the higher damage of enemies will be reflected);
* Banshee have Sonar(+400% damage to the highlighted area) and Sonic Boom;
* Volt have his Electric Shield, increased damage from electronics with Overcharge and Speed;
* Trinity - you know.. Blessing and Link. And it's the only warframe, who can restore health and energy with her abilities.;
* Mag - Shield Polirize (yeah, it's great on hight levels), Bullet Attractor, Pull (40m range - you can pull strong target near you and finish it with sustained fire);
* Ember - DoT, shield, ranged skills, damage aura, highest shield recharge (if Wiki is right), double damage against Ancients(!) with her skills and chance to ignite enemies make them scream in agony;
From this list only two of warframes seems to lack some power: Ember and Mag. Shield Polirize and Bullet Attractor are great - against bosses, and with team-play, but hard to use. But Pull is awesome... Except noone use it to save fallen teammate, but troll you, when you want to go somewhere.
Ember is like more extravagant warframe, but her DoT with fire have great CC abilities (great against Infested, have chance to create panic with Greenirs and Corpus Crewmen), she have cheap ranged skill and damage reduction with nice speed (not great, but she able to run away from danger). But to be honest - i saw only Ember, and only 2-3 times - Mag. It's like rare species - noone want to play with them on higher levels. And I understand, why. Well, I can meet Ember on Palus (Pluto) - and she wrecks everything like a wizard: infested are died in agony, while she is walking through the Fire like a Angel of Death. That's AWESOME, really. Mag is different - she is devastating, but her abilities are great for support and dealing with enemies with low level - range of Crush is impressive - and it stops enemies for few seconds AND deal damage. But! They have ability to deal damage to enemies even from distance. Or bring ONE enemy to them, not whole crowd. They can be useful inside Snow Globe of Frost. Well, twice as useful, as Rhino. They have long ranged abilities and large energy pool. Rhino have small energy pull - and his only ranged ability is Rhino Stomp - spends 2/3 of his energy, deal 0 damage and stops enemies for 5-6 seconds... So he can only use his guns - like any other warframe, who can use their guns AND abilities.



I hate reading your posts, but I agree with you for the most part.

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May 21st @ 2:00 PM EST UPDATE:

The following changes are being made:

1) He will now again have full invulnerability, but up to a damage (d) cap of: 200 d, 400 d, 600 d, and 800 d based on mod rank.  Thoughts?

2) He now aggro's enemies to draw fire by using Iron Skin, as enemies now see him as a big threat!


1) I like the idea of a max damage cap, but it would mean less and less on higher levels. Would the damage cap be boosted by Focus?

2) Ah! Finally! That is a great addition!

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7) ... but what about Rhino?

He will be reviewed and changed!


May 21st @ 2:00 PM EST UPDATE:

The following changes are being made:

1) He will now again have full invulnerability, but up to a damage (d) cap of: 200 d, 400 d, 600 d, and 800 d based on mod rank.  Thoughts?

2) He now aggro's enemies to draw fire by using Iron Skin, as enemies now see him as a big threat!


Expect these in an upcoming Update.



The important thing about Rhino's Iron Skin wasn't just invulnerability ( I don't take damage ) but immunity to stagger/knockdown/knockback/poison/disruption. Those absolutely need to return.


An ablative shield ( absorbs x damage and then pops ) is less desirable than straight damage reduction for a couple of reasons. Number one, you don't have a guaranteed amount of time that you will be taking less damage. Added to the fact that because you propose adding an agro magnet, what will happen in practice is that it will just about instantly pop when you use it in a room full of dudes.


The ability I'm looking for the Rhino to have gives flat damage reduction and immunity to the big time CC effects ( poison/kb/kd/disruption ) for a guaranteed space of time. That's beefy enough. If you wanted to make it ridiculously good, make it take him to full shields as well.


The agro pull doesn't belong here. Rhino has many more abilites that need help ( see below ). In all honesty the next thing im doing after blowing Iron Skin is wasting everyone with my Scindo, so they'll notice me well enough after that. And if you're using IS to revive a teammate, probably the last thing you want is every explosive projectile, grineer roller, poison/disruption ancient, etc heading directly toward you.


It's just as important that his other abilites are as good as IS. Currently, they are all pretty lackluster:


Rhino Charge is ok, take out the part where certain champion type mobs can stop the charge. I would rather see something unique here, this is essentially the same thing Excalibur gets. Maybe instead of knockdown, it can ragdoll toss them out of the way, leaving a path in his wake.


Radial Blast is bad. I can jump+attack and knock everyone down for free. It needs to be a distinctly different ability from the jump+attack aoe that anyone can do. Additionally, when you knock everyone down, you then CANT start slashing them with a melee weapon! You can do ground executes but that's slower that a charge aoe if there's  2+ dudes. For simply killing enemies, IS + Charge AOE Melee is always going to be a better option- it's cheaper and it kills them. Remember, death is the best CC effect. Radial Blast needs to do significantly more damage, AND do something distinctly different than the jump+attack slam. I'd suggest it stunning them, but leaving them standing, so they can then be cut down or shot, according to player preference. Or, they could be knocked backward a significant distance, making it useable for clearing a space of clustered dudes. This is the place to put your 'agro draw' power, not on IS.


Rhino Stomp is like a more useless version of Radial Blast. It does next to no damage and puts the enemies in a conveniently impossible-to-melee place above the ground, and costs even more energy. It's only use is to maybe revive someone, but again, IS is cheaper and lasts longer so why would you? It has a long range, which is it's only redeeming quality. So really it's only use is on Kiste to stun everyone close to the Cryopod and the dudes on the catwalk too- but only if it's maxed, and you still have to be able to kill them in some other way or they just go about their business. For just about every class, the ult is a high damage/clear the light enemies skill, Stomp should be the same thing. Instead of putting them in 'stasis' i'd suggest that it violently slam everything in the radius into the air as far as they will go- and have them take very high damage when they fall back down. Honestly I don't care about the CC effect as long as the dudes in the AOE take a lot of damage. It costs 100 energy, it should be worth it.


Rhino Stomp OR Radial Blast could also benefit from a counter-type effect, such as being triggerable while staggered.


tl;dr Rhino is so damn slow, you better make ALL his abilities totally awesome to make up for it. :)

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What I feel they should do is move (original)Iron Skin to his ultimate, and give it a taunt effect.  That's it.  Now, if they want to work on the other skills, great.  Personally I think Radial Blast + Iron Skin (with a taunt) would be devastating, and super fun to play with.  And for those asking for an increase to the cost AND a decrease to the duration, we're talking about 15 seconds here.  Considering Rhino's energy pool is only 150, boosting the cost of Iron Skin to 100 would stop it from being spammed.  Don't forget that Rhino is mostly dependent on his weapons to do his damage.  In 15 seconds its not like you can clear an entire room of mobs.

Edited by K1LLZ0NE
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I'm not sure about the dmg cap...Would it work like shields ? If that's the case, higher level chargers will tear down 800 shields in couple seconds. I'm still voting for decrease of duration and increase of energy cost. And yeah the immunities to disruptors/poison/shockwaves need to be there, thats almost the only place where you really need that ability.


Talking about iron skin btw...

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...And if you're using IS to revive a teammate, probably the last thing you want is every explosive projectile, grineer roller, poison/disruption ancient, etc heading directly toward you....


But think of it this way.  If one of your teammates goes down you can run a little ways away and use Iron Skin (with a taunt) and all the baddies will focus on you, leaving your other teammates to rez the downed one.  This would be a much better way of rezing than the old way.

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This makes me somewhat uneasy for some reason since Rebecca said "change" instead of restoring....Q _Q


That word scares me......


it is uneasy. but she also said what will be changed. and what i saw is it will be pretty much back to normal. only diference will be that the rhinos knock back while using iron skin depends on the damage he recives. i guess that mean we will hate dem bosses a lot! :D

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Rhino really needs a rework. Iron Skin ought to be his ultimate, and it should still grant invincibility in addition to making every enemy focus on him. I think it should give him a pretty huge melee damage buff as well so he can wade in and smack all those angry enemies down.

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The important thing about Rhino's Iron Skin wasn't just invulnerability ( I don't take damage ) but immunity to stagger/knockdown/knockback/poison/disruption. Those absolutely need to return.


An ablative shield ( absorbs x damage and then pops ) is less desirable than straight damage reduction for a couple of reasons. Number one, you don't have a guaranteed amount of time that you will be taking less damage. Added to the fact that because you propose adding an agro magnet, what will happen in practice is that it will just about instantly pop when you use it in a room full of dudes.


The ability I'm looking for the Rhino to have gives flat damage reduction and immunity to the big time CC effects ( poison/kb/kd/disruption ) for a guaranteed space of time. That's beefy enough. If you wanted to make it ridiculously good, make it take him to full shields as well.


The agro pull doesn't belong here. Rhino has many more abilites that need help ( see below ). In all honesty the next thing im doing after blowing Iron Skin is wasting everyone with my Scindo, so they'll notice me well enough after that. And if you're using IS to revive a teammate, probably the last thing you want is every explosive projectile, grineer roller, poison/disruption ancient, etc heading directly toward you.


It's just as important that his other abilites are as good as IS. Currently, they are all pretty lackluster:


Rhino Charge is ok, take out the part where certain champion type mobs can stop the charge. I would rather see something unique here, this is essentially the same thing Excalibur gets. Maybe instead of knockdown, it can ragdoll toss them out of the way, leaving a path in his wake.


Radial Blast is bad. I can jump+attack and knock everyone down for free. It needs to be a distinctly different ability from the jump+attack aoe that anyone can do. Additionally, when you knock everyone down, you then CANT start slashing them with a melee weapon! You can do ground executes but that's slower that a charge aoe if there's  2+ dudes. For simply killing enemies, IS + Charge AOE Melee is always going to be a better option- it's cheaper and it kills them. Remember, death is the best CC effect. Radial Blast needs to do significantly more damage, AND do something distinctly different than the jump+attack slam. I'd suggest it stunning them, but leaving them standing, so they can then be cut down or shot, according to player preference. Or, they could be knocked backward a significant distance, making it useable for clearing a space of clustered dudes. This is the place to put your 'agro draw' power, not on IS.


Rhino Stomp is like a more useless version of Radial Blast. It does next to no damage and puts the enemies in a conveniently impossible-to-melee place above the ground, and costs even more energy. It's only use is to maybe revive someone, but again, IS is cheaper and lasts longer so why would you? It has a long range, which is it's only redeeming quality. So really it's only use is on Kiste to stun everyone close to the Cryopod and the dudes on the catwalk too- but only if it's maxed, and you still have to be able to kill them in some other way or they just go about their business. For just about every class, the ult is a high damage/clear the light enemies skill, Stomp should be the same thing. Instead of putting them in 'stasis' i'd suggest that it violently slam everything in the radius into the air as far as they will go- and have them take very high damage when they fall back down. Honestly I don't care about the CC effect as long as the dudes in the AOE take a lot of damage. It costs 100 energy, it should be worth it.


Rhino Stomp OR Radial Blast could also benefit from a counter-type effect, such as being triggerable while staggered.


tl;dr Rhino is so damn slow, you better make ALL his abilities totally awesome to make up for it. :)

^this :)

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But think of it this way.  If one of your teammates goes down you can run a little ways away and use Iron Skin (with a taunt) and all the baddies will focus on you, leaving your other teammates to rez the downed one.  This would be a much better way of rezing than the old way.


but what if you are the only one left ? or just playing with a friend together? or everybody ran off, rushed and is out of reach to help the fallen team-member (not that rare in public games) ?

The more I think about it and read different opiniens, the more I think, like others, the aggro mechanic should be implemented in another ability to give diversity and options to the player

Edited by Zogg
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but what if you are the only one left ? or just playing with a friend together? or everybody ran off, rushed and is out of reach to help the fallen team-member (not that rare in public games) ?

The more I think about it and read different opiniens, the more I think, like others, the aggro mechanic should be implemented in another ability to give diversity and options to the player


Okay, even if this happened, and it was just you and one teammate.  If he gets downed you can still run to him, activate Iron Skin, rez him, then all the bad guys will be attacking you, and your teammate can find cover, or stick it out with you.  No matter how you look at it, a taunt effect can only be good.  Unless you are not 100% invulnerable.  Then it is certainly a bad idea.

Edited by K1LLZ0NE
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I would agree in saying that making it a damage cap isn't returning invincibility; it would simply be making it a damage cap, which grows less and less worth using as you get higher in levels. Just make it his ult and keep all of the old mechanics, maybe add the aggro, too. The true invincibility would make the aggro worth having, rather than a death sentence.

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Okay, even if this happened, and it was just you and one teammate.  If he gets downed you can still run to him, activate Iron Skin, rez him, then all the bad guys will be attacking you, and your teammate can find cover, or stick it out with you.  No matter how you look at it, a taunt effect can only be good.  Unless you are not 100% invulnerable.  Then it is certainly a bad idea.


it really depends on how IS will work though. If you look in DERebecca's post history she stated in another Thread, let me quote:

"Short term goal: Get a fixed version of Iron Skin. At this point a complete revert to the original power is not planned."

I assume that means the invulnerability with time limit (since thats what the designers felt was not right about it, it seems at least), and I really don't think the aggro mechanic would work with anything other than the time limited Invul IS OR if the damage cap/DR scales up into late game and does NOT contain fixed numbers and rather percentages. As always, thats just my opinion


Edit: Typo

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it really depends on how IS will work though. If you look in DERebecca's post history she stated in another Thread, let me quote:

"Short term goal: Get a fixed version of Iron Skin. At this point a complete revert to the original power is not planned."

I assume that means the invulnerability with time limit (since thats what the designers felt was not right about it, it seems at least), and I really don't think the aggro mechanic would work with anything other than the time limited Invul IS OR if the damage cap/DR scales up into late game and does NOT contain fixed numbers and rather percentages. As always, thats just my opinion


Edit: Typo


I completely agree that an aggro with anything but full invulnerability for a set time, would be very bad.  However, just because they say they will not revert it to it's original power doesn't mean they will not go back to a modified version of the original.  Meaning increase cost or adding an aggro.

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I completely agree that an aggro with anything but full invulnerability for a set time, would be very bad.  However, just because they say they will not revert it to it's original power doesn't mean they will not go back to a modified version of the original.  Meaning increase cost or adding an aggro.


I know it could still mean they could just change the cost/duration/aggro mechanic, but let's look at what was the cause of the change in the first place.  It was justified with (I'm not finding the exact quote) "the designer felt the need to change it", so what was Iron Skin prior 7.11? An invulnerability on a time limit.

That's why I think they don't want (for whatever reasoning) to go back to that version when I read "At this point a complete revert to the original power is not planned":

But I sure can be wrong as hell with my assumption

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You told me once that you "learned from your mistake" but still added Vauban as alert only.   Seeing Iron Skin actually get tweaked according to feedback makes me believe in you a bit more, but it doesn't make want to play again.  I'm still too worried I'll spend money on something and it'll get so drastically changed that I'll fee like I've wasted my money.  Not to mention, a damage cap on an invulnerability makes little sense.  He should be full invincible for the duration but it needs to either cost serious power or cap at about 8 seconds.


I wouldn't want to be you, though.  With the mod system being so flexible, balancing is never going to be achieved with such sweeping and major changes to one power at a time.

Edited by pamkhat
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That 800 absorb is going to be gone in like 3 seconds with full aggro. Not to mention very unreliable.

I'd much rather have the 80% damage reduction (which was perfectly fine imo) and a full immunity to stuns/staggers/knockbacks/knockdowns/poison/disruption.

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    Just want to put my two cents in here again. Its awesome to see this thread has mostly calmed down and has more constructive suggestions. As a solo Rhino player, again just want to say, suggestions along the lines of making IS his 3rd or ultimate with full invincibility, normal shield regen, max 10 sec duration maybe 15 with maxed Continuity (no higher than 15 sec with or without any artifacts or whatever), and with or without aggro would be totally acceptable. Figuring out the other skills can wait if they have to. One bit at a time. Thanks again everyone so far and thanks to D.E. for listening and allowing us to have a voice in the first place.


EDIT: Rewording

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