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May 19Th: Hot Feedback Topics


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although rhino does have good damage now with radial blast (1k damage (is it affected by armor?) for 75 energy) which is odd imo considering he was supposed to be a tank, not a damage dealer :P (Not really complaining as it's nice he gets a buff to an ability that was pretty bad before)


yes it's affected by armor

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Ember has never been worth it. Mag has generally sucked forever. Volt is a joke. Nyx was only good in a broken sense in defense missions. Banshee is only good for sound quaking Xini. Trinity is a one trck pony for certain shieldy bosses.


Most of the frames outright suck. The fact that Rhino now isn't godlike super-best frame for everything is... well, let me find a tiny little violin to play for you.

Somebody needs a juicebox and a nap. Volt and I do quite well together thank you very much. As Kalenath mentioned, if you cant play the frame well you wont do well, its not about stats and gear as much as it is about skill.

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New here, which I might as well announce now before it's terribly obvious in the rest of this post haha. If this is in the wrong place or something then I am sorry, but better than randomly starting a thread, no?

To business.

I was wondering, will Warframe, once it gets out of Beta, ever have''premium accounts'', as in accounts that obviate most of the inherent grinding and run arounds F2P games force on free players? Don't get me wrong, Warframe's art design, lore, gameplay, upgrade system, and on and on and on are GREAT but the whole F2P drags it down.

This could be, in my opinion, a GREAT game but as of now i'm too annoyed and tired grinding and farming for items, all the while being goaded by the developers with their invisible F2P carrot at the end of the stick (ie the platinum I could buy and end up overpaying for stuff you'd get for buying a ''premium'' game). 

I'd pay 60 dollars to buy a ''premium'' account which would still keep the systems (like dropping items, resources and mods and that great upgrade system) but being balanced in a much more ''hey, you paid for this and you put in the time, you can get this without the usual F2P run around'' feeling. I understand the first question to that would be ''then what about the players who paid for the founders program and/or the people that bought stuff with platinum?'' And to that i'd say give them the premium accounts, they've earned it by paying for the stuff.

Guild Wars 2's microtransaction system is proof to me that you can give users a ''premium'' experience without the nickel and diming that's found in F2P games while having a microtransactions model to pay for the development of an mmo. I bought the $150 collector's edition of the game and have spent 30 dollars in gems (ingame currency that's used for microtransactions that you can purchase with ingame money but it's expensive) and if the items and prices of said items are right I can see myself spending more money in it. Why? Supporting the developer and getting stuff I want. With $30 I bought a special mining pick that never breaks and can mine everything (thus making it very useful for me for obvious reasons without breaking the game), bank tabs (which I didn't need AT ALL but bought cause I have OCD and needed to organize items in specific bank tabs to feel better lol), a multitude of cosmetic items and a microtransaction exclusive item (I didn't want or need any of these but I had left over gems so I said why not?).

I hope that i'm not out of line with this and if I am I am sorry, but Warframe's aesthetics, art design and such are so full of potential and awesomness and i'm disappointed to see my interest wane because of the usual F2P practices. I hope someone, be it the admin (s) of this website or devs read this, if only just so they know. I'm sure other people share my thoughts on this matter and have the same passion for the game.

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Ember has never been worth it. Mag has generally sucked forever. Volt is a joke. Nyx was only good in a broken sense in defense missions. Banshee is only good for sound quaking Xini. Trinity is a one trck pony for certain shieldy bosses.


Most of the frames outright suck. The fact that Rhino now isn't godlike super-best frame for everything is... well, let me find a tiny little violin to play for you.

This and many other whiny posts: this is NOT wow or any other usual mmo, this game is not meant to be that hardcore. You're supposed to have fun with all the different frames while playing with your friends for example. Stop crying about such things or just go somewhere else. Why can't you just stop trying to achieve the VERY PERFECT BEST FLAWLESS dps or survivability in any situation when you can still be good enough in a pve game with any frame as long as you feel good while using it. 

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New here, which I might as well announce now before it's terribly obvious in the rest of this post haha. If this is in the wrong place or something then I am sorry, but better than randomly starting a thread, no?

To business.

I was wondering, will Warframe, once it gets out of Beta, ever have''premium accounts'', as in accounts that obviate most of the inherent grinding and run arounds F2P games force on free players? Don't get me wrong, Warframe's art design, lore, gameplay, upgrade system, and on and on and on are GREAT but the whole F2P drags it down.

This could be, in my opinion, a GREAT game but as of now i'm too annoyed and tired grinding and farming for items, all the while being goaded by the developers with their invisible F2P carrot at the end of the stick (ie the platinum I could buy and end up overpaying for stuff you'd get for buying a ''premium'' game). 

I'd pay 60 dollars to buy a ''premium'' account which would still keep the systems (like dropping items, resources and mods and that great upgrade system) but being balanced in a much more ''hey, you paid for this and you put in the time, you can get this without the usual F2P run around'' feeling. I understand the first question to that would be ''then what about the players who paid for the founders program and/or the people that bought stuff with platinum?'' And to that i'd say give them the premium accounts, they've earned it by paying for the stuff.

Guild Wars 2's microtransaction system is proof to me that you can give users a ''premium'' experience without the nickel and diming that's found in F2P games while having a microtransactions model to pay for the development of an mmo. I bought the $150 collector's edition of the game and have spent 30 dollars in gems (ingame currency that's used for microtransactions that you can purchase with ingame money but it's expensive) and if the items and prices of said items are right I can see myself spending more money in it. Why? Supporting the developer and getting stuff I want. With $30 I bought a special mining pick that never breaks and can mine everything (thus making it very useful for me for obvious reasons without breaking the game), bank tabs (which I didn't need AT ALL but bought cause I have OCD and needed to organize items in specific bank tabs to feel better lol), a multitude of cosmetic items and a microtransaction exclusive item (I didn't want or need any of these but I had left over gems so I said why not?).

I hope that i'm not out of line with this and if I am I am sorry, but Warframe's aesthetics, art design and such are so full of potential and awesomness and i'm disappointed to see my interest wane because of the usual F2P practices. I hope someone, be it the admin (s) of this website or devs read this, if only just so they know. I'm sure other people share my thoughts on this matter and have the same passion for the game.


I sincerely hope there is an option for a premium paid account. The forced f2p model definitely drags things down for me despite my enjoyment of the game. I would buy this for the standard new game price were it an option when it was released if I was able to have a bit of freedom in gameplay without having to buy platinum for everything unless I wanted to grind for days. I'm patient, and I haven't rushed building things in foundry, although after a while it will probably get old to wait 12hrs-3days for something to finish. On top of that, post update 8 all the melee weapons are platinum, I think all but two of the mains are as well, and all but three secondary are platinum as well. One is not forced to buy them with plat, but they are required to buy slots to hold their stuff or discard it.


It would be nice if there was a tiered account system, or a subscription even that allowed some bypass of the platinum system or came with an allotment of plat per month/week/etc.

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I sincerely hope there is an option for a premium paid account. The forced f2p model definitely drags things down for me despite my enjoyment of the game. I would buy this for the standard new game price were it an option when it was released if I was able to have a bit of freedom in gameplay without having to buy platinum for everything unless I wanted to grind for days. I'm patient, and I haven't rushed building things in foundry, although after a while it will probably get old to wait 12hrs-3days for something to finish. On top of that, post update 8 all the melee weapons are platinum, I think all but two of the mains are as well, and all but three secondary are platinum as well. One is not forced to buy them with plat, but they are required to buy slots to hold their stuff or discard it.


It would be nice if there was a tiered account system, or a subscription even that allowed some bypass of the platinum system or came with an allotment of plat per month/week/etc.

Ha, good to see i'm not the only one who thinks this.

I agree with what you said except with the subscription system, that would probably cause more problems...haha.

A dual system would work in my opinion. Keep it F2P for anyone who wants to test the waters and such and a premium account for fans who just want to enjoy the game better.

Edited by Tracinya
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How to fix unluck with RNG:


trade 4 of any BP for any one other piece. 


ex.  I have 5 frost helms, 2 frost chasis, and 0 frost systems


I can trade in 4 of those helms to get 1 systems and therefore be able to craft the frame

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The point I would like to make about Rhino, he is not getting his duration-invulnerable back. He is getting the ability to "ignore" damage up to a point, meaning once he takes a certain amount of damage the Iron Skin breaks. Essentailly it's a super-shield from what I read.

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Ok, first of all: Rhino wasn't OP. Second point: If he was OP - why did DE give us ability to create real OP now? Because Formas are OP tools - you can change almost any already deadly weapon to something scary. Imagine overcharged HEK with one polarity? And with two polarities? Isn't it a way to create "real monsters"?


And now, about Rhino again: yes, we can play with him. But why we need that? Isn't it masochistic way to enjoy game? People playing games not because they want to suffer, they want joy.

I consider myself as mid-core player: I'm not hard-core player, who replays levels hundred times just to get it clear without any flaws. I don't want "press button to win", so i'm not casual player too. I want some challenge - but not "Insane" difficulty. And Rhino now - this "insane" option. Do you know, that Greenirs running faster than Rhino? How can you run away from them with slow frame? Especially, when you need to help your teammates, not to hide somewhere like a rat?

Yes, I can kill one Greenir. I can kill even five Greenirs. But how can i suppose to kill 10 Greenirs, who are shooting at me - and I can't even get close to them enough or run away? My Nyx without Orokin Catalyst and lvl 22 is much more usefull than Rhino for the team. Why? Because when Rhino need to use Rhino Stomp to save his comrades - Nyx use Chaos. Stuns everything for 2 seconds, affects bosses and forcing enemies to kill each other. Yes, there are SOME risks - but what are hell? - I was able to revive fallen teammate standing in the middle of the Chaos with Ancients and Chargers - and I was completely fine! With lvl 20 Nyx on Palus, Pluto. And if i was a Rhino - what would have I done? Stomp? For 6 seconds? Or Iron Skin with Aggro? Well, Radial Blast is good options - but even Charges will be fine after 2 seconds or even less. Rhino Charge is out of options in this case - except I want to rush from there while screaming...
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In defense mission on pluto => narcissus wave 10-15
I still had 210 hp, 930 shield with rhino and the "iron skin" I was down after 2 sec by a tech corpus ....
make melee with rhino has become impossible in hight lvl.
It should fix it ...
Rhino is really useless ...
So can you tell if changes will be made? at least know if we can give the character ...

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