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Why It's Hard For Me To Play Warframe Anymore. (Warning Text Wall)


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Being completely honest I have grown very tired of the same routine in warframe, and find it difficult coming back to the game I've put so many hours into. I log on and see dark sectors are still down (bummer for anyone that enjoyed them), nothing gets fixed (properly), and the new endgame content took 2 tries and 2 hours of time.

(Also there hasn't been a functional event in almost ever... so that definitely doesn't help any event focused clan)

1) I know dark sectors wasnt game mode that everyone enjoyed, but for myself and many of my friends, without Dark Sectors to fight on, there is no more fun in WF. Despite its flaws in the way matchmaking is carried out, how many (thousands) of runs it took to take a rail, exploits etc; the actual gameplay is some of the best content ever released by DE. Some may dissagree, and there are many threads on ways to fix some of the problems but long story short...

SOLUTION: bring back dark sector conflicts without the exploit of loading in on the opposing side and losing on purpose.

2) The lack of foresight by the development team, and the lack of fixes on simple well known bugs. This is probably my biggest issue with WF. The most recent example would likely be the most recent event "false profit". A known bug on PC being new players not counting towards clan score, was then released exactly the same way on console, except only taking longer to fix. I could list a few more examples of simple bugs that were known from pc, and somehow making it over to console without any fix thrown into the patch that take the excitement out of getting a new patch because now we have to wait till its fixed like it already had been on PC. I understand PC gets the bugs first hand, but at least next week or sooner it's usually fixed. IMO obvious game ruining glitches like event scores not registering should be fixed before it gets released. I understand sudden unforeseen bugs, but when they are well known on one side of the game weeks beforehand why would a development team not make the effort to fix the actual bug?

SOLUTION: Fix things ahead of time. If Important things aren't working, should they not be fixed? Honestly I could live with a patch in which DE just did massive bug fixes with minimal new content. New graphical effects are cool, but irrelevant to actually gameplay.

3) The new raids, while fun the first one or 2 times through; Once you make a system to do each part raids become nothing more than repetitive grind task that is not actually hard but instead a test of how fast can you do the supposed end game content. The difficulty is measured by enemy level, but I can honestly say the way the enemies scale in warframe is flawed entirely. Mobs in warframe scale in 4 ways: damage, health, shields, and armor. So in essence a lvl 1 manic is the same as a lvl 90 manic, except the lvl 90 scales in aforementioned fashion. The manic is not any smarter or more difficult other than it takes more damage to kill. Difficulty becomes less skill to kill, and more how much damage can I do before the machine gun wielding superhero gets a shot off that grazes my ankle killing me instantly. The sad part is that's not an exaggeration. Enemy scaling gets to be ridiculous, and to be quite honest requires more press#towin than actual skill.

SOLUTION: make enemies scale with damage resistances rather than infinite health and damage. Scaling this way prevents any one power or weapon reigning supreme over all, also allowing every weapon damage type to be used in niche circumstances. Enemies would not need to have insta kill weapons because if you couldn't do enough of 1 damage type, eventually your team would be over-run with damage resistant enemies.

I find Warframes basic gameplay to be some of the best especially for a free to play. It has been my favorite game for a long time, but I see myself growing bored of the same flawed mechanics, bugs, and lack of foresight from developers.

I know I'm not the only one to think this way, but I'm sure some will dissagree. Either way, these are some ideas I've gathered from talking to people and reading around on the forums, and I think would improve WF as a whole.

Thank you, and sorry for the wall of text.

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While I agree with the OP on every count, DE's current business model brings them $30+ mil. You'll have to use something other than logic to change the way things are done. 


These threads are made from time to time. If a reply is ever made by DE, its usually along the lines of this: "We appreciate every min that you have spent with us and our game, and are happy that you have enjoyed yourself thus far. But feel free to move along at your leisure."

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While I agree with the OP on every count, DE's current business model brings them $30+ mil. You'll have to use something other than logic to change the way things are done.

These threads are made from time to time. If a reply is ever made by DE, its usually along the lines of this: "We appreciate every min that you have spent with us and our game, and are happy that you have enjoyed yourself thus far. But feel free to move along at your leisure."

well how about ESO being released on console this week... or planetside 2 soon. It'll be pretty hard to keep a player base against newer more complete games. A little off topic, but relavent I think. The topic was not meant to imply "I hate WF now and I'm deleting it", just that myself and I'm sure a decent portion of the veteran player base would appreciate some little quality improvements to keep us playing

I know I can't speak for pc, and I'm sure the situation is a little different for most of the points above. Sorry lol I can only speak on the things I do know

Edited by (PS4)buterz56
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As a high ranking member of Clan ShUn on PS4 who was partly responsible for our domination of most of the Solar Rails, yes, please bring back Dark Sectors. I miss rending our opponents into a fine dust whenever I get home from a long tedious day at work.


May our Rails never fall.

Edited by Kestral9999
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As a high ranking member of Clan ShUn on PS4 who was partly responsible for our domination of most of the Solar Rails, yes, please bring back Dark Sectors. I miss rending our opponents into a fine dust whenever I get home from a long tedious day at work.


May our Rails never fall.

hmmm.... which ShUn clan are you in?

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well how about ESO being released on console this week... or planetside 2 soon.


Personally I'm completely unconcerned with ESO, I wish them luck but as and Elder Scrolls fan and a long-time MMO player I found ESO to the the worst of all worlds.


Planetside... I'm surprised anyone is touching thta franchise again.

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well how about ESO being released on console this week... or planetside 2 soon. It'll be pretty hard to keep a player base against newer more complete games. A little off topic, but relavent I think. The topic was not meant to imply "I hate WF now and I'm deleting it", just that myself and I'm sure a decent portion of the veteran player base would appreciate some little quality improvements to keep us playing

I know I can't speak for pc, and I'm sure the situation is a little different for most of the points above. Sorry lol I can only speak on the things I do know


Personally im not that worried about eso or planetside. But my point is, there are a lot of us that wish DE would just take one week out of the month, and dedicate the entire team to bug fixes. A lot of us are always saying a giant bug fix is more desirable than a new content release. People have been saying this for a long... long time. But I doubt it will happen. Gotta keep the money flowing.

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