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Trinity Nerf? No Way


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How many of you who wants the Trinity Link to be nerfed actually PLAY as a Trinity?


Right now, I read people talking about nerfing her third ability - Link.


Link supposedly reflects the damage taken to her against the closest enemy (or friend), leaving her invulnerable for a few short seconds (8 as far as I have counted with my card settings - which really isn't all that much)



Tell me... WHY do you want this ability nerfed?


Think about it, what does a Trinity do?

She has absolutely no attack-skills.


She can heal - so does the rejuvenation artifact.

She can boost energy - so does energy siphon artifact.

Link - reflects damage towards the enemy (if they attack her, I should Point out)

And of course with her forth ability she heals shield and Life of herself and allies - there are healthpacks for life, and Shields can recharge fast on their own if you aren't persistent to stand in front of the enemy and get shot until you die.



So..... What purpose does the Trinity serve if she can't do any damage and her abilities can be replaced with artifacts?

(damage of course done with weapons, but I mean damage done by her abilties alone does not exist)


Instead of nerfing, you should make her more useful.


Besides, the Link is still damageable. Sometiems (probably a bug) she gets hit though Link. And poison seems to still affect her Health through Link and her shield.


So really, people, why do you want to NERF everything?

Edited by FemaleSniper86
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Current tally: Two master-level founders for nerf, two disciple level founders against nerf, one unranked against nerf. I'm noticing a trend here...

Trend is that mentioned masters probably have all currently available frames at rank 30 and played for enough time to discover that complete immunity ruins both pve and pvp.

Blizzard thought same when they made bosses ignore players who ignore their attacks...


Even decoy would better idea than link imo and it would help trinity support role. Or absorb bubble(200/300/400/500 extra shields) 

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How many of you who wants the Trinity Link to be nerfed actually PLAY as a Trinity?


Right now, I read people talking about nerfing her third ability - Link.


Link supposedly reflects the damage taken to her against the closest enemy (or friend), leaving her invulnerable for a few short seconds (8 as far as I have counted with my card settings - which really isn't all that much)



Tell me... WHY do you want this ability nerfed?


Think about it, what does a Trinity do?

She has absolutely no attack-skills.


She can heal - so does the rejuvenation artifact.

She can boost energy - so does energy siphon artifact.

Link - reflects damage towards the enemy (if they attack her, I should Point out)

And of course with her forth ability she heals shield and Life of herself and allies - there are healthpacks for life, and Shields can recharge fast on their own if you aren't persistent to stand in front of the enemy and get shot until you die.



So..... What purpose does the Trinity serve if she can't do any damage and her abilities can be replaced with artifacts?

(damage of course done with weapons, but I mean damage done by her abilties alone does not exist)


Instead of nerfing, you should make her more useful.


Besides, the Link is still damageable. Sometiems (probably a bug) she gets hit though Link. And poison seems to still affect her Health through Link and her shield.


So really, people, why do you want to NERF everything?

I main a Rhino and am still plenty pissed that Iron Skin went from allowing me to Tank anything and everything for the duration and now a support-based tank can fill my role better than me. I'll stop calling for nerfed when Iron Skin is reverted back to pre-7.11
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What Trinity needs is a complete rework, not nerf.


With Trinity, I have to fully rely on my weapons, every now and then using Link or Blessing (Energy Vampire being almost useless, when half of your party uses Energy Syphon). And Blessing is of no use, unless you go for bosses or high defense.The rest of the time, my team doesn't even lose health or it's that little, that they replenish it with health orbs.

Link is useful when I'm suddenly surrounded by enemy mobs or against General Sargas Ruk, when he uses Reversed Shield on me. Activate Link, empty weapon, repeat.

Since Trinity is a healer, I'd like to have an ability that restores an ally's (and that includes Sentinels) health from my shields, for example. Or something like Maya's (the siren in BL2) ability to rez an ally from far. If you want her as a support-frame, make her abilities more of CCC (Command, Control, Communicate), perhaps letting her hover (or deploy a drone, that hovers) over the map for a short time and give directions to your teammates on where to use a specific ability for max damage. (Okay, I'm getting silly.)


Right now, I've swapped to caster-frames (Ember, Saryn), since they're more fun to play.

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Also agree that Trinity needs a  Rework.

Make her useful instead of just a support with a tanking ability that people complains about.


I do Believe that the Developers gave her Link so that she would have SOME ability to do damage on enemies (face it, if she didn't have it, she would not be good in solo, no matter how much she could replenish energy and Health, coz in the end she'd be overrun). Link gives her a chance to survive.


And for all haters out there, how often do you die in a mission while playing as the other Warframes? If you play it wisely, you wouldn't die.


Rework her abilities, don't nerf the Link, but maybe make it her 4th skill and give it a higher energy-cost so she can't use it as often. Maybe even make it un-usable while having another skill activated.


Or why not make some of her abilities more like the Mag's when it comes to draining shield or increasing shield. Let Trinity have an abiity that Drains Life from an enemy and/or give it to a teammate instead of just click 1 and let everyone shoot the enemy and regen Health.

Would make her less of a God, wouldn't it.

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Trinity's Link needs to have the complete invincibility removed from it just like Rhino's Iron Skin did. I say this because I want DE to keep looking forward and moving the game in the direction of better boss fights and hopefully raids someday.  In order to have a raid boss that is even remotely balanced and fun to fight, it requires that invincibility be gone from the game, otherwise it is take Trinity/Rhino = win. So toning Link down to be more in line or even below Rhino's Iron Skin for DR would make her much more of the support she was intended to be right from the start. 


What I see from a lot of people that want to keep Trinity the way she is are people who want to do everything all at once. Name another game where soloing a healer isn't a slow and tedious process mostly reliant on how good weapons or your other gear is to determine how fast you can go. She is a healing based support, of course she is supposed to be reliant on her weapons completely for damage. She isn't a tank either, and as such I think her Link should be more of a thorn style ability which has her taking damage as well as the linked target, with lower DR than Rhino's Iron Skin. That would make her a support, not a do-it-all one off frame like she is now.


Please DE, keep going in the direction you are - towards bigger and better things rather than holding back & keeping invincibility in the game.

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I dont want a plain nerf like they did with Iron Skin but it surely need some changes.


In particular it is not link wrong... but the sinergy between it and energy vampire.


An easy fix could be differentiate the energy gained back from energy vampire from the team and from the caster (ie: caster gets half the energy) and that's it!


You will be able to use it, maybe many times in a row but not INFINITE! For me that's enough.

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How many of you who wants the Trinity Link to be nerfed actually PLAY as a Trinity?


I do. Although you don't have to own a duck to know something you see is a duck.



Link supposedly reflects the damage taken to her against the closest enemy (or friend), leaving her invulnerable for a few short seconds (8 as far as I have counted with my card settings - which really isn't all that much)


Are your cards maxed? Do you realize she can perform this ability ad nausea? With energy vampire that 8 seconds may as well be infinite.


She can heal - so does the rejuvenation artifact.

She can boost energy - so does energy siphon artifact.


You are vastly overstating the effect of those artifacts. The rejuvenation artifact heals one point per 2 seconds. Well of life and blessing can heal hundreds in less than one second.


You are insane to compare the two.


Energy vampire can likewise restore 100 energy in seconds as well as opposed to 1 every 2.


You are insane to compare the two.



her abilities can be replaced with artifacts?


No. This is sheer lunacy.



Instead of nerfing, you should make her more useful.


She is plenty useful already. We have guns to kill things.



So really, people, why do you want to NERF everything?


You're the only one mentioning everything.


You seem to believe there is some race of forumites "nerfers" who want to nerf everything.


Your assumption is false. I and others very well believe many things should be buffed in this game.


I'm not sure how to fix link, but it should not be an infinite invincibility loop.




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@ Ryanshow

"Everything" was admittedly an exxaggeration.

But many seem to want to nerf the abilities that makes some frames more "tanky" than others.


So how would you want to balance Trinity?

EIther make her more stealth like a Loki, or let her keep Link so she can take SOME beating.



The way her Powers work together should be reworked - I have agreed to that.

That is why I said they could make it more energy-expensive to use Link, or that you can't use Link simultaneously with her other abilities. In other Words, during the time she needs to replenish energy she can get beaten to a pulp.


And Ryanshow, I am not a complete idiot, I do know that it takes time for the artifacts to give back energy and Health, and only a seconds for Trinity to replenish them quite quickly right now. Which is why I said CHANGE THAT instaid of her single ability to actually survive.


If you only need to use your weapons in this game then why even put abilities on any of the warframes, just turn it into a regular shooting-war game as any other out there (BF-games, CoD e.t.c.)

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I like the idea of a shared cooldown across all of Trinity's abilities, because link is totally broken.


I should not be able to solo every boss in the game with two buttons.


Other than this though I love Trinity and don't want a complete rework. If you coordinate with your team, you can supply infinite energy and health to your fellow Tenno (assuming you have the appropriate mods). This is what defines Trinity as a support character, but unfortunately no one cares because Link is way too good. Fix link, and you have an incredible support character that people will want on their team!

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From what I've seen, and as a Trinity player, it's probably the most boring frame in general.


Well of Life as a skill is totally useless, I only have to use 3/4, EV is a rare need unless it's higher defense maps or a boss.


+1 for Trinity not getting a nerf, but a rework.

Edited by Christo92K
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With link she can revert the knockback of ancients when they hit you, but the Schockwave moa will push you back (you won't be KD but you 'll be pushed, so reviving someone will be tricky) and the railgun MOA won't damage you but you'll still be staggered.

So it's far from a perfect invincibility.


EDIT: And we all know that after the rhino and banshee nerf, Trinity will get some "love".

Edited by vieuxchat
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If i remember correctly, in stream 4 they had a pic of trinity, and instead of WoL her first ability was radial heal (I assume she heals all friendly's a Set HP or % HP within a certain range around her) which would work better than the current single target WoL.


EV could be similar to radial heal where it refills a set/% amt of erg or it could hit more than one target, because on normal mobs EV is practically useless (discounting bullet sponge lvl 100+ anything)


Link could be 50% DR, with maybe 20% damage reflection, because I haven't really seen any game that does full damage reflect, max I've seen was around 40% with a 15% chance (but lets not make it more RNG based) or she could link enemies together similar to Warlock's link skill from DotA 2, where enemies that are linked together take damage as long as one is hit, so say I shoot a grineer lancer and he is linked to 5 others around him, my Bolter does 25dmg, they all take 25 dmg, assuming they all have the same HP i will kill all 6 (initial + 5 linked) with the amount of shots it takes to kill one.


Blessing is nice, but a revive downed friendly addition to it would be nice too.


PS: I hate people who call for nerfs, but people who call for rebalances + suggest solutions are awesome and a benefit to games.

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