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Please Give Me An Incentive To Play In "ice" Levels (Tldr Included)


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They should just add in an area with guaranteed ice environment. That way players that want a challenge can always get that challenge and players who want to avoid it can avoid it, but they lose out on the resources/boss in that area. Obviously if they decided to do it it probably wouldn't arrive until much later since it would be a new world, but DE could also just add a random moon with less levels than usual if people really demand it. Just a suggestion that might appease everyone.


But it still doesn't change the issue that a reduction of  shield to 50% is (with all respect to DE)  very lazy game design work.


I mean, you have this concept where this ice is so cold it can kill you or put you in so many different misery states which most likely will actually yield a challenging feeling. And yet what do they decide to implement? A simple and dull shield reduction. I got a feeling the debuff was made in rush hour and not thought thoroughly as deadlines happen to be met.


DE, you can do better than that!

Edited by SymphNo9
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Bunch of friggn cowards, the game is fakkin easy. The devs also gave us the ability to unequip mods, and u know y? Coz that means u should play with and umodded frame and unmodded grakata+furi+bo on outer terminus to wave 100+ and anyone who doesn't step up to the challenge is a fakkin pantsy! Only allowed artefact is sniper scavenger! gamers these day, no sense of enjoying a real challenge... anyone who doesn't do this is a failure of an human being, simply scum. Anyone who disagrees is just a filthy casual, plus all ur opinions are inavlalid because i have a 99% winrate, the 1% fails are only due to falling through the floor and the filthy casuals screwing up the mission. These filthy casuals should all die, they don't deserve the air the breathe.

I apologize if i offended anyone with my opinion but its the truth and doesnt need any further explanation. Deal with it.

Osnap how did that link to a penis enlargement offer open this piece of flithy casualware must have installed a trojan or sth.

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Bunch of friggn cowards, the game is fakkin easy. The devs also gave us the ability to unequip mods, and u know y? Coz that means u should play with and umodded frame and unmodded grakata+furi+bo on outer terminus to wave 100+ and anyone who doesn't step up to the challenge is a fakkin pantsy! Only allowed artefact is sniper scavenger! gamers these day, no sense of enjoying a real challenge... anyone who doesn't do this is a failure of an human being, simply scum. Anyone who disagrees is just a filthy casual, plus all ur opinions are inavlalid because i have a 99% winrate, the 1% fails are only due to falling through the floor and the filthy casuals screwing up the mission. These filthy casuals should all die, they don't deserve the air the breathe.

I apologize if i offended anyone with my opinion but its the truth and doesnt need any further explanation. Deal with it.

Osnap how did that link to a penis enlargement offer open this piece of flithy casualware must have installed a trojan or sth.


XD I laughed my a** off hahahaha

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Gamers tend to be good at risk analysis. They will gravitate towards activities which grant the best rewards for the least risk/effort/time involved. It is incumbent upon game designers to understand this behavior and create content that matches reward to the risk. If DE implemented the planet you described, it would probably be heavily used by players, while they complain that the game is too easy or boring.

So the problem isn't that players don't like to be challenged, it's that players will display risk-averse behavior when confronted with multiple options that yield the same reward. If the devs took the existing ice missions and, say, increased the frequency or rarity of mod drops in them, then people would play the missions and love DE for them.

[edit: spelling]

Why do you say gamers will avoid risk, like non-gamers don't? I got news for you.

Everyone avoids risk, except people with brain damage. No, that's not a joke. The issue is that there's relatively no risk; I like the ice levels, but I also thought it reduced enemy shields equally (it might not, but I've never had problems).

I also don't think you're stupid for bailing on them. I bail on defense missions on a certain map (the Corpus one where the pod is surrounded by buildings and pillars. I hate the map. I always feel like I have to spend all my time playing 'hunt the enemy' so I don't play it.

Do what you enjoy. It's a leisure activity, enjoy your leisure. I won't object to a bonus for doing the more 'difficult' environment missions, and I wouldn't object to an additional reward for completing multi-objective missions, and I definitely think the Stalker would be better if it dropped unique loot, but I think the game has bigger issues right now that the developers should focus on.

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I find this post is hilarious because there are bunch of threads out there asking for a game difficulty. And this is one of those environments makes the game slightly challenging and people are instantly quitting the mission already lol. Perfect example why you should never listen to a community asking for a difficulty challenge.

Might have occured to you, but I think the community is not of one mind about things. Different people want different things.

What I don't understand is why people object to the idea of an additional reward for the greater difficulty. You dislike getting more stuff in a game about getting stuff? Why?

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Not sure what you mean...but I just use the one that affect health, armor, warframe power (like lower power costs, more damage, and longer duration), and the shield recharge.

Rendering about 10 of your mod points useless is what ice levels do for people who do have redirection equipped. If you like challenge so much, avoid using at least 10 mod points so you can play like it's an ice level every stage.

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Wow...it's really sad and pathetic to see so many people, including grand master founders, jump onto the bandwagon of "OP is scared/sucks/lacks balls/ whatever"


I've repeatedly said that I do not quit because the ice proves to be so amazingly hard.


It's a very basic principle of game design. If you are going to actively introduce game resources (in this case ice) in order to justify a significant arbitrary disadvantage, then it is only natural and expected for the player to want some form of positive bonus to mirror the increased annoyance/challenge whatever.


I've already said this, but it bears repeating apparently. If you want a challenge, you can simply not level shield mods, or not use shield mods.


Since the developers went through the trouble of creating ice levels, which are also pretty, it's a shame then that many players will simply quit as soon as the mission starts because it provides nothing more than fps drops and an imposed penalty of 50% shields for nothing in return.


Do you people beating your chest get it now? The game is not hard. Duh. But I have fun in the game, I'm not playing to prove my manhood to anyone as apparently some are. So when I come across a level that arbitrarily puts me at a disadvantage, I just quit. Because it is ANNOYING. Which is a shame, because as I said, it ultimately adds up to a significant portion of people will just quit and restart.


This is not about being good at the game, or not knowing what a challenge is, or any other form of bravado test which many apparently seem to think this thread is about. My point was to simply say, "Ice levels are an incomplete mechanic" because right now, all they do is provide an arbitrary disadvantage that can esaily be achieved by the player whenever he/she wants by fiddling with their own shields. To complete the mechanic, ice levels need to OFFER something that the player CANNOT achieve on his/her own, like an xp bonus, etc etc.


I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be offensive, but of all the chest pounding "you suck" themed comments this one to me merited a response.


There's nothing wrong with having a preference for playing a game a certain way, but if you base your opinion of yourself as being a quitter and a failure on whether or not you perform in this or any other game a certain way...


then dude...you need to take another deep, long look at how you define yourself as a failure or not...


There's really no deep long look at this. Perhaps you misread or misunderstood my point.



Mission Success

Mission Failure

Mission Quit


That's the 3 category that displays your play history.


I actually unable to comprehend how you do not understand what I meant...


It's not a preference problem. It's just simply - Your mission accomplished. Your mission failed. You quit your mission. Just that THREE option.

It's not a preference to be, oh I prefer to quit most of my missions rather than finish it. Or oh, I rather to fail most of my missions rather than getting it done nicely.


When I recruit someone into a clan, I check their profile. I'm not gonna recruit a person who got a 40% mission success rate, and 55% mission quit rate. And what does that tell you? A quitter, and now please enlighten me as on how a quitter can be categorize as a winner. Since as your post, you seem to disagree, and think quitting is a preference to play, and not an act of failure.

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When I recruit someone into a clan, I check their profile. I'm not gonna recruit a person who got a 40% mission success rate, and 55% mission quit rate. And what does that tell you? A quitter, and now please enlighten me as on how a quitter can be categorize as a winner. Since as your post, you seem to disagree, and think quitting is a preference to play, and not an act of failure.

I have a very high quit rate because I spend a lot of my time testing bugs (such as the current Vauban skill combination bugs, where I had to equip and unequip multiple rank mods, test the damage, quit, change the mod setup, test again), exploring terrain (and getting stuck in it), and testing mod combinations and powers. And don't tell me I should just complete the missions - I could do that, sure, but it would take me ten times as long to get the information out to other people. With bugs I'd rather do that as soon as possible.

I have a high fail rate for the same reason (I fall out of the map more than four times in a single mission if I decide to explore). Plus I play Solo almost exclusively and often die when trying to make my way past Defense/Mobile Defense missions, but I don't give up and try again anyway.

Those statistics don't really tell you anything about a player. Furthermore, what designates a player's preference is what they enjoy.

You enjoy challenge and evidently having good player statistics, so you don't quit your missions. That's cool. Other people might detest a specific type of mission and quit when it pops up. It's not because they're quitters - It's because games are about having fun (challenge is a way of having fun, but not the sole way), and if these people stop having fun then they have every right to quit (unless they're playing with other people, because that affects other people's fun, obviously - unless they're playing with like-minded folks).

That being said, I believe you're somewhat missing Lux's point. His point is simply that a greater challenge should be accompanied with a greater reward. This is something every game out there has - special cutscenes if you complete Halo on Legendary, epic loot if you defeat high level bosses, achievements for accomplishing some ridiculously complex task or the other.

This topic isn't about quitting ice missions. It's about getting a better reward for them. The talk of quitting was just making a point.

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