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Dammit! You're Doing It Again! (Event Reward Balance Thread)


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They didn't have a gun to their head. It was not a manipulated choice.


Going for the best reward is still a choice, and it fits with the concept of Tenno being honorless mercenaries.

Gun to your head or money in front of your nose, it's not a big difference.

If you are provided with a choice of red candy or green candy and you choose the red one, it's a free choice. But if they tell you in the process that if you choose a green candy, you'll get another blue candy and an icecream, that's a manipulated choice, because you originally are provided with just red and green candy options. Everything that's coming after that is a manipulation.

Edited by (PS4)Gaelic-_-Flame
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Not really, you can turn or accept both. One relays on your greed, other on your selfpreservation.

You're in a court room.  You say one of the following to the judge:

A.) "Your Honor, I killed him because he was pointing a gun at me and threating to kill me."

B.) "Your Honor, I killed him because somone offered me money to do so."


Do you really think they are going to have the same outcome?

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Wow this thread is getting heated.

Is it? We are just having a polite conversation, don't we?


You're in a court room.  You say one of the following to the judge:

A.) "Your Honor, I killed him because he was pointing a gun at me and threating to kill me."

B.) "Your Honor, I killed him because somone offered me money to do so."


Do you really think they are going to have the same outcome?

They will have a different outcome, but that doesn't change the fact that you were manipulated into doing it, you wouldn't just go and kill somebody if there wasn't any money, or a gun next to your head.

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Some people just can't accept that Alad is a better character than Nef.

OOOOOO SHOTS FIRED. These threads have just gotten annoying, they were annoying when the event was on PC and they're annoying now. All they do is pit the community against one another again and bring out the worst. If de does another event like this again they should make a rule on the forums about posting stuff like this. Same thing happened when it was nef vs alad on the pc, nef got decimated, starts offering high up rewards except even when tied they still gave nef a better reward either way. So honestly, just any threads about the event being "Rigged" "YOU CHOOSE NEF UR DUMB" or "YOU CHOOSE ALAD U NOOB AND UNSKILLED TRAITOR I AM SO MUCH BETTER THAN U" get really really iritating.

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Some people just can't accept that Alad is a better character than Nef.

That's not it. I just wanted it to be an event where community decides which side they want to take, instead of which side is more rewarding to take.


I'm fine with Alad winning, but the course of this event doesn't appeal to me. So I explain my thoughts, so DE could make the next event with a "choice" more meaningful, and less of a reward race.

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I take it you don't watch the news.

Obviously I'm talking about a normal person, although killing for money can't be classified as normal in most cases as well. Maybe it's more about sane person? I don't know.


Anyways, it's gotten pretty derailed, so I guess we should stop our interesting conversation here.

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That's not it. I just wanted it to be an event where community decides which side they want to take, instead of which side is more rewarding to take.


I'm fine with Alad winning, but the course of this event doesn't appeal to me. So I explain my thoughts, so DE could make the next event with a "choice" more meaningful, and less of a reward race.

It's the same on PC, threads like these were here every day, DE runs the event through a bot that gives better rewards to the loser (It will register 50k cred vs 25 UCfusion cores as even btw) every day just threads about how the other team should die etc. Funny enough I saw it more from the nef supporters though not going to lie. Either way these threads really need to stop IMO beating a dead horse.

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It's the same on PC, threads like these were here every day, DE runs the event through a bot that gives better rewards to the loser (It will register 50k cred vs 25 UCfusion cores as even btw) every day just threads about how the other team should die etc. Funny enough I saw it more from the nef supporters though not going to lie. Either way these threads really need to stop IMO beating a dead horse.


Only 4 more days and some hours left until these threads stop for certain.

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It would be extremely annoying if Alad is going to win that way. At least give us a nice alternative to Reactors and Catalysts, like 500,000 or 1M credit? After all Nef is supposed to be filthy rich.


Also I don't undrestand why DE makes an event with "choice" and then completely removes the choice option, providing rewards the majority can't ignore.

Ignoring the current loser's reward is also a choice.


If the game didn't weigh rewards so the loser offers bigger and better, then it really would be no choice as the winner steamrolls with a perfect record or near-perfect.

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Sadly only until the next event with "choice" comes up ... And that's why I think DE should make the choice more significant for each player, or better not make it at all.

Or they could not do an event like this again so the community isn't at one anothers throats again. They honestly wanna make it based on not reward. Hide the rewards like they do in sabo.

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Sadly only until the next event with "choice" comes up ... And that's why I think DE should make the choice more significant for each player, or better not make it at all.


I'd go with that.


I appreciate the thought of DE wanting to have us directly influence the events happening but the forums might as well burn down with how much flaming there is when one of these events happen.

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So, from what I understand, Ruk was right about you people. To be swayed from your ideals with these baubles? Where is your so called Tenno honor?


Assuming we had ideals of our own to begin with. I'm in it to kill stuff with neat guns and that's about it.

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