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All The Hate \ Rage


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I was looking through the forums recently and saw all this rage \ hate about Rhino, Vauban, Banshee, Market Place changes, etc.

I'm kind of sitting here all confused like...

I could write out this huge, long post about how easy it is to make credits, or get alloy plating.  
How right it seems that Banshee's ult no longer makes her immortal.
How amazing Vauban is (Despite the fact you know he's going to be fixed soon)
Or How Rhino's change is... odd.  (Give me knock back \ stagger resistance again, and keep the 80% reduction.)

But really...

I like this game.  It's an awesome game.  Lol, it really is.  The graphics are AMAZING.  The detail for each of the Frames is astonishing, (I love the organic look to Loki and Excal - it's stuff like that you don't see much of )

Like, let's look at the one Corpus level - where you fight Ambulas.  Okay, that's an awesome level.  The sky is so beautiful, the water? I love that fact that we're actually being sent to an outpost, on a planet and kicking &#!!  I love that there's these hidden things as well.  The Orokin artifact thing at the bottom of the stairs, those giant spears sticking out of the ground.  Lotus' sexy voice *Ahem*

Bah, I'm sorry.  I'm just saying that, you know... the game is still in a Beta stage.  They need to make money somehow.  You have the ability aside from Excal. Prime, Colours, and Sentinel cosmetics to get EVERYTHING in the store. 

I'm just saying... keep up the good work Devs.  

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Simple fact of the matter, is that if they can cry about it, they will.


I hate it as much as you do, but its more common than common sense these days.


On another note, I still love this game.

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I was looking through the forums recently and saw all this rage \ hate about Rhino, Vauban, Banshee, Market Place changes, etc.

I'm kind of sitting here all confused like...

I could write out this huge, long post about how easy it is to make credits, or get alloy plating.

How right it seems that Banshee's ult no longer makes her immortal.

How amazing Vauban is (Despite the fact you know he's going to be fixed soon)

Or How Rhino's change is... odd. (Give me knock back \ stagger resistance again, and keep the 80% reduction.)

But really...

I like this game. It's an awesome game. Lol, it really is. The graphics are AMAZING. The detail for each of the Frames is astonishing, (I love the organic look to Loki and Excal - it's stuff like that you don't see much of )

Like, let's look at the one Corpus level - where you fight Ambulas. Okay, that's an awesome level. The sky is so beautiful, the water? I love that fact that we're actually being sent to an outpost, on a planet and kicking &#!! I love that there's these hidden things as well. The Orokin artifact thing at the bottom of the stairs, those giant spears sticking out of the ground. Lotus' sexy voice *Ahem*

Bah, I'm sorry. I'm just saying that, you know... the game is still in a Beta stage. They need to make money somehow. You have the ability aside from Excal. Prime, Colours, and Sentinel cosmetics to get EVERYTHING in the store.

I'm just saying... keep up the good work Devs.

Lotus' sexy voice. DE Rebecca does make a good master >.> Edited by Feldgrep
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Bah, I'm sorry.  I'm just saying that, you know... the game is still in a Beta stage. 


*Been playing MMOs for a long time*

* When ever some BS goes wrong*

*some people say this* ......



I wonder what will you guys say if the game goes live ??!!


Beta is where changes occur , WE ARE SUPPOSED TO ask devs to make some changes, instead of sitting around like dummies and saying its BETA, let everything sort out own its own >.>

If some bug comes in and kills the game or the server dies and loses all our stats, then i would say its BETA. But when intentional stuff occurs , there is no point in crying BETA to stop others from crying ...


Just my thought !

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Well put. However, I just want to point out that the only reason so many people, myself included, have been so vocal about our displeasure with certain changes is that we love this game just as much as you do. We want it to be a huge success, we want DE to get the big paycheck that they deserve.


It is the opinion of myself, as well as many others, that the changes to the market would scare off many potential new players. So I was vocal about it. 


Call me a whiner, call me entitled, try to pull the Beta card on me, it doesn't matter. At the end of the day, we all want the game to succeed. Feel free to tell me that my feedback is wrong, but don't just tell me to be silent. 

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Research in the marketing and retail sales industries makes it clear that customers are far more likely to leave feedback when they're unhappy than when they're happy.  The last research I saw stated that the ratio was something like 10 to 1, complaints vs. compliments. 


So when you read a post on WF from someone complaining about some aspect of the game, keep in mind that each complaint represents 10 other players who are perfectly happy with the game as it is, and just aren't posting about it.


Always makes me feel better.

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I was looking through the forums recently and saw all this rage \ hate about Rhino, Vauban, Banshee, Market Place changes, etc.

I'm kind of sitting here all confused like...

I could write out this huge, long post about how easy it is to make credits, or get alloy plating.  

How right it seems that Banshee's ult no longer makes her immortal.

How amazing Vauban is (Despite the fact you know he's going to be fixed soon)

Or How Rhino's change is... odd.  (Give me knock back \ stagger resistance again, and keep the 80% reduction.)

But really...

I like this game.  It's an awesome game.  Lol, it really is.  The graphics are AMAZING.  The detail for each of the Frames is astonishing, (I love the organic look to Loki and Excal - it's stuff like that you don't see much of )

Like, let's look at the one Corpus level - where you fight Ambulas.  Okay, that's an awesome level.  The sky is so beautiful, the water? I love that fact that we're actually being sent to an outpost, on a planet and kicking &#!!  I love that there's these hidden things as well.  The Orokin artifact thing at the bottom of the stairs, those giant spears sticking out of the ground.  Lotus' sexy voice *Ahem*

Bah, I'm sorry.  I'm just saying that, you know... the game is still in a Beta stage.  They need to make money somehow.  You have the ability aside from Excal. Prime, Colours, and Sentinel cosmetics to get EVERYTHING in the store. 

I'm just saying... keep up the good work Devs.  


So, how about this, until the game is in Beta, devs should remove/hide forums. And instead make a long list of polls, like this :


Do you like feature X :

    - Good

    - Very Good

    - Excellent


A hundred or so of such questions, each asking for a single feature, like an enemy type, warframe, weapon, map type etc. At the end of day, there will be no QQ/raging/flaming/hating, but only positive replies.

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I can understand that it might be annoying or even frustrating to read about the same topics on the forums over and over recently.


However, you need to understand that if people, who are unhappy about something, keep silent and just accept everything that comes,


then we are not needed as Beta testers and this game should be out of Beta.


We cannot simply just accept everything that the developers do just like how there should always be an opposition party in the Parliament.


The nerfing lately is not an issue that only centers around Rhino and Banshee.


What people are afraid of is that there is more to come and the direction DE is taking is heading towards nerfing everything.


This is a post I place elsewhere and I hope it will allow you to see clearly what is really going on:


Whether something is easy or hard is decided through comparison.


By balancing our frames and weapons by using current enemies, which do not require any strategy to kill, as comparison,


we are making it more difficult but not more challenging to deal with these easy enemies.


Effectively, we have increased the enemies health or survivability and dragged the fight's duration longer.


The dominant strategy still is a set supercharged modded weapons modded for high damage output and a supercharged frame modded for high damage.


The harder content people should be asking for isn't a boost to existing enemies' stats (things like "let's have a lvl 200 enemies missions") but rather improvements to the AI and mechanics of the current existing enemies.


Once that is done then we can start looking at what is OP and what is not.


If there were an enemy that has the ability to debuff players and remove whatever buffs they had on them, Iron Skin wouldn't have needed to be nerfed and Rhino Players will eventually know to fear it and kill it as priority.


If there were an enemy that takes highly reduced damage and can pick up players and throw them, immediately putting a stop to their spells, Banshee's immunity during sound quake wouldn't need to be removed. Banshee players would have to first be certain that this enemy is not around before they use their spell unless they want to waste it before it does it full impact.




So, did the enemies become more challenging after the current balances were made or have they become more difficult but still making us do the same (outlast them with redirection, vitality and steel fiber + outdamage them with damage mods) strategy?


If they are, why bother to introduce any more new enemies or improve on their AI?




To make it easier to understand:


Current Situation:


Country A (Us): We have nukes, rocket launchers and machine guns.


Country B (Them): We only have pistols.


Country A (Us): This is not challenging, let's make our weapons like their pistols. Yeah!!


Future Inhabitants of Country A: Wow. we fight pistols with pistols that look like machine guns and nukes. LAME....



What should be done:


Country A (Us): We have nukes, rocket launchers and machine guns.


Country B (Them): We only have pistols.


Country A (Us): This is not challenging, we should give them something that can counter our weapons. hey, how about a laser cannon that can detonate our nukes before they hit if we are not careful?


Future Inhabitants of Country A (SITUATION 1): Wow. The enemies' tough and we even got nukes. We need to find a way to beat them.


Future Inhabitants of Country A (SITUATION 2): The enemies still sucks after we gave them ways to counter us? Hmm..maybe we should look into balancing the field since we are out of ideas on how they can counter us.

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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So, how about this, until the game is in Beta, devs should remove/hide forums. And instead make a long list of polls, like this :


Do you like feature X :

    - Good

    - Very Good

    - Excellent


A hundred or so of such questions, each asking for a single feature, like an enemy type, warframe, weapon, map type etc. At the end of day, there will be no QQ/raging/flaming/hating, but only positive replies.

Because positive replies don't actually tell you much. A forum of nothing but "THIS IS GREAT" circle jerks don't actually help you much as opposed ot "THIS IS AWFUL" hate fests that, while hyperbolic, can at least help you pinpoint hte issue.

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Because positive replies don't actually tell you much. A forum of nothing but "THIS IS GREAT" circle jerks don't actually help you much as opposed ot "THIS IS AWFUL" hate fests that, while hyperbolic, can at least help you pinpoint hte issue.


Agreed. My post was actually a sarcasm... :P

Edited by rksk16it
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I was looking through the forums recently and saw all this rage \ hate about Rhino, Vauban, Banshee, Market Place changes, etc.

I'm kind of sitting here all confused like...

I could write out this huge, long post about how easy it is to make credits, or get alloy plating.  

How right it seems that Banshee's ult no longer makes her immortal.

How amazing Vauban is (Despite the fact you know he's going to be fixed soon)

Or How Rhino's change is... odd.  (Give me knock back \ stagger resistance again, and keep the 80% reduction.)

But really...

I like this game.  It's an awesome game.  Lol, it really is.  The graphics are AMAZING.  The detail for each of the Frames is astonishing, (I love the organic look to Loki and Excal - it's stuff like that you don't see much of )

Like, let's look at the one Corpus level - where you fight Ambulas.  Okay, that's an awesome level.  The sky is so beautiful, the water? I love that fact that we're actually being sent to an outpost, on a planet and kicking &#!!  I love that there's these hidden things as well.  The Orokin artifact thing at the bottom of the stairs, those giant spears sticking out of the ground.  Lotus' sexy voice *Ahem*

Bah, I'm sorry.  I'm just saying that, you know... the game is still in a Beta stage.  They need to make money somehow.  You have the ability aside from Excal. Prime, Colours, and Sentinel cosmetics to get EVERYTHING in the store. 

I'm just saying... keep up the good work Devs.  

Somebody get this man a Master rank, stat.

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So far i have little to no complains about the game. For the past few weeks now i have loved it and done what i can to find and report any bugs of wich most someone posted before me.


As for the topic, it gets a +1 from me.


Feel free to tell me that my feedback is wrong, but don't just tell me to be silent. 



Dont worry, i wont. <3

Edited by BiancaPony
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